
    What They’re Not Telling You About The Recent Police Shootings (Ep 1501)

    enApril 16, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Dispelling incomplete narratives on police shootings and promoting online privacyDan Bongino's show provides factual information on controversial topics, debunks false narratives, promotes online privacy using ExpressVPN, and offers a balanced perspective on current events.

      Dan Bongino's show aims to provide factual information on controversial topics, such as police shootings, without promoting chaos or anger. In the latest episode, he plans to discuss a police shooting incident in Chicago and debunk any potential narratives that may be incomplete or inaccurate. Additionally, Bongino emphasizes the importance of protecting one's data online and encourages the use of ExpressVPN to ensure privacy. He also warns against the manipulation of information by those looking to cause anger and chaos. The show will also touch on a Russian collusion story and provide a thorough analysis of the facts. Overall, Bongino's show aims to provide a balanced perspective on current events, debunk false narratives, and promote privacy and security online.

    • Consider all available evidence and context before jumping to conclusionsMisinterpretations can occur from incomplete information. Wait for the full context before forming an opinion.

      The context and full video of an incident are crucial in understanding the situation, rather than relying solely on still images or partial information. In the case of the shooting of Adam Toledo, a 13-year-old boy, a still image of him with his hands up in a dark alley late at night could easily be misconstrued as police brutality. However, when the full video is viewed, it reveals that the officers were responding to a gunshot call and had reason to believe their lives were in danger, as the boy was seen with a gun during the foot pursuit. It's essential to consider all available evidence and context before jumping to conclusions.

    • Limited perception during police encountersBody language and positioning can impact an officer's ability to see the whole scene during high-stress situations. Misunderstandings based on limited information can have serious consequences.

      During a high-stress situation like a police encounter, an officer's perception and ability to see the whole scene can be limited. The body language and positioning of an individual can significantly impact what the officer can see and process in the moment. In the discussed case, the subject's use of a tactic called "blading" made it difficult for the officer to see if the subject had dropped a firearm. This misunderstanding of the situation can have serious consequences. It's essential to consider the complexities of these situations and not jump to conclusions based on limited information or still images. The use of professional analysis and understanding of police procedures can lead to a more accurate understanding of the events.

    • Focus on threat narrows attention during high-stress situationsDuring stressful encounters, the body's natural response can limit peripheral vision and focus on the threat, potentially leading to misunderstandings and dangerous situations. Media portrayals can also be manipulated, further complicating the situation.

      During high-stress situations, such as encounters with potentially armed individuals, a person's selective attention focuses on the threat, making it difficult to notice other details in their peripheral vision. This is due to the body's natural fight or flight response, which increases heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate, while also narrowing focus. Additionally, the media's portrayal of such incidents can be manipulated, as shown in the example of CBS News footage being suspiciously cropped, potentially altering the public's perception of events. These factors combined can contribute to misunderstandings and potentially dangerous situations.

    • Media and Intelligence Community Trust: Raising DoubtsQuestion media accuracy, seek thorough explanations, scrutinize intelligence community motives, and rebuild trust through transparency and accuracy.

      The trust in media and intelligence community is being questioned due to perceived intentional omissions and past incidents. The CBS News tweet showing an image of hands up without the visible presence of a firearm raised doubts about media accuracy. The intelligence community's involvement in past hoaxes, such as the Russia gate scandal, has further eroded trust. It's essential to question information and seek thorough explanations to understand the context behind events. In the case of the CBS News tweet, a scientific article explaining police errors provided a better understanding of the situation. Similarly, it's crucial to scrutinize the motives and potential biases of intelligence community leaks. Trust needs to be earned, and transparency and accuracy are key to rebuilding it.

    • Media hoax on Russian bounties on US troopsThe media's eagerness to report sensational stories without thorough fact-checking can lead to the spread of false information, causing harm and damaging reputations.

      The media's sensational reporting on alleged Russian bounties on American troops in Afghanistan turned out to be a hoax. The story was based on information from an Afghan detainee and was widely promoted by major news outlets despite doubts about its accuracy. However, it was later revealed that the story was fabricated, and the intelligence used to support it may have been politically motivated. The media's eagerness to report on the story, without thoroughly fact-checking it, highlights the importance of critical analysis and skepticism in journalism. The incident serves as a reminder that sensational headlines and political biases can lead to the spread of false information, potentially causing harm and damaging reputations.

    • Media Outlets Spreading False StoriesCertain media outlets have a history of spreading false stories, which can lead to inaccurate information and potential consequences. Fact-checking is crucial to prevent the spread of misinformation.

      Certain media outlets, such as CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, MSNBC, and The Daily Beast, have a history of spreading false stories while simultaneously criticizing others for misinformation. The Daily Beast, in particular, was called out for publishing multiple articles with similar headlines about Russian bounties for killing American soldiers, which later turned out to be inaccurate. The speaker expressed disappointment and concern, as he had previously worked with dedicated intelligence community professionals. The incident highlights the importance of fact-checking and the potential consequences of spreading misinformation.

    • Politicization of Intelligence and MediaConcerns about false info targeting political parties, Russian bounty story exposed as hoax, individuals with political agenda orchestrating actions, demand transparency from those in power

      There are concerns about the politicization of the intelligence community and the media, with some individuals leaking false information to target one political party while hiding negative information about others. This was exemplified by the Russian bounty story, which was exposed as a hoax at the same time that information about Paul Manafort sharing polling data with a Russian agent was released. The speaker believes that these actions are not accidental, but rather orchestrated by individuals with a political agenda who have abandoned their oath to uphold civil rights and act in the best interests of the country. The hardworking intelligence operatives on the ground should not be tarnished by the actions of those at the top. It's crucial to question those in power and demand transparency.

