
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring unique offerings and insights from SYNBOTICA, Cambridge, Vanessa Van Edwards, Viking, and The Psychology PodcastSYNBOTICA provides all natural supplements, Cambridge offers a retirement annuity for women, Vanessa shares insights on social intelligence, Viking invites you to explore Europe, and The Psychology Podcast delves into the mind and creativity

      SYNBOTICA offers all natural, great-tasting supplements made with premium plant-based ingredients, free from seed oils, fillers, and artificial additives. Meanwhile, Cambridge's Parity Flex Annuity is designed for women's unique retirement needs, providing flexible withdrawals and a guaranteed lifetime income benefit. Vanessa Van Edwards, a researcher on human behavior, shares her personal journey of overcoming awkwardness in childhood and the importance of social intelligence in relationships. Most people identify as ambiverts, and understanding this can help us navigate social situations more effectively. Additionally, Viking invites you to explore Europe on elegant, all-inclusive longships, while the Psychology Podcast with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman offers insights into the mind, brain, behavior, and creativity.

    • Understanding the human need for recharge time in social interactionsPeople need time to recharge before social interactions, and understanding this need can lead to improved relationships and social dynamics.

      People, regardless of their extroversion levels, need time to recharge before social interactions. This need for recharge time is a universal theme that people grapple with throughout their lives as they try to understand themselves and their relationships with others. This observation is what drives both the speaker's and the interviewee's work. The speaker shares how her childhood experiences of constantly adapting to new environments honed her ability to quickly read people, a skill she now explores through her research. The interviewee, on the other hand, is a social observer who has spent years studying human behavior and relationships, as evidenced by the numerous emails she receives from people seeking understanding. Both individuals are fascinated by the human condition and the desire to connect with others. The speaker's research focuses on speed reading people and understanding social dynamics, while the interviewee's work revolves around sharing insights and strategies for improving social interactions. Their shared passion for understanding human behavior and relationships makes for a meaningful and engaging conversation.

    • Understanding Relationships Through Resource TheoryWomen may be attracted to 'bad boys' due to hidden resources, but comfort and learning experiences should also be considered.

      Our relationships and attractions can be better understood through the lens of resource theory and the exchange of resources, such as love and acceptance. Women may be drawn to "bad boys" due to the hidden resource they cannot access in more securely attached partners. However, the comfort factor and learning experiences should also be considered when evaluating the dynamics of these relationships. To further explore this phenomenon, a potential research experiment could involve analyzing individual difference predictors of women attracted to bad boys based on a large dataset.

    • Leveling up in relationshipsSuccess in relationships is about connecting and bonding with others to build meaningful connections, requiring skills like asking questions, making time, and creating equality. Approach relationships playfully as experiments rather than taking them too seriously.

      Understanding and improving our relationships with people can be approached like leveling up in a game. According to the discussion, the speaker suggests that success in relationships can be defined as the ability to connect and bond with others to level up from acquaintances to friends, partners, and beyond. This requires skills such as asking the right questions, making time, and creating equality in the relationship. Additionally, the speaker encourages taking a playful approach to relationships, treating them as experiments rather than taking them too seriously. While the discussion touched on various research topics like personality tests and psychopathology, the core message remains focused on the importance of building meaningful connections with people.

    • Approach networking and relationships with playfulness and curiosityAdopt a relaxed and curious attitude, use unconventional conversation starters, and share your thought process to build genuine connections and boost confidence in social situations

      Approaching networking and relationships with a playful and experimental mindset can lead to more authentic and enjoyable interactions. Instead of putting pressure on yourself to meet a certain number of contacts or follow a strict script, try adopting a more relaxed and curious attitude. This can help you show up as your true self and build genuine connections. Additionally, using unconventional conversation starters or sharing your thought process behind trying new approaches can create a memorable and engaging experience for both parties. While it's natural to feel nervous or anxious in social situations, having a toolkit of strategies and techniques can help boost confidence and make interactions feel more manageable. Ultimately, the goal is to eventually internalize these skills and be able to navigate social situations with ease and spontaneity.

