
    Podcast Summary

    • From creative writing to marketing: How passion and determination led Ruth Hartnell to unexpected opportunitiesPassion and determination can help you secure a job even if you don't meet all the qualifications. Showcasing your skills and enthusiasm can lead to unexpected opportunities in marketing.

      Passion and determination can lead to unexpected opportunities, even when you don't meet all the qualifications for a job. Ruth Hartnell, the CEO of Match Stick Creative, shared her journey in content creation and how her background in creative writing led her to marketing. She emphasized the importance of language, structure, and form in marketing, which she learned during her studies. After graduation, she saw a job for a copywriter and, despite only meeting 30% of the criteria, she applied and was hired. This experience allowed her to quickly progress in her career by giving herself the promotions she needed. Ruth's story serves as an inspiration for those who may feel they don't have enough experience to enter marketing or feel they don't fit the job description perfectly. Instead, taking a chance and showcasing your passion and skills can lead to unexpected opportunities.

    • Don't limit yourself by job titles, focus on skills and experience insteadMay's journey shows the importance of self-determination and adaptability in marketing careers, despite lacking traditional qualifications or experience. Focus on skills and experience, not job titles.

      It's important to take risks in your career and not be too focused on job titles. May's story illustrates how she gave herself the job she wanted despite not having the traditional qualifications or experience. The confusion around job titles and their meanings across different industries and organizations highlights the importance of looking at job descriptions and criteria instead. May's background in creative writing also played a role in her career, teaching her valuable editing skills and providing a unique perspective. Ultimately, the conversation emphasizes the importance of self-determination and adaptability in navigating the complex world of marketing careers.

    • The Importance of Effective Communication and Constructive FeedbackSpecific reasons for feedback lead to productive conversations and stronger relationships. Appreciation for language and clear communication enhances skills.

      Effective communication and constructive feedback are crucial in professional settings. People often struggle with giving feedback due to a lack of understanding of how to handle emotions and articulate their thoughts. Providing specific reasons for feedback leads to productive conversations and stronger relationships. Additionally, having a deep appreciation for language and the ability to articulate ideas succinctly enhances communication and listening skills. As for personal preferences, there's a fascination with the creative process of video production, from planning to filming, making it a favorite content type to create.

    • Expressing Opinions and Values through WritingPurpose-driven leader aspires to write impactful opinion pieces like NYT and NYMag, partners with mission-driven B Corp businesses

      For this individual, expressing well-articulated opinions through opinion pieces is a deeply enjoyable and fulfilling experience. As a purpose-driven leader, she feels a responsibility to stand up for her personal values and believes that effective communication of ideas is powerful. She admires the New York Times and New York Magazine-style opinion pieces and aspires to write in a similar vein. Additionally, Matchstick Creative only partners with businesses that are mission-driven and have a proven commitment to doing good in the world, as evidenced by their B Corp certification. This certification requires businesses to provide substantial evidence of their commitment to various social and environmental initiatives, and the business's score can be improved upon over time. Examples of B Corp businesses include Patagonia, Ben & Jerry's, and BrewDog.

    • Agency founded on passion for people and planetFounded on values, transition into CEO role with support, positive work culture, notable projects with BerraCare and Growth Platform, importance of passion and care for success

      Matchstick, a communications agency, was founded based on the founders' passion for working on projects that help people or the planet. They believe in accountability and working with clients who share the same values. The transition into the CEO role was described as feeling underqualified but with the support of a business mentor. The agency values a positive work culture where team members care deeply about their work. Notable projects include working with BerraCare, a group of care homes, and the Growth Platform, a local business support offering. The founders emphasized the importance of passion and care for the work in creating a successful and energized team.

    • Turning Negative Experiences into Positive Work CultureLearn from past negative experiences and use them to create a positive work culture by treating employees with respect and supporting women in marketing.

