
    What Tools Do I Need To Overcome My Fear of Flying?

    enDecember 26, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Intentional Effort in Building and Maintaining RelationshipsIntentional effort is crucial for building and maintaining meaningful relationships, including finding a partner after trauma. Prioritize friendships, be open to new connections, and find common interests through shared hobbies or podcasts. Authenticity and honesty are key.

      Building and maintaining meaningful relationships, including finding a partner after experiencing trauma, requires intentional effort. John DeLoney shares his personal experience of becoming too busy and isolated in 2022, despite his public advocacy for community and connection. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing friendships and being open to new relationships. Additionally, the discussion touches upon the value of finding common interests through shared hobbies or podcasts, even if they may seem obscure to others. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of authenticity and honesty in relationships, and the need to make time for building and nurturing connections.

    • Anxiety as a response to fear of losing controlRecognize anxiety as a response, focus on what we can influence, practice relaxation techniques, have a strong support system, and express feelings to manage anxiety.

      Anxiety can be triggered by a fear of losing control in various aspects of life, such as flying or personal relationships. Anxiety functions as an alarm system, scanning the environment for things that feel out of control. It's natural to want to hold onto good things, but when we cling too tightly, our fear response can be heightened. Our brains haven't evolved to process the concept of flying in a metal tube at high altitudes, so it's normal to feel anxious about it. However, it's essential to recognize that anxiety is just a response and not a reflection of reality. Instead of trying to control everything, focusing on what we can influence and practicing relaxation techniques can help manage anxiety. Additionally, having a strong support system and expressing our feelings can provide comfort and perspective during challenging times.

    • Managing Anxiety About FlyingAnxiety is normal, accept it and find ways to manage it like smiling, deep breaths, and reflecting on the present moment.

      Managing anxiety, especially when it comes to flying, involves accepting the situation and letting go of the fight. The speaker shares her personal experience of getting anxious about flying and the steps she takes to cope with it. She acknowledges the irrational thoughts that come with anxiety and instead of fighting them, she forces a smile, takes deep breaths, and reminds herself that she has put her life in the hands of the pilots. Other techniques she uses include packing last minute, chewing gum, and listening to calming music. The speaker also encourages reflecting on the question of what if today is the last day we see our loved ones, as a way to appreciate the present moment and live fully. Overall, the key takeaway is that anxiety is a normal part of life, and instead of fighting it, we can learn to accept it and find ways to manage it.

    • Expressing love and preparing for the futureWrite letters to loved ones, cherish the present, accept change, and live non-anxiously to lead a fulfilling life

      Cherishing the present moment and being prepared for the future are both important aspects of living a fulfilling life. The speaker shares his practice of writing letters to his kids as a way to express love and leave a lasting message. He also emphasizes the importance of accepting the inevitability of change and practicing living non-anxiously, even during good times. The speaker encourages letting go of fear and worry, and instead, focusing on enjoying the present and being prepared for potential challenges. By doing so, we can live a more peaceful and contented life.

    • Struggling with true happiness despite resourcesExplore deep-rooted emotional issues, seek support from trusted individuals, and consider therapy for healing and new relationships.

      Despite being surrounded by joyful things and having various resources at our disposal, some people may still struggle with feeling truly happy and recharged. This can be due to deep-rooted emotional issues, such as unresolved conflicts or grief. These challenges may not be solved by quick fixes or hacks, but rather require introspection, self-awareness, and support from trusted individuals, including friends, mentors, or therapists. For those considering therapy, online platforms like BetterHelp can offer convenience, flexibility, and affordability. It's essential to examine our motivations and desires, and determine whether we're holding onto past hurts or genuinely seeking healing and new relationships.

    • Imagine and work towards desired relationship with estranged familyVisualize ideal future interactions, identify gaps, write heartfelt letter, validate self, and choose healing

      It's important to imagine and work towards the relationship we desire with our estranged family members, specifically focusing on the emotions we want to experience with them. By painting a vivid picture of our ideal future interactions, we can identify what's missing in our current relationship and take steps towards bridging the gap. This may involve writing a heartfelt letter expressing our feelings and inviting them to spend quality time together. This process not only benefits our emotional well-being but also allows us to validate ourselves and make a choice to either continue the status quo or take action towards healing the relationship. Ultimately, it's a gift to ourselves to call for the connection we've been longing for.

    • Letting go of anger towards a parentRecognize past actions can't be changed, decide whether to seek reconciliation or move on, and focus on present relationship potential.

