
    Weirdhouse Cinema: The House by the Cemetery

    enOctober 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Building and strengthening community connectionsExplore AI's role in transforming industries, embrace community in podcasting, and rely on neighbors for social bonds and preparedness.

      Building and strengthening community connections is essential in an uncertain world. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and preparedness during times of need. Meanwhile, technology, particularly artificial intelligence, will play a significant role in shaping the future. In podcasts like Technically Speaking and Conversations with UNK, we can explore how AI is transforming various industries and aspects of life. Additionally, the value of community was highlighted in the context of podcasting, as Nissan offers a platform for aspiring podcasters to pitch their ideas at the Black Effect Podcast Festival. Lastly, some films, like Lucio Fulci's "The House by the Cemetery," serve as a reminder of the importance of embracing the weird and unique aspects of both community and art.

    • Fulci's horror movies: A collection of bizarre set pieces strung togetherFulci prioritized visually striking shots over maintaining narrative logic, resulting in a series of surreal and grisly images rather than a genuinely scary movie experience

      Fulci's horror movies, such as "House by the Cemetery," are visually striking but lack a strong narrative logic. They are more like a collection of bizarre and gory set pieces strung together, resembling a dream where the plot is secondary to the vivid imagery. Fulci prioritized visually interesting shots over maintaining the laws of physics or logical plot progression. These movies, despite having horror and supernatural elements, often feel more like disgusting psychedelic art films than genuinely scary. The plot follows a standard horror arc, but the viewing experience is more akin to a series of surreal and grisly images. The "House by the Cemetery" follows this pattern, with absurdly grisly murders occurring in the old Freudstein house (or Oak Manor, as the realtors insist), as a new family moves in and starts to disappear one by one. The real estate office subplot adds an unexpected political element, but overall, the movies prioritize the surreal and gory over logical plot development and character development.

    • Narrated by Brother Theodore, 'House by the Cemetery' is a unique 1981 horror film by Lucio FulciBrother Theodore narrates this 1981 horror film by Lucio Fulci, known for its bizarre and graphic scenes, including a shark and zombie battle, and was a prolific period in Fulci's career after the success of 'Zombie'.

      The 1981 horror film "House by the Cemetery" features a unique narration by comedian and character actor Brother Theodore, who also voiced Gollum in the animated Hobbit film. This film, directed by Italian horror maestro Lucio Fulci, is best known for its bizarre and graphic scenes, including a shark and zombie battle, and was a prolific period in Fulci's career after the success of "Zombie." Fulci had been directing films for over 20 years before "House by the Cemetery," including horror films like "A Lizard in a Woman's Skin" and "Don't Torture a Duckling," as well as various genres such as westerns, spy thrillers, comedies, and even an adaptation of Jack London's "White Fang." "House by the Cemetery" was recently restored in 2K and watching it now, the film looks clearer than older versions. Fulci's films, including "A Lizard in a Woman's Skin," are known for their strange and often disturbing content, making them standouts in the Italian horror genre.

    • Fulci's Self-Reflective Horror FilmItalian filmmaker Lucio Fulci, known for gory horror films, starred in 'A Cat in the Brain', a self-reflective work where he played a fictionalized version of himself dealing with violent visions, leaving a lasting impact on the horror genre.

      Lucio Fulci, an Italian filmmaker known for his graphic and gory horror films, created a film towards the end of his career called "A Cat in the Brain." This film is unique because Fulci himself stars in it, playing a fictionalized version of himself dealing with violent visions. Despite his reputation for lowbrow, gory films, Fulci has gained a level of artistic respect and even academic analysis, possibly due to his significant impact on Italian cinema. The title of "A Cat in the Brain" references Dario Argento's successful film "The Bird with the Crystal Plumage," and Fulci's other films often follow a similar naming pattern. Fulci's health issues led to a decrease in his output towards the end of his life, but "A Cat in the Brain" is a notable exception. The film features Fulci ranting and recounting violent scenes, showcasing his distinctive style. Despite his controversial reputation, Fulci's work has left a lasting impact on the horror genre.

    • Affordability and Transparency in Wireless Plans and New CarsVisible offers a simple, transparent wireless plan with no hidden fees, while the new Hyundai Santa Fe provides reliability, versatility, and affordability with its all-wheel drive and ample cargo space. Italian horror films, such as Zombie, Manhattan Baby, and The Beyond, offer entertainment with their unique stories and the acting of Catherine McCall.

