
    What Makes a Great Leader Stand Out with Stephen M. R. Covey

    enSeptember 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Trust in Effective LeadershipTrust is a practical, learnable skill essential for building effective relationships, fostering creativity and innovation, and tapping into the potential of talented individuals.

      Key takeaway from this conversation with Stephen M. R. Covey is the importance of trust in effective leadership. Covey, who gained fame through his father's book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People," shares how he joined his father's mission to spread the message of personal and organizational growth. However, he later discovered the significance of trust in building high-performing teams and cultures. He found that most literature on trust was either too academic or oversimplified, leading him to write his own book, "The Speed of Trust," to emphasize trust as a practical, learnable skill. Covey's insights highlight the crucial role of trust in leadership, not just in the United States but also in communities and homes. Trust is essential for building effective relationships, fostering creativity and innovation, and tapping into the potential of talented individuals.

    • Building trust and inspiring potentialEffective leadership empowers individuals to see their worth and potential through trust and inspiration, resulting in sustainable and enduring influence.

      Effective leadership is about building trust and inspiring others to bring out their best. Paige shared her admiration for Olive and June, a company that embodies this type of leadership by providing an affordable and easy solution for salon-quality manicures at home. Meanwhile, in the discussion, the importance of trust and inspiration in leadership was emphasized, not just in business but also in government and communities. The greatest impact comes from leaders who establish connections and inspire others, rather than relying solely on position or authority. This type of leadership empowers individuals to see their worth and potential, making it a sustainable and enduring form of influence. As Paige puts it, "my passion is your potential."

    • Leadership through humility and courageGreat leaders inspire greatness in others through humility and courage, understanding others before seeking to be understood, and prioritizing service and contribution over self-aggrandizement.

      Great leaders are not self-promoters, but humble individuals who inspire greatness in others. Humility, a often underrated attribute, is vital for effective leadership. Leaders who demonstrate humility are 18 times more likely to inspire their teams. Seeking to understand others before being understood is an essential aspect of humility and effective communication. Leadership is about service and contribution, not self-aggrandizement or credit. Courage, another essential trait, enables leaders to do the right thing even when it's difficult or costly. Humility and courage combined create a strong yet inviting leadership style that sets high expectations and maintains accountability. Effective leaders understand that people have valuable perspectives, and they prioritize understanding others before forcing their own viewpoints. This approach fosters trust, inspiration, and influence.

    • Separating Understanding from AgreementSeeking understanding first, before agreement, fosters open communication, new ideas, and stronger relationships.

      Understanding is crucial for effective communication and building relationships. However, we often conflate understanding with agreement, leading to a fear that seeking understanding might imply tacit approval of the other person's viewpoints. This fear can hinder our ability to influence others and advance relationships. It's essential to separate understanding from agreement and prioritize understanding first, as it creates a safe space for open communication and new ideas. When both parties feel understood, they become more open to listening and are more likely to be influenced. This not only improves relationships but also leads to more creative and innovative solutions. It's simple but not easy, and our society's lack of understanding is a significant issue. By focusing on understanding first, we can advance relationships, influence others, and discover new possibilities together.

    • Empathy in Business: Understanding Customers' NeedsEmpathy is essential for effective communication and stronger relationships. Businesses that understand their customers' needs can offer products or services tailored to them, fostering loyalty and repeat business.

      Understanding others requires genuine empathy and active listening. The OB GYN who invented Lume addressed patients' concerns about body odor and created a popular deodorant without heavy perfumes. Lume offers a starter pack with discounts and free shipping for new customers. Meanwhile, OneSkin's skincare products, specifically their eye cream with the proprietary OS One peptide, focus on cellular aging and keeping skin looking younger. Empathy is crucial in understanding others. It's not about imposing our interpretations or judgments on them but rather getting into their shoes and understanding their perspective. This may take time and effort, but the payoff is faster communication and stronger relationships. As Mother's Day approaches, taking care of oneself, including the skin, is essential for caregivers. Both Lume and OneSkin offer exclusive discounts for new customers, making it an excellent opportunity to try their products. Remember, understanding doesn't mean agreement, but it's a crucial step towards effective communication and meaningful connections.

