
    What is the Macro Impact of NFTs and CryptoArt? | NFP Interview

    enMarch 05, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's Perspective on NFTsGary Vaynerchuk sees potential in NFTs despite the hype and believes that while many projects will fail, the underlying technology and consumer behavior will have a significant impact on modern technology.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a well-known entrepreneur, investor, and internet personality, is deeply passionate about the potential of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and has been studying the subject for several months. He sees parallels between the current NFT market and the early days of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and believes that while many projects will fail, the underlying technology and consumer behavior will have a significant impact on modern technology. Gary emphasizes the importance of deep knowledge and understanding before sharing opinions publicly and chooses to engage with communities that share his authentic, thoughtful, and bright perspective. He anticipates that NFTs will continue to be a significant trend in the next 12 to 18 months.

    • A New Renaissance in Art: Exploring NFTs and Crypto ArtDiscover the excitement of NFTs and crypto art, explore platforms like OpenSea and Rarible, and monetize your art in new ways.

      The world of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and digital art is creating a new renaissance in the art world, allowing artists to profit from their work in ways previously unimaginable. The speaker shares his personal experience of discovering Bitcoin and Ethereum, and later, the world of crypto art, which he sees as a modern-day equivalent of the Dada and pop art movements. He also expresses his excitement about the potential for collectors, flippers, and traders in the NFT space, comparing it to his own enjoyment of collecting and trading in other areas like baseball cards and comic books. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of personal networks and starting early in exploring platforms like OpenSea and Rarible to find rare and affordable NFTs. Lastly, he shares his own background as a doodler and his belief that the tokenization of art is a game-changer, allowing artists to monetize their work in new ways and potentially reaching a wider audience.

    • Approaching NFTs with Caution and Long-Term PerspectiveThe speaker plans to educate himself, build relationships, and carefully consider investments in NFTs for their long-term value, despite potential market fluctuations and complexities.

      The speaker, who has recently entered the NFT (Non-Fungible Token) world, is approaching it with caution and a long-term perspective. He sees potential in certain projects, like CryptoPunks, which he believes will be valuable for the next 30 years. However, he is worried about creating a bubble or contributing to unsustainable hype. He plans to educate himself further and build relationships within the community before making significant investments. He also acknowledges the complexities of the NFT space, including various blockchains and art genres, and the need for careful consideration. He compares the current situation to the dot-com bubble in 2000, stating that he will continue to invest in NFTs during potential market crashes, as he believes in the genre's potential despite individual project fluctuations.

    • Exploring the World of NFT Art: Robness, Max Osiris, and Daniel PanNFTs offer financial opportunities, innovation, and community for artists, collectors, and enthusiasts. They provide life-changing opportunities for people in developing countries and allow individuals to be part of a trend before it goes mainstream.

      The NFT (Non-Fungible Token) art community is an exciting and transformative space, providing opportunities for artists, collectors, and enthusiasts alike. Two notable figures in this community are Robness and Max Osiris. The Telegram art gallery auction house, Daniel Pan, is also a valuable resource for learning about this movement and connecting with others. The appeal of NFTs goes beyond just the financial aspect; it's about being part of something innovative and having the satisfaction of being right about a trend before it becomes mainstream. The NFT market also offers life-changing opportunities for people in developing countries, providing them with financial means to improve their lives. As a teacher and writer, the speaker found a new passion in NFTs, which combines her interests in art, pop culture, and documenting trends. The community aspect of NFTs is also significant, offering a space for artists to connect and grow.

    • Exploring the World of NFTs: A New Platform for CreatorsNFTs enable creators to express themselves, monetize their work, and collaborate with communities, potentially democratizing art and tokenizing various types of property.

      The speaker is creating a series of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), specifically digital art pieces, and is excited about the potential of this new technology to give creators a platform to express themselves and monetize their work in new ways. He mentions the process of creating these NFTs involves collaborating with various individuals and communities to facilitate the setup and tokenization. The speaker also believes that NFTs have the potential to democratize art and allow individuals from various backgrounds and professions to explore their creative sides. He also anticipates that many other types of property could eventually be tokenized and sold as NFTs. Overall, the speaker is enthusiastic about the possibilities that NFTs present for creators and the potential impact on society as a whole.

