
    What Your Customer Will Tell You | Marketing for the Now #7

    enJuly 25, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected encounters can lead to valuable mentorship and leadership opportunitiesBe open to serendipitous encounters and the role they can play in personal and professional growth. Do something you love and stay passionate about it, even when the path may not be clear.

      Mentorship and leadership can come from unexpected places. Musa Tariq, a guest on the Marketing for the Now podcast, shared his personal experience of losing both parents and having to pivot his career. He emphasized the importance of meeting someone who guided him in marketing, which was a random encounter in a restaurant. This experience shaped Musa's perspective on leadership and mentorship, and he believes that successful people talk about luck as the intersection of chance and opportunity. The conversation underscores the significance of being open to serendipitous encounters and the role they can play in personal and professional growth. Additionally, Musa highlighted the importance of doing something you love and being passionate about it, even when the path may not be clear.

    • Unexpected encounters can lead to valuable opportunitiesStaying open to new experiences and connections can lead to unexpected opportunities and mentors. Be aware of your current circumstances and skill sets, and embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth.

      Being open to new experiences and connections, even if they're not initially desired, can lead to valuable opportunities. This was exemplified by the speaker's unexpected encounter at a dinner that led to a mentor figure in their industry. Now, the speaker aims to pay it forward by providing guidance to those seeking careers in the same industry, particularly those who have lost their jobs. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being realistic about one's current circumstances and skill sets, as well as being aware of the job market. They also acknowledge the struggle with accepting reality and the temptation to escape it, but encourage embracing shortcomings and adversity as opportunities for growth. The speaker also notes the shift towards individual creativity in the digital age, with platforms like TikTok allowing for a wider range of voices to be heard. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of staying grounded in reality, being open to new experiences, and supporting each other through career transitions.

    • Shift from connecting to showcasing creativity on TikTokBrands adapt quickly during COVID-19, but individuals, especially creators, excel in creativity. Swift decision-making is crucial for brands, and effective leaders make decisions based on experience, even if it means learning from mistakes.

      Platforms like TikTok have shifted the focus from connecting people to showcasing creativity, leading to an explosion of innovative content. Brands have adapted well during COVID-19, but individuals, particularly creators, excel in creativity. A strong foundation is essential for quick decision-making in brands, allowing them to build and execute ideas rapidly. Effective leaders make decisions swiftly, based on years of experience, and sometimes it's better to make a quick decision and learn from mistakes than to overthink and miss opportunities. Musa Jansen's insights were highly valued, and the upcoming guest, Stephanie McMahon of WWE, is a trailblazer in global brand growth and championing gender equality in professional wrestling.

    • Impact of Proactive Leadership on Gender Equality in WWEProactive leadership in WWE transformed the representation of women in wrestling through equal training, opportunities, and audience response.

      Leadership that reacts proactively, especially in the realm of gender equality, can make a significant impact. This was highlighted during a conversation between Stephanie McMahon and Gary Vaynerchuk, where they discussed the evolution of women's wrestling in the WWE. McMahon shared her experience growing up with limited representation for women in the sport and how the organization has transformed over the past two decades. She attributed this progress to training and recruiting female athletes equally, giving them the same opportunities, and responding to audience demand for better representation. McMahon also shared insights into navigating a family business with a strong patriarchal figure, emphasizing the importance of persistence and respecting the dynamic between family and business. Overall, the conversation underscored the power of proactive leadership and the importance of giving underrepresented groups a chance to shine.

    • Effective listening in leadershipCEO Vince McMahon listens to fans, audiences, social media, and employees to gather ideas, admit mistakes, and adapt during challenges, leading to consistent content and talent development in WWE.

      Effective listening is a crucial aspect of successful leadership. Vince McMahon, the CEO of WWE, is a prime example of this, as he listens to fans, live audiences, social media, and employees to gather ideas and improve his business. Admitting mistakes and learning from them is also essential for growth. McMahon's ability to adapt and pivot during challenging times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, has kept WWE producing content consistently and reimagining their business while staying true to their mission. Impressive talent development in WWE, like Becky Lynch and Drew McIntyre, is also attributed to listening and learning from various sources. Overall, the importance of listening and learning from different perspectives cannot be overstated in leadership and business success.

    • Adapting to changing consumer behaviors during the pandemicWWE focuses on safe entertainment and digital consumption while Hinge sees increased demand for meaningful connections and deeper conversations.

      Both WWE and individuals have adapted to changing consumer behaviors during the pandemic, with WWE focusing on safe entertainment and digital consumption becoming more prevalent. Stephanie McMahon shared her own experience of transitioning to digital consumption and the need for a more creative approach to advertising in this new landscape. Meanwhile, Hinge CEO Justin McLeod discussed the increased demand for meaningful connections and deeper conversations in the dating scene, as people crave genuine human interaction during isolation. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of adapting to new trends and consumer needs in the face of unprecedented challenges.