      Transparency and affordability are key factors when it comes to making choices, whether it's for a wireless plan or a new car. The discussion highlighted Visible, a wireless company offering a simple and transparent monthly plan without any hidden fees. Similarly, the all-new Hyundai Santa Fe was presented as a reliable and versatile vehicle, perfect for those seeking adventure with its all-wheel drive and ample cargo space. On the entertainment front, the names of Italian screenwriters Elisa Briganti, Dardano Sacheti, and Giorgio Mariozzo were mentioned, each having contributed to the Italian horror film genre. Their works, such as Zombie, Manhattan Baby, and The Beyond, are part of the so-called "Gates of Hell" trilogy, which features Catherine McCall, a British ballet dancer turned actor, in all three films. McCall's roles include Lucy Boyle, the wife in House by the Cemetery, and she has also appeared in other notable films like Hawk the Slayer and Afraid of the Dark. In summary, the conversation touched upon the themes of affordability, transparency, and entertainment, with examples ranging from wireless plans to Italian horror films.

    • A unique addition to the Demons franchise with intriguing cast and eerie atmosphereThe Italian horror film Demons 3: The Ogre, featuring a standout performance by actor Malco and child actor Giovanni Frezza, offers a fresh take on the Demons series with its focus on a haunted house and intriguing cast of ghosts, monsters, and victims.

      The Italian horror film "Demons 3: The Ogre," also known as "Demons 3," is a part of the "Demons" franchise but with a different focus. While "Demons 1" and "Demons 2" had large groups of people attacked by demons in a movie theater and an apartment building respectively, "Demons 3" appears to be set in a house. The film was originally intended to be called "The Ogre" but was later renamed to capitalize on the success of the "Demons" series. One of the most notable aspects of the film is the performance of actor Malco, who plays doctor Norman Boyle, and his impressive head of hair. Another standout is the child actor Giovanni Frezza, who plays Bob, a cherubic and uncanny character with a haunting presence. The actor, born in 1972, has gone on to have a normal adult life as a product development director. The cast can be divided into ghosts, monsters, and victims, with Sylvia Collettina's portrayal of May, a ghost girl of the same age as Bob, being particularly noteworthy. Collettina, who was active as a child actor from 1979 to 1984, has a few credits including "The Great Alligator" penned by George Eastman. Overall, "Demons 3: The Ogre" offers a unique addition to the "Demons" franchise with its intriguing cast and eerie atmosphere.

    • Unique horror film with memorable performancesMust-watch horror film with captivating performances from Catriona MacColl and Anna Peroni, suspenseful direction, and a distinctive synth score.

      "House by the Cemetery" is a unique horror film with memorable performances, particularly from its two leading actresses, Catriona MacColl and Anna Peroni. MacColl's portrayal of a mother with occasional detachment and shocked outrage creates an intriguing character, while Peroni's mysterious babysitter character, Anne, leaves audiences guessing with her suspicious staring and silent reactions. The new 2k release of the film highlights the intense eyes and luscious eyebrows of Peroni, making her performance even more captivating. The direction of Lucio Fulci allows for suspenseful scenes where the actors react to unseen horrors, adding to the overall eerie atmosphere. Additionally, the funky synth score by Walter Rizzati and Alexander Blomsteiner is highly influential and adds to the film's unique charm. Overall, "House by the Cemetery" is a must-watch for horror fans looking for a film with memorable performances, suspenseful direction, and a distinctive score.

    • Haunted House Story and Real-Life LocationThe 'Burnt Offerings' movie combines an intriguing haunted house story with a real-life haunted location, emphasizing community, creativity, and the importance of preparing for emergencies, while the new Hyundai Santa Fe offers an opportunity for adventures.

      The movie "Burnt Offerings" not only showcases an intriguing haunted house story but also features a real-life haunted location, the Bailey Ellis house in Massachusetts. This house, which is currently owned by the Skituate Arts Association and serves as a hub for artists, has been used in various films and continues to be a source of wonder and creativity. Additionally, for those who appreciate vinyl records, there have been excellent rereleases of the score available from Death Waltz Records and Burning Witch Records. Beyond the entertainment value, this discussion highlights the importance of community and connection, as exemplified by the Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network, which encourages individuals to build bonds with their neighbors and prepare for emergencies. Furthermore, the all-new Hyundai Santa Fe, with its H Track all-wheel drive and best-in-class cargo space, offers an opportunity to escape the mundane and embark on epic adventures.

