
    WE'RE BACK! Analyzing Why Colorado & Maine Decisions Barring Trump WILL BE Reversed

    enJanuary 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Casino Joy vs. Unborn Life SavingsChumba Casino offers daily bonuses and free entertainment, while Preborn Foundation saves lives by helping mothers hear their babies' heartbeats and doubling their chances at life. HealthLock ensures medical bill accuracy to save members money, and Senator Cruz raises concerns over Democrats' attempts to remove Trump from ballots.

      Chumba Casino and Preborn Foundation offer contrasting sources of joy and hope in everyday life and for unborn babies respectively. Chumba Casino provides free entertainment and daily bonuses, while Preborn Foundation saves lives by helping mothers hear their babies' heartbeats and doubling their chances at life. Meanwhile, in the realm of healthcare, HealthLock ensures medical bill accuracy to save members significant amounts of money. Additionally, Senator Ted Cruz expressed concerns over Democrats' attempts to remove Donald Trump from ballots in Colorado and Maine, labeling it an assault on democracy. The year 2023 was criticized for its challenges, including border issues, rule of law concerns, and multiple indictments against Trump.

    • Democrats challenge democratic principles by attempting to remove Trump from ballotsPartisan Democrats in Colorado and Maine have taken unprecedented actions to prevent Trump from appearing on their states' primary ballots, contradicting democratic principles and potentially setting a dangerous precedent.

      The ongoing debates around protecting democracy have taken a turn as partisan Democrats in Colorado and Maine have directly challenged democratic principles by attempting to remove former President Donald Trump from their states' primary ballots. This goes against the very essence of democracy, which allows the people to vote and have their wishes enacted. The recent decisions made in Colorado and Maine, which aim to prevent Trump from appearing on the ballot, are unprecedented and legally questionable. Despite this, there is a strong belief that these decisions will be reversed, with the US Supreme Court likely to overturn them. The Maine secretary of state, who is not elected by the people but by the legislature, has been a key figure in this issue, with her past statements about the importance of democracy seemingly contradicting her actions. These events highlight an unprecedented level of partisanship, cynicism, and potential abuse of power.

    • Maine Court Decision to Disqualify Trump Unlikely to StandThe Maine court's decision to disqualify Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot is being challenged and is unlikely to stand due to lack of due process. The real decision-maker is the Colorado appeal, which has a higher chance of being accepted by the Supreme Court and setting a precedent.

      The decision made by a Maine court to disqualify Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot for the 2024 presidential election due to his alleged involvement in an insurrection will likely not stand. The process did not follow due process and is being challenged in Maine state court. The real decision-maker will be the Colorado appeal, which has a higher chance of being accepted by the Supreme Court and setting a precedent for other cases. The discussion also touched upon the political implications of this situation, with concerns raised about the potential erosion of democratic processes and constitutional rights if parties continue to attempt to remove candidates from the ballot before elections. The speaker drew parallels to past attempts to undermine democratic processes, such as the impeachment of Donald Trump based on a disputed dossier.

    • Attempts to Undermine a Democratically Elected PresidentSome Democrats and federal agencies disregarded democratic values and tried to undermine Trump's presidency, setting a dangerous precedent for disrespecting voters' choices.

      The election of Donald Trump in 2016 came as a shock to many, particularly those on the left. They had expected Hillary Clinton to win and were unprepared for the voters' decision. In response, some Democrats and federal agencies, including the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and others, attempted to undermine the democratically elected president. This behavior, which continued throughout Trump's presidency, reflected a contempt for democratic values and a belief that career bureaucrats knew better than the voters. Instances of this behavior include objections to Trump's election certification and the relentless attacks on him, such as the Russia investigation and the Steele dossier. Recently, this trend has continued in Colorado and Maine, where election officials have disregarded the voters' wishes. This disregard for democratic processes sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the very foundation of our democracy. It is essential to remember that the voters' choice should always be respected, regardless of personal feelings or political affiliations.

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      Patriot Mobile is a reliable telecommunications company offering nationwide coverage connected to all three major networks. By choosing Patriot Mobile, you're not only securing the same coverage but also supporting causes like free speech, religious freedom, and the support of veterans and first responders. Additionally, Patriot Mobile is a 100% US-based company with easy switching processes, allowing you to keep your existing number and phone or receive a free smartphone. Moving forward, there is a growing concern about the democratic process and potential manipulation. If Democrats don't get their desired outcome in elections, they may resort to impeachment, removing candidates from ballots, or even packing the Supreme Court to achieve their goals. This disregard for the rule of law and democratic norms has been demonstrated through various actions, such as attempts to delegitimize the Supreme Court and the removal of former President Trump from the primary ballot based on perceived insurrection involvement. These actions, driven by a strong conviction to stop perceived adversaries, raise concerns about the future of American democracy.

    • Legal battle over disqualifying insurrectionists from officeThe 14th Amendment grants Congress power to deny office to insurrectionists, but state implementation and fairness of processes are in question.

