
    When You Start to Talk About Your Insecurities They Disappear | Tea With GaryVee

    enJuly 01, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • VaynerMedia and VaynerX Hiring CreativesVaynerMedia and VaynerX are hiring creatives like copywriters, designers, animators, and writers for various roles. This is a great opportunity for entry-level creators, especially those affected by pandemic-related job losses. Apply now on garyvee.com/creator for a chance to join teams focused on social media design and LinkedIn content creation.

      VaynerMedia and VaynerX are currently hiring aggressively for various creative roles, including copywriters, designers, animators, and writers. This is an excellent opportunity for entry-level creators, especially for those who may have had job offers or internships pulled due to the pandemic. The company is looking for individuals with good ideas, English skills, and a strong obsession with turning keynotes or long-form commercials into multiple video assets. Interested candidates can apply by visiting garyvee.com/creator. The company is also open to remote work and is looking for individuals to join teams focused on designing for social media platforms and writing LinkedIn articles and blog posts. This could be a launching pad for interesting careers in the marketing industry. So, if you're hungry, humble, and want to join one of the best marketing machines, apply now.

    • Fostering a Positive Community for DentistsGratitude, patience, kindness, and effective communication are key to building a supportive community for dentists. Reach out to younger dentists through social media for maximum impact.

      Building a community for dentists, or any profession, requires a combination of gratitude, patience, kindness, and effective communication. Gratitude is essential for building relationships and fostering a positive community. Patience is necessary when trying to reach dentists in more traditional or isolated settings. Kindness is crucial for creating a supportive and inclusive environment. Effective communication, through various channels like email, social media, and even direct mail, is necessary to connect with dentists and provide valuable resources. Additionally, focusing on reaching younger dentists through social media platforms may be more effective than trying to reach older, more established dentists who may be less tech-savvy. By providing valuable resources and creating a supportive community, dentists at all stages of their careers can benefit.

    • Effective Marketing through Community BuildingBuilding a community can lead to authentic brand advocacy and valuable relationships. Don't overwhelm team with new ideas and be patient with execution. Engage with industry influencers for opportunities and growth.

      Building and engaging a community, like a Facebook group, can be more effective and authentic than traditional advertising methods. The members of the community can become brand advocates and even generate leads through referral programs. As a leader, it's important to not overwhelm the team with too many new ideas and to be understanding when ideas don't get executed right away. Building relationships with industry influencers, like GaryVee, can also have a significant impact on personal and business growth. The speaker shared his own experience of running a social media agency and the impact of GaryVee's teachings on his business. Engaging with influencers and building a community can lead to valuable relationships and opportunities.

    • Expanding Your Reach Beyond Social Media MarketingConsider partnering with smaller brands within larger corporations, offer free or discounted services, target mid-sized companies, and diversify services to expand client base.

      Focusing solely on social media marketing may limit opportunities to work with larger, well-known brands. However, there are strategies to expand your reach. First, understanding the concept of "orphan brands" within larger corporations could open doors to partnerships. These smaller brands within larger companies may have smaller budgets but still offer potential for growth. Another approach is to consider offering services for free or at a discounted rate as a way to build relationships and establish a reputation. Additionally, targeting mid-sized companies in specific regions can be an effective strategy. Finally, diversifying services to include events and staffing agencies specialized in social media jobs could also broaden your client base.

    • Living Authentically for Personal HappinessEmbrace self-authenticity, prioritize personal happiness, and contribute positively to others' lives.

      Focusing on personal happiness and fulfillment, rather than societal definitions of success, is key to living a meaningful life. The speaker, who creates content promoting happiness, emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and sharing that authenticity with others, even if not everyone listens. He believes in the power of both selflessness and selfishness, and creating content with the intention to help others. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of rest and self-care, despite his own busy schedule and public image of productivity. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to prioritize their own happiness and live authentically, while also considering how they can contribute positively to others' lives.

    • Evolving passions and finding balanceIt's okay to adapt to new interests while still honoring past accomplishments. Find balance, give selflessly, and prioritize self-care to avoid feeling drained and overwhelmed.

      It's important to evolve and adapt to new passions and interests while still honoring past accomplishments. The speaker shared her experience of starting a successful mom's group, which was put on hold due to COVID-19. She found a new passion in DIY projects and furniture flips, but felt guilty about abandoning her old passion. However, she learned that it's okay to compromise and make adjustments instead of completely letting go. The speaker also emphasized the importance of giving and not expecting anything in return, as well as not judging oneself for not making progress due to giving too much energy to other areas of life. Ultimately, it's essential to find balance and prioritize self-care to avoid feeling drained and overwhelmed.