    • Empathy is crucial for effective leadership in today's changing work cultureLeaders who empathize and foster a culture of trust and inspiration are more successful in retaining top talent and driving organizational performance in today's flexible work culture.

      Empathy is a crucial virtue for effective leadership in today's rapidly changing work culture. Empathy involves understanding and being influenced by others, which in turn increases your ability to influence them positively and help them perform better. This paradoxical combination of empathy and performance is essential for both personal and team success. The current shift in work culture, marked by remote work, flexibility, and diverse expectations, has given employees more choices and autonomy. As a result, they are seeking trust, inspiration, and meaningful work experiences. Leaders who can adapt to these changes by embracing empathy and fostering a culture of trust and inspiration will be more successful in retaining top talent and driving organizational performance.

    • Shift from managing people to leading themEmbrace inherent worth, foster trust, and inspire growth for improved morale, productivity, and retention.

      Effective leadership in today's world requires a shift from managing people in a commanding way to trusting and inspiring them. The traditional command and control approach, even in its enlightened form, is no longer sufficient. Instead, leaders need to recognize the inherent worth and potential of their team members and create an environment that fosters trust, inspiration, and growth. Companies that have embraced this approach have seen improved morale, increased productivity, and higher employee retention. Conversely, those that continue to micromanage or use surveillance software to monitor their employees risk losing talent and damaging their culture. It's essential to remember that people are not just economic beings, but whole beings with bodies, hearts, minds, and spirits. By shifting our mindset from managing things to leading people, we can build a high-trust culture that inspires and empowers individuals to reach their full potential.

    • Management vs Leadership: Focus and ImpactManagement is about efficiency and compliance, while leadership is about effectiveness and commitment. Everyone can be a leader by inspiring and trusting others, regardless of position.

      Management and leadership are distinct yet interconnected concepts. Management focuses on efficiency and compliance, while leadership is about effectiveness and commitment. Everyone can be a leader by making a choice to inspire and trust others, starting from their personal lives and communities. Leadership is not limited to those in positions of authority, but rather, it's about seeing potential in people and communicating it to them. By focusing on developing trust and inspiration in ourselves and those around us, we can create a positive impact in various contexts, including parenting, teaching, and coaching.

    • Reflect on those who believed in youExpress gratitude to inspiring figures and aim to inspire others by believing in their potential

      Each of us has had someone in our lives who believed in us and inspired us to believe in ourselves. This person may not have held a formal leadership position, but their trust and belief in us had a profound impact on our self-perception and confidence. I encourage everyone to reflect on this person and express gratitude, even if it's years later. Additionally, we can all strive to be that trusted and inspiring figure for someone else, regardless of our position in life. Our words and actions matter, and we never know the true impact they may have on others. It's important to remember that good leaders help us trust and believe in them, but the best leaders help us trust and believe in ourselves. So let's all aim to be the best leaders we can be, both in our personal and professional lives.

    • Leading through influence, character, and compassionAnyone can lead by connecting people to purpose and meaning, inspiring trust and empathy in others

      Leadership is not limited to formal management roles. Anyone, regardless of their profession, can lead through their influence, character, caring, empathy, and compassion. The world needs more trust, empathy, compassion, and love. Leading by connecting people to purpose and meaning can bring about a renaissance of trust and inspiration. Steven Covey's book "Trust and Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others" is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to become a trust-inspiring person and leader. Visit trustandinspire.com to learn more and purchase the book. Connect with Steven on social media at @StevenMRCovey. The book aims to inspire individuals to live a better way and bring out the best in those around them. Please follow, subscribe, rate, or review the Sharon Says So podcast, and share this episode with others to support podcasters. This podcast was written, researched, produced, edited, and mixed by Sharon McMahon, Heather Jackson, and Jenny Snyder. Thank you for listening.

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    Supervising Producer: Melanie Buck Parks

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder 

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    Supervising Producer: Melanie Buck Parks

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder 

    Writers: Amy Watkin, Sharon McMahon

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    The Ken Blanchard Companies





    Music-"Homesick" Copyright 2018. Written by Shireen Amini. Produced by Shireen Amini and Mike Davidson of Plaid Dog Recording (Boston, MA).

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