      Creating a positive and inclusive work culture can be achieved by learning from past negative experiences and flipping them on their head. The CEO in our discussion emphasized the importance of treating employees the way they would want to be treated, which led them to make decisions that contrasted with their own negative experiences. This approach has helped them foster a loyal team and attract values-matched employees. Another key aspect of the CEO's passion is supporting women in marketing, inspired by the feminist heroes they grew up with. They believe that consuming media with strong female characters should naturally lead to a desire to help other women succeed, and they strive to do so by sharing their experiences and creating a supportive environment.

    • Creating a supportive environment for women in leadershipAdvocate for women, create opportunities for their voices to be heard, and embrace unique qualities and interests.

      Treating others with kindness and respect, as you would like to be treated, can lead to meaningful connections and support for women in leadership. The speaker emphasized the importance of creating opportunities for women to share their experiences and stories, and encouraged interrupting men when they interrupt women in meetings. Additionally, she suggested taking on a confident persona to support others and speak up for them when necessary. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for women in the industry. The speaker also acknowledged the influence of Buffy, encouraging women to embrace their unique qualities and interests. Overall, the key takeaway is to be an advocate for women and create opportunities for their voices to be heard.

    • Pretending to be someone else or amplifying voices can build confidence and create positive changeIn male-dominated industries, women can gain confidence and create positive change by pretending to be someone else or amplifying voices. Focusing on personal goals and having a broad range of interests can help individuals stand out and advance in their careers. Using job titles and encouraging male allies can also make a difference.

      Pretending to be someone else or interrupting on behalf of someone else can help build confidence and create positive change, particularly for women in male-dominated industries. This strategy, often referred to as "leaning in" or "amplifying voices," can be especially beneficial for those starting out in their careers when they may not have the same level of experience or confidence as more senior colleagues. Additionally, having a clear focus on personal goals, combined with a broad range of interests, can help individuals stand out and advance in their careers. The use of job titles, even self-given ones, can also add gravitas and make it easier to assert oneself in professional settings. Encouraging men to act as allies is also crucial in creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace. Overall, these strategies can help individuals navigate the complexities of professional environments and make meaningful progress in their careers.

    • Being focused and curious in marketingStay focused on your marketing role while maintaining diverse interests, ask insightful questions during interviews, and join groups like Firestarters to share ideas and challenge the status quo for innovative marketing solutions.

      Having a focused marketing role while maintaining diverse interests can lead to unique and effective marketing strategies. The speaker emphasized the importance of being knowledgeable about various forms of media and popular culture, as well as understanding the business's goals and ambitions. They also highlighted the value of asking insightful questions during job interviews to demonstrate a clear understanding of how the role contributes to the business's success. Additionally, the speaker mentioned Firestarters, a group of change-makers, which aims to bring together individuals to share ideas and challenge the status quo in marketing. Overall, the key takeaway is to be both focused and curious, with a strong understanding of the business and the marketing landscape, to create innovative and effective marketing solutions.

    • Inclusive networking events for problem-solversFirestarter events bring together passionate individuals to discuss and find solutions to societal problems in an inclusive and effective way

      Firestarter events are purpose-driven networking sessions designed to bring together individuals who are passionate about solving societal problems. Unlike traditional networking events, Firestarter events are deliberately inclusive and encourage active participation in finding solutions to identified issues. Firestarter was founded by two individuals, one of whom was the only black man and the other the only woman who looked like them in the room at other events. They recognized the need for a more inclusive and effective way to collaborate and create change, leading to the establishment of Firestarter. Unlike other networking events that may focus on socializing or champagne and cannabis vibes, Firestarter events are structured and focused on action. They provide a platform for individuals to discuss and find solutions to societal problems, making it a unique and impactful networking experience for those who want to make a difference.

    • Creating Inclusive Networking EventsEffective networking events can be made inclusive by structuring the environment and expectations, including main panel discussions, smaller group sessions, and a facilitator. Teams need careful planning and collaboration from diverse skill sets.