    • Embrace all aspects of life with self-love and compassionRecognize setbacks, embrace passions, meet haters with compassion, focus on positively impacting others, and express personal brand with authenticity.

      Life is multidimensional and it's important to have self-love and compassion, even when things don't go as planned. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not beating oneself up over small setbacks and recognizing that everyone's definition of balance is different. Additionally, the speaker encourages embracing all interests and passions, rather than trying to fit into a specific niche. Haters and negativity should be met with compassion and understanding, rather than anger or defensiveness. Ultimately, the goal should be to focus on making a positive impact on others and living a fulfilling life. The speaker's personal brand is an expression of all aspects of her life, and she encourages others to do the same.

    • Caring for Others and OurselvesFocus on personal growth, prioritize compassion, and approach interactions with kindness and understanding, even towards critics.

      Compassion and empathy are essential during times of uncertainty and anxiety. The speaker emphasizes the importance of caring for others, even those who may seem to be against us. They share their personal experience of starting over with nothing and building something from scratch, emphasizing that it's never too late to try new things and that progress doesn't always require immediate decisions or external validation. The speaker encourages listeners to focus on their own growth and not compare themselves to others, and to approach interactions with kindness and understanding, even towards those who may be critical or negative. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to prioritize their own well-being and to approach life with a positive and compassionate mindset.

    • Starting over in your 30s: Embrace the journeyPatience, humility, and competence are crucial for success. Focus on your own path and find what you love, regardless of societal pressures or others' actions.

      Success doesn't come overnight and it's important not to compare yourself to others. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his personal story of starting over at 34 after investing in Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter when many thought he was crazy. He emphasizes the importance of having patience, humility, and competence, even when working menial jobs. He encourages individuals not to worry about what others are doing, but rather focus on their own path and finding what they love. The 30s can be a time of self-growth and experimentation, rather than succumbing to societal pressures and envy. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and success comes from staying true to yourself and your passions.

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's Surprising Mid-Roll ContestGary Vaynerchuk surprised listeners with a contest, offering a consultation and team day for a lucky Instagram user, emphasizing authenticity, compassion, and commitment to helping others succeed.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, during a podcast, surprised his listeners with a mid-roll contest offering a 30-minute Skype consultation and a day with his team for business consulting, as well as a swag pack, to the randomly selected winner who posts a screenshot on Instagram using the hashtag #GaryV. The contestant, Dustin, shared his story of watching Gary for three years, feeling inspired, and aspiring to create YouTube videos about his passion for cars. Gary encouraged Dustin to embrace his emotions and be true to himself. The conversation highlighted Gary's authenticity, compassion, and commitment to helping others succeed. The mid-roll contest was a fun and unexpected way to engage listeners and provide valuable opportunities.

    • The Need for External ValidationRecognize that negative thoughts and beliefs are often rooted in past experiences, not a reflection of who we truly are. Focus on growth and progress, not external validation, to live more authentic, fulfilling lives. Remember, even those once doubted have gone on to achieve great things.

      People often feel the need to prove themselves to others, especially when they've faced criticism or negative labels in the past. This can lead to a focus on external validation and a fear of what others think. However, it's important to recognize that these negative thoughts and beliefs are often rooted in past experiences and are not a reflection of who we truly are. Instead of seeing ourselves as negative or flawed, we should embrace our vulnerability and recognize that everyone has an opinion, not all of which are accurate or valuable. By shifting our mindset and focusing on our own growth and progress, we can break free from the limitations of external validation and live more authentic, fulfilling lives. Additionally, it's important to remember that people like Mahomes, who were once doubted, have gone on to achieve great things, proving that negative labels and predictions are not always accurate.

    • Struggling with Low Self-Esteem: Personal Stories and InsightsOvercoming low self-esteem takes time and effort, but it's important to own shortcomings, seek support, and use positivity to build confidence.

      Self-esteem is a vulnerable area for many people, and negative experiences, especially from family, can deeply impact how we view ourselves. The speaker shared his personal struggle with this, admitting to isolating himself from others and having difficulty maintaining long-term friendships due to his low self-esteem. He also acknowledged that it takes time and effort to overcome these challenges and build confidence. The speaker expressed gratitude for the speaker in the video, who has helped him and many others by sharing his own experiences and insights. The speaker emphasized the importance of owning one's shortcomings and using positivity to build self-esteem. He encouraged listeners to keep pushing forward, even when progress seems slow, and to seek out resources and support when needed.

