
    Podcast Summary

    • Reverse mentoring: Learning from unexpected sourcesEffective leadership can come from unlikely places. Open-mindedness and a willingness to learn from diverse perspectives can lead to positive change.

      Effective leadership can come from unexpected places and take unexpected forms. In the discussed TED Radio Hour episode, Patrice Gordon, a finance executive at Virgin Atlantic, shared her experience mentoring her CEO, Craig Krieger, in a reverse mentoring scheme focused on ethnicity and gender. This experience led to Craig's better understanding of the lived experiences of underrepresented groups within his organization and the broader world. The episode also touched on the importance of leaders taking a humble approach to addressing systemic issues like discrimination, climate change, and inequity. The story of Patrice and Craig illustrates how open-mindedness and willingness to learn from diverse perspectives can lead to positive change.

    • Challenging biases for effective leadershipTo evolve our ideas about leadership, we must challenge biases towards toughness and dominance, prioritize empathy, humility, and competence, and select leaders based on merit, not gender.

      Effective leadership goes beyond confidence and charisma, and involves empathy, kindness, and emotional intelligence. However, these traits are still underrepresented in leadership roles, as our historical bias towards toughness and dominance continues to influence our perceptions of good leaders. According to research, if we were to ignore gender and only select leaders based on talent and merit, we would see a significant increase in female leaders. The reasons for the prevalence of incompetent male leaders include the assumption that confident people are more competent, our fascination with charismatic leaders, and our susceptibility to the allure of narcisstic individuals. To truly evolve our ideas about leadership, we must challenge these biases and prioritize qualities like empathy, humility, and competence.

    • Challenging Traditional Leadership StereotypesFocus on quantifiable leadership traits, challenge stereotypes, and embrace change for effective leadership.

      Traditional labels like masculine and feminine in describing leadership attributes can be limiting and based on outdated stereotypes. Instead, we should focus on quantitative differences in traits that have historically been associated with effective leadership, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. This requires taking risks, humility, and courage to challenge the status quo and strive for better leadership. As Tomás Chamorro-Premuzic explains, good leadership often goes against the grain and argues with tradition. It's crucial for institutions, organizations, and societies to have competent and effective leaders to outperform their competitors. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, a political prodigy and the first female leader of Scotland, shares her experience of following her dreams and learning resilience through her numerous election losses. Ultimately, leadership is about embracing change and challenging the status quo to create positive impact.

    • Historical challenges for women in politics and double bind dilemmaDespite progress, women in politics face challenges, including being criticized for not being feminine enough or too aggressive. The Me Too movement and authentic female leadership are helping to shift the narrative.

      Women in politics, particularly young women, have historically faced challenges in being taken seriously and have often felt pressured to emulate masculine behaviors to fit in. This can result in a double bind, where they are criticized for not being feminine enough if they don't conform, or for being too aggressive if they do. The speaker, Nicola Sturgeon, shares her experience of being given a negative nickname, "nippy sweetie," which was intended to mean she was bold and assertive but was taken negatively by her political opponents and the media. She also discusses the importance of rethinking GDP as the sole measure of a country's success and focusing instead on overall wellbeing and happiness. Despite progress, women in politics still face challenges, but the Me Too movement and the rise of more authentic female leadership are helping to shift the narrative.

    • Scotland's commitment to leading by exampleScotland, a small country, is committed to decarbonizing faster than any G20 nation and leading on climate change, despite having no formal role in international negotiations. They also recognize their responsibility to help countries affected by climate change.

      Scotland, as a small country, is committed to leading by example in tackling climate change and reducing inequality, despite not having a formal role in international negotiations. They have pledged to decarbonize faster than any G20 country and have become the first nation to publish an indicative contribution to the Paris Agreement objectives. Scotland also recognizes its responsibility to help countries suffering from the impacts of climate change, and has championed issues like loss and damage at international talks. Scotland's small size doesn't limit its ability to make a difference; in fact, it has shown that small countries can have a big voice and lead the way in important global issues.

    • Scotland's First Minister on Climate Goals and MenopauseScotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, emphasizes the importance of tackling climate change for future generations while acknowledging the challenges of producing oil and gas. She also breaks the taboo of discussing menopause in leadership, expressing her discomfort but commitment to openness.

      Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, is leading her country towards ambitious climate goals, acknowledging the challenges that come with producing oil and gas while transitioning to renewable energy. She emphasized the importance of addressing climate change for future generations, and her dedication to her role despite its difficulties. Additionally, she discussed the taboo topic of menopause in leadership, expressing her discomfort but also her willingness to be open about it to make things easier for future female leaders. Overall, Sturgeon highlighted the importance of addressing personal and global issues with honesty and determination.

    • Authentic leadership involves acknowledging mistakes and learning from themEffective leaders continuously develop, learn from errors, and remain adaptable and resilient in their roles

      Authentic and open leadership is essential for growth and learning from mistakes. As highlighted by Scotland's First Minister, Nicholas Sturgeon, acknowledging mistakes and learning from them is crucial for leaders, as they are human beings and not infallible figures. Furthermore, continuous development and learning are vital for effective leadership. In a special coverage segment on Afghanistan, Shabana Basij Rasach, the founder of Afghanistan's first all-girls boarding school, emphasized the importance of being prepared for unexpected challenges while remaining committed to the safety and education of her students. These leaders' stories demonstrate the significance of adaptability, resilience, and authenticity in leadership roles.

    • Empowering girls to become future leadersAgainst all odds, Sola School in Afghanistan prioritized female leadership and education, enabling girls to become future leaders and build a new Afghanistan.

