
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected twists and turns in superhero video gamesCreating engaging superhero games involves unexpected twists, adapting stories, and embracing real-life surprises

      Key takeaway from this week's Triple Click discussion on superhero video games is the unexpected twists and turns that come with creating engaging experiences in the medium. Kirk, Maddy, and Jason shared their thoughts on what makes for a good superhero game, the challenges of adapting these stories, and even had some fun speculating about surprises. The conversation took an unexpected turn when Jason revealed a major life event – the birth of his baby – keeping everyone on their toes and reminding us that real life can be just as unpredictable as video games.

    • Jason's surprise announcement of having two childrenSecrets can lead to exciting revelations, support your favorite podcasts, and enjoy unexpected conversations

      Keeping secrets can lead to surprising and exciting revelations, as demonstrated by Jason's announcement of having two children during their recording session. Jason had to keep this secret from his colleagues, even attending a barbecue where many of them were present. The competitive nature of the conversation led to a humorous exchange, highlighting the unexpected nature of life events. The episode also reminded listeners that Triple Click TripleClick is a listener-supported show, and encouraged those interested in supporting the production to become members of Maximum Fun. The bonus episode for members that month was about the TV show Better Call Saul, and the hosts expressed their excitement for its conclusion. The conversation also touched on the book they were all reading, Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin.

    • Power fantasies in video games make them ideal for superhero storiesVideo games, with their power fantasy experiences, excel at delivering superhero narratives.

      Video games, as a medium, have a unique ability to deliver power fantasies, making them well-suited to superhero stories. Tom Bissell's question, "what if a simulated superhero experience turns out to be what, at the end of the day, video games do best?" highlights this idea. Every campaign, especially those with skill trees, power collection, and heroic protagonists, can be considered a superhero game. Games like Spider-Man, where players embody a superpowered character and explore a city, are a perfect example of this. However, it's important to note that not all superhero games have been successful. Early attempts, often based on movies, didn't live up to expectations. But with the success of games like Batman: Arkham City, we now have a high bar for measuring the quality of superhero games. In essence, the power fantasy experience that video games offer is what makes them an excellent fit for superhero stories.

    • Batman's relatability as a characterBatman's relatability as a normal guy with wealth and gadgets made Arkham Asylum a successful superhero game. Players could relate to him and step into a power fantasy as a superhero.

      Batman: Arkham Asylum stands out as one of the most successful superhero video games due to Batman's relatability as a character. Unlike traditional superheroes with superpowers, Batman is a normal guy with wealth and gadgets, making him a unique protagonist for a video game. This "Batman simulator" feeling was fresh when the game was released and has contributed to its lasting popularity. Additionally, Batman's grounded nature, despite his wealth and abilities, makes him an easy entry point for players. The success of Batman: Arkham Asylum can be attributed to this relatability, as it allows players to step into the power fantasy of being a superhero while still seeing themselves in the character. This contrasts with Spider-Man, who also has relatability due to his everyday struggles, but has superpowers that set him apart. Both characters offer unique perspectives on the superhero genre and have contributed to the success of their respective video game franchises.

    • Mundane moments add humor and immersion to Spider-Man gameEffective game design principles like Metroidvania style add engagement and satisfaction in superhero games by allowing players to progress and build up abilities

      The Spider-Man game shines best when it captures the mundane moments of New York life alongside the superhero action. These everyday interactions, such as asking a sanitation worker to help find a lost USB drive, add humor and immersion to the game. The success of the Spider-Man game, as well as other superhero titles like Batman: Arkham Asylum, lies in their application of effective game design principles, like the Metroidvania style, to the superhero genre. This approach allows players to progress and build up abilities, creating an engaging and satisfying experience. Conversely, a lack of challenges or obstacles can make superhero games like Superman, who is invincible, less enjoyable. Overall, the combination of relatable human struggles and larger-than-life superhero action is what makes these games truly great.