      Effective networking events can be made more inclusive and comfortable for individuals with neurodiversity and other needs by restructuring the environment and expectations. This can include having a main panel discussion, smaller group sessions, and a facilitator to guide conversations. The team behind these events recognizes the importance of considering various perspectives and addressing potential barriers, making it a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and collaboration from team members with diverse skills. While the speaker takes a leading role in ensuring resources and time are allocated, team members like Aaron, who instinctively think about accommodating different needs, and Jack, who focuses on user experience, play crucial roles in creating an accessible and inclusive networking experience.

    • Empowering team members and inclusivity in event organizationEffective event organization involves empowering team members and promoting inclusivity to create a desirable experience for attendees.

      Effective event organization involves empowering team members and considering the impact on attendees at every touchpoint. The speaker emphasized their role in Firestarter Events as an empowerer, allowing team members to excel in their roles. They also highlighted the importance of inclusivity and how virtual events welcomed a new demographic. A standout moment was their collaboration with the Good Business Festival, which brought together excellent speakers and created a desirable event experience. If they could go back in time, the speaker would encourage their younger self to be more proactive and open to learning in the marketing industry. Despite their initial lack of knowledge, they now value the importance of continuous growth and adaptation in marketing roles.

    • Curiosity and a commercial mindset in creative industriesExploring the 'why' behind things can benefit entrepreneurs and impress potential employers or clients in creative industries. Cultivating curiosity and a commercial mindset can lead to a deeper understanding of the industry and the mechanics behind products or services.

      Having a commercial mindset and being curious about the "why" behind things can be beneficial, especially when starting a business. Running a business requires more energy and effort than one might expect, and having a deep understanding of the industry and the mechanics behind the products or services you consume can impress potential employers or clients. This mindset is unique to creative industries, where expertise can be turned up or down to achieve similar results. Therefore, being interested in everything and questioning everything is crucial for standing out. This advice may change the way you consume media, as you begin to appreciate the vast amount of work that goes into bringing a product or story to market.

    Recent Episodes from The Girls in Marketing Podcast

    Meet the ITV Genius Behind Love Island’s Global Brand Marketing Success, Lauren Watson | Girls in Marketing

    Meet the ITV Genius Behind Love Island’s Global Brand Marketing Success, Lauren Watson | Girls in Marketing

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    Welcome to another episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast!

    Today, we're diving deep into the world of branding with a special guest who has played a pivotal role in transforming a popular UK reality show, Love Island, into a brand recognised across the globe.

    Lauren Watson has worked on the branding for your favourite shows, such as Love Island and Queer Eye. As the Brand Lead at ITV, she has created some of the most innovative and successful branding campaigns on television.

    Her expertise in crafting brand stories and her passion for connecting with audiences have set her apart as a true leader in the field. In this episode, you'll discover: - The innovative strategies and marketing techniques that propelled Love Island to a global brand - Behind-the-scenes insights into the creation and execution of the show's branding and promotional campaigns. - Working at ITV and Universal Music Group, including a marketing campaign with Katy Perry - The common mistakes of bad branding - Tips and lessons from one of the industry's top marketing experts on driving brand loyalty Whether you're a Love Island superfan, a marketing enthusiast, or someone curious about marketing and branding, this episode is packed with valuable takeaways. Tune in to hear the stories, strategies, and secrets that turned Love Island into a worldwide brand! If you enjoyed this episode, please like and follow our show. We’ll see you next week for another episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast.

    ⁠Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻

    ⁠Connect with Lauren Watson here.

    How to Move into a Marketing Career: The Episode for Career Changers

    How to Move into a Marketing Career: The Episode for Career Changers

    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻

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    Are you considering a career change into marketing but don't know where to start? Join us in this insightful episode all about career-changing into marketing, where we unpack everything you need to know about making a successful transition. From identifying transferable skills to gaining relevant experience, the Girls in Marketing Team shares their personal journeys and practical advice for career changers.

    We discuss: -How you can career change into marketing -Identifying and using your transferable skills

    -Our personal journey’s into marketing

    -Why marketing could be a good career for you

    No matter what background you’re transferring into marketing from, this episode will equip you with the tools and confidence for your new marketing career path.

    If you find this episode useful, please leave us a review and rating as it helps us continue making the podcast!

