
    What’s Holding You Back From Changing Your Life?

    en-usApril 12, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Evaluating Concerns About Moving Out Before Finishing CollegeDespite concerns about managing finances and independence, moving out before finishing college can be a normal part of growing up, especially if you have a history of responsible money management.

      It's natural to have concerns when considering making a major life decision, such as moving out of your parents' house before finishing college. These concerns may include managing your spending habits and making decisions independently. However, it's essential to evaluate the evidence and consider whether these concerns are valid. For instance, if you have a history of responsible money management, it's unlikely that moving out will suddenly lead to reckless spending. Additionally, it's important to remember that growing up and becoming more independent is a normal part of life. While it may be comforting to have financial support from your parents, eventually, you'll need to learn to manage your finances and make decisions on your own.

    • Building Confidence and Independence through Financial DecisionsAs you grow older, make smart financial decisions based on your goals and resources to build confidence and independence. Consider your financial situation and take steps towards a budget, income, and a place to live.

      As you enter into a more independent phase of life, it's important to start making decisions that build your confidence and independence. This might mean taking steps to pay for expenses like your cell phone bill or starting to save up for a car and a place to live. While there's no one-size-fits-all approach, it's essential to consider your financial situation and make smart decisions based on your goals and resources. For example, if you're still in school and living with your parents, you might choose to focus on your education and saving up for your future. However, if you feel ready to move out, it's important to have a plan in place, including a budget, a source of income, and a place to live. And don't forget, having essentials like a driver's license and a reliable vehicle can help you build the independence you're seeking. Overall, the key is to take small steps towards independence and build your confidence and skills along the way.

    • Exploring gratitude and self-awareness for personal and financial growthFocusing on self-awareness, gratitude, and setting clear financial goals can help individuals work towards becoming debt-free and finding fulfilling work.

      Gratitude and self-awareness are key to improving both personal and financial situations. Rachel Cruz's series "I'm glad for where I am" promotes appreciation and contentment, while Ken Coleman's new book "Find the work you're wired to do" offers a self-assessment tool to help identify strengths, passions, and motivations to make career and financial progress. Catherine, a listener in Grand Rapids, Michigan, shared her struggle with debt and discussed borrowing money from family due to past financial difficulties. By focusing on self-awareness, gratitude, and setting clear financial goals, individuals like Catherine can work towards becoming debt-free and finding fulfilling work. Rachel's series and Ken's book offer valuable resources to help individuals on their personal growth journeys.

    • Preparing Finances for a New BabyPrioritize saving for baby expenses and maternity leave over paying off debts. Aim for at least 3 months' salary in savings and consider additional income sources to meet financial goals.

      When facing financial challenges while expecting a baby, it's crucial to prioritize saving money for expenses and maternity leave over paying off high-interest debts. Although it may be tempting to take out loans to cover immediate needs, the long-term financial security of having sufficient savings is more important. To determine how much to save, consider the cost of having a baby, including insurance deductibles and maternity leave, and aim for at least three months' worth of salary. It may also be necessary to work additional jobs or increase income to meet these financial goals. Overall, focusing on building a solid financial foundation will provide peace of mind during this exciting and transformative time.

    • Is filmmaking a realistic dream for a young person?With talent, hard work, and networking, making filmmaking a full-time job is a realistic dream for young people.

      No dream is delusional if you have the talent and determination to make it a reality. A young filmmaker named Friedrich, who is currently in school and turning 16, asked for advice on whether his goal of making filmmaking a full-time job is possible or just a delusion. The answer is that it is possible, but the level of success may depend on various factors. Talent, hard work, and networking are crucial elements in achieving one's goals. Friedrich expressed concerns about securing full-time status in the industry and whether his aspirations were realistic. The speaker reassured him that if he has talent and continues to work on improving his skills, there is no reason why he cannot succeed. They discussed the importance of identifying one's strengths and focusing on building a strong foundation, such as volunteering services or creating a network of contacts. In summary, the key takeaway is that having a dream is not delusional, and with hard work, determination, and a solid foundation, it can become a reality.

    • Keys to success in art and financeBreak down numbers for informed decisions, prioritize payments based on interest rates and potential savings, and continuously learn and improve.