    • Exploring Superman's moral dilemmas through a choose-your-own-adventure gameChoose-your-own-adventure style games can offer a more engaging and emotionally resonant experience by allowing players to navigate complex relationships and moral dilemmas alongside superheroes like Superman

      Superman's complex character could benefit greatly from a choose-your-own-adventure style game, where the character is faced with tough decisions, particularly in the context of his journalism career and dealing with ethical dilemmas. The Batman Telltale game serves as an example of this format's potential for exploring a superhero's moral dilemmas and decision-making abilities. Additionally, games like Marvel's Spider Man and the new Miles Morales game offer fresh takes on the superhero genre by focusing on the characters' origins and personal struggles, rather than just their superhero personas. These games provide players with a more engaging and emotionally resonant experience by allowing them to navigate complex relationships and moral dilemmas alongside the characters.

    • Exploring Different Aspects of Spider-ManThe latest Spider-Man games offer unique experiences by exploring different aspects of the character and his relationships, with Peter as an established hero and Miles Morales as a new hero, and introducing new dynamics like civilians' app and stealth missions.

      The latest Spider-Man games offer unique experiences by exploring different aspects of the character and his relationships. While the original game had Peter Parker working for Doc Ock and later becoming Spider-Man, the newer games feature Peter as an established hero working with the police and Miles Morales as a new hero trying to prove himself. The newer games also introduce different dynamics, such as Miles' app for civilians to request Spider-Man's help and his stealth missions to avoid the police. Although there are similarities, like helping civilians in need, the games offer distinct experiences that cater to different aspects of Spider-Man's persona. Additionally, the creators likely made these changes to differentiate the games from previous adaptations and address criticisms about Peter Parker's police involvement in the original game. Overall, these games showcase the versatility of the Spider-Man character and the creators' ability to adapt and innovate within the franchise.

    • Discussing ensemble stories in superhero video gamesEnsemble stories in superhero games enable efficient character progression and development, as seen in Marvel's Midnight Suns and anticipated Fantastic 4 and X-Men games. Superheroes' superhuman abilities extend to video games, with examples like Overwatch.

      Ensemble stories offer a more elegant solution to creating superhero video games. The discussion highlighted the example of Marvel's Midnight Suns and the anticipated Fantastic 4 and X-Men games. Ensemble stories allow for the division of progression and development among characters, making it a more effective approach to creating a superhero game. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the idea that superheroes are not limited to comics, as seen in games like Overwatch, where characters possess superhuman abilities and fight against villains. However, the superhero experience in games often differs from that in comics, as seen in PvP games like Overwatch, where the focus is on fighting against other teams rather than super villains.

    • Sentinels of the Multiverse effectively captures superhero team dynamicsThe speaker values Sentinels of the Multiverse for its strategic teamwork and synergy, seeing it as a superior representation of superhero teams compared to many video games, including Overwatch. They also appreciate cooperative gameplay and team-ups in games like Lego Batman and X-Men.

      The speaker believes that the team dynamics in the tabletop game Sentinels of the Multiverse, with its unique character abilities, environment decks, and villain decks, effectively capture the feeling of a superhero team better than many video games, including Overwatch. They praise the game for requiring strategic thought and synergy between team members, which they believe is a key element missing in many video games, especially in the superhero genre. The speaker also mentions their appreciation for cooperative gameplay and team-ups in games like Lego Batman and the X-Men arcade game, which they see as early examples of this concept. They express hope that future games will continue to explore this concept on a larger scale, allowing players to experience the excitement and camaraderie of a superhero team.

    • Creating a Superhero Game with Multiple Playable CharactersSuccessfully executing a superhero game with multiple playable characters demands immense resources, patience, and careful planning. A grounded, single-player experience with a flawed hero can also result in a successful superhero game.

      While the idea of a single studio creating an expansive superhero game with multiple playable characters, each having their own campaign, could be intriguing and reminiscent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the execution requires immense resources, patience, and careful planning. The failure of Crystal Dynamics' Avengers game serves as a reminder of the challenges involved. A successful superhero game can also come in the form of a strong single-player experience centered around a grounded and flawed superhero, with normal people integrated into the world. The example of God of War illustrates this, as it offers a compelling narrative despite being populated mostly by gods and monsters.