    • Inconsistent handling of sensitive sourcesThe intelligence community's handling of sources like Constantine Kalimnik, who had connections to both Russia and the Trump campaign, was inconsistent and politically motivated, raising questions about trust and bias.

      The intelligence community's handling of sources like Constantine Kalimnik, who had connections to both Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, has been inconsistent and politically motivated. Kalimnik was a sensitive intelligence source for the State Department since at least 2013 while working for Paul Manafort. He interacted with US embassy officials and provided extensive reports on the Ukrainian government. However, when it was discovered that he was still in contact with Manafort during Trump's campaign, he was labeled as a Russian spy and became a target of investigation. This raises questions about why the intelligence community did not disclose this information earlier and why they chose to label Kalimnik as a Russian spy only during the Trump administration. The inconsistent handling of sources like Kalimnik undermines public trust in the intelligence community and fuels accusations of political bias. It is essential to scrutinize the motivations and methods of the intelligence community when they make allegations of collusion or Russian interference.

    • Protecting your identity with LifelockLifelock helps secure your identity by detecting potential threats and alerting you, providing peace of mind with dedicated restoration specialists.

      Protecting your identity is crucial in today's world, and Lifelock can help you do that by detecting potential identity threats and alerting you. This service provides peace of mind knowing that you have dedicated restoration specialists to help if needed. While we cannot prevent all identity theft, Lifelock can help secure what's yours. Meanwhile, in less serious news, unexplained UFO sightings have been making headlines, with recent Navy footage of a triangular object hovering in the sky. The technology behind this object remains a mystery, with no apparent propulsion or emissions. It could be a technology we're unfamiliar with or one that doesn't exist on Earth. The military is investigating, leaving us all wondering about the possibilities. Stay informed by following the newsletter at bongino.com/newsletter.

    • Police Stress and Taser-Firearm MistakesPolice officers under stress may mistakenly use their firearm instead of their Taser due to 'capture error', which occurs when less frequent actions are replaced by more familiar ones. This mistake can lead to serious consequences, highlighting the importance of better police training to prevent such incidents.

      Police officers under stress may mistakenly grab their firearm instead of their Taser due to a phenomenon called "capture error." This error occurs when an infrequent action, like drawing a Taser, is unconsciously replaced by a more familiar and practiced action, like drawing a firearm. Research suggests that this error is more likely to happen when officers are occupied by other mental processes, such as threat assessments or communication efforts. Since officers are trained to access their firearm much more frequently than their Taser, it's not surprising that this mistake occurs occasionally. This misstep, though rare, can have serious consequences. Therefore, it's essential to understand this phenomenon to promote better police training and reduce the likelihood of such incidents.

    • Focusing on perceived threats narrows perception during high-stress situationsDuring intense focus on a perceived threat, individuals may overlook important details and shut down peripheral vision, potentially leading to mistakes

      During high-stress situations, people, including police officers, focus selectively on the perceived threat and may default to their lowest level of training, potentially leading to mistakes. This selective attention can cause individuals to overlook other important details or stimuli around them. For instance, during a foot pursuit, an officer's peripheral vision shuts down, and they may only focus on the threat, such as a knife or firearm, disregarding other factors. This phenomenon, described in a Four Science piece, is expected when a person is intensely focused on a perceived threat. Under calm circumstances, our heart rate is around 50-100 beats per minute, allowing us to think clearly and distinguish between different objects. However, during high-stress situations, our heart rate increases, and our perception narrows, making it difficult to differentiate between a firearm and a Taser, for example. This doesn't excuse any actions but sheds light on the cognitive processes that can occur during high-stress encounters.

    • Reverting to old habits under stressPeople under stress may resort to old habits, even when new methods are more effective. Constant red zone training can help individuals operate effectively under stress and prevent dangerous mistakes.

      Under stress, people tend to revert to their old habits and training, even when they know the new method is more effective. This was evident in the case of police officers transitioning from manual to automatic brakes in the 1980s. Despite knowing they shouldn't pump the brakes, they did so out of habit, rendering the automatic brakes useless. This phenomenon, known as "resorting to the lowest level of training," can be dangerous in high-stress situations. The solution, according to the speaker, is constant repetitive red zone training, where individuals are trained to operate under stress and in high-pressure situations. This can help prevent the shutting down of peripheral vision and other stress responses that can interfere with effective decision-making and response. The speaker emphasizes the importance of training in the red zone all the time to prepare for emergencies and avoid making fatal mistakes.

    • Family vs Wildlife: Dan's DecisionDan prioritizes family over wildlife and emphasizes the protector role, encouraging listeners to subscribe to his show.

      The host, Dan Bongino, expressed his deep love for his family and animals, but if it came down to choosing between his wife and a bobcat, he would choose his wife without hesitation. He emphasized the role of a protector and defender, admiring the "bobcat guy" for his actions. Overall, the message conveyed was the importance of family and the lengths one would go to ensure their safety and well-being. Additionally, Dan Bongino encouraged his audience to subscribe to his video show and appreciated their support, with the show almost reaching 1.5 million subscribers. He ended the podcast by thanking his listeners and signing off for the day.

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