      The legal battle over the eligibility of candidates with a history of insurrection or rebellion against the United States Constitution to hold political office is complex and uncertain, with the role of Congress and states in implementation being a key point of contention. The 14th Amendment, Section 3, grants Congress the authority to deny office to those who have previously sworn an oath to the Constitution but engaged in insurrection or rebellion. However, there is debate over whether states can also enforce this provision. In the case of the ongoing controversy, the fairness of the processes used by states to make these determinations, such as Maine's reliance on a single law professor witness and YouTube clips, is being questioned. The comparison of modern political situations to the historical context of the 14th Amendment's passage, which was in response to the Civil War, highlights the significant differences and the need for careful consideration.

    • No indictment for Trump on insurrection chargeTrump faces ongoing investigations but no insurrection charge yet, Supreme Court may reverse a decision on his case, and support for preborn babies through donations to Preborn is encouraged.

      Despite the ongoing investigations against former President Donald Trump, there is currently no indictment or charge against him for insurrection as defined by the USC section 2383. Jack Smith, the prosecutor leading the investigations, has demonstrated a relentless pursuit of justice but has not yet found sufficient evidence to charge Trump with insurrection. The speaker expresses their belief that the Supreme Court will reverse a decision made in Colorado regarding Trump's case, possibly unanimously. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of the heartbeat of a preborn baby and encourages donations to the organization Preborn, which helps rescue babies from abortion.

    • Investing in US oil and gas through Labrador Energy and Supreme Court's decision on Trump's eligibilityInvestors can consider investing in US oil and gas through Labrador Energy for potential returns and tax benefits. The Supreme Court's decision on Trump's eligibility could impact primaries and elections, causing uncertainty and potential delays.

      Investors, particularly accredited ones, have the opportunity to invest in US oil and gas through Labrador Energy, which could potentially provide sound returns and tax benefits. Meanwhile, the legal battle over Donald Trump's eligibility to appear on state ballots due to his business dealings is ongoing at the Supreme Court. The appeal has already been filed, and the court could act quickly to resolve the issue. However, the consequences of the decision could impact the primaries and the election process, leading to uncertainty and potential delays. It's essential to monitor the situation closely for updates.

    • The US Supreme Court can make quick decisions, and Maine's unique electoral vote allocation could decide the electionThe US Supreme Court swiftly handled a Bush case in 36 days. Swing states like Maine, with its unique electoral vote distribution, could decide the election. Gold is a stable investment in uncertain economic times, and Augusta Precious Metals is recommended for retirement accounts.

      The US Supreme Court can move quickly when it chooses to, as evidenced by a case representing George W. Bush in which decisions were made within 36 days. Additionally, the outcome of the election in swing states, particularly Maine, could be decisive due to unique electoral vote allocations. Maine, which has 4 electoral votes, saw Trump win one electoral vote despite losing the overall state due to the distribution of votes based on congressional districts. If the election is close, this single electoral vote could determine the outcome. Other swing states may follow this pattern if left-wing partisans attempt to remove Trump from the ballot, potentially leading to a mutually assured destruction. The stability of gold as a tangible investment in uncertain economic times is also highlighted, with Augusta Precious Metals recommended for those with retirement accounts looking to invest in gold.

    • Impact of Trump Indictments on 2024 Republican PrimaryTrump's indictments have boosted his poll numbers, making it challenging for other GOP candidates to compete, but the impact on a general election is uncertain due to media bias and potential swing voter reactions to perceived democratic abuses of power.

      The ongoing legal issues surrounding former President Donald Trump are having a significant impact on the Republican primary race for the 2024 presidential nomination. The indictments and perceived overreach by Democratic-led authorities have rallied many Republican voters around Trump, boosting his poll numbers and making it difficult for other candidates to compete. However, the potential political ramifications in a general election are less clear. While some swing voters may be turned off by perceived democratic abuses of power, the media's bias in favor of the Democrats and the corruption narrative may not have a significant impact on turnout. Ultimately, the 2024 election is shaping up to be an interesting and closely watched race. For those interested in gold IRAs, Augusta Precious Metals offers expert advice and resources at 877-4-GOLD-IRA or AugustaPreciousMetals.com.

    • Stay informed and engaged with favorite podcasts and media sourcesKeep subscribed, following, and sharing content on preferred platforms for latest updates and insightful analysis in 2023

      It's important to stay engaged with your favorite podcasts and media sources as algorithms and platforms continue to evolve. Whether you're listening on Apple, Iheart, or other platforms, make sure to subscribe, follow, and share content. This year is expected to be an active one, and the Armstrong and Getty show, for example, will bring you important stories often overlooked by the mainstream media. Additionally, consider checking out The Big Take from Bloomberg News for in-depth analysis of global economic trends. So, whether you're interested in politics, business, or just looking for thought-provoking content, remember to stay informed and engaged. Happy New Year!

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