    See you next week for another episode, The Girls in Marketing Team x

    Managing Your Money as a Marketer: From Salary Negotiations to Freelancing

    Managing Your Money as a Marketer: From Salary Negotiations to Freelancing

    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻 Money is a taboo topic for many. However, that stops today. In this exclusive episode of the Girls in Marketing Podcast, we tackle the financial challenges faced by you in a Girls in Marketing community Q&A. We asked for your questions on Instagram and you sent in your problems. Topics covered in this episode include: - Pricing yourself as a marketer - Understanding if you’re being paid appropriately - Keeping a healthy cash flow when you work for yourself - Pitching for paid training opportunities No matter what stage of your marketing career, this episode is packed with valuable insights and actionable advice to help you get financially stable. Tune in and get your money questions answered! If you want to get involved in future episodes, make sure you follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/girlsinmarketing/ Remember to check out Hostinger by clicking here.

    See you next week for another great episode!

    Enhancing Your Employability As a Marketer and Unlocking New Career Opportunities

    Enhancing Your Employability As a Marketer and Unlocking New Career Opportunities

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    How can you make yourself more employable in the marketing world?

    In today’s job market, it’s never been more important to stand out but how can you do that in a market so saturated? In this episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast, we show you how.

    From creating your own career experience to identifying new opportunities, we discuss our own journeys into marketing and what we did to boost our career development on the way. This is a great listen to anyone wanting to broaden their marketing careers, make sure you listen until the end!

    If you did enjoy this episode, please make sure you: -Rate and review our podcast

    -Share the episode on social media

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    Check out our sponsors:

    ⁠Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠👩‍💻

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    If you want to apply to our Digital Marketing Growth Programme, you can check it out here: https://go.girlsinmarketing.com/3UXd6Qg

    See you next week for another great episode!

    Integrating SEO and Marketing, Building a Digital Community and Working for Yourself with Areej AbuAli, Founder of Women in Tech SEO

    Integrating SEO and Marketing, Building a Digital Community and Working for Yourself with Areej AbuAli, Founder of Women in Tech SEO

    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠👩‍💻

    Welcome back to another episode of the Girls in Marketing Podcast! Today, we have a special episode with the founder of one of the most powerful marketing communities around, Areej AbuAli.

    Areej initially made a name for herself in the SEO world working with huge household names such as Zoopla and Papier. Areej is also the brilliant mind behind Women in Tech SEO, a global community that supports and empowers women in the technical SEO field.

    In this episode, we dive into the world of technical SEO, exploring its complexities and the role it plays in your broader marketing landscape. Areej shares her journey, the challenges she faced, and how she built a thriving community that has become a vital resource for women in the industry.

    This episode covers a range of marketing topics, including:

    💻 What Technical SEO is and how it relates to your wider marketing strategy

    🔍 Strategies you can implement to boost your SEO efforts

    🤩 Taking the plunge of working for yourself

    📲 Building a community of thousands online

    If you enjoyed this episode, please make sure to leave a rating and review as it helps The Girls in Marketing Podcast become even better.

    We’ll see you next week for another great episode.


    ⁠Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻

    You can follow Areej here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/areejabuali/

    Apply to our Digital Marketing Growth Programme here.

    Is Work/Life Balance a Myth? How to Balance Everything as a Marketer

    Is Work/Life Balance a Myth? How to Balance Everything as a Marketer

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    Welcome to the Girls in Marketing Podcast! We are talking all about work/life balance and how to balance everything as a marketer.

    It's a tricky skill to master and a perfect balance isn't always achievable, as discussed by the Girls in Marketing Team.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Achieving a work/life balance
    • How to balance your role as a marketer
    • Why a 50/50 balance isn't always achievable
    • How you can set healthy boundaries with work

    We hope you enjoy this episode! If you do make sure to leave a rating and review for our show as it helps us make the podcast even better.

    Check out our sponsors:

    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠👩‍💻

    Find out more about Kingsbridge Insurance here 🤝

    Thank you for all your support recently, it means the world to us! We'll see you next week with another fantastic episode with the founder of one of the biggest marketing communities around...