    • Making a good first impression through nonverbal communicationUnderstanding nonverbal cues is crucial in making a good first impression and building strong relationships. The author's book provides visual examples and explanations to help improve this skill.

      Making a good first impression involves both verbal and nonverbal communication, but the nonverbal aspect is especially important and often happens within the first few seconds of meeting someone. For example, microexpressions, such as a contemptuous smirk, can be difficult to decode but are significant in shaping our initial impressions. However, it's important to note that there are exceptions, such as phone conversations where verbal communication plays a more significant role in making a good first impression. The author's book, with its visual examples and explanations of different emotions, can help individuals improve their ability to read nonverbal cues and make positive first impressions. The book has also been beneficial for individuals on the autistic spectrum, who often struggle with people skills and interpreting nonverbal cues. Overall, the ability to effectively read and respond to nonverbal cues is crucial in making a good first impression and building strong relationships.

    • Making a Strong First Impression through Nonverbal CommunicationRelaxed vocal cords and confident body posture create a strong, positive first impression. Individual differences, like being a high or low self-monitor, influence approach to making a good impression. Charisma combines confidence, warmth, and competence.

      The way we present ourselves nonverbally, through body language and vocal tone, significantly impacts how others perceive us during first impressions. To make a strong, positive first impression, it's crucial to have relaxed vocal cords and a confident, open body posture. This internal confidence translates into a more powerful and appealing voice. However, individual differences, such as being a high or low self-monitor, can influence how we approach making a good first impression. For instance, a low self-monitor, like myself, might benefit from consciously getting into an excited and confident mindset before important events or interactions. While charisma is related to confidence, it also encompasses warmth and competence. A charismatic person is both likable and capable, striking a perfect balance between these two qualities. A narcissist, who may have high confidence, can still lack charisma if they lack warmth or likability.

    • The combination of competence and warmth creates charismaIntroverts, nurturing individuals, and compassionate people can be charismatic. Warmth is crucial, but it's challenging to establish it with strangers. Open body language, expressive hands, and a friendly tone help increase warmth and competence.

      Charisma comes in various forms, and it's the combination of high competence and high warmth that makes someone charismatic. You don't have to be an extrovert or a bubbly person to be charismatic. Introverts, nurturing individuals, and compassionate people can also possess charisma. Warmth is essential, but it can be challenging to establish it when meeting strangers. Activities and locations shared with someone help increase warmth and approachability. In lie detection, there's a range, from flat-out deception to self-deception. The "triple threat" refers to the nonverbal aspects of first impressions, which include hands, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Using open body language, expressive hands, and a friendly tone can significantly impact how others perceive us as warm and competent.

    • Effective communication includes nonverbal cuesHand gestures, body language, and eye contact enhance communication. Reading microexpressions helps decode emotions and build stronger relationships.

      Effective communication goes beyond just words; nonverbal cues like hand gestures, body language, and eye contact play a crucial role in conveying confidence, competence, and warmth. The use of hand gestures can make ideas seem bigger and more explanatory, while confident body language, such as taking up space, is associated with pride and competence. Eye contact produces oxytocin, fostering a sense of connection and warmth. To navigate the first five hours of an interaction and prevent miscommunications, learning to read microexpressions can be a valuable tool, as it allows us to decode hidden emotions and better understand others' feelings. This understanding can help build stronger relationships and prevent misunderstandings.

    • Exploring Contempt and Improving Social InteractionsLearn to identify and respond to microexpressions, starting with contempt, and adopt a playful, experimental mindset to deepen relationships and navigate difficult interactions. Recognize when it's not worth trying to connect with certain people and move on instead.