      Continuous learning and self-improvement, as well as studying the competition, are key to success, whether it's in art or finance. Austin Cleon's books "Steal Like an Artist" and "Show Your Work" are recommended for inspiration and guidance. Rachel's question involved managing debt on a primary residence and multiple real estate properties. Jade suggested breaking down the numbers to make informed decisions and prioritize payments based on interest rates and potential savings. Rachel was advised to hold off on paying off the real estate first, as the primary residence likely has a higher interest rate. The conversation was interrupted by a break, but they planned to continue discussing Rachel's situation upon returning.

    • Deciding Between Paying Off Primary Residence or Multiple PropertiesIndividual circumstances and personal preferences determine which loan to pay off first between a primary residence and multiple properties, as both options result in the same financial outcome once paid off. Consider which option frees up the most cash and provides financial comfort.

      When it comes to deciding which loan to pay off first between a primary residence and multiple properties, it ultimately depends on individual circumstances and personal preferences. Both options can be paid off within a short time frame, and the financial outcome will be the same once they are paid off. Rachel is considering paying off the real estate loans first to free up extra cash for maintenance expenses, while it's usually recommended to pay off the primary residence first to eliminate the risk of being homeless. However, since Rachel owes so little on both loans, the difference is negligible. It's essential to consider which option will free up the most cash and make the individual feel more comfortable financially. For someone in a similar situation, it's important to assess realistic expectations, understand the reasons behind rejections, and learn from them to improve skills or gain experience.

    • The journey to success requires patience and a long-term perspectiveSuccess takes time and effort, stay focused on the long-term goal, communicate and teamwork, and don't get discouraged by setbacks.

      Success, whether in sports or in professional life, requires patience and a long-term perspective. In the context of the discussion, the speaker shared her experience of playing pickleball with a colleague who was better than her and encouraged communication and teamwork. She also emphasized that becoming a master at anything takes time and effort, and it's important not to get discouraged by setbacks or feeling overlooked. This mindset is relevant to financial success as well, as the speaker noted that increasing income is an important part of winning financially, but it's not always a quick process. Instead, it's a journey that requires dedication and a focus on the long-term goal. The speaker encouraged listeners to keep this in mind as they work towards their own financial and professional goals.

    • Listening to your heart despite uncertaintyTrust your instincts and consider what brings joy and fulfillment, even if it means taking a leap of faith.

      It's okay to feel uncertain or burnt out in your current career path. Aubrey, a caller on the show, shared her experience of working in 100% commission sales for three years and feeling unfulfilled despite the financial rewards. She expressed her desire for a job that brings excitement and consistency, but also feels stuck due to the time and resources she's invested in her current job. Jade and Ken, the coaches, emphasized the importance of listening to your heart and considering what truly fulfills you, even if it seems risky or unrealistic at first. Aubrey mentioned her interest in creative endeavors like house flipping or entrepreneurship, but felt held back by the lack of financial resources. The coaches encouraged her to explore these options and consider turning her brain off and her heart on to focus on what she truly wants to do, despite any perceived risks. Overall, the takeaway is to trust your instincts and consider what brings you joy and fulfillment, even if it means taking a leap of faith.

    • Focus on discovering passion over immediate financial needsUse tools to clarify career goals, secure financial stability, and get out of debt to make informed decisions

      When feeling overwhelmed by making a big career decision while dealing with financial constraints, it's essential to focus on discovering what truly sparks passion and interest, rather than solely focusing on immediate financial needs. The speaker suggests using tools like the "get clear assessment" and the book "Find the Work You're Wired To Do" to help clarify career goals. In the meantime, securing a better sales job with consistent income can provide the financial stability needed to pursue long-term career aspirations. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of getting out of debt to clear the mind and make heartfelt decisions.

    • Teaching Financial Weirdness in Illinois SchoolsIllinois educator Jay Leach advocates for mandatory personal finance education in schools through his Foundations class. Students learn to make financially wise decisions and avoid debt, while Illinois residents are encouraged to support HB 1375 for statewide implementation.

      Educator Jay Leach from Lincoln Way Central in Illinois has been teaching students financial weirdness through his Foundations class since 2008. Despite Illinois not yet mandating personal finance education in schools, Lincoln Way Central and District 210 took the initiative to make it mandatory for their students a decade ago. Leach emphasizes the importance of passing House Bill 1375, which would mandate personal finance education statewide. Students in Leach's class learn to save and buy cars without credit scores, challenge societal norms, and avoid student loans. The class aims to equip students with the knowledge to make financially wise decisions before entering the real world. Leach encourages listeners in Illinois to call their representatives and state senators to support the passing of HB 1375.