    • Learning from successful users on HingeObserving successful individuals and learning from their experiences can lead to valuable insights and innovations

      Hinge, a dating app, is not only focused on helping people find love but also on understanding why some users are successful and others aren't. To accomplish this, Hinge has a research division called Hinge Labs. This team follows successful users and observes their behaviors to teach others effective dating strategies. For entrepreneurs, the origin story of Hinge's founder, Justin McLeod, is inspiring. He grew up rebellious and went through a period of drug and alcohol addiction before deciding to turn his life around the day he graduated from college. His personal experiences influenced his creation of Hinge, making it a relatable and effective dating platform. The key takeaway is that observing successful individuals and learning from their experiences can lead to valuable insights and innovations.

    • Story of reaching out to an ex and pivoting a businessAdaptability and resilience are crucial in personal relationships and entrepreneurship. Pivot when necessary and invest in setup for productivity.

      Adaptability and resilience are key in both personal relationships and entrepreneurship. Justin McLeod, the founder of Hinge, shared his story of reaching out to an ex-girlfriend after Harvard Business School only to be rejected, but later finding love with someone else. He also discussed his experience pivoting his business during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the early stages, Hinge pulled back on marketing spend due to uncertainty, but later realized people wanted their product more than ever. They then focused on helping people date during social distancing. McLeod also mentioned the importance of investing in one's setup while working from home, specifically mentioning a felt yoga ball as a game changer for his friends and himself. Overall, McLeod's story highlights the importance of being prepared to adapt and pivot in various aspects of life.

    • Company culture and open communication in challenging timesStrong company culture and open communication can lead to increased engagement, innovation, and bonding during remote work.

      Even in challenging times, strong company culture and open communication can lead to unexpectedly high levels of engagement and innovation. The speaker was pleasantly surprised by how well their organization has navigated remote work, attributing it to their defined cultural values and intentional efforts to create human connections. This moment of crisis has actually strengthened their team's bond and allowed them to innovate and share ideas across departments. Jen, the next guest, shares a similar perspective, having experienced the harsh realities of a culture of cruelty in her past as an elite gymnast. Her experiences have led her to advocate for change and use her voice to raise awareness about the importance of creating healthy, supportive environments.

    • Speaking up for personal experiences and standing up for what's rightConfidently sharing experiences and taking bold stands can lead to positive change and personal growth.

      Having the confidence to speak up about personal experiences and standing up for what is right, even in the face of intense criticism and opposition, can lead to positive change and personal growth. The speaker, a former gymnast and early whistleblower against abuse in the sport, shared her experience of writing a book about her experiences and facing intense backlash, but also connecting with others and eventually producing a film about the issue. This experience helped her build confidence and led her to take bold stands in her professional life, ultimately becoming a leader in one of the most iconic brands in the world. Additionally, the speaker shared how her willingness to take risks and be authentic, even when it was uncomfortable, freed her to bring her full self to work and led to success in her career.

    • Gaining a unique perspective through personal experiencesEmbrace individuality, learn from losses, and prioritize well-being for personal growth and fulfillment

      Having an outsider's perspective can provide unique insights and challenges the status quo. This was evident in the speaker's experience growing up in the world of competitive gymnastics, where she spent most of her childhood training intensely and missing out on a normal childhood. Later in life, she developed a competitive spirit in business and marketing, but values fair competition and the importance of mental and physical well-being for athletes. The speaker also emphasized the importance of accepting losses and learning from them, rather than focusing solely on winning. Overall, her experiences shaped her perspective on the value of individuality, resilience, and the importance of finding what brings happiness and fulfillment.

    • Blending Art and Science in LeadershipEffective leadership requires a balance of understanding culture and data, treating everyone with dignity and respect, and building strong relationships through authenticity, empathy, and communication.

      Effective leadership requires a blend of art and science, an understanding of culture and data, and a focus on building strong relationships. The speaker, a mother of four and senior executive, emphasizes the importance of treating everyone with dignity and respect, and allowing the full picture of who they are to be seen. She also shares her experience as a parent and how it has influenced her leadership style, emphasizing the importance of building trust and communication with children to foster strong relationships as they grow into adults. The speaker also reflects on the impact of her personal experiences and collections on her life, and the importance of finding time for reading and personal growth despite the demands of a busy schedule. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of authenticity, empathy, and communication in both personal and professional relationships.

    • Importance of distinguishing fact from fiction in digital ageSocial entrepreneur Alan Miller founded News Literacy Project to help students navigate unreliable sources of information and become informed participants in society

      During challenging times, finding escapism through various means, such as exercise or serious content, can help maintain mental sanity. Alan Miller, a social entrepreneur and founder of the News Literacy Project, emphasizes the importance of being able to discern fact from fiction in the digital age. He shared his personal motivation for starting the project after recognizing the need for students to navigate the vast and often unreliable sources of information. Alan's career in journalism, including a Pulitzer Prize, led him to this mission, and his dedication to creating a well-informed public is commendable. The News Literacy Project provides valuable resources and tools for educators and students to better understand news and information, ensuring they can engage in their communities and country as informed participants.