    See you next week,

    Girls in Marketing Team

    Spilling the Tea on Influencer Marketing in the Beauty Industry with Lauren Stretch from Facetheory | Prev TooFaced and Revolution

    Spilling the Tea on Influencer Marketing in the Beauty Industry with Lauren Stretch from Facetheory | Prev TooFaced and Revolution

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    Today, we have an influencer marketing special for you on the podcast. We are joined by Lauren Stretch, Head of Influencer and Social Marketing at FaceTheory.

    With a background spanning across a range of beauty and fashion roles, Lauren has leveraged her fascination with influencer marketing to build a career she loves.

    Lauren has worked on some pretty cool influencer marketing campaigns, including ASAP Rocky, Sarah Ashcroft and Rachel Leary, so stay tuned until the end to hear all the influencer marketing tea.

    Throughout her career, she has worked for brands like GUESS, Missguided, TooFaced, and now she’s working in influencer marketing at FaceTheory.

    This episode discusses: 😳 What working in beauty marketing is REALLY like 🤑 How career currency can boost career progression 🌟 Lauren's favourite influencer marketing campaigns 🧑‍💻 Why the content marketing landscape is changing

    If you want to see more guests like Lauren on the podcast, please go like and subscribe to our podcast as it really helps us out.

    This is a great episode with Lauren, if you enjoy it make sure to share it with your marketing friends.

    The Vanity Metric Trap: Finding Value in Digital Marketing Data | The Girls in Marketing Podcast

    The Vanity Metric Trap: Finding Value in Digital Marketing Data | The Girls in Marketing Podcast

    Check out our main sponsor, Hostinger, to create your dream website: http://hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing 👩‍💻

    Check out Kingsbridge to find out more about insurance: https://go.kingsbridge.co.uk/gim-podcast-pi-jan24 🤝

    In the world of marketing, it's easy to get distracted by vanity metrics. Those flashy numbers may look good on paper but they can sometimes fail to translate into meaningful outcomes.

    In this episode, the Girls in Marketing Team dive deep into the vanity metric trap and explore how brands can shift their focus towards uncovering true value in their digital marketing data.

    Topics discussed in this episode included:

    • The vanity metrics trap
    • How to find meaningful metrics
    • Vanity vs actionable metrics
    • Valuable ways to measure marketing success

    Hopefully, this is an insightful episode for you to see how vanity and actionable metrics can be used within your marketing.

    See you next week for an episode about influencer marketing!

    Girls in Marketing

    Monzo's Social Media Success Story: Marketing Insights from Monzo's Social Media Lead, Richard Cook

    Monzo's Social Media Success Story: Marketing Insights from Monzo's Social Media Lead, Richard Cook

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    Gain exclusive access to the social media strategies, tactics, and lessons that have propelled Monzo's social media success as a disrupter bank.

    In this episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast, Olivia sits down with social media royalty, Richard Cook, Social Media Lead at Monzo Bank, as he delves into the captivating world of social media marketing.

    In this episode, you'll discover the journey behind Monzo's remarkable success in social media marketing as Richard shares his invaluable insights and strategies, despite having an untraditional route into marketing.

    This episode discusses:

    • Building a multi-platform social media strategy
    • Working with an FCA-regulated brand
    • Adopting a creative approach to social media
    • Having an untraditional route into marketing

    A huge thank you to Richard for coming to Liverpool to record the podcast. We hope you enjoy this episode, if you did please leave a review and follow our page 🤩

    Make sure you check out our podcast sponsor, Hostinger, for your new website host here: https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing 🧑‍💻

    See you next week for another team episode!

    Girls in Marketing Team

    Reacting to YOUR Marketing Confessions with The Girls in Marketing Team

    Reacting to YOUR Marketing Confessions with The Girls in Marketing Team

    ⭐️ Start your passion project with Hostinger here: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing⁠⁠⁠ ⭐️

    Welcome back to another episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast! Today, we are diving into your marketing confessions. Back in March, we hosted an IRL event in London and we had a confessions box for our community to take part in it’s safe to say you didn’t hold back… From the hilarious to the heartfelt, we'll be unpacking your stories, sharing our own experiences, and offering expert insights from The Girls in Marketing Team along the way.