    • Financial education at home: Students teach families valuable lessonsStudents are sharing their financial knowledge from school, leading to family discussions and influencing financial habits. A teacher's story about a student teaching his dad about credit card vs cash costs illustrates the impact.

      Students are bringing their financial education home from school, leading to meaningful conversations and even influencing their families' financial habits. Jason, a teacher in Illinois, shared a story about a student named Mike Manning who taught his dad about the cost differences between using cash and credit cards during a debt chapter lesson. The dad was surprised by the information and the student's ability to back it up with data. This exchange highlights the importance of financial literacy and its potential impact on families. Additionally, teachers can enter the Ramsey Teacher Appreciation Giveaway for a chance to win a $5,000 vacation or one of two $3,000 vacations. The Ramsey community on Facebook is full of discussions, including one about tax refunds versus tax bills. The community members shared their experiences, with some aiming for zero balance and others planning to use their refunds for debt payments or savings.

    • Aim for zero tax refund or owing lessAdjusting W4 forms can help achieve zero tax refund or owing less to IRS. Consult tax professionals for guidance on W4 changes and consider Ramsey Smart Tax for filing taxes or extensions.

      Aiming for a zero tax refund or owing as little as possible to the IRS is a better financial strategy than receiving a large refund. This year, some individuals were able to achieve this by adjusting their withholding on their W4 forms. However, it's important to note that the W4 form has recently changed, and individuals should consult their tax professionals for guidance on making adjustments. If filing an extension is necessary, it's crucial to do so to avoid penalties. Ramsey Smart Tax is a trusted tax software option for filing taxes or extensions with low upfront pricing and no hidden fees.

    • Supporting a flat tax and managing debtsListeners received financial advice on flat tax support, debt repayment, and budgeting with the EveryDollar app. Callers shared struggles with mortgage payments and large car debts, and advice was given to prioritize debt repayment and manage budgets effectively.

      Supporters of the Ramsey Show are encouraged to unite behind the push for a flat tax, which they believe would put more money back into people's pockets and make financial management easier for all. Additionally, during the show, financial advice was given to callers regarding paying off debts and managing budgets, including the use of the EveryDollar app. A caller asked about paying extra on a mortgage while still in the process of debt repayment, and the advice given was to pay off the debt as quickly as possible before focusing on longer-term mortgage payments. Another caller shared their struggle with a large car payment they couldn't afford and were considering repossession or selling the car for a loss. The show offered advice but did not provide a definitive solution. Overall, the Ramsey Show provided financial advice and encouragement for listeners to take control of their finances and work towards debt freedom.

    • Managing Debt: Struggling with a Car Loan and Credit CardsConsider paying off credit cards to free up $300/month for managing car loan and other expenses, or seek help in budgeting and debt repayment plans.

      The individual, named Jonathan, is currently struggling with debt, primarily due to an upside-down car loan on a Subaru WRX and multiple credit cards. The total debt, excluding the car, amounts to around $2,000. To improve his financial situation, Jonathan could consider paying off his credit cards to free up around $300 per month, making his car payment more manageable. He also mentioned being a delivery driver for FedEx and having a fiancé. While getting married isn't suggested as a solution to debt, it could potentially help him and his fiancé work together to tackle their financial challenges.

    • Working together for financial successCombine finances, increase income, network for career growth, and think long-term for financial success

      Working together, whether it's in a personal relationship or a professional one, can help individuals go further faster. This was emphasized during a discussion on the Ramsey Show where the hosts encouraged a listener named Nick to consider combining finances with his fiancée to pay off debt and build wealth together. The hosts also challenged Nick to increase his income and think long-term about his career goals. They suggested networking with successful business owners in his industry to learn what it takes to advance and eventually own his own business. Overall, the message was to take action, be proactive, and work together to achieve financial success.

    • Set clear career goals and identify steps to get thereTo advance in accounting, set long-term goals, seek advice from industry pros, and prioritize short-term needs while working towards professional growth.

      To increase your income and advance in your accounting career, you need to have a clear long-term goal and identify the steps to get there. You should look for organizations where you can grow and learn from successful professionals in your industry. Start by asking questions and seeking advice from those who have achieved the position you aspire to. Remember, everyone enjoys talking about themselves and their accomplishments. Additionally, focus on your short-term needs while keeping your long-term goal in mind. For example, if you have recently bought a house, prioritize paying off your mortgage while working towards professional growth. By setting clear goals and taking deliberate steps, you can increase your income and advance in your accounting career.

