
    WeeklyVee 008 | Never Forget Why You Started

    enMarch 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Ignoring Negative Criticism and Focusing on Personal GrowthIgnore negativity, prioritize personal growth, and stay open to new experiences for success. Focus on mental happiness and consider the potential benefits of psychedelics, but only if it aligns with your current state.

      Gary Vaynerchuk encourages ignoring negative criticism and focusing on personal growth and success. He shares his experiences from his weekly YouTube show, WeeklyVee, which includes podcasts with Daymond John and Sam Parr, a meeting with the Minnesota rocker team, and a podcast with the fashion brand Mad Happy. He also discusses his perspective on psychedelics and their potential benefits, despite not having used them himself. Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of staying mentally happy and being open to new experiences, but only if it aligns with one's current state. He also mentions his fascination with the business of pharmaceuticals in America. Overall, Vaynerchuk encourages listeners to tune out negative noise and focus on their own journeys towards success.

    • Linking psychedelics and alternative lifestylesAs psychedelics become more accepted, individuals may embrace alternative lifestyles, leading to personal growth and increased happiness. Visionary entrepreneurs see opportunities to thrive during economic downturns, prioritizing learning and impact over clout, and creating content to spread ideas.

      The speaker sees a connection between the normalization of psychedelic use and the acceptance of alternative lifestyles. He believes that as the stigma around psychedelics fades, more people will be open to trying them, leading to personal growth and increased happiness. Additionally, the speaker sees himself as a visionary businessman, positioning himself to make significant gains in various industries during economic downturns. He values learning and impact over clout and is currently working on creating content for various platforms to spread his ideas. The ultimate goal is to bring together top talent to create hyper growth in a modern private equity firm.

    • Transforming commonplace into uniqueCreativity can turn ordinary into extraordinary. Stay focused on long-term goals and don't judge others' choices.

      Perspective and creativity can transform commonplace things into unique and intriguing concepts. Daymond John expressed his intention to rebrand McDonald's as an Irish pub, emphasizing the importance of finding a unique aesthetic and generating buzz around it. Katie, the young entrepreneur in the conversation, discussed the importance of saving money and staying focused on long-term goals, even when others may not prioritize them. John encouraged her to maintain her focus and not be swayed by the actions of others. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of not judging others and their choices, as everyone has different priorities and goals. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of creativity, focus, and staying true to one's goals.

    • Focus on personal growth, not judgment and comparisonEmpathy, gratitude, and purposeful media spending can lead to personal growth and organizational success.

      Judgment and comparison can be harmful and a waste of time. Instead of focusing on others and their supposed successes or failures, it's important to focus on our own growth and development. The speaker emphasizes the importance of empathy and being grateful for our own circumstances, rather than envying or judging others. Additionally, the speaker suggests that organizations should have a clear strategy for social media advertising and content creation, rather than relying solely on organic reach. The speaker's perspective is that every dollar spent on media should be purposeful and effective in achieving objectives. Finally, the speaker suggests the importance of collaboration and communication between teams to ensure alignment and success.

    • Starting small and focusing on the present can lead to successBeing resourceful and consistent in one's efforts can lead to a significant following and potential benefits, even on new platforms like TikTok. Building relationships and networking can also help maximize opportunities for growth.

      Being resourceful and focused on the present moment can lead to success, even when starting with limited resources. The speaker, who built a renowned wine library with little funding, emphasizes the importance of being great at what one does and capitalizing on new opportunities, such as TikTok. By being an early adopter and consistent in one's efforts, one can gain a significant following and potential benefits, regardless of the platform's longevity. Additionally, building relationships and networking can help maximize opportunities for growth, especially when traveling or meeting new people. The speaker's approach of narrowing one's focus and being consistent can lead to valuable insights and success in various areas.

    • Encouraging one large conversation at eventsGary Vaynerchuk's approach to events fosters memorable interactions and meeting more people, while the future of media consumption may shift towards personalized content and a la carte pricing, disrupting traditional media providers and leading to the rise of niche content providers.