    • Embracing vulnerability and self-forgivenessAcknowledging vulnerability and fear instead of negative labels, practicing forgiveness, and embracing self-love can lead to personal growth, improved relationships, and a better quality of life.

      Changing the way we view ourselves and letting go of negative self-talk can have a significant impact on our lives. The speaker believes that acknowledging vulnerability and fear, rather than labeling ourselves as negative or bad, is a crucial step towards personal growth. He emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and letting go of grudges, as holding onto them only brings negativity. The speaker also highlights the importance of self-love and self-acceptance, suggesting that these shifts in perspective can lead to improved relationships and overall better quality of life. Additionally, he encourages practicing forgiveness and letting go of grudges, especially towards those close to us, as a means of overcoming fear and weakness.

    • The Power of Negative Thoughts in RelationshipsSelf-awareness and acknowledging negative thought patterns are crucial for breaking free from negative cycles in relationships and promoting personal growth and positive change.

      Fear and negativity can hold us back and negatively impact our relationships. The speaker shares his personal experience of trying to bring others down when feeling scared or inadequate, which can lead to resentment and a negative cycle. He emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and acknowledging our own negative thought patterns in order to break free from this cycle and improve our relationships. The speaker also touches upon the potential impact of passing on negative traits to future generations and the importance of addressing these issues for the sake of our loved ones. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the power of self-reflection and the potential for personal growth and positive change.

    • Mindset and Personal GrowthFind your own system for positivity, whether it's through podcasts, videos, or support. Admire and compliment others instead of wishing to be like them. Practice compassion towards those who have negatively influenced us.

      Mindset plays a crucial role in personal growth and relationships. The speaker shared his experience of struggling with health and positivity, and how he overcame it by finding the right system that worked for him. He emphasized the importance of figuring out one's own system, whether it's through listening to positive podcasts, watching motivational videos, or seeking help from a trainer or a supportive partner. However, the speaker also learned the importance of semantics and how the way we express our thoughts can impact those around us. He realized that instead of wishing to be like someone else, it's more productive to admire and compliment them. This not only builds a stronger relationship but also avoids creating a sense of guilt or resentment. Furthermore, the speaker acknowledged that negative patterns in thinking and behaving can be inherited from parents or other influences in our lives. Instead of harboring resentment, we can practice compassion and understanding towards them, and use their experiences as a source of motivation for personal growth. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of mindset and communication in shaping our lives and relationships.

    • Embrace inner strength and learn from othersRecognize inner strength, learn from positive influences, practice forgiveness, and be kind to unlock a new life

      Personal growth and change come from recognizing one's own inner strength and being open to learning from others, rather than trying to change external situations or people. Surrounding oneself with positive influences and being a positive force for others can also contribute to growth. It's important to remember that people are not inherently bad and cutting them out or trolling them only protects oneself from potential disappointment. Instead, embracing forgiveness and being the bigger person is the ultimate strength. This requires overcoming insecurities and practicing kindness, even in difficult situations. It's never too late to start making positive changes and being a role model for others. Forgiveness and kindness are keys to unlocking a whole new life.

    • The Power of Authentic Connection and VulnerabilityAuthentic connection and vulnerability can lead to healing, strength, and personal growth through apologies, expressions of love, and learning from each other's stories.

      Authentic connection and vulnerability have the power to positively impact and change lives. During a conversation, Alexis shared his experience of feeling misunderstood and mislabeled, leading Gary to encourage him to reach out to people in his life with apologies and expressions of love. This simple act of compassion and connection can bring immense strength and healing. Furthermore, Gary emphasized the importance of listening to and learning from each other's stories, as they can provide valuable insights and inspiration for personal growth. The conversation ended with a shared appreciation for the power of genuine human connection and the belief that it can make a significant difference in the world.

    • The Power of Apologies and Acts of KindnessApologies and acts of kindness, whether acknowledged or not, can bring positive change, inspire others, and make a significant impact on ourselves and others.

      Focusing on doing good for yourself and others, even if it goes unrecognized, can bring positive change and have a ripple effect. Apologies and acts of kindness, even if not reciprocated, can bring value to both parties and inspire others to do the same. It's important to acknowledge past hurt and extend apologies, even if not responded to. Acting with integrity and respect, even in difficult situations, can lead to personal growth and a lighter feeling. The power of apologies and acts of kindness, whether in person or through media, can make a significant impact on others and ourselves. It's never too late to make amends and extend kindness, even to those who may not initially respond positively. It's important to remember that we all have the ability to make a difference, no matter how small, and that every act of kindness, no matter how big or small, can have a profound impact on ourselves and others.

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