    • Invest in yourself and connections for career growth and income increaseFocus on personal development, build connections, create a budget, and attend events like The Total Money Makeover Weekend for financial literacy and wealth creation

      Expanding your professional capacity and continuously learning new skills are essential for career growth and increased income. This means focusing on both personal development and building connections with successful individuals. Additionally, creating and sticking to a budget is crucial for managing your money effectively and increasing your income in the long run. The Total Money Makeover Weekend, an upcoming event hosted by Dave Ramsey, offers valuable insights on healthy money habits and creating wealth. Remember, the more you invest in yourself and your financial literacy, the greater the opportunities and income potential will be.

    • Considering Options After Receiving a Large Insurance SettlementTake your time when dealing with a large sum of money, gather information, seek advice, and consider your future plans.

      When dealing with a large sum of money, especially after a significant loss, it's important to take your time and consider your options carefully. A young man in the conversation received an insurance settlement check for $100,000 following his father's passing. He was unsure what to do with the money and sought advice. The experts recommended waiting until he turned 18 to have full control over the funds and using the time in between to gather information and make informed decisions. They also suggested seeking help from trusted advisors and considering his future plans, such as continuing his father's business and pursuing higher education. The conversation also touched on the topic of sweating and how some people, like the man's friend, have a condition that prevents them from sweating at all. The man expressed envy towards his friend's situation but ultimately acknowledged the importance of dealing with his own financial matters responsibly.

    • Managing Finances for a Successful FuturePay off debts, secure an emergency fund, save for investments, and plan for real estate to achieve financial freedom and prosperity.

      Managing finances wisely is crucial for a successful future. The discussion emphasizes the importance of handling student debt responsibly and building an emergency fund. After paying off debts and securing an emergency fund, the next step is to save for investments and real estate. A practical example was shared by Zach and Bailey, a couple who paid off their $250,000 house in four years and became millionaires through smart financial planning and increasing income. Overall, the key message is that financial discipline and long-term planning can lead to financial freedom and prosperity.

    • Turning financial challenges into opportunitiesThrough Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, a couple learned the importance of budgeting, saving, and living debt-free, enabling them to buy a house with a significant down payment.

      When faced with financial requirements to marry, the couple saw it as a motivational challenge rather than an obstacle. They embraced the advice given to them and learned valuable financial skills through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. Initially, they thought they knew it all, but soon realized the importance of budgeting, saving, and living debt-free. After graduation, they traveled and saved for their dream home, using the principles they learned to make wise financial decisions and eventually buy a house with a significant down payment. The envelope system and monthly budgeting were critical to their success. Overall, their experience shows that turning financial challenges into opportunities can lead to long-term financial peace and stability.

    • A young family paid off their house debt in 4 yearsHard work and taking action towards financial goals leads to wealth and freedom, no matter the income or life circumstances.

      Financial freedom and building wealth, even at a young age, is an achievable goal. The story shared on the Ramsey Show highlights a family, Zach and Bailey, who paid off their $250,000 house debt in just four years, despite having a range of income between $110,000 and $330,000. Their long-term goal is to retire and live on water. They've already achieved a significant milestone and are excited about the future and the legacy they're creating for their children, Noel and Ava. The discussion also emphasizes the importance of hard work and taking action towards financial goals. The quote of the day, "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty," emphasizes the importance of putting in the effort to make progress. For those feeling lost or trapped financially, like Gabby, the show offers resources and advice to help get back on track. Additionally, the hosts remind us that everyone's journey is unique, and there's no one right way to do things. Even if we didn't follow the traditional order of things, like getting married before having kids, it's never too late to focus on our financial future.

    • Living with in-laws may not always save moneyExploring affordable childcare options and creating a budget can help improve financial situations, even when living with in-laws

      Living with in-laws to save money for a home may not always lead to financial improvement if it discourages individuals from working and managing their finances effectively. The speaker in this conversation shared that they had been living with their in-laws for five years, paying only utilities while their income was sufficient to cover other expenses. However, they couldn't afford childcare, which prevented them from returning to work. The conversation revealed that they had not explored alternative, more affordable childcare options, such as hiring a retired grandmother or a family friend. The speakers also discussed the importance of creating and sticking to a budget to manage finances effectively. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of considering all options and making sacrifices to improve financial situations.

