
    Podcast Summary

    • Struggling to Expand Audience ReachEffectively reaching and engaging audiences requires consistent content creation and strategic social media management, but fear can hold you back.

      Creating valuable content is only half the battle; effectively reaching and engaging your audience is just as important. The speakers in this conversation, hosts of the "Incomes to Money" podcast, have been producing content for a few months but are struggling to expand their listener base. They recognize their strengths as a team, with one focusing on creativity and vision and the other on execution. However, they're now grappling with how to maximize their efforts and reach more people. They've been inspired by Gary Vee's consistent content creation and impressive social media management, but admit to feeling stuck and making excuses. Ultimately, they realize that fear might be holding them back and commit to pushing past it. The conversation underscores the importance of not only creating valuable content but also finding ways to connect with and grow your audience.

    • Overcome self-doubt and fearFocus on action, use free platforms, and believe in yourself to grow personally and professionally.

      Overwhelming fear and self-doubt can hinder personal growth and the pursuit of ambitions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking action and not getting bogged down by the pressure to be perfect or comparing oneself to others. He suggests focusing on free, accessible platforms like TikTok and LinkedIn to reach a wider audience and build a presence. Ultimately, the key is to believe in oneself and execute on the advice given, rather than getting stuck in insecurity or analysis paralysis. The speaker expresses his genuine desire to help others succeed but cannot do so if they do not take action and address the underlying issues within themselves.

    • Focusing on the process over external goalsFocusing on the process of creating content and enjoying the journey, rather than just the number of followers or subscribers, leads to greater happiness and fulfillment.

      Focusing too much on external goals, such as reaching a certain number of followers or subscribers, can lead to anxiety and unhappiness. Instead, it's important to focus on the process and enjoying the journey, rather than just the end result. The speaker in the text acknowledges that he has fallen into this trap himself and has learned that it's better to focus on the things he loves about creating content, rather than getting caught up in expectations and numbers. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes that reaching a certain number of followers or subscribers won't necessarily bring about any significant change in feelings. It's important to appreciate the process and the learning experience, rather than just the end goal.

    • Focusing on community and impact, not just productionShift focus from personal goals to building a strong community and delivering valuable content to maintain engagement and success.

      Focusing solely on the production of content and neglecting the community and awareness around it can lead to anxiety and feelings of underutilization. The speaker's obsession with achieving personal goals and seeking validation from others can hinder the success of their content. Instead, it's essential to shift the focus to building a strong community and consistently delivering valuable content to that audience. The production quality is important, but the message and impact on the audience should be the ultimate priority. The speaker's desire for recognition and validation is understandable, but it's crucial to remember that the real value comes from the connection with the community and the positive impact on their lives.

    • Focus on audience-centered contentShift focus from self to audience, create valuable content, and stay true to authentic self for YouTube success

      Creating content for the sole purpose of gaining admiration, fame, or validation from others can hinder your growth and success on platforms like YouTube. Instead, focus on producing content that brings value to your audience, regardless of the number of subscribers or views you have. The speaker emphasizes that he has learned this lesson himself and encourages creators to shift their mindset from being self-centered to being audience-centered. He also acknowledges the temptation to look for shortcuts or hacks to boost views, but warns that these approaches often fail to deliver long-term results. Ultimately, the key to success on YouTube is to prioritize creating valuable content for your audience and staying true to your authentic self.

    • Appreciation for listener reviewsListener reviews inspire others to listen, provide valuable feedback, and may lead to a shout-out on the podcast

      Reviews from listeners play a significant role in the success and growth of a podcast. The speaker, Gary, expressed his deep appreciation for those who take the time to leave written reviews, sharing their thoughts and experiences with the podcast. These reviews not only provide valuable feedback but also serve as endorsements, inspiring others to tune in. Gary also announced that he will be giving shout-outs to his favorite reviews in upcoming episodes, making listeners feel acknowledged and valued. A recent review from a listener, a mom trying to start a business, resonated with Gary as it highlighted how his podcast keeps her motivated and provides practical strategies. Therefore, if you're a listener and leave a review, you might just get a shout-out and become a part of the podcast community.

