
    What Ben McKenzie Learned When He Started Investigating Crypto

    enJune 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • From FOMO to Crypto: An Actor's JourneyActor Ben McKenzie delves into the world of cryptocurrencies, questioning their authenticity as currencies and sharing personal experiences amidst SEC lawsuits against major exchanges.

      Ben McKenzie, an actor turned author, shares his journey from FOMO-driven curiosity to investigating the world of cryptocurrencies in his upcoming book, "Easy Money." McKenzie, who lost money in a past investment, was encouraged by a friend to buy Bitcoin during the height of its mania. With a background in economics and a career as an actor, McKenzie approached the topic from a unique perspective, questioning the authenticity of cryptocurrencies being labeled as currencies. As the SEC filed lawsuits against major crypto exchanges Coinbase and Binance, McKenzie discussed his experiences and insights into the crypto world, highlighting the importance of understanding the true nature of these digital assets. While the SEC's actions may have been coincidental, they added an intriguing backdrop to the conversation. McKenzie's book promises to explore the themes of money and deception, drawing on his personal experiences and professional expertise as an actor.

    • Exploring Crypto: From Missing Out to Speaking the TruthDespite lacking expertise or resources, one can question the status quo and potentially uncover truths in the financial markets.

      During times of easy money and economic bubbles, fraud and speculation can run rampant in the financial markets. The speaker, who had missed out on significant losses in crypto, began his exploration of the industry by understanding the economic climate and recognizing the potential for fraud. He was inspired by the story "The Emperor's New Clothes" and saw himself as the child who spoke the truth, despite his lack of experience or expertise. To write a book about crypto, he turned to marijuana for inspiration and found an article by a journalist that resonated with him. Ultimately, his experience served as a reminder that even those with limited knowledge or resources can question the status quo and potentially uncover truths.

    • Bitcoin's versatility and allure during the subprime crisisBitcoin's appeal to various demographics, ease of entry, and broad narratives fueled its popularity, despite its small size and significant speculation

      The allure of cryptocurrency lies in its versatility and the stories it evokes. Released during the subprime crisis, Bitcoin presented itself as a theoretically peer-to-peer currency, a generational wealth builder, an investment, and the future of money, appealing to various demographics, including young men. Its broad appeal and the ease of entry with real money fueled its popularity, despite its small size and the significant portion being speculation. The industry may not be as substantial as its market cap suggests, but the stories and narratives surrounding cryptocurrency continue to captivate and drive interest.

    • Hidden Risks in the Crypto MarketThe crypto market's hidden risks include low liquidity, high leverage, wash trading, unchecked creation of new crypto, and potential for catastrophic losses due to irreversible transactions and criminal activity.

      The crypto market, which was worth around $1.8 trillion in March 2022, has significant hidden risks due to low liquidity and high leverage. Regular investors may believe they own the full value of their crypto holdings, but they might only have access to a fraction of it. Most crypto trading volume occurs on overseas exchanges, where a significant portion is wash trading, creating an illusion of activity. The unlimited ability to create new crypto through borrowing and printing leads to unchecked leverage, adding complexity and rigidity to the system. When a crisis hits, there's no way to reverse transactions or subtract from the blockchain, potentially leading to catastrophic losses. These factors, combined with criminal activity, can result in substantial financial damage for investors. It's crucial to be aware of these risks when considering investments in crypto.

    • Conflicts of interest and potential market manipulation in cryptoCrypto market's lack of transparency and regulatory oversight raises concerns for conflicts of interest and potential market manipulation through practices like wash trading. Tether's large market cap and small control group add uncertainty.

      The crypto market, specifically the issuance and trading of stablecoins like Tether and the use of tokens by exchanges like FTX, raises significant conflicts of interest and potential for market manipulation through practices like wash trading. These concerns are heightened by the lack of transparency and regulatory oversight in the crypto space. Tether, in particular, is intriguing due to its large market cap and the small group of individuals controlling a large percentage of it. Despite skepticism and allegations of illegal activities, Tether has managed to survive, but it may ultimately require law enforcement action to uncover the true nature of its operations and financial backing. The crypto market's history of resilience and the lack of regulation make it a challenging environment to navigate, and the potential for market manipulation adds uncertainty to an already volatile market.

    • Binance's Strategy: Distract Regulators, Dominate MarketBinance, led by Changpeng Zhao, dominates the crypto exchange market through early establishment, client courting, and decentralized structure. They distract regulators by setting up locally compliant exchanges while pushing volume to the main exchange.

      Binance, led by Changpeng Zhao, has dominated the crypto exchange market by establishing itself early, aggressively courting clients, and implementing a decentralized structure. With over half of the crypto spot volume and trades, Binance dwarfs other exchanges. The Tai Chi document, if true, outlines Binance's strategy of setting up locally compliant exchanges to distract regulators while pushing volume to the main exchange. The recent crypto drama between Binance and FTX was fueled by animosity and financial entanglements, culminating in a collapse of FTT's value. Prior to these events, during an interview in July 2022, Sam, from FTX, was seen as the golden boy of crypto despite the market's instability. Interactions with Sam were interesting, as he was optimistic about the future of crypto despite the challenges.

