
    Podcast Summary

    • The Disappearing $8 Billion Crypto FortuneInvestigative reporter Zeke Fox delves into the mysterious disappearance of $8 billion from Sam Bankman Fried's crypto empire, shedding light on the complex world of cryptocurrency and its promises of transparency.

      Key takeaway from this episode of Search Engine is the fascinating story of Sam Bankman Fried, a former crypto billionaire who is now facing criminal charges for allegedly stealing over $8 billion from his customers. The question at hand is where did all that money go? Zeke Fox, an investigative reporter for Bloomberg and author of "Number Go Up," shares his journey into the world of cryptocurrency and sheds light on this mystery. Despite the transparency promised by crypto's immutable ledgers, disappearing such a large sum of money is no small feat. Tune in to learn more about Sam Bankman Fried's story, the rise and fall of crypto, and the allure of fresh, healthy dog food from The Farmer's Dog.

    • From Skeptic to Believer: Zeke's Crypto JourneyInitially dismissing crypto as filled with scams, investigative journalist Zeke discovered intriguing stories like Sam Bankman Fried's profitable arbitrage scheme, which opened his eyes to crypto's potential and its growing influence in finance.

      Even the most skeptical investigative journalist, like Zeke, was proven wrong about dismissing the potential of crypto as a subject worthy of investigation. Initially, Zeke saw crypto as filled with unsophisticated scams, but he later discovered intriguing stories like Sam Bankman Fried's arbitrage scheme, which earned him millions. This arbitrage, which involved taking advantage of price differences between Bitcoin exchanges in the US and Japan, was a legitimate and highly profitable strategy. Despite its short lifespan, it showcased the potential for significant gains in the crypto market. This experience taught Zeke a valuable lesson about keeping an open mind and not underestimating the potential of new and complex financial markets. Additionally, the story of Sam Bankman Fried also highlighted the increasing influence of crypto in the financial world, as evidenced by his significant political donations.

    • From Wall Street to Crypto: Sam Bankman Fried's JourneySam Bankman Fried, a crypto entrepreneur, went from Wall Street to crypto, disrupting the traditional finance industry with his innovative approach and entrepreneurial spirit, amassing a fortune worth $22 billion.

      Sam Bankman Fried, a crypto entrepreneur, made a significant donation to the Biden campaign in 2020 and later gained notoriety in the crypto world. Zeke, a skeptic, was intrigued by Bankman Fried's involvement in a cryptocurrency called Tether and wanted to understand more. They met at Bitcoin 2021, where Bankman Fried stood out as the more mature voice among the crypto enthusiasts. Bankman Fried's company, FTX, was a global crypto exchange that he had started using his Wall Street experience. He had a unique approach to risk-taking and had amassed a fortune worth $22 billion. Despite his unconventional style, Bankman Fried's success in crypto was a testament to his intelligence and innovation. The dynamic between him and the other panelists at Bitcoin 2021 highlighted the contrasting perspectives of crypto believers and skeptics. Bankman Fried's journey from Wall Street to crypto was a reminder of the disruptive potential of new technologies and the entrepreneurial spirit that drives innovation.

    • Sam Bankman Fried: From Effective Altruism to BillionaireYoung billionaire Sam Bankman Fried gained fame for his financial success and commitment to effective altruism, using his wealth to maximize positive impact on the world.

      Sam Bankman Fried, a billionaire in the crypto industry, gained fame not only for his financial success but also for his commitment to effective altruism – a philosophical movement aimed at maximizing positive impact on the world. As a young utilitarian, Sam was determined to do good, and he took the unconventional approach of earning a fortune first to amplify his ability to give. His story raises the intriguing question of whether he will follow through on his promise to donate his wealth, and it highlights the power of this question to captivate our attention, potentially overshadowing other important inquiries. As Sam's influence grew, he became the respectable face of crypto, securing high-profile endorsements and partnerships, such as the renaming of Miami Basketball Stadium to FTX Arena.