    • Exploring deep human relationships and emotions through extraordinary abilitiesStories combining deep human emotions and extraordinary abilities can create engaging and thought-provoking narratives, as seen in the Life is Strange series and Animorphs

      Certain story formats, such as superhero stories or young adult adventures, can effectively explore deep human relationships and emotions when combined with extraordinary abilities or transformations. The Life is Strange series, for instance, uses the protagonist's time-travel power to tell a compelling love story. Animorphs, another example, focuses on normal kids given animal abilities, creating a unique blend of adventure, exploration, and coming-of-age experiences. These stories can provide engaging and thought-provoking narratives, even when dealing with darker themes and challenges. The Animorphs series, in particular, offers a rich tapestry of possibilities, from exploring different animal forms to battling alien invaders, making it an intriguing IP for potential developers to explore.

    • Advancements in technology elevate superhero gamesSpeakers marveled at Spider-Man and Arkham Asylum's graphics and storytelling, emphasized balance between visuals and engaging stories, and looked forward to upcoming Disney and Marvel games.

      The advancements in technology have significantly improved the quality of video games, particularly superhero games, making them more visually appealing and immersive. The speakers expressed their awe over games like Spider-Man and Arkham Asylum, which have set new standards for graphics and storytelling. They also mentioned the upcoming Disney and Marvel video game conference, indicating a potential influx of high-quality superhero games. While the focus should not solely be on graphics, the speakers emphasized the importance of balancing visual fidelity with engaging stories and making games more humane. They also shared their current interests, such as Comfort Creatures, a show about animal lovers, and Sawbones, a medical history podcast. Maddie discussed her experience playing Multiversus and the controversy surrounding Superman's overpowered abilities in the game. Overall, the conversation highlighted the excitement and anticipation surrounding the future of video games, particularly superhero games.

    • New fighting game 'Multiversus' defies expectations with engaging gameplay'Multiversus' delivers unexpected fun with its unique roster and skilled development team, proving that gameplay trumps references.

      "Multiversus," a new fighting game featuring characters from various Warner Brothers franchises, has surprised many with its depth and fun gameplay despite initial skepticism due to its seemingly random collection of references. The game, which is free to play, has been compared to a list of references that may appeal to younger audiences, but its real strength lies in its engaging and enjoyable fighting mechanics. The team behind the game, Player First Games, has proven their expertise with experienced developers like Tony Heun, who have worked on Riot, Sony Santa Monica, and God of War. The combination of unexpected characters, solid gameplay, and the talent of the development team has resulted in a surprisingly enjoyable experience.

    • Unexpected characters and unexpected challengesMultiversus adds unconventional characters and 'Alone' presents unique survival challenges, offering viewers an enjoyable experience from unexpected twists and people navigating tough situations

      Multiversus, a new fighting game, is adding unexpected characters from various universes, including the Wicked Witch of the West and Tony Soprano. While some may find the concept strange or even cynical, others see the potential fun in it. For instance, Tony Soprano's special ability involves summoning ducks and having a panic attack. The show "Alone," a wilderness survival competition, was also discussed as a unique and exciting watch. In this show, 10 individuals are dropped off in remote wilderness areas with only basic supplies and film themselves as they try to survive as long as possible. The person who lasts the longest wins $500,000. Both the discussion of Multiversus and "Alone" highlight the enjoyment of unexpected twists and the appeal of watching people navigate challenging situations.

    • Exploring human survival and ingenuity in challenging circumstancesBoth Alone and Squid Game showcase the psychological and ethical dilemmas of survival, with Alone focusing on wilderness endurance and Squid Game on a murder game for financial gain.

