
    When You're An Entrepreneur, Your Business Is Like Your Child | Interview on The A List with Alison Lebovitz

    enJanuary 11, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Entrepreneurship and family: deeply interconnectedGary Vaynerchuk's entrepreneurial spirit was nurtured by his mother from a young age, shaping his love for America and influencing his approach to business and life.

      Entrepreneurship and family are deeply interconnected, much like raising a child. Gary Vaynerchuk, a successful entrepreneur, shared his personal story on the a list, discussing his humble beginnings in the Soviet Union and his entrepreneurial spirit that was nurtured by his mother from a young age. He recounted his various business ventures as a child, from selling lemonade to singing Christmas carols for money. Despite growing up with very little, his mother recognized and encouraged his entrepreneurial spirit. This experience shaped Gary's love for America and its opportunities, and it continues to influence his approach to business and life. In essence, just as a child requires love, support, and guidance to grow, so does a business. The lessons Gary learned from his family experiences continue to inform his entrepreneurial journey and inspire him to help others succeed.

    • Childhood experiences shaped his passion for business and collectingHis diverse experiences in collecting lemonade, baseball cards, and observing his entrepreneurial father fueled his passion for business, leading him to become a pioneer in the baseball card industry and later the e-commerce wine market.

      The speaker's experiences in collecting lemonade, baseball cards, and wine, as well as observing his entrepreneurial father, shaped his passion for business and collecting at a young age. This passion led him to the forefront of the baseball card phenomenon in the late eighties, and later to the world of wine collecting and e-commerce in the nineties. When he saw the potential of the internet in college, he launched one of the first e-commerce wine businesses, winelibrary.com. Despite his age and lack of drinking experience, his talent for identifying hot wines and building a reputation preceded the internet era. Ultimately, his diverse experiences and natural talent for business allowed him to succeed in various industries and make a significant impact in each of them.

    • Flexibility and trust in immigrant families lead to business successImmigrant families that allow flexibility and trust their successors lead to thriving businesses. Older business owners should learn to let go and transfer power to the next generation, while maintaining humility.

      Flexibility and trust are key components for business success, especially in immigrant families. The speaker shares how his father, despite being an immigrant, allowed him to take the initiative and grow their business from $3 million to $60 million in a 7-year span. This success came from the father's willingness to adapt and give his son the freedom to innovate. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of humility and the transfer of power to the next generation, as seen in his father's decision to hand over the business to him at a relatively young age. Family businesses can learn a great deal from this strategy, as many older business owners struggle to let go and trust their successors. Furthermore, the speaker's own success with VaynerMedia and other ventures demonstrates the importance of taking risks and continuously evolving in business.

    • Discovering personality and growing a business through self-awareness and adaptabilitySelf-awareness and adaptability are crucial for success in business and personal growth. Discovering your personality and adapting to changing times can lead to building a successful career and amassing a large following.

      Self-awareness and adaptability are key to success in business and personal growth. Gary Vaynerchuk started Wine Library TV in 2006, which led him to discover his personality and grow his wine business. He then became infatuated with social media, investing in companies like Facebook and Twitter, and wrote a best-selling book about building reputation and businesses online. In 2009, he started VaynerMedia, an agency for brands, with the plan to build a great company and use it for themselves. However, the economy did not collapse as he expected, and VaynerMedia grew enormously. He now wants it to continue thriving, even as he moves on to buy and run a business in his next chapter. Through self-awareness and adapting to the changing times, Vaynerchuk has built a successful career and amassed a large following. He even shares a common goal with the New York Jets fan in him - to one day own the New York Jets. Despite the Jets' losing record, he remains optimistic, just like his approach to business and life.

    • The Power of Passion and Pursuing One's DreamsPassion fuels actions and identity, driving people to relentlessly chase their dreams. It's not just about money, but the process and feeling of control. Entrepreneurship is about the love for the chase and the journey, despite challenges. True entrepreneurs understand the commitment and difficulty involved.

      Passion and the pursuit of one's dreams, no matter how long it takes or how many obstacles are faced, can fuel a person's actions and identity. The speaker's aspiration to be like Joe Namath, the famous Alabama quarterback, started when they were young and drove them to talk about it relentlessly throughout their life. However, they have come to understand that their true motivation is not money, but the process and the feeling of being in control of their own destiny. The speaker identifies as an entrepreneur because of their love for the chase and the process, despite the challenges and hardships that come with it. They are concerned about the current trend of people calling themselves entrepreneurs without fully understanding the commitment and difficulty involved. The speaker believes that shows like Shark Tank can be both inspiring and misleading, as they showcase both successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs. Ultimately, the speaker's message is that passion and determination, when combined with a clear understanding of one's motivations and limitations, can lead to a fulfilling and authentic life.

    • Entrepreneurship and leadership require immense dedication and sacrifice, like raising a family.Entrepreneurs prioritize their businesses like their children, dedicating themselves fully, but must balance work and happiness.

      Entrepreneurship and leadership involve immense dedication and sacrifice, akin to raising a family. The reality of business can be lonely and challenging, with long hours and constant decision-making. Entrepreneurs often prioritize their businesses as they would their children, dedicating themselves fully to its success. However, this intense focus can lead to concerns about work-life balance and judgement from others. The importance of finding happiness and passion in one's work, even during difficult times, cannot be overstated. The entrepreneurial journey is not for the faint of heart, but for those who are willing to put in the effort and make their business their other child.

    • Take Action and Start an Online BusinessInstead of complaining, start an online business as a practical solution to quit a hated job. Use technology for communication and show empathy, but don't forget the importance of interpersonal skills, especially for teaching children.

      Instead of complaining and dwelling on unhappiness, individuals should take action and start an online business as a practical solution to quit a hated job. The speaker, an immigrant and problem solver, emphasizes the importance of action and communication, even if it's through technology. He argues that while face-to-face interaction is valuable, technology allows us to communicate and show gratitude and empathy in other ways. However, it's important to remember that technology should not replace interpersonal skills entirely, especially when it comes to teaching children important values like respect, kindness, and empathy. Ultimately, the speaker values action, communication, and empathy, and believes that individuals should use both traditional and modern methods to connect with others and improve their lives.

    • Embrace individual expressions of kindness and respectAllow authenticity and individuality to guide expressions of kindness, respect, and caring, rather than rigid social norms. Encourage happiness and pursuit of passions, and respect others regardless of societal expectations.

      The essence of values and respect, rather than their specific manifestations, is what truly matters. The speaker emphasizes the importance of allowing individuals and families to define their own expressions of kindness, respect, and caring, rather than adhering to rigid social norms. She encourages her children to be happy and pursue their passions, whether that be entrepreneurship, art, education, or anything else. The speaker also highlights the evolution of societal norms and encourages her children to respect others, regardless of current or historic social expectations. Ultimately, the speaker values authenticity and individuality, and believes that these qualities are more important than adhering to specific rules or norms.

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