      Agility, adaptation, and resilience are essential for overcoming overwhelming situations. Shabana, a teacher from the Sola School in Afghanistan, shared her experiences during the Taliban takeover, emphasizing the importance of making bold decisions and not getting stuck in the face of danger. Despite the challenges, Sola managed to evacuate its students to Rwanda and resume classes just a few days later. Shabana's vision for Sola was to educate Afghan girls who would become leaders and build a new Afghanistan. To achieve this, she created a boarding school that prioritized female leadership and education, which became a beacon for families across Afghanistan. The name "School of Leadership" reflects Sola's commitment to empowering girls to become future leaders of their country. The students at Sola demonstrate leadership skills at a young age, and Sola continues to break barriers and educate girls in a nation where access to education for women is limited.

    • Empowering Afghan Girls to Become Future LeadersSola School in Rwanda empowers Afghan girls through education and sisterhood, preparing them to contribute to rebuilding their homeland and becoming future leaders.

      Education and sisterhood are essential tools for Afghan girls to become future leaders and bring positive change to their homeland. Despite the challenges and uncertainty, Sola School in Rwanda provides a safe, nurturing environment for these girls, allowing them to dream, learn, and build relationships. By focusing on sisterhood and providing strong role models, Sola empowers young Afghan women to prepare for their eventual return home and contribute to rebuilding their country. The impact of this education extends beyond individual students, as they become part of a global network of Afghan sisters, lifting each other up and inspiring hope for a better future for their country.

    • Afghan Women's Resilience in the Face of AdversityAfghan women continue to exhibit immense courage and resilience, despite setbacks like the Taliban breaking promises on girls' education. Their determination and bravery will not be silenced.

      Afghan women, despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, continue to exhibit immense courage and resilience. Shabana Basid Russe, the founder of the School of Leadership, Afghanistan, shared her optimism for the future, despite the Taliban breaking their promise of allowing girls to return to school. Russe emphasized that the Taliban's efforts to suppress women will not be successful, as the determination and bravery of Afghan women is deeply rooted and will not be silenced. The struggle for women's rights in Afghanistan is a long-standing one, and the resistance to oppression is a powerful force. The setbacks are not a sign of defeat but rather an awakening of anger and a call to action for thousands more. Russe's unwavering belief in the strength and determination of Afghan women serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring spirit of resilience in the face of adversity.

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    Binge the whole Body Electric series here.

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    TED Radio Hour+ subscribers now get access to bonus episodes, with more ideas from TED speakers and a behind the scenes look with our producers. A Plus subscription also lets you listen to regular episodes (like this one!) without sponsors. Sign-up at: plus.npr.org/ted

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    TED Radio Hour
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    TED Radio Hour+ subscribers now get access to bonus episodes, with more ideas from TED speakers and a behind the scenes look with our producers. A Plus subscription also lets you listen to regular episodes (like this one!) without sponsors. Sign-up at plus.npr.org/ted

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    TED Radio Hour
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    TED Radio Hour+ subscribers now get access to bonus episodes, with more ideas from TED speakers and a behind the scenes look with our producers. A Plus subscription also lets you listen to regular episodes (like this one!) without sponsors. Sign-up at plus.npr.org/ted.

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    Binge the whole Body Electric series here.

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    TED Radio Hour
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    TED Radio Hour+ subscribers now get access to bonus episodes, with more ideas from TED speakers and a behind the scenes look with our producers. A Plus subscription also lets you listen to regular episodes (like this one!) without sponsors. Sign-up at plus.npr.org/ted.

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    TED Radio Hour+ subscribers now get access to bonus episodes, with more ideas from TED speakers and a behind the scenes look with our producers. A Plus subscription also lets you listen to regular episodes (like this one!) without sponsors. Sign-up at plus.npr.org/ted.

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    Interested in joining the Apple Hearing Study? Sign up here.

    Binge the whole Body Electric series
    here. Sign up for the Body Electric Challenge and our newsletter here.

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    TED Radio Hour
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    TED Radio Hour+ subscribers now get access to bonus episodes, with more ideas from TED speakers and a behind the scenes look with our producers. A Plus subscription also lets you listen to regular episodes (like this one!) without sponsors. Sign-up at: plus.npr.org/ted

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    Happy 100th episode!

    Today, let's look back to this year and the challenges losing your sight, your vision and your ability to visualise yourself in life. 


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    Chauncia Willis Bio

    Chauncia Willis is a certified Professional Coach, Cultural Diversity expert and Emergency Manager. My expertise includes disaster management, national security event planning, leadership coaching, immigrant and refugee outreach, as well as diversity, equity and inclusion training. In my role as CEO for the Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management, I am entrusted to lead the effort to integrate equity into all facets of disaster policy, programs, and practice with the goal of increasing cultural competence and mitigating the harmful impacts of bias on underserved groups.

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    We also cover:

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    *How growing up with a narcissistic father led to her attracting that type of man in her adult relationships (the pattern showing up to be healed).

    * Tools and tips to manage the many challenging transitions life brings (these are helpful for everyone!)

    * Her darkest hour and how she finally woke up to the disfunction that was real and rampant in her relationship.

    * The importance of protecting and making all children feel loved and important, especially during times of chaos or change.

    * The importance of tending to the body, and the energy stored within it, in order to heal from trauma and move forward in life.

    *Finally, they discuss the idea of finding oneself after experiencing a period of loss, and the concept of addiction and how it can manifest in different ways



    If you desire to learn more about Ilana and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    IG + TIK TOK : https://www.in@yes.mamailana

    Website: www.yesmamawithmissilana.com

    Podcast: YES MAMA https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yes-mama/id1670729960

    (you can find on all major platforms).


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