    • Teaching news literacy skills to navigate misinformationIn the digital age, it's crucial for individuals to take personal responsibility for being informed consumers of news and information, and the News Literacy Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching these skills to the public.

      We are living in an era of widespread misinformation, and it's more important than ever for individuals to take personal responsibility for being informed consumers of news and information. The News Literacy Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching these skills to the public and equipping the next generation to navigate the challenging information ecosystem. The stakes are high, as misinformation can have serious consequences for our democracy and public health. The proliferation of misinformation is a result of the digital age, which has created more information and voices but also allowed anyone to be their own publisher with no accountability or transparency. Personal responsibility is crucial in combating the spread of misinformation, and it's essential that we all strive to be informed and fact-checked before sharing information. The urgency of this mission has never been greater, as we have seen during the pandemic, Black Lives Matter protests, and the election.

    • Be mindful and critical when consuming and sharing newsMisinformation spreads easily and can harm individuals and society. Ask questions, check sources, and consider credibility before sharing.

      We all have a responsibility to be more mindful and critical when consuming and sharing news and information. Misinformation spreads easily and can harm individuals and society as a whole. We need to ask questions, check sources, and consider the credibility and intentions behind what we share. Organizations also have a role to play in promoting factual information and reducing the incentives for spreading misinformation. As Alan mentioned, we should strive for less certainty and more inquiry before sharing or acting on information. It's important to remember that our actions, whether intentional or not, can have consequences. Let's all do our part to create a future founded on facts. To learn more, visit newslit.org, checkology.org, or download the Informable app.

    • Thomas Renise's Unique Background in Government, Consulting, and TechThomas Renise, Uber's new VP of Global Marketing, brings a diverse background from government, consulting, and tech giants to his role. He emphasizes the importance of understanding stakeholders and breaking down complex problems into manageable pieces.

      Thomas Renise, Uber's new VP of Global Marketing, brings a unique and unconventional background to his role. With a career spanning various industries and sectors, including policy and government, consulting, and tech giants like Google and Uber, Thomas emphasizes the importance of breaking down complex problems into manageable pieces and understanding stakeholders. He shares that his experience in government, despite its challenges, has been invaluable for his work in business, particularly in today's environment where the role of brands and businesses in the community is evolving. Thomas spent a decade at Google, where he held various leadership roles, and recently joined Uber, recognizing the opportunity to contribute to the ride-hailing giant during a pivotal time. His diverse experiences have given him a wealth of knowledge to draw upon in his current position.

    • Uber's Role as a Force for GoodUber has the potential to address global issues through its infrastructure, reach, and innovation, demonstrated during the COVID-19 crisis by staying close to authorities, keeping essential services running, and urging safety.

      Uber, despite its past challenges, has the potential to be a powerful force for good by leveraging its infrastructure, reach, and innovation to address global issues such as sustainability, redefining work, and fighting pandemics. During the COVID-19 crisis, Uber demonstrated its crisis management skills and took on the role of a "citizen leader" by staying close to government authorities, keeping essential services running, and urging people to stay safe. Uber's CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, has shown strong leadership, and the company has learned valuable lessons from its past. In times of chaos, Uber's rigorous operational structure and essential service status make it uniquely positioned to make a positive impact.

    • Doing the right thing for communities during crisesCompanies prioritize community well-being over business interests, communicate and respond quickly, and stay grounded in the human experience during crises.

      During times of crisis, companies must prioritize doing the right thing for their communities over business interests. Uber, for instance, put health authority information in their app early on and encouraged people to limit rides to help flatten the curve. They even ran ads asking people not to use their product, which was a career-limiting move but the responsible thing to do. The speed of communication and response has become crucial in today's rapidly changing world, enabling real-time marketing and pivoting quickly to address new situations. The pandemic has led to an increased focus on human connections, with simple pleasures like walking the dog in the park and having proper meals at the dinner table becoming more cherished. While there may be new trends emerging, it's essential to stay grounded in the human experience and prioritize the well-being of the community.

    • The value of human connections over technologyDespite technology's convenience, cherishing human connections can lead to more memorable experiences. Diversify skills, leverage creativity, and increase board participation of black professionals are ways to succeed professionally.