      Gary Vaynerchuk sets the tone for his events in a unique way by encouraging all attendees to engage in one large conversation, rather than breaking off into smaller discussions. This approach allows for more memorable interactions and the opportunity to meet a larger number of people. Additionally, the future of media consumption is expected to shift towards a la carte pricing and personalized content, with individuals paying for access to specific content or IP rights. This trend is likely to disrupt traditional media providers and lead to the rise of niche content providers with dedicated followings. Overall, these changes in the media landscape are likely to result in a more fragmented and personalized content market.

    • Identifying Opportunities in Sports and MediaBelieve in bold ideas, stay attuned to market trends, and focus on hyper-growing businesses for the next iteration of private equity.

      The speaker is passionate about identifying opportunities in various industries, particularly sports and media, and believes that the next iteration of private equity will involve buying and hyper-growing businesses instead of just financially engineering them. He aspires to build this model and eventually buy a major brand or sports team. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being bold and believing in one's ideas, as well as being attuned to market trends and consumer demand. The speaker's week is filled with meetings and events related to sports and business, and he emphasizes the importance of being active on social media and engaging with one's community at optimal times. Overall, the speaker's mindset is focused on growth, opportunity, and the power of belief and hard work.

    • Building Relationships at the NFL CombineBeing present, engaged, and open to building relationships during events like the NFL combine can lead to significant business opportunities.

      Building relationships is a crucial aspect of success in business, especially in the sports industry. Matt DeMaio, head of client services at Vayner Sports, emphasizes the importance of supporting clients and growing relationships during events like the NFL combine in Indianapolis. The NFL world surrounds around Indianapolis during this time, providing ample opportunities to meet with teams, brands, and potential business partners. Matt encourages being nice, listening, and looking for opportunities to connect. He emphasizes that every interaction is an opportunity to build a relationship, and that even small gestures like saying hello or offering a connection can lead to significant business opportunities. Matt's experiences illustrate the importance of being present, engaged, and open to building relationships in order to succeed in business.

    • Leaving a Legacy and Building RelationshipsAuthenticity matters, focus on relationships, document and share thoughts, long-term impact of influencer marketing, accurately price oneself, influencer marketing is not new, continues to evolve.

      Creating and sharing content on the internet is not just about short-term accomplishments or metrics, but also about leaving a legacy and building relationships with family. The gentleman in the conversation understood this and was content with documenting and sharing his thoughts and wisdom with his loved ones, regardless of the number of followers or likes he received. The speaker also emphasized the importance of authenticity and the potential harm of focusing too much on metrics, as well as the long-term impact of influencer marketing and the importance of accurately pricing oneself. The conversation also touched upon the idea that influencer marketing is not a new concept and will continue to evolve, with more people having more influence than ever before.

    • Embracing Personal ControlYoung adults can shape their own lives despite external pressures, leading to optimism and personal growth

      Individuals have more control over their lives than they might realize. This empowering realization can be particularly important for young adults navigating the complexities of the world. It's essential to understand that external factors, such as government or societal pressures, do not dictate one's narrative. Instead, individuals have the power to paint their own stories and make adjustments when necessary. This awareness can lead to a more optimistic outlook on life, even if the first 20 years don't go as planned. It's crucial to remember that we are not helpless and that taking action, whether it's through voting, moving to a new place, or simply changing our mindset, can lead to profound personal growth and happiness. Ultimately, embracing this empowering truth can help young adults face challenges with confidence and resilience.

    • A transformative time for individual businesses and content creationThe digital age offers unprecedented opportunities for individuals to create, sell, and control their own businesses and content, making it an exciting time to be alive.