    A huge thanks to our podcast sponsors Hostinger and Kingsbridge Insurance!

    Find out more about Hostinger: ⁠⁠https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing⁠⁠

    Find out more about Kingsbridge Insurance here: ⁠⁠https://go.kingsbridge.co.uk/gim-podcast-pi-jan24 If you enjoy this episode (or we featured your confession), make sure you share the love on social media and leave us a review of how you enjoyed the podcast episode.

    We’ll see you in next week’s episode for a podcast episode with a marketer from a very popular bank 🏦💸

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    Reflection and Renewal: Mid-Year Review for Personal and Professional Growth

    As we reach the mid-year point, it's a great time to take stock of our progress, reflect on our journey, and make necessary adjustments. The mid-year review process provides an opportunity for reflection and renewal, setting the stage for personal and professional growth.

    In this episode of the FemCity Podcast, Lynn Pelzer, COO of FemCity, and Violette de Ayala, CEO of FemCity walk through their best tips for doing a mid-year review. Plus, they share some major truth bombs… Join us now.

    FemCity Members, grab your  Mid-Year Review Worksheet at www.femcity.com  under Member Portal > Worksheets 

    The FemCity Podcast is available on all major podcast platforms. Subscribe, rate, and review to stay updated with our latest episodes!

    This episode is brought to you by FemCity's Money Journal: Attract Wealth in 30 Days written by FemCity Founder, Violette de Ayala.

    Often, ‘manifestation’ is a word that leaves behind feelings of frustration and hopelessness, as money stories may not alter or up-level the way we live. This money journal implements and crafts an easy-to-follow method that transforms your view to money into a grand and profound connection to wealth, all in balance and flow of love and harmony.

    We already have wealth and abundance around us. By identifying its existence, your blessings will flourish.

    As you work your way through these 30 days, you will start to see growth come to light and change the way you relate to money and your wealth.

    Learn more and purchase your copy here.

    About FemCity //  FemCity offers a Free 30-Day Trial Membership and Memberships start at only $15.99. You can also learn more about launching a FemCity Chapter in your community. FemCity has been seen in Gilt, Vogue, AP News, Entrepreneur, Forbes, and MarieClaire. Learn why FemCity is more than just a women’s networking group at www.femcity.com and on all social platforms @FemCity. Want to learn about FemCIty? Join us for our free upcoming Get to Know FemCIty event. 

    About Violette de Ayala // Violette is a Cuban-American serial and social Entrepreneur, Founder of FemCity®, and virtual mentor to over 20,000 women.

    Violette has been quoted in Success, Entrepreneur, CNBC, Yahoo Small Business, Business Insider News as a small business expert. You can connect with Violette on IG, FB, LinkedIn at Violette de Ayala.

    About Lynn Pelzer // Lynn is the COO of FemCity and has held a chair position on boards, currently part of a DEI board with FemCity, she has been awarded the Rising Star Award and Crystal Executive Award in her previous company. She has been a contributor on podcasts as well as blogs, and has been a speaker in women’s groups on the topics of business. You can connect with Lynn on Facebook or Linkedin @lynnpelzer. 


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    #25 - Mission Driven: Bringing Solar Power to 1M People in Africa
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    In property as with anything else, what separates the high-achievers from the rest generally isn't technical ability or knowledge – it's having the attitude to spot and capitalise on opportunities, and overcome the inevitable challenges.

    We get into:

    • What we can learn from top athletes and business people
    • How to turn yourself into a happy and positive person
    • The importance of self-awareness
    • Why we go to ridiculous lengths to avoid negative influences
    • Tweaks you can make to your communication to influence your worldview
    • The woo-woo bit: why we both have a gratitude practice

    Along the way we mention:


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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