      The Netflix show "Alone" and Squid Game, despite their differences, both explore the human capacity for survival and ingenuity in challenging circumstances. While Alone tests contestants' ability to survive in the wilderness, Squid Game presents a fictional murder game where participants risk their lives for financial gain. Both shows highlight the psychological challenges and ethical dilemmas that come with survival and the impact of societal structures on individuals' decisions. The psychological aspect of Alone, with contestants being truly alone, is particularly fascinating. Additionally, a personal takeaway from the conversation was the announcement of a new family addition, making the transition from one child to two an interesting and exhausting experience.

    • Experiences and Challenges of Raising Two Young ChildrenEnjoying companionship with an older child, reflecting on the positive impact of having an older sibling, and embracing new responsibilities and bonding experiences with a newborn.

      Having two children, one being a toddler and the other a newborn, brings a unique set of experiences and challenges. The father in this discussion enjoys spending time with his toddler, who is now old enough to be a companion and go on outings together. He also reflects on the positive impact of having an older sister during his childhood and how it shaped him into a balanced human being. The arrival of the newborn has brought about new responsibilities and adjustments, but the father is looking forward to the journey and the bonding experiences it will bring. The addition of a new member to their video game podcast, Triple Click, signifies a new chapter in their lives, and they are excited to share more stories with their audience.

    Recent Episodes from Triple Click

    We're Still Obsessed With Elden Ring's DLC

    We're Still Obsessed With Elden Ring's DLC

    It's time to revisit Elden Ring... again. Kirk, Maddy, and Jason are still obsessed with Shadow of the Erdtree (or should we say Scadu of the Erdtree?) and its sprawling new regions and dungeons. They talk about why they're captivated, what makes its level design so great, and those pesky quests that will lock you out if you breathe on them wrong.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: 1000xResist (Switch and PC)

    Maddy: Master Chef Junior

    Jason: Real Americans [Rachel Khong]


    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enJuly 04, 2024

    Triple Play: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

    Triple Play: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

    Kirk, Jason, and Maddy put on their finest Tarnished gear and get ready for a trip to the Shadow Realm. How does Elden Ring's big expansion compare to the base game? What's it like to revisit the game in 2024? And is it really too difficult?

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Hit Man (2024, Netflix)

    Maddy: Butterfly In The Sky (Reading Rainbow documentary)

    Jason: Babel (R.F. Kuang)


    Kirk’s Dragon Age Explainer: https://kotaku.com/a-beginners-guide-to-all-things-dragon-age-1658487212

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Join the Triple Click Discord: http://discord.gg/tripleclickpod

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    Triple Click
    enJune 27, 2024

    Playable Zelda, Metroid Prime 4, And More Big News

    Playable Zelda, Metroid Prime 4, And More Big News

    Kirk, Jason, and Maddy unwind from this year's not-E3 by getting back into it. They talk about the big Xbox showcase, the big Nintendo showcase, and some of the embargoed games they saw at Summer Games Fest, such as Dragon Age: The Veilguard and Star Wars Outlaws.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Tactical Breach Wizards

    Maddy: Valorant (new Xbox port)

    Jason: The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel (Jenny Nicholson)


    IGN story on development of Perfect Dark: https://www.ign.com/articles/xboxs-perfect-dark-reboot-is-still-years-away

    Cory Doctorow’s “enshittification” essay: https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enJune 20, 2024

    LIVE from Summer Game(s) Fest in Los Angeles!

    LIVE from Summer Game(s) Fest in Los Angeles!

    LIVE FROM LOS ANGELES... it's Maddy, Jason, and Kirk! The gang talks about what we all saw at Summer Game Fest, what they played, and how much they miss E3. Plus: audience Q&A!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

    Maddy: Dune Part Two

    Jason: Holly (Stephen King)


    • Civilization VII
      Monster Hunter Wilds
    • Dragon Age: The Veilguard
    • Metaphor: ReFantazio
    • Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves
    • UFO 50
    • Arranger
    • Building Relationships
    • Stormgate & Battle Aces
    • SpinRhythm XD
    • Slitterhead
    • Alan Wake II: Night Springs