    Recent Episodes from The GaryVee Audio Experience

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    Tips For Being A Better Entrepreneur

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    The Most Important Question In Business

    The Most Important Question In Business

    Here’s the problem most people run into when they create content online: They think they have to have something to say. So many of you aren’t putting out content online because you think you need to have the perfect message, or something “valuable” to share (based on your own arbitrary opinion). And what I’m telling you is, you will get more business if you put out literally anything. If you’re an auto dealer, you could put out a 5 min video every afternoon just recapping what happened in your day. If you’re a real estate agent, you could post updates on what your opinions are about the Super Bowl teams. Get on social media and tell your truth … it’s really that simple.

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    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

    On today's episode of the podcast Im sharing something special. With VeeCon coming up I thought I would be appropriate to share the opening Keynote from VeeCon 2023 with all of you. I sit down with my dad and brother and we chat about what we've learned from each other and we tell some fun stories as well. I hope you all enjoy this one, and be sure to get your tickets to VeeCon 2024 in LA. I will see you there!

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    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

    Today's podcast is a throwback fireside talk I gave to the VaynerMedia summer residents. They asked me questions that ranged from personal to business-related. I opened up about what I consider to be my most vulnerable moment and shed some light on the early years of VaynerMedia. Additionally, we discussed the pitfalls of monetizing a brand too early and explored ways to deal with imposter syndrome. This episode is packed with valuable advice for individuals at the early stages of their careers and even those who are already established but seeking clarity. I hope you enjoy it :)

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    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

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    The Key To Descision Making As A CEO

    The Key To Descision Making As A CEO

    In today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, I am sharing an episode from last year with Nilay Patel, Editor-in-chief of the Verge. We talk about following human attention, how I make decisions, and many other topics. This is a very well-rounded episode that dives deeper than just business. it's about real life and how I handle mine. I hope you all enjoy it!

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    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

    In this business consulting session, Gary meets with a group of business owners and takes questions around decision making, organic reach, how to hire people and plenty of others. Gary gives a great explanation at the beginning of how he values the speed of making decisions over how accurate the decisions are and towards the end he shares what he believes is one of the biggest vulnerabilities to every business. Be sure to check the comments for the timestamps of all the interesting moments... Enjoy!

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    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

    Today's Episode of the Garyvee audio experience is a recent interview I did with Mo Islam on his show The Mo Show during my last visit to Saudi Arabia. We talk about a bunch of very important topics including accountability as a key to happiness and success, the importance of being patient while still being ambitious, the TikTokification of social media, and much more. Would love to hear your thoughts on this one in the comments! Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 2:04 Gary's thoughts on Saudi Arabia 4:09 The power of strong parenting 7:49 Accountability vs beating yourself up 11:34 Optimism vs cynicism 14:42 Empathy is a superpower 18:40 Patience vs complacency 20:48 The correlation between hard work and mental health 23:30 How to have a positive impact on the world 25:29 The TikTokification of social media 27:46 The democratization of attention 29:23 Kids and screens 32:18 Is the education system flawed? 33:42 Adversity is the foundation of success 40:20 Rapid fire with GaryVee

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    5 Core Pieces of Value to Get You to Succeed

    5 Core Pieces of Value to Get You to Succeed

    There are so many people racing to earn more money than they can even spend even if they have to sacrifice their happiness and livelihood to do so. The really disturbing part about this is that most of these people only want the money so they can be flashy and show off their overly expensive cars (that they don't even want) and other dumb things to other people. Happiness needs to be the Northstar that we strive towards. If we aren't aiming to be happy, then is it really worth having more money than you can spend and more cars than you can drive? —

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    The Art of Non-Conformity: Chris Guillebeau on Living An Unconventional Life & The Power of Divine Moments
    In the mid-1800's, this radical dude living alone in the woods famously wrote, the mass of men lead lives of quite desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. As set forth in the enduring Walden, the words of Henry David Thoreau were revelatory for the time. But it's an idea that more than holds up. Not only do I consider it daily, I would contend it perfectly encapsulates what has become the unfortunate, yet defining affliction of modern man. This week's guest has devoted his life to helping others avoid Thoreau's foreboding lament – a self-experiment in purposeful living he calls The Art of Non-Conformity. Ripe with wanderlust after a 4-year stint as a NGO volunteer executive in West Africa, Chris Guillebeau embarked on a multi-year quest to travel to every country in the world, all 193, before his 35th birthday. Along the way, he decided to share his adventures on a newly hatched blog. But what began as a rather ignored and somewhat turgid travelogue soon morphed into a globally revered portal chronicling the personal experience, lessons and wisdom earned and learned not just by Chris, but by a dynamic multitude of unconventional people overcoming conventional social mores around work, life and travel to achieve personal goals and greater life satisfaction. The blog exploded, capturing the intrigue, trust and fascination of people all across the world thirsty for the brass tacks steps and inspiration required to pursue more adventurous and personally fulfilling means of working and living outside traditional paradigms. With the success of the blog, it's not surprising that books soon followed. The Art of Non-Conformity* was translated into more than twenty languages. His second book, The $100 Startup*, was a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller, selling more than 500,000 copies worldwide. His third book, The Happiness of Pursuit*, was also a New York Times bestseller. His most recent book, Born for This*, will help you find the work you were meant to do. When he's not writing bestselling books or traveling to parts unknown, you're likely to find Chris diligently working on his World Domination Summit — an annual gathering he founded six years ago that brings thousands of creative, remarkable people together. Everybody loves a good travel hack. The basic steps to launch a new business. Or the path to overnight success. If you're looking for Chris' answers to those questions, you're in the wrong place. I'm more interested in the man behind the work. What makes Chris tick. How he sees himself in the world. Enjoy! Rich