      Improving social interactions involves learning to identify and respond to microexpressions, starting with contempt, and adopting a playful, experimental mindset. These skills can help deepen relationships and navigate difficult interactions. The author also emphasizes the importance of recognizing when it's not worth trying to connect with certain people and moving on instead. Experiments suggested include observing contempt in others and exploring it further, adopting confident body language, and working to improve one relationship. While the author asserts that it's possible to get along with anyone, they also acknowledge that not everyone is worth the effort. These techniques can be valuable tools for enhancing social connections and navigating challenging situations.

    • Communicating effectively and building relationshipsSet boundaries, practice vulnerability, and make people feel valued to build safe, healthy, and fulfilling relationships. Vulnerability should be shared carefully and authentically, and challenges can be addressed using effective communication strategies.

      Effective communication and building meaningful relationships involve setting boundaries, practicing vulnerability, and making people feel wanted, liked, and known. These strategies can be applied from the very beginning of an interaction, but they may be more deeply felt and impactful after spending significant time with someone. The first five days of a relationship can indicate its potential longevity, and vulnerability, while attractive, should be shared carefully and authentically. Difficult people and other challenges may arise, but they can be addressed using the strategies outlined in the book. Ultimately, the goal is to create safe, healthy, and fulfilling relationships by being attuned to others' emotions and needs, and expressing our own in turn.

    • Learn from Vanessa's book and engage in good scienceVanessa's book offers valuable info, relatable personality, and encourages questions. CVS Health supports healthier living with various services. Pack the Columbia hoodie for fishing sun protection.

      Vanessa's book, which was recommended during the podcast episode, offers a fun and engaging read while providing valuable information. The author's personality shines through, making the content relatable and enjoyable. For those interested, questions and feedback are encouraged to contribute to good science. Additionally, CVS Health is making healthier living more accessible through various services and offerings, including wellness destinations, virtual care, in-home evaluations, and mental health support. Lastly, when going out on the water for fishing, it's essential to pack the Columbia PFG Solar Stream Elite hoodie for sun protection that is both protective and breathable.

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    #254  How To Read Body Language and Become More Confident with Vanessa Van Edwards

    Today’s conversation is all about cues - the small signals that we give and pick up that have a big impact. The head tilt, the smile, the open-palmed gesture – they all carry meaning that people intuitively understand. And if you’ve ever felt misunderstood, overlooked or underestimated, you can change that by using the right cues. Everything from the way you walk into a room to how you stand, your choice of words to your intonation, can affect how people perceive you.

    My guest today is Vanessa Van Edwards, an expert in body language, facial expressions, and nonverbal communication. Her latest book Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication is packed with practical tools and exercises to help you understand more about others – and communicate your own ideas with warmth and competence.

    Vanessa likes to introduce herself as a ‘recovering awkward person’. She certainly doesn’t come across as awkward anymore, in fact she exudes confidence and charisma. And during our conversation, she reveals some of the tricks that helped transform her.

    She begins by explaining that confidence and charisma are unique to each of us. You don’t have to be an extrovert to have confidence in what you do and say. She defines charisma as the combination of competence and warmth and says these two components are essential for trust. Research has shown that when people assess one another, what they’re looking to find out is, ‘Can I trust you?’ followed by, ‘Can I rely on you?’ By identifying and using the cues that convey trust and reliability, we can instantly come across as more charismatic and likeable.

    But it’s not just about how we want to come across. Understanding the cues other people are giving us can help us deal with conflict and build better connections. Arguably, there is nothing more important because at our core we all want to belong, to understand and be understood.

    I’m convinced that mastering cues can help us improve communication and nourish connection in all areas of our lives, from business to romance. This was such a fun and uplifting conversation that is full of practical tips that you can use immediately. I hope you enjoy listening. 

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    If you have any questions for the podcast please send them to: Podcast@ChaseLifeConsulting.com

    If you’re ready to take decisive action to resolve your struggles with binge / emotional eating, stress, overwhelm, or low self esteem, you can book in for a call at: www.chaselifeintensive.com/call

    To find out more about who we are and what we do go to: www.ChaseLifeConsulting.com

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