    • Tom Brady's Crypto Endorsement and Sam Bankman-Fried's EccentricitiesTom Brady endorsed FTX, an unconventional crypto platform, while Sam Bankman-Fried, its founder, surprised reporters with his eccentric behavior. Despite initial skepticism, staying informed and adaptable is crucial in the rapidly evolving crypto industry.

      The crypto world can be unconventional and unexpected, as Tom Brady's endorsement of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried's eccentric behavior illustrate. Despite initial skepticism, it's important to remain open-minded and curious in this rapidly evolving industry. Tom Brady tried to persuade listeners to invest in crypto using questionable sports analogies, and FTX was the safest and easiest platform for buying and selling digital assets. Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX's founder, was an unconventional billionaire who ate microwaved chickpea korma in front of Zeke, a reporter profiling him for Bloomberg. Zeke's encounter with Sam in the Bahamas left him questioning whether the billionaire's eccentricities were genuine or a calculated effort to appear authentic. Despite the doubts, it's important to remember that no one can predict the future of the crypto market, and even the most skeptical investigators may miss out on significant developments. In April 2022, just six months before FTX's implosion, Zeke wrote a profile of Sam Bankman-Fried, portraying him as a laid-back, unassuming billionaire with a Robin Hood-like philosophy. The crypto world continues to surprise and challenge us, and it's essential to stay informed and adapt to its ever-changing landscape.

    • Crypto Bahamas: Where Skepticism Meets AdmirationMichael Lewis' interview with Sam Bankman-Fried at the Crypto Bahamas conference highlighted the coexistence of awe and doubt in the crypto world, leaving outsiders questioning their understanding and place in the financial landscape.

      The crypto world, as represented at Sam Bankman-Fried's Crypto Bahamas conference, was a place where admiration, awe, and potential doubt coexisted. Michael Lewis, a renowned financial journalist known for exposing Wall Street's misdeeds, interviewed Sam on stage, asking softball questions about his meteoric rise. Despite his skepticism, Zeke, an outsider to the crypto world, was left questioning his own understanding and place in the financial landscape. Surrounded by notable figures like Bill Clinton and Katy Perry, he wondered if he was missing something. However, his conviction that the crypto market was an unsustainable bubble grew stronger. The conference served as a reminder that even the most brilliant minds can be wrong, and the financial world continues to evolve, presenting new challenges and opportunities.

    • Crypto Market's Instability and Self-Care SolutionsThe crypto market's instability highlights the risks involved and the need for a more stable regulatory framework. Self-care offerings like Seed's daily symbiotic and Aura frames provide solutions for gut, skin, and heart health and finding the perfect Mother's Day gift respectively.

      The crypto market experienced a significant collapse in the spring and summer of 2022, with various currencies and hedge funds facing explosive situations. The market was confusing and exciting, with longtime skeptics making fun of the explosions and those who had lost money sharing distressing numbers. Despite this, the system held together until November, thanks in part to Sam Bankman Fried and his company FTX bailing out weak parts. However, in November, a CoinDesk article revealed that Alameda Research, backed by Sam Bankman Fried, owned billions of dollars worth of various crypto tokens, including FTT. The revelation left the crypto community in a state of confusion, trying to make sense of the implications of these numbers. The crypto market's instability highlights the risks involved and the need for a more stable regulatory framework. Additionally, the discussion also touched upon the importance of self-care, with Seed's daily symbiotic offering benefits for gut, skin, and heart health. The Aura frames, on the other hand, provide a solution for finding the perfect Mother's Day gift, allowing users to share and display unlimited photos.

    • FTX Exchange Founder's Proprietary Token and Interconnected Relationships with Trading Company Leads to Customer Funds Misuse ScandalThe interconnected relationships between trading companies and exchanges can lead to potential misuse of customer funds, as seen in the FTX scandal involving Sam Bankman Fried and Alameda Research.