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    What Happens After The Wakeup Call

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    Topics from Today’s Episode:

    1:05 | Throwback to the original call with Taylor

    6:30 | Every second you spend looking at someone else, takes away from your own upside

    12:00 | Wishing instead of executing

    13:15 | Who do you admire?

    16:00 | Work is the answer

    17:45 | Time is everything

    17:55 | In-person meeting begins

    19:40 | Creating accountability after-the-fact

    20:25 | Running a business is great, in theory

    25:00 | Creating a community, and make it about them

    31:00 | It’s about taking action

    34:00 | Taylor’s Color Commentary

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    Brogan Graham On Igniting A Fitness Revolution

    Brogan Graham On Igniting A Fitness Revolution
    There are leaders and then there are followers. The best leaders engender devotion to a big, new idea. But only a few successfully grow their conceit into a thriving a enterprise that withstands the test of time. Fewer still scale to mainstream cultural impact. Then there are the charmed select who simply see the world differently. Not how it is, but how it could be. How it should be. The rare figure who infuses his or her vision with a contagion of enthusiasm and connectivity so infectious and powerful, it ignites a revolution – catalyzing a movement that penetrates the mainstream, hypnotizes the masses and forever alters the perspective and behavior of all who fall under its spell. This is the story of Brogan Graham — an irreverent, way-outside-the-box fitness fanatic who, along with partner-in-crime Bojan Mandaric decided to flip the fitness industry on its head and make the world a better place with a creation dubbed November Project. No gyms or machines. No fees or dues. Just two dudes, wide open public space and a fervent, gung-ho tribe of thousands taking over not just urban landscapes but the world, one city at a time. If you’re into fitness and live in a metropolis, chances are you've already caught wind of NP. Maybe you've even attended one of their infamous morning workouts. But for those unfamiliar, November Project started as a simple month-long workout pact between Brogan and Bojan, two former rowers who wanted to stay fit through the cold New England months. One by one, a burgeoning community of fitness freaks joined the party. And before long, the few morphed into a fanatical multitude, bonding around NP's free, open-to-anyone, frentic sweat revivals – the more ice, sleet, snow, and rain the better. Dubbed “the ‘Fight Club' of running clubs”, November Project has matured into a flashmob fitness revolution that now dominates the pre-dawn urban landscape of cities all across North America, Europe, the United Kingdom and even parts of Asia. Thoroughly grassroots and populist to the core, it's a category-defying movement that is redefining how we think about and practice fitness by leveraging community, a simple sense of accountability and open public spaces to motivate and encourage people of all ages, shapes, sizes and levels — welcoming everyone from Olympic medalists and professional athletes all the way to complete fitness rookies and recent couch potatoes. The idea: use movement to turn strangers into friends and connect everyone to the city in which they live. The goal: world domination. This week I sit down Brogan — one-half of the beautiful high-energy, charismatic superhero duo that birthed it all — to find out how he did it, and why. I was super stoked to meet up with Brogan. From the minute he pulled into my driveway and gave me a bear hug (he's a big dude), I knew it was a bromance in the making. I have a strong feeling this is but the first of many future collaborations. This is an amazing conversation about the power of community and storytelling to drive positive cultural change. It's about the audacity to dream big, think different, and act outside the box. It's about the freedom and power of being you. And it's a conversation about unlocking untapped reservoirs of human potential to step into your best, most fully actualized self. I sincerely hope you enjoy the exchange. Peace + Plants, Rich