    • Stick to a budget to manage expenses and reach financial goalsTrack every dollar, identify areas to cut back, prioritize childcare and employment, and make informed spending decisions to pay off debt and reach financial goals.

      Creating and sticking to a budget is crucial for managing expenses, especially when dealing with unexpected costs like childcare. The speaker emphasizes the importance of tracking every dollar to understand where the money is going and to make informed decisions about spending. By creating a budget, the listener can identify areas where they can cut back and save, ultimately helping them pay off debt and reach financial goals. The speaker also encourages the listener to prioritize finding reliable childcare and securing employment to improve their financial situation. Overall, the budgeting process can provide valuable insights and help individuals make the most of their income.

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    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "How do I move forward after getting fired?" "When is the right time to buy a house?" "I make $100K and live paycheck-to-paycheck," Who is responsible for paying Parent PLUS loans: students or parents? Dave responds to Rachel and Ken's advice about selling Taylor Swift tickets (his answer may surprise you) Support Our Sponsors: Health Trust Financial: Discover Top Health Insurance Plans, All in One Place. BetterHelp: betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month   Zander Insurance: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today.  NetSuite: Free KPI checklist, visit netsuite.com/Ramsey  Next Steps 🏠 Free Tools & Resources to Reach Your Home Goals 🏘️ Find a Trusted Real Estate Agent 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 💼 To start using the EntreLeadership System to grow your small business, download our FREE Getting Started Guide today. 📈 For help with investing, get connected with a SmartVestor Pro.  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Ramsey Solutions is a paid, non-client promoter of SmartVestor Pros. Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    Want To Learn To Build Wealth? Start Here

    Want To Learn To Build Wealth? Start Here
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: "How do I get my husband to talk about money?" "I have nothing in retirement, what do I do?" "How do I get my mother-in-law to move out?" "What's the right way to ask for a pay raise?" "How do I find a healthy work/life balance?" Dave & Ken interview millionaires to find out how they built their wealth Support Our Sponsors: Churchill Mortgage: Get started at ChurchillMortgage.com Zander Insurance: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today.  BetterHelp: betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month   Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📈 For help with investing, get connected with a SmartVestor Pro.  ☂️ Get the right insurance without breaking the bank. Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Ramsey Solutions is a paid, non-client promoter of SmartVestor Pros. Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 26, 2024

    No One Accidentally Wanders Into the Land of Success

    No One Accidentally Wanders Into the Land of Success
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "How do I stop my mom from taking my grandma's money?" Why no one accidentally wanders into success, "I'm jealous of my friends who don't have student loans," Dave weighs in on a previous call that George & Jade took, "Is the American Dream still possible?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today.  NetSuite: Free KPI checklist, visit netsuite.com/Ramsey BetterHelp: betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month Health Trust Financial: Discover Top Health Insurance Plans, All in One Place. Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! ☂️ Get the right insurance without breaking the bank. 📈 For help with investing, get connected with a SmartVestor Pro.  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Ramsey Solutions is a paid, non-client promoter of SmartVestor Pros. Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 25, 2024

    If You Want To Be Successful, Follow This Proven Plan

    If You Want To Be Successful, Follow This Proven Plan
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "I'm trapped in a bad lease," When you should and shouldn't use your 401(k), Why you need to choose your friend carefully, "How can I force the sale of an inherited house?" "How do I stay motivated to pay off debt?" "Does the Bible allow for earning interest?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp: https://www.betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month   Health Trust Financial Churchill Mortgage: Get started at ChurchillMortgage.com Zander Insurance: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today.  Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! ☂️ Get the right insurance without breaking the bank. 📈 For help with investing, get connected with a SmartVestor Pro.  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Ramsey Solutions is a paid, non-client promoter of SmartVestor Pros. Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 24, 2024

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    Timestamps: 00:00 She's being taken advantage of at her job... 05:30 Wanting to do real estate like everyone else in the world 07:00 DEBT DEBT DEBT 08:28 NEGATIVE MONEY IN HER CHECKING! 13:00 Getting depressed with low income and bad debt... 15:30 I'm VERY nervous for you! 17:06 CREDIT CARD DEBT 21:30 This is not a good sign for your future... 24:45 BUDGET!!! 29:00 Risky situation... 30:45 CLEAN THIS UP 34:00 For your future... 38:06 Hammer Financial Score

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/calebhammer/support

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