    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

    Join the Triple Click Discord: http://discord.gg/tripleclickpod

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    Triple Click
    enJune 13, 2024

    A Guide To Summer Games Fest 2024

    A Guide To Summer Games Fest 2024

    It's time for not-E3 — aka Summer Games Fest — where the video game industry will once again convene on Los Angeles for a week full of game demos, trailers, and exciting reveals. Well... sort of. This week, the Triple Click gang talks about their hopes, expectations, and predictions for the weekend ahead. Plus: don't miss Triple Click live in Los Angeles!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Crow Country

    Maddy: My inflatable kayak

    Jason: The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley


    Oli Welsh on the death of console exclusives: https://www.polygon.com/24166647/aaa-exclusive-games-are-dead-playstation-xbox-multiplatform

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enJune 06, 2024

    Why Are There No Pregnant Video Game Characters?

    Why Are There No Pregnant Video Game Characters?

    Where are all the pregnant video game NPCs? What happens when you grow out of a video game genre? And what's it like to be both friends and professional podcast coworkers? This week, the Triple Click gang opens up the mailbag for some wacky listener questions, and confesses that they're actually all secretly enemies.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Ed Wood (1994)

    Maddy: Elden Ring

    Jason: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (Remake)


    Jason's interview with Jake Solomon: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-05-14/game-makers-at-midsummer-studios-look-to-take-on-the-sims

    Lorelei and the Laser Tampon: https://www.polygon.com/gaming/24162613/lorelei-and-the-laser-eyes-tampon-why-reason-item

    Shadow of the Erdtree Miyazaki interview: https://www.famitsu.com/news/202402/22335199.html

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enMay 30, 2024

    Diablo 4 Reborn, Assassin's Creed Racism, And Much More

    Diablo 4 Reborn, Assassin's Creed Racism, And Much More

    Kirk is back and there's much to discuss. This week, the gang does a lightning round of topics, from the fallout of the Xbox shutdowns to Assassin's Creed racism and Hades 2 and the plethora of other killer indie games that have come out this year.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Lois McMaster Bujold’s fantasy novels (The Curse of Chalion (2001), Paladin of Souls (2003), The Sharing Knife (2006-9))

    Maddy: Hades 1

    Jason: The Lost Shtetl (Max Gross)


    Featuring an excerpt from “The Crossroads” by Darren Korb from Hades 2

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

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    Triple Click
    enMay 23, 2024

    Triple Play: Animal Well (with Russ Frushtick)

    Triple Play: Animal Well (with Russ Frushtick)

    Animal Well is one of the best video game surprises in recent memory, and we'll be talking about it for years. This week Jason, Maddy, and special guest Russ Frushtick (Polygon, The Besties) give their impressions of the game in three increasingly obsessive phases.

    One More Thing:

    Maddy: Doppelganger by Naomi Klein (she finished it!)

    Jason: Minishoot Adventures


    Russ's gaming podcast The Besties and his Polygon review of Animal Well

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

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    Triple Click
    enMay 16, 2024

    Xbox Mess, Helldivers Debacle, And Hades 2

    Xbox Mess, Helldivers Debacle, And Hades 2

    Kirk is out this week, so Jason and Maddy convene to talk about a grab bag full of topics including the Xbox mess, the Helldivers 2 debacle, and two games they're really enjoying: Hades 2 and Animal Well.

    One More Thing:

    Maddy: Master Chef

    Jason: Demon Copperhead (Barbara Kingsolver)


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

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    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

    Jason's been playing Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, a game that feels a lot like Suikoden, which made the Triple Click gang wonder: how does nostalgia impact our enjoyment of video games? Can it make games better? Worse? Both at once? Let's discuss!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Fiasco (Jason Morningstar)

    Maddy: Hades 2 technical test

    Jason: Girls5eva


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

    Join the Triple Click Discord: http://discord.gg/tripleclickpod

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    Related Episodes

    Episode 106 - Game-based Learning with Mathemagician's Duel feat. Scott Kelly

    Episode 106 - Game-based Learning with Mathemagician's Duel feat. Scott Kelly

    On this week’s episode of Board Gaming with Education Dustin interviews Scott Kelly, an educator, and creator of the educational game Mathemagician’s Duel. He is also co-founder of the games company, BSGames. We learn fun facts about Scott’s history with gaming, his time working at Games Workshop, and how gaming came back into his life as a career after years of working as an educator. The two discuss topics such as keeping young students engaged in the classroom and the various challenges that arise with games-based learning. Included in this episode are an overview of Scott’s game, Mathemagician’s Duel, its mechanics, and educational goals.