    • Crypto Industry Leader Struggles to Explain Value Beyond Speculation and RemittancesDespite the optimism of industry leaders, the crypto industry continues to face challenges in demonstrating its value beyond speculation and remittances, as shown in a recent interview with Sam Bankman-Fried.

      During an interview, Sam Bankman-Fried, a prominent figure in the crypto industry, struggled to convincingly explain the productive value of cryptocurrencies beyond remittances. His answers were unsatisfying, and he mentioned Solana as an example, a coin he owned a significant amount of but which had a history of shutting down. Bankman-Fried also evaded questions about his political donations, which were publicly known at the time. The interview was unusual, with Bankman-Fried appearing nervous and evasive when questioned about the impact of his industry and his own contributions to it. The interview took place shortly after Bankman-Fried had discussed "magic boxes" from which money comes on a podcast with Matt Levine. Despite his optimism about crypto, it was clear that the industry still faced significant challenges in demonstrating its value beyond speculation and remittances.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Crypto Yield Farming and RegulationCrypto yield farming is a complex process with regulatory uncertainty, resembling a Ponzi scheme to some. The CFTC is pushing to take charge, but it's a lengthy process with significant resources required.

      Yield farming in crypto, as explained during the discussion, can seem like a complex and mysterious process, with some comparing it to a Ponzi scheme. The regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies adds to the confusion, as there's a gray area between how we classify commodities and securities, and different agencies overseeing these areas. This creates a power struggle and incentives for politicians and regulators. The crypto industry is pushing for the CFTC to take charge, but it's a complex issue that requires time and resources to build cases and argue in court. The discussion also touched on the human impact of the crypto market, with many people losing significant amounts of money. Reporting on the topic revealed a diverse range of individuals, from regular traders to those who were sucked in at the top.

    • Crypto: Freedom with Risks of Gambling AddictionCrypto's unregulated nature and zero-sum game dynamics increase the risk of gambling addiction, leading to social harm and potential suicide. Acknowledging and addressing these risks is crucial for responsible crypto use.

      While crypto offers freedom and the potential for financial self-determination, it also poses significant risks, particularly in the form of gambling addiction. The unregulated nature of crypto markets makes it easy for individuals, especially young men, to become addicted and lose large sums of money, leading to social harm and even suicide in extreme cases. Economically, crypto is a zero-sum game where someone's win means someone else's loss, and the lack of entertainment value or compensation makes the risks even greater. The author draws a connection between the end of online poker and the beginning of Bitcoin, as both involve the transfer of value in a competitive, unregulated environment. It's essential to acknowledge and address these risks as we continue to explore the potential of crypto and other digital assets.

    • The Early Days of Bitcoin and Online Poker: Parallels and LessonsBitcoin and online poker share similarities in their early days, including regulatory challenges, influential figures, and community building. However, Bitcoin's decentralization comes with limitations, and it's essential to approach investments with caution.

      The early days of Bitcoin and online poker share some intriguing parallels. At the time when the Bitcoin white paper emerged, online poker was facing regulatory crackdown due to rampant cheating and fraudulent activities. Two key figures from the online poker industry, Stuart Hoegner and Daniel Friedberg, later became influential in the crypto world. The use of peer pressure and FOMO tactics, as well as the emphasis on community, in both industries is striking. However, unlike in crypto, there's little sense of community among traditional investors, like T-bill holders. Some argue that Bitcoin, as the original and most decentralized cryptocurrency, is a safer bet for those who have lost faith in other digital assets. While there is some truth to this, it's essential to remember that Bitcoin's decentralization comes with limitations, such as its inability to scale effectively. Ultimately, the similarities between Bitcoin and online poker raise questions about the motivations and intentions behind the creation and promotion of these financial systems.

    • Cryptocurrencies' Environmental Impact and TaxationCryptocurrencies consume massive energy, equivalent to entire countries, and could be taxed at an extraordinary level due to their environmental impact. The speaker also discussed the potential for reaching herd immunity in the crypto market and meeting skeptics.

      While cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have their uses and advantages, such as decentralization and utility for gambling and crime, their massive energy consumption raises significant environmental concerns. This energy usage equates to the equivalent of entire countries, like Argentina, and could be seen as unproductive. The question then arises as to why these energy-intensive operations should not be taxed at an extraordinary level. The speaker also touched upon the potential for reaching herd immunity in the crypto market and the existence of a pool of new potential buyers. The speaker, Ben McKenzie, expressed his enjoyment of writing about cryptocurrencies and meeting skeptics, and mentioned his plans to create a documentary based on his research. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for considering the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies and the dual-edged nature of their uses.

    • Bloomberg Launches New Podcast 'Money Stuff'Bloomberg introduces a new podcast, Money Stuff, hosted by Matt Levine and Katie Greifeld, delivering weekly finance discussions on various platforms

      Bloomberg is launching a new podcast called Money Stuff, hosted by Matt Levine and Katie Greifeld. Levine is well-known for his popular Wall Street finance newsletter, and the podcast will bring that content to life through weekly discussions. Listeners can tune in to Money Stuff every Friday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any other podcast platform. This collaboration between Levine and Greifeld promises to deliver insightful conversations on finance and other related topics, making it a must-listen for those interested in the financial world.