      The current digital age offers unprecedented opportunities for individuals to create, sell, and control their own businesses and content, as highlighted by the speaker's personal experiences and the success stories of others. This is a transformative time, not just because it's easier for some, but because it was always an aspiration for those who came before. The power to make, sell, and showcase one's creations is more accessible than ever, making it an exciting time to be alive. The speaker's gratitude towards listeners who leave positive reviews and the intention to share their favorite reviews daily underscores the impact and importance of such content for inspiration and motivation.

    • Overcoming personal challengesFace challenges head-on, seek advice, learn from others, and stay persistent to grow and overcome unique obstacles

      Everyone encounters obstacles or challenges in life, which we refer to as "it." Gary encourages us to face these challenges head-on and not let them hold us back. By taking action and working through them, we can overcome "it" and grow as individuals. It's important to remember that everyone's "it" is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. However, by seeking advice, learning from others, and staying persistent, we can make progress. So, if you're currently facing a challenge, take inspiration from Gary's words and keep pushing forward. And don't forget to leave reviews, as your experiences and insights could help others who are going through similar challenges.

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    •If you work hard, you'd get results. Period. Regardless of whether it's fitness, whether it's your eating, your diet or doing what you do, learning how to work...
    • That's a gift to not compare yourself to anybody else and understand that you have unique talents and purpose, and you're meant to be who you are.
    •“I'm different, but I'm okay.” So, using people to make you want to be a better version of you.
    •It's about having the self-awareness to know what you're good at and what you're not good at. And double in talent the things that you're good at. And investing so much time and energy into that. Know that it's pointless to try and be someone else.
    •Everyone is projecting who they perceive you to be or what they want you to do unto you. That's a natural human trait.
    •To be defined by what you do is unfortunately what happens now. The minute people decide that you're one thing, they want you to stay there cause they've got you figured you out.
    •You are not defined by anything you do or anything anyone says or any mistakes you make.
    •God's time is the best. When the stars align, you can feel it. And when it all feels natural. When it feels it as if it was meant to happen at that time, it's undeniable, and that's where things are beginning to go.
    •If you don't understand the power of hard work and luck, then you are completely ignoring one of the two because you can't have success without both.
    •You have to really invest in your craft. You have to become obsessed by it. And die by it. But then at the same time, if you're working as hard as you should be on the thing that you really believe and in the thing you really invested in, eventually, there will be an opening and you will be prepared for it.
    •If you are now self-aware, you are asking for trouble. Because you need to know yourself well enough to know what you're good at and what you're not good at. And when you're coming across in a way that maybe is putting you in the wrong direction or pushing you away from where you want to get to or pissing people off or if you're annoying people or if you're spamming people. You need to be aware enough of those things. Otherwise, you are just asking for trouble.
    •Know what you're good at. Be very sure about what you're not good at. And listen. I think if you are not willing to listen and if you don't have people around you that are honest and transparent, you're going to be in trouble.
    •If you can't control your own emotions, how are you going to direct your own staffs' emotions. How are you able to going to be able to look after your customers if you can't control yours?
    •Empathize with someone else and put yourself in their shoes. That's the beginning of starting to see yourself through someone else's eyes. And that's the really important thing is being able to step outside and say, hang on, how did what I just did make everyone feel? How did what I just say affect the room negative or positively?
    •Being so empathetic and finding that level of connection, they give so much and that's a really delicate thing to have in your hands and it's something that you have to respect.
    •The only two transcendent emotions that rise above all are gratitude and love.
    •If you give out gratitude to people, it doesn't ruin your life or derail you from your mission. It also changes the people around you.
    •You know when you've done something that you're going to be proud of and only you know that.
    •Once you've got someone relax, everything comes out. And they don’t even realize it.
    •Ownership is everything. Owning the narrative as well as the IP is important and just as important.
    •What people want is honest, open, unedited, untwisted, and un-manipulated content, and I think they want easier, quicker access to the content provided.
    •Personal brand is just as important as the thing that you are selling. And the way that people are building businesses and very successful ones are coming from the strength of the person who is the face of the said business as opposed to how good looking they are which is in a way the right thing. It's a good thing.
    •Best advice. Every time you come into this room, we're going to talk stuff that relates to 3 subjects: Who you're with, where you live and what you do. Almost everything that you think about will come back to one of those three things and if you get two out of three right, you will be bouncing. If you get three out of three right, you'll be flying.
    •Worst advice: Don't do that thing because you are not good enough.
    •When someone comes to you with a weird energy or with a negative sort of outlook, a lot of the time, it is not about you. And having the empathy to understand that and respect someone in their tough times, that something that we're missing.
    •Being disruptive means that having the bravery to change things on your own terms.
    •If you are willing to do something that speaks to your authenticity and if you are willing to be transparent in who you are, then you have an opportunity to do something that's never been done before. Doing something that's never been done is the most beautiful thing in the world. And trying to replicate someone else is a recipe for failure.