      Holding onto anger and hatred towards a parent for their past actions can be detrimental to one's own emotional wellbeing. The speaker suggests writing a letter to express feelings, but ultimately, the decision to reconcile or move on is a personal one. It's important to recognize that only the individual can decide what comes next in their relationship with their father, and no one can change the past. The speaker also advises taking the father-daughter relationship off the plate and focusing on the present and potential future relationship between the two. Ultimately, the choice is between grieving the father's absence or seeking reconciliation, both of which come with their own risks and rewards. The speaker encourages being clear about what one wants the relationship to look like moving forward.

    • Childhood Trauma's Impact on RelationshipsBeing open and honest about past traumas, even if uncomfortable, can lead to stronger, healthier relationships.

      Being clear and direct, even if it comes across as harsh, leads to better communication and understanding. Melanie shared her experience of childhood sexual abuse and the impact it had on her relationships. She was abused between the ages of 7 and 11 by a family friend, and her parents didn't find out until she was 17. The abuse left her feeling misunderstood and unable to trust in relationships. She had one unhealthy relationship and now struggles to trust anyone. The book "Own Your Past, Change Your Future" can help provide insight and tools for dealing with past traumas and moving forward in relationships. The key is to be open and honest about past experiences, even if it's uncomfortable, to build stronger, healthier relationships.

    • Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Adult Sexual Self-ConceptChildhood sexual abuse can disrupt an individual's sexual self-concept, leading to complex emotions and behaviors in adult relationships. Healing requires acknowledgement, support, and professional help from a trauma-informed therapist.

      Childhood sexual abuse significantly impacts the development of an individual's sexual self-concept, leading to complex emotions and behaviors in adult intimate relationships. The sexual self-concept is a combination of personal beliefs and experiences, and when it's disrupted by abuse, it can result in feelings of being broken, unworthy, or a burden. Survivors may struggle with anxiety, fear, and mistrust in relationships, leading to avoidance or unhealthy patterns. Healing from these experiences requires acknowledgement, support, and professional help. Trying to power through the anxiety or avoid seeking help can lead to further distress and shutdowns. It's essential to find a trauma-informed therapist and share the full story of the abuse to begin the healing process.

    • Healing from a chaotic and traumatic childhoodAcknowledge past experiences, create new connections, practice self-care, establish healthy boundaries, find support, develop new identity, and communicate needs for healthy relationships and growth.

      Healing from a chaotic and traumatic childhood involves facing the past, creating new connections, practicing self-care, and establishing healthy boundaries. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and processing past experiences, not to relive them, but to enable the formation of healthy adult relationships. They suggest finding a trusted group of women and engaging in movement practices as part of the healing process. Additionally, developing a new identity based on self-worth and clear communication of needs is crucial for building healthy relationships and overcoming the anxiety that can result from a traumatic upbringing. The speaker acknowledges that these steps may be challenging, but they are necessary for true healing and growth.

    • Reminding Ellie of her worth and encouraging healingEveryone deserves love and healing, despite past traumas. Seek help and allow yourself to grieve.

      Everyone deserves love and worth more than being used for others' needs. Ellie, a survivor of sexual assault, was reminded of her inherent value and encouraged to seek help from a trauma therapist. It's not easy to ask for help, especially when dealing with past traumas, but it's a crucial step towards healing and finding peace. Many people may feel powerless when trying to help loved ones make positive changes, but it's essential to acknowledge the difficulty and allow ourselves to grieve. Ultimately, everyone has the capacity to heal and become a beacon of light for themselves and others. Remember, you're worth it.

    • Embrace the journey of self-improvementFocus on thoughts and behaviors to change yourself, commit to healing and creating new identities, remember 'We're teaching each other how to fly'.

      You have the power to change yourself, regardless of external circumstances. Whether you're dealing with past traumas or enjoying a season of blessings, focusing on your thoughts and behaviors is the only thing you can truly control. As the speaker encourages, "You are worth it. Those that you love are worth it." So, let's embark on the new year with a commitment to healing, making new habits, and creating new identities. Remember, "We're teaching each other how to fly." The Foo Fighters' song "Learning to Fly" perfectly encapsulates this message: "I'm looking for a complication, looking cause I'm tired of lying, make my way back home when I learn to fly high." Let's all strive to learn to fly and embrace the journey of self-improvement together.

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    For those seeking help today, BetterHelp is a valuable resource, and you can learn more and sign up at betterhelp.com/greatness.

    In this episode you will learn

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    • The importance of self-love in fostering healthy relationships.
    • Tips for processing trauma and grief.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1528

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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