    • Board Gaming with Education Updates- GBL Course 00:53
    • Who is Scott Kelly? - 4:37
    • Learning through Gaming: 9th Grade Simulation - 12:05
    • When Gaming Interconnected with Teaching - 15:39
    • Challenges of Game-Based Education - 22:40
    • Mathemagician's Duel - 27:18
    • Last Words of Advice: Plan! - 40:19
    • Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down Rapid Fire Round - 46:50

    How can you support us? There are many free and paid ways to support the show. Be sure to check out our support page! 

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    Thank you to Purple Planet Music for the wonderful contribution of their song "Retro Gamer" for our Interview Segment. This song can be found in full on this music archive. Also, thank you to Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) for his creative commons 4.0 contribution of "Getting it Done" for our Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down Rapid Fire Round.

    Thank you to Dallas Welk, the editor of this episode!

    Always be sure to check out our show notes (website blog post) to read a recap of the episode topics and games mentioned in the episode.


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    [遊戲開發筆記]Episode_4:《優秀關卡設計的十大準則》by Dan Taylor(下)

    [遊戲開發筆記]Episode_4:《優秀關卡設計的十大準則》by Dan Taylor(下)
    接續上回的五大準則,這集將會把後面的五項準則向大家介紹,歡迎一起來聽聽資深遊戲關卡設計師Dan Taylor在GDC所提出的十大準則吧!! 如果覺得聽起來有什麼地方不滿意的話,歡迎提供一些意見讓我進行改進唷! [00:40]準則六:優秀的關卡設計讓玩家感到強大 [07:56]準則七:優秀的關卡設計應該同時具備簡單、合適與困難 [11:40]準則八:優秀的關卡設計是有效率的 [20:35]準則九:優秀的關卡設計能勾起情緒 [26:40]準則十:優秀的關卡設計是由遊戲機制所驅動的 [Notion圖文版]優秀關卡設計的十大準則 https://ink-machine-15b.notion.site/Ten-Principles-for-Good-Level-Design-c24e715b710e4261a2a3d1da7810bf38 ---------- 各平台粉絲團將會不定時分享新聞時事、Pixel Art、開發筆記分享以及節目通知,歡迎大家追蹤並留言分享你的心得,或是敲碗告訴我你想聽的內容唷!! 臉書粉絲團連結: https://www.facebook.com/IndieGamePaniCer Instagram連結: https://www.instagram.com/gamedevpanicertw/ 或是你有更多的話想說,請用Eamil聯絡我! Email連結: PaniCer16@gmail.com 各大平台連結: https://linktr.ee/PaniCer ---------- Music: OP/ED ♫ Track: [Electro Swing] Peyruis - Swing [No Copyright Music] ♫ Watch: https://youtu.be/mv2T5ur6egA [Support Peyruis] - https://soundcloud.com/peyruis Cutscence Artist: Spazz Cardigan Title: Lucid Dreamer Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXc08mB4yJo

    Polytechnicast - Comfort Food Video Games, an Audio Experiment with Patrick Greenwell

    Polytechnicast - Comfort Food Video Games, an Audio Experiment with Patrick Greenwell

    Do you have a video game or set of video games you revisit from time to time because they feel comfortable? What keeps these sorts of games interesting and worth coming back to? In this audio experiment Polytechnicast I'm joined by co-host Patrick Greenwell, a long time video game enthusiast and we explore what games are like comfort food to us and why.