    • Exploring the captivating world of eBay Motors and a horror movie sceneEBay Motors offers a wide range of automotive parts with guaranteed fit, saving money and ensuring smooth vehicle operation. A horror movie scene from 'House by the Cemetery' intrigues with a haunting old house, grisly death, and an uncanny blonde child, setting the stage for a suspenseful story.

      EBay Motors offers a vast selection of automotive parts with guaranteed fit, ensuring your vehicle runs smoothly while saving you money. The discussion also touched upon a movie analysis, specifically the opening scene of "House by the Cemetery" by Lucio Fulci. This scene sets up a classic horror movie opening with a woman discovering her boyfriend's grisly death. The scene is visually elegant, with a hauntingly beautiful old house and an endless cellar. The opening also features a striking shot of the woman coming down a hallway, looking through the gaps in an iron spiral staircase. The scene's unreality adds to the horror, and the shift to a modern apartment and the appearance of an uncanny blonde child, Bob, introduces further intrigue. Overall, both eBay Motors and the movie scene showcase unique elements that captivate and intrigue.

    • Exploring childhood, the supernatural, and the unknownThe House by the Cemetery is a film about a family's unsettling experiences in Massachusetts, where the protagonist, Bob, may communicate with a ghost and the father's research on suicide sets the stage for the supernatural. The film's setting adds to the mystery and the interactions between characters add a layer of humor.

      "The House by the Cemetery" is a mysterious and intriguing film that explores the themes of childhood, the supernatural, and the openness of children's minds to the spirit world. The film's protagonist, Bob, may be a special child who can communicate with the ghost of a young girl named May. The research that Bob's father, Norman Boyle, is conducting on suicide in rural Massachusetts sets the stage for the family's unsettling experiences. The film's setting, primarily in Massachusetts, adds to the sense of Miskatonic magic and the unknown. The interactions between the characters, particularly between Fulci as Professor Mueller and Norman Boyle, add a layer of humor to the film. Overall, "The House by the Cemetery" is a unique and intriguing exploration of the supernatural and the mysteries of childhood.

    • Encounter with a living mannequin sets the stage for strange eventsThe film 'The House of the Devil' presents a series of bizarre and unsettling events, starting with May's encounter with a living mannequin, leading to her hallucination and raising questions about the new babysitter's intentions

      The film "The House of the Devil" presents a series of bizarre and unsettling events, starting with May's encounter with a mannequin that resembles Anne, her future babysitter. The mannequin comes to life, leading to May's hallucination of its decapitation and bleeding. This strange occurrence sets the stage for the arrival of Bob and Anne, who seem to be connected in mysterious ways. Anne, the new babysitter, appears suddenly and inexplicably, raising questions about her background and intentions. Despite her ominous presence, the family seems to accept her without proper introduction or background check. Anne's strange behavior and the family's nonchalant acceptance of her disappearance later in the film add to the overall sense of unease and mystery. Throughout the film, there are numerous instances of sudden, unexplained events and jumps in perspective, further contributing to the unsettling atmosphere.

    • Discovering the house's dark pastIn 'House by the Cemetery', the family uncovers a tomb in their new home, revealing its haunting history, and encounters a suspicious librarian, adding to the sense of dread and mystery.

      "Arkham Horror" in the movie "House by the Cemetery" introduces several intriguing characters and reveals the house's mysterious past. Norman and his family discover a tomb inside their new home, which is also a secret door to the cellar. The librarian, played by an energetic actor, adds to the suspense with his suspicious behavior and passive-aggressive dialogue. Meanwhile, Norman delves into the unsavory history of a previous resident, Dr. Jacob Freudstein. The house, which is not just near a cemetery but also has a cemetery inside, is filled with haunting sounds. Despite Lucy's unease, Norman seems to accept these strange occurrences as part of rural life. The presence of the tomb inside the house, along with the librarian's suspicious behavior and the house's eerie history, adds to the overall sense of dread and mystery.

    • Unexpected elements add depth to storiesSurprise elements like graves or colorful items add intrigue. Connection through community and adventure can make for engaging experiences.

      The use of unexpected elements, whether it's a grave in a house or a colorful item in a drab shot, can add intrigue and depth to a story. This was evident in the discussion about the historic home with a grave and the scene from "The House by the Cemetery" with the red box of fiddle faddle. Additionally, the importance of community and connection was emphasized through the introduction of Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network. Lastly, the allure of adventure and the capability to conquer it with the right tools, such as the Hyundai Santa Fe, was highlighted. Overall, these elements of surprise, connection, and adventure can make for engaging and memorable experiences.