      Sam Bankman Fried, the founder of FTX exchange, had created a proprietary token called FTT, which was thought of as FTX stock. Alameda Research, Sam's trading company, held large amounts of these tokens instead of actual dollars on FTX's balance sheet. When news broke out that Alameda had been using customer funds to cover its losses, FTT token holders became nervous, leading to a run on FTX. Customers tried to withdraw their money, but found out it had been used to fund Alameda's bets. Sam was later revealed to have written code giving Alameda special privileges to borrow unlimited funds from FTX. This revelation led to Sam being seen as a potential criminal, and he was grilled by a reporter during a public interview at the DealBook Summit. The incident highlights the risks of interconnected relationships between trading companies and exchanges, and the potential for misuse of customer funds.

    • Allegations of Funds Misappropriation at FTXFTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried's company Alameda Research allegedly used customer funds without permission, implicating Bankman-Fried in a large-scale fraud. Ex-girlfriend and top exec Caroline Ellison admitted to using funds to save Alameda during a company meeting, recorded and obtained by prosecutors.

      During the collapse of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, it was alleged that Alameda Research, a company owned by FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, had stolen customer funds without his knowledge or permission. This allegation was made by Caroline Ellison, Bankman-Fried's former girlfriend and top lieutenant, during a company-wide meeting. Ellison admitted to using FTX customer funds to keep Alameda afloat when most of its loans were recalled. The recording of this meeting, obtained by prosecutors, is expected to be a crucial piece of evidence during Bankman-Fried's trial, as it directly implicates him in the theft of customer funds. The scale of the alleged fraud and the involvement of top executives have led some to compare the FTX situation to the Enron scandal. The court-appointed CEO, John Ray, testified before Congress that FTX was worse than Enron in some ways due to the complexity of its business model and the large sums of money involved.

    • FTX Legal Issues: Old-Fashioned Embezzlement AllegationsFTX, led by Sam Bankman Fried, faces legal issues including embezzlement allegations worth $8B, making records difficult to understand, reminiscent of Enron's complexities but with a simpler alleged crime, trial upcoming with industry-wide implications.

      The FTX group, led by Sam Bankman Fried, is facing multiple legal issues, including criminal charges and class action lawsuits, due to the alleged absence of proper record keeping and misappropriation of customer funds to the tune of $8 billion. This is unusual in the crypto industry, where sophisticated financial machinations are often used to hide transactions. Instead, FTX is accused of old-fashioned embezzlement using methods like Slack emojis for approvals. The lack of records is making it difficult for authorities and the newly appointed CEO, John Ray, to understand the full extent of the missing funds. The situation recalls the complexities of past bankruptcies like Enron, but the simplicity of the alleged crime has left many questioning the industry's standards. The trial is set to begin soon, and the outcome will likely have significant implications for the crypto industry.

    • FTX accused of misusing billions in customer fundsThe government alleges FTX spent customer funds on investments, relationships, and market support, without proper disclosure or authorization

      That according to the government's allegations, FTX, a popular cryptocurrency exchange, is accused of stealing and misusing billions of dollars in customer funds. The money was allegedly spent on various things including building relationships with influential people, investments in illiquid assets, and supporting the crypto market through investments in various projects. For instance, over $700 million was given to a former Hollywood agent, Michael Kivetz, for him to invest in other things, with a significant portion going to Kivetz personally. Another large chunk of money was spent on investments in various cryptocurrencies and related projects, which could be seen as an attempt to prop up the crypto market. Overall, the allegations suggest a complex web of financial transactions, with customer funds being used in ways that were not disclosed or authorized.

    • FTX founder's wealth larger than reported, tied to gambling and crypto investmentsDespite his public image as a philanthropist, Sam Bankman Fried's wealth came from various sources including personal gambling, crypto investments, and business success. His companies spent extravagantly on real estate and charitable donations, some questionable, totaling over $1 billion.

      Sam Bankman Fried, the billionaire founder of FTX, had a significantly larger fortune than he led people to believe, and a substantial portion of his wealth was tied to his personal gambling and investments in crypto. This contradicted his public image as a philanthropist focused on "earning to give." His wealth was not only from his successful business, FTX, but also from his hedge fund, Alameda, which held vast stockpiles of cryptocurrencies. Additionally, his companies spent extravagantly on real estate, and a considerable amount of money went towards charitable donations, some of which were questionable. Despite these expenses, it's estimated that he donated over $1 billion to charity, but not all of it was in the form of traditional charitable donations. This revelation raises questions about transparency and the true intentions behind his public persona.