    “I have always been very aware where it's all headed but I've never quite known how I was going to get there. So, I've always at the back of my mind at least…”

    “That's kind of happen with entertainment, you're hosting The Voice one day and then a month later, you're in Kenya, making a documentary and the feeling that you have from the two are so polar opposite. You start to make a decision about where you want to spend your time and where you want to give your energy and I made that decision quite a few years ago now.”

    “Now, what happens, we love you. No matter what happens, you can always come home. If you lose everything…  I was never raised in that environment with that amount of investment put into my self-confidence and self-worth. I had to learn that over time. So, for the longest of time, I would be concerned about what the next thing would be. And there would be moments where I would have sort of pangs of fear, if it's going to work out or not. Deep down I always knew that I would be okay.”

    “Because I know that this isn't a bluff. Because nothing I've achieved has come easy. I've always known that anything that can be regarded as an achievement, I've worked my ass off for. And I am not scared of the work.”

    “If I didn't tell myself that I'm going to do this thing, do it even when it's difficult, I would not be where I am now.”

    “My individuality is my super power, and that was something that was given to me as a kid.”

    “I think it's the biggest waste of energy to try and control the way that other people think. You can never change someone else's mind until they decide to change it themselves, right? For me, I just am. I know what I want. And that might change tomorrow, and that's okay. But at no point am doing or being for anybody else. The people that I love and I care about, I live to help and support and be there for them but I will never be the way that they want me to be regardless of how important they are to me.”

    “I need to be constantly creatively shocked. Like I need to feel uncomfortable to find the inspiration to push myself and learn more. For me, if I am not learning anymore or if I am not inspired, there's no point in being there. I am not doing anyone a favor by just coasting. And at no point have I ever coasted so I've walked away from things not knowing what's coming next. And been okay.”

    “I genuinely feel that the only way to really exist in this world is walk on love. I feel that the energy that you carry and the energy that you bring to any situation determines the way in which that situation will go.”

    “The beautiful thing about ending on a question is the people watching can then have a conversation. And they then have all these different pieces off the conversation to draw from to inform their opinion. And that way, you're getting a conversation about an issue in a really beautiful authentic and rounded way as opposed to me saying this is how I feel about this and I am going to present to you 50 different people that think the same thing as me. I'm going to convince you of my opinion by the end of this hour. That is the way that a lot of journalist work. That is not how I work.”

    “I just really love to be able to share my experiences both in terms of success and failure. And have them understand that I'm not telling them to do what I did, I am telling them to learn from what I've done and choose to use it in the right way.”

    “I don't think we have enough empathy. I don't think we are willing to make time for other people's stuff. We all have stuff and everybody is carrying around stuff.”

    Reggie Yates is a British actor, television presenter and radio DJ. Reggie Yates career has seen him move from fronting children’s programming, to national radio to becoming an RTS award-winning documentary maker. In the last 5 years, Reggie has become synonymous with critically acclaimed documentaries and he has been awarded Best Presenter for his work in the Extreme Series.

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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