      Human connections and relationships can bring more memorable experiences than relying solely on technology. The speaker shared her struggle with her partner's online shopping habits leading to an excess of cardboard in recycling. However, she found joy in reaching out to old friends and family, cherishing these human connections more than some technological advancements. Additionally, Lockie Andrews, a guest on the podcast, discussed her diverse background and career journey, emphasizing the importance of commercializing creativity and leveraging skills to succeed in various industries. The conversation also touched upon Andrews' recent initiative, the Black 100, aimed at increasing board participation of black professionals at Fortune 1,000 companies. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of maintaining human connections and finding unique ways to succeed in professional and personal life.

    • Bridging marketing and operations through technologyEffective marketing leadership requires a deep understanding of both technical and creative aspects, communication, adaptability, humility, and social consciousness to navigate unexpected challenges and seize opportunities.

      Effective leadership in marketing involves a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects of the field. This was exemplified in the speaker's experience at Nantucket, where they served as the bridge between marketing and operations, enabling the company to scale through the use of the right technology stack. However, even with a solid plan in place, unexpected challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic can disrupt progress. In such situations, strong leadership involves communication, adaptability, and humility, as demonstrated by the speaker's quick response and ability to launch new technologies during the crisis. Additionally, recognizing opportunities to make a positive impact, such as the Black 100 project, can lead to significant change. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of being agile, adaptable, and socially conscious in marketing leadership.

    • Harvard Alumni Initiative to Place 100 Black Executives on Fortune 1,000 BoardsHarvard alumni aim to place 100 black executives on Fortune 1,000 boards by 2021 through a marketplace, professional development, and network effects. Emphasis on diversity, creativity, and consumer centricity in corporate boards.

      A group of Harvard Business School alumni are determined to place 100 exceptionally qualified black executives on Fortune 1,000 company boards by the end of 2021. They plan to do this by building a marketplace to align the supply of talented individuals with the demand for board positions. This initiative is driven by the belief that business principles and network effects can be leveraged to create meaningful change. The group, which includes the Leadership Now Project, aims to provide professional development and training to help close the gap in representation. The speakers also discussed the importance of diversity in perspectives and the need for more creativity and consumer centricity on corporate boards. They encourage individuals to refer talented black people in their networks and are excited about the potential cascading effects this initiative could have, potentially extending to management teams and beyond. Dina Bari, the final guest, shared her background in building beloved consumer brands and the potential for interesting finds on her bookshelves.

    • Leadership in challenging times: Combining logic and empathyEffective leaders prioritize connection, adaptability, and growth mindset to navigate business landscape changes, fostering creativity, resilience, and team success.

      Effective leadership in today's challenging climate requires a holistic approach, combining left and right brain thinking and empathy. The ability to integrate diverse perspectives and appreciate the whole self at work is crucial for fostering creativity, resilience, and adaptability in teams. During COVID-19, leaders must prioritize keeping their teams connected and encouraged, while also embracing new constraints and adapting to digital solutions. The experiences of navigating past challenges, such as economic downturns and business failures, can make leaders more resilient and better equipped to guide their teams through unforeseen circumstances. By focusing on adaptability and growth mindset, teams can not only survive but thrive in this ever-changing business landscape.

    • Consumers turning to classic products and proven value during uncertain timesDuring economic downturns, consumers seek out enduring classics and proven value, leading to increased sales of classic sneaker silhouettes and record-breaking numbers for brands like Jordan. The release of documentaries and content that contextualizes these products within their cultural relevance can help expand reach and connect with a global community.

      During uncertain times, consumers are turning to enduring classics and proven value when it comes to their spending. The sneaker market, in particular, has seen a surge in sales of classic silhouettes, with brands like Jordan experiencing record-breaking sales. The release of the documentary "The Last Dance" about Michael Jordan and the Bulls has also played a significant role in this trend, reintroducing people to Jordan Brand shoes and making them top sellers on platforms like StockX. The company has responded by producing content that contextualizes these products within their cultural relevance and the stories of the creators who use them to express themselves. This approach has helped StockX to expand its reach and connect with a global community during the pandemic.

    • The importance of authentic and engaging content in DTC businessesProviding unique and engaging customer experiences, both online and offline, fosters loyalty and growth in DTC businesses through authentic and relevant content

      In today's direct-to-consumer business landscape, content production is not just an optional marketing tool but a necessity for brands to establish a deeper connection with their customers. Brands that own their channels and engage their audience with authentic and relevant content can build trust, showcase their expertise, and create a sense of community. During a conversation about Detroit, the guest shared their positive experience of the city's welcoming community and their discovery of a favorite Lebanese restaurant, Leila, which not only served delicious food but also offered a cosmopolitan vibe. This anecdote highlights the importance of providing a unique and engaging customer experience, both online and offline, to foster loyalty and growth. Stay tuned for next week's episode featuring speakers from the American Heart Association, General Mills, JetBlue, Shell, and the author and motivational speaker, Ryan Holiday.

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    Stanford eCorner content is produced by the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. At STVP, we empower aspiring entrepreneurs to become global citizens who create and scale responsible innovations.


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