    • Intense door opening scene with a batThis horror film features memorable scenes of characters using knives to open doors, resulting in dangerous and violent consequences. The bat attack scene stands out for its excessive and overwhelming nature, adding to the sense of unease and danger for the audience.

      "The House by the Cemetery" is a horror film filled with intense and memorable scenes, including several where characters use knives in dangerous ways to open doors. One such scene involves a father trying to open the basement door with a kitchen knife, only for a bat to latch onto his hand, resulting in a ludicrous and violent scene. This scene, along with others, effectively creates a sense of danger and unease for the audience. Additionally, the film includes a comparison to another bat attack scene in the Italian horror film "Suspiria," with the former being far more excessive and overwhelming. The realtor scenes are also noteworthy for their unique dialogue and insight into the characters' motivations. However, the nature of the haunted house and its separate rooms, such as the cellar and Mei Mei's doll room, remains unclear, leaving viewers to ponder whether they exist in the same physical reality as the main house or if they are separate ghost domains. Overall, "The House by the Cemetery" is a haunting and memorable film that pushes the boundaries of horror and suspense.

    • The Haunting Becomes More Violent and ConfusingThe movie's second half reveals brutal murders, otherworldly presences, and a magnetic pull towards the house's mysteries, leaving viewers with more questions than answers about the haunting and the characters' motivations.

      "House of Leaves" becomes increasingly violent and confusing in the movie's second half. Characters, such as the real estate agent, Miss Gittleson, are brutally murdered by the monster, which reveals itself to be more than just the doctor's hands. Anne, who seems to be working for the monster, is also killed in the basement. Bob's descent into the basement reveals otherworldly presences with glowing eyes, but it's unclear if they belong to the monster or another entity. The house itself seems to have a magnetic pull, driving people to investigate its mysteries, only to be met with death and confusion. The basement, in particular, holds a terrifying presence that traps and kills those who enter. Overall, the movie raises more questions than it answers about the nature of the haunting and the motivations of the characters.

    • Escape from the clutches of Doctor FreudsteinIn 'House of Wax', a family faces a horrifying monster, Doctor Freudstein, while trying to save a loved one. Despite their efforts, they encounter gruesome obstacles and meet a grim fate, leaving the audience uncertain about the survivor's fate.

      "House of Wax" is a terrifying and ingeniously designed horror film featuring a monstrous character named Doctor Freudstein. Bob, the doctor and a member of the family trying to free him from the basement, is confronted by this monster during a desperate escape attempt. The scene involves Bob's loved ones attempting various methods to break in and save him, only to be met with gruesome obstacles. The monster, a 150-year-old surgeon with a penchant for illegal procedures, is revealed in all his grotesque glory, boasting supernatural strength and possibly supernatural powers. The family faces a grim fate against Freudstein, with the father and mother meeting grisly ends. The ending leaves the audience uncertain about Bob's fate, with the possibility of him becoming a ghost or being saved in the physical world. Overall, the film's intricate monster design, suspenseful scenes, and ambiguous ending make for a memorable and haunting experience.

    • Exploring the ambiguity and dream logic in 'House by the Cemetery''House by the Cemetery' uses ambiguity and dream logic to keep viewers guessing, with false attributions, sobbing sounds, and eerie atmospheres creating an unsettling experience. Restored versions and bonus features make it a must-watch for horror fans.

      Learning from the discussion on "House by the Cemetery" is the film's use of ambiguity and dream logic to keep viewers guessing. From the false attribution of a Henry James quote to the uncertainty of whether the sobbing sounds are from a monster or a child, the movie keeps audiences on their toes. Additionally, the library scene showcases the film's dedication to creating an eerie atmosphere, with the open brazier and the warning sign adding to the sense of danger. The availability of the film, with restored versions and bonus features, makes it a must-watch for horror fans. Overall, "House by the Cemetery" is a prime example of a horror film that thrives on the unknown.

    • Building strong community connections and financial literacyFostering community bonds and financial literacy leads to a more connected and prosperous future

      Building strong connections within your community can bring numerous benefits, from helping each other in times of need to preparing for natural disasters. Neighbor to Neighbor encourages individuals to foster these bonds with those living around them. Meanwhile, financial literacy is essential for achieving financial freedom and future success. Companies like Visible offer affordable and transparent wireless plans, while Boar's Head provides delicious barbecue options. Lastly, State Farm and DJ Dramos emphasize the importance of financially unlearning limiting beliefs and embracing new ways to manage money. By focusing on community and financial stability, we can create a more connected and prosperous future for ourselves.

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