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    0:00 Intro

    4:19 Markets - Thanks Kraken

    5:39 Total Crypto Market Cap

    5:46 L2 Update - Brought to you by Mantle

    7:42 10M active wallets are using Ethereum ecosystem every week! 

    8:19 Base is the #2 chain for USDC Supply - Coinbase trying make a payment chain

    9:48 ENTER RUNES
    Runes changed the game for a day 

    22:56 ETF INFLOWS:
    The inflows into BTC spot ETFs are not back yet 
    https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/04/20/grayscale- reveals-015-fees-for-its-bitcoin-mini-tr 

    28:03 Q1 ‘24 income statements for Ethereum and MakerDAO

    33:01 CZ might spend 3 years in prison 

    40:21 Samourai wallet founders arrested

    46:39 Consensys sues SEC

    52:56 Renzo announced its token launch! 

    58:57 Telegram allows USDT payments

    1:00:17 OP is releasing its multichain upgrade!

    1:01:09 Liam Shiba Inu raised $12M for its new chain 

    1:02:32 Lido is starting with DVT - Stake with friends - making lido more decentralized?

    1:04:13 IRS keeps labeling self-custody wallets as brokers 

    1:08:09 Raises and BVC Investments 
    Movement Series A
    Othentic raised $4M in their seed round - RaaS for Eigen Apps

    1:11:23 MEME of the Week

    1:15:00 Closing & Disclaimers

    Not financial or tax advice. See our investment disclosures here:
    https://www.bankless.com/disclosures ⁠ 

    Fact versus Fiction on India’s Crypto Crackdown

    Fact versus Fiction on India’s Crypto Crackdown

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    54. LE DOSS - Comprendre l’argent - Son histoire et son fonctionnement aujourd’hui

    54. LE DOSS - Comprendre l’argent - Son histoire et son fonctionnement aujourd’hui

    Hello les amis ! Aujourd’hui je vous retrouve sur un format spécial que j’ai humblement nommé Le DOSS ahah. Alors c’est un épisode où l'on va aller chercher des concepts qui expliquent le fonctionnement de l'argent de l'économie du patrimoine ou encore des investissements.

    Mon objectif c'est de conjurer le sort de ses vieilles explications financières alambiquées et bien souvent malheureusement ennuyeuses, pour pouvoir enfin et pour de bon les comprendre et les maîtriser.  

    Alors les amis je me charge de faire ma petite enquête pour vous apporter toutes les infos les plus simples et les explications les plus pertinentes pour qu'ensemble on devienne tous des apprentis experts des finances. 

    Et oui on a de l’ambition chez Madame Fauchée vous le savez, donc j’espère que cet épisode va vous plaire !

    Aujourd’hui dans ce DOSS on va parler de l’histoire de l’argent. Je vais vous donner toute la chronologie en partant de -5000 avant JC avec l’utilisation du troc, jusqu’à aujourd’hui avec les cryptomonnaies. On va parler de la création des premières monnaies, des banques. Je vais vous expliquer également comment fonctionne la théorie de la “main invisible” d’Adam Smith et la théorie de l’intervention de l’état de Keynes. 

    Cet épisode est inspiré des informations données dans le livre “L’argent comment ça marche” des éditions Le Courrier du Livre, ainsi que de recherches personnelles et de mes quelques restes de mon bac économique 😂. 

    J’espère que cet épisode vous plaira ! N’hésitez pas à me dire quel sujet vous aimeriez que j’aborde pour le prochain DOSS ! 

    Rejoignez-moi sur instagram pour voir ma tête en story : https://www.instagram.com/madamefauchee/ 

    How Bitcoin Is Becoming a Lifeline for Cubans

    How Bitcoin Is Becoming a Lifeline for Cubans

    This week on Borderless, tech reporter Leigh Cuen speaks with data analyst and entrepreneur Boaz Sobrado about how bitcoin became relevant to him when he had to use it at his e-commerce company. 

    With the changes in the U.S. presidential administration in 2016 and the strict regulations that followed it became harder to bank in Cuba. Processing payments and conducting proper international transactions were causing his company to bleed money. So Boaz turned to bitcoin to move money in and out of the country safely and provide commerce to Cuban communities. 

    However, bitcoin adoption in Cuba turned out to be harder than he thought. Due to COVID-19, Cuba is undergoing the worst economic crisis since the 1990s. At that time Cuba’s economic structure was so atrocious that portions of its population suffered from hunger. Boaz says, “We aren’t there yet” that it isn’t as bad as the crisis of the 1990s. However, with Western Union remittance rates going down there is less and less money in the country. This has caused inflation to rise and product delivery to the country of Cuba to become more difficult. 

    Listen as Sobrado discusses the informal peer-to-peer development of the cryptocurrency markets in Cuba and how the internet penetration in Cuba is accelerating bitcoin adoption.  

    Did you enjoy the show? We would love to hear what you think. Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred service and talk to us directly via email at borderless@coindesk.com.

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