    • Sam's mission to save the world blurred lines between charitable giving and personal gainSam Bankman-Fried, driven by deep convictions, took significant financial risks for his mission, blurring the lines between charitable giving and personal gain, leading to questionable decisions and potential danger for customer and company funds.

      Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX, believed deeply in his mission to save the world through effective altruism and was willing to take significant financial risks to achieve it. Zeke reported that over $10 billion was raised and spent, with investments in crypto, real estate, charity, and expenses. Despite questionable decisions and losses, Sam saw these actions as enhancing his productivity towards his goal. The line between charitable giving and personal gain became blurred, leading to a dangerous mix of customer and company funds. While some may view Sam as a money-hungry scammer, others see him as a man driven by convictions, even if those convictions led to risky and questionable financial choices. Ultimately, the belief in his mission made Sam more dangerous, as he was willing to disregard traditional boundaries and put everything on the line for the potential of saving the world.

    • Shift from traditional charity to long-term projects due to existential risksEffective altruism pushes individuals towards unconventional projects, like preventing killer robots, due to potential immense impact on existential risks.

      Effective altruism, an philosophy focused on using evidence and reason to do the most good, has led some individuals to shift their focus from traditional charitable efforts to more speculative, long-term projects, such as preventing the rise of killer robots. This shift reflects the growing concern over potential existential risks posed by advanced technologies. The conversation also touched upon the rise and fall of cryptocurrency, as detailed in Zeke Fox's book "Number Go Up." Despite the unconventional nature of these projects, their potential impact could be immense. If the threat of killer robots were to materialize, resources might be directed towards stopping them, making the current funding mechanisms obsolete. Zeke Fox's book offers a humorous account of his skepticism towards crypto's rise and subsequent fall. "Search Engine" is produced by PJ Vogt, Shruti Pinamaneni, and Garrett Graham, among others. Remember to check out their podcast for more thought-provoking discussions.

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    Check out sparkwave.tech/conditions-for-change where you can apply the results of scientific studies to your habit development, from making a decision to cultivate a habit, to taking action, and finally, continuing that habit.

    Time Stamps

    [00:01:40] How the Effective Altruism movement works

    [00:02:55] The role of emotions in Effective Altruism

    [00:04:03] How Spencer applies Effective Altruism in his work and companies

    [00:06:27] How cultivating automatic if-then rules can improve your life

    [00:10:42] How to handle depression using behavioral activation

    [00:12:05] Introversion and the hierarchical nature of personality

    [00:14:58] Personality traits that are not captured by the Big Five model

    [00:18:04] How it is easier to present a scientific finding compared to explaining that finding

    [00:20:20] The “psychological immune system” and the five categories of behaviors for dealing with difficult situations

    [00:20:55] Facing reality and clarifying distortions of thinking

    [00:21:27] Feeling-based and emotion-based strategies for dealing with difficulty

    [00:22:10] Action-based strategies for dealing with difficulty

    [00:23:27] Refocusing techniques for dealing with difficulty

    [00:23:42] Reframing and finding the silver lining

    [00:29:47] Whether or not the Big Five personality traits are inherently valenced (i.e. positive or negative)

    [00:31:03] Personality as a distribution of traits

    [00:33:22] Finding optimal levels of different personality traits

    [00:33:59] Tips for forming new habits

    [00:38:22] How to determine why behavioral change is not happening

    [00:42:07] Tips and heuristics for sparking structured and unstructured creativity

    Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/the-psychology-podcast/support

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    How Effective Altruism Works

    How Effective Altruism Works

    A branch of philanthropy led by philosophers is dedicated to finding the most impactful ways to help humans survive and thrive. Anyone can find that agreeable, but it can be tough to hear it also means your donations to local charities are kind of a waste.

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