    • NFTs: A New Form of Currency and Social ProofNFTs provide a way to prove ownership and authenticity, leading to new forms of social interaction and value in digital assets

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) represent a significant technological shift that will change the way we perceive and value digital assets. This shift is driven by the importance of provenance and human behavior, as people have always been drawn to the idea of ownership and status. NFTs provide a way to prove ownership and authenticity, making them a new form of currency and social proof. As the speaker mentioned, people have laughed at similar predictions in the past, but the ability to irrefutably prove ownership and authenticity sets NFTs apart. This will likely lead to new forms of social interaction, as people will be able to easily verify and showcase their early adoption or association with particular digital assets or influencers. The speaker's conviction in this trend is based on historical precedent, as people have always valued provenance and status, and technology has consistently eliminated intermediaries and increased access to information.

    • Advantages of blockchain in art industryBlockchain in art provides provable ownership, monetization of IP, and transparency. NFTs bring excitement, but Ethereum's scaling issues and high gas fees pose challenges.

      The use of blockchain technology in the art world offers several advantages over traditional methods, such as provable ownership, monetization of IP, and transparency. The speaker's personal experience with NFTs and the excitement they bring was emphasized, but challenges such as Ethereum's scaling issues and high gas fees were acknowledged. The speaker expressed confidence in the innovation happening in the space and the belief that solutions will be found, despite the current barriers. Ultimately, the speaker's passion lies in the human dynamics of the art world and the joy and excitement it brings, rather than the technical underpinnings.

    • Coexistence of Centralized and Decentralized PlatformsBoth Ethereum and Flow, as well as centralized and decentralized platforms, will thrive, with potential for interoperability and advancements shaping the future economy towards decentralized financial systems.

      The speaker believes that both centralized and decentralized platforms, such as Ethereum and Flow, will coexist and succeed in their own ways. He also sees potential for interoperability between different blockchain networks and thinks that technology advancements will continue to shape the future economy, possibly leading to a shift towards decentralized financial systems. The speaker's background and experiences, including growing up with a storytelling family and being an immigrant, have influenced his connection to intellectual property and nostalgia. Regarding the macroeconomic implications of these technologies, the speaker predicts that humans will have economies built around them due to access and metadata, and there will likely be regulatory responses to this shift, with the stakes being high for sovereign nations.

    • Germany's potential role in NFTs and forming relationshipsGermany's historical significance and potential financial gains could incentivize entry into NFT market. Build relationships, research projects, and invest thoughtfully for potential friendships and meaningful connections.

      Germany, as a major player in Europe and a former world power, could be incentivized to make a significant move in the NFT world due to underlying tensions from losing global dominance. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of forming meaningful relationships in this new community and encourages thoughtful investing, as the NFT market is currently driven by financial incentives and speculation. The speaker believes in the meritocracy of the NFT market and advises investors to carefully consider their investments by doing thorough research on projects they genuinely believe in. The potential for friendships and meaningful connections in the NFT community is also highlighted as a positive aspect of this new digital frontier.

    • Approaching NFT investments thoughtfullyInvest in NFT projects with solid foundations and authentic relationships for lasting impact, rather than just short-term gains.

      The NFT market is expected to see significant growth in the coming years, but it's important to approach investments thoughtfully and consider the people behind the projects. There will be a distinction between projects with solid foundations and those that may only offer short-term gains. Authentic relationships and bringing value to the community are key to building a lasting presence in the NFT space. Time is a valuable asset, and investing it in meaningful ways, such as sponsoring a podcast or building relationships, can be more impactful than monetary investments. Ultimately, the NFT market holds great potential, but it requires a thoughtful and authentic approach.

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    More info on Joe:
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    Topics Covered:

    0:00 Intro
    4:00 Finding Crypto
    8:33 Writing a Song a Day
    16:14 Inspiration & Emotion
    20:46 Creations & Crypto
    24:16 Storytelling
    28:20 One Thing a DAO
    31:03 Because We Die
    36:14 The Value of Scarcity
    44:17 Product Market Fit
    47:38 Proof of Work
    55:20 The Song a Day NFT Project
    1:00:53 SongADAO
    1:04:36 Governance for Creators
    1:10:29 Impacting Creativity
    1:14:46 Community & Get Involved


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    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here: