
    White House Whistleblower - Alleges Job Biden Committed Criminal Acts in front of Him

    enApril 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Allegations of corruption in gambling and entertainment industriesEx-Obama staffer accuses Biden family of involvement in kickback scheme, while Hollywood faces scrutiny over Chinese Communist Party influence, highlighting the need for transparency and accountability.

      Chumba Casino has gained widespread popularity with its 100 free-to-play casino games, even reaching passengers at high altitudes. Meanwhile, in the world of entertainment, concerns about influence and corruption have surfaced. An ex-Obama staffer, Mike McCormack, has come forward as a whistleblower, alleging malfeasance involving Hunter Biden and Joe Biden in a kickback scheme. McCormack claims he has reached out to the FBI but has received no response. In Hollywood, the Chinese Communist Party's influence is under investigation, with a documentary, "Hollywood Takeover," revealing potential control over major studios. These stories underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in various sectors, from gambling to entertainment.

    • Allegations of potential corruption at the highest levels of government ignored by FBIThe FBI has shown no interest in speaking with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan about alleged criminal conduct involving Biden family and Burisma, despite resources to investigate religious institutions. Raising concerns about political bias and DOJ's willingness to examine corruption under President Biden.

      A senior administration official, Jake Sullivan, who was on Air Force 2 with Joe Biden at the time, has alleged criminal conduct involving the use of American taxpayer money to enrich Burisma and the Biden family. Sullivan, who is now the national security adviser to President Biden, raised this allegation to the FBI months ago, but the FBI has reportedly shown no interest in speaking with him. This is concerning on multiple levels, including the fact that the FBI appears to have more resources to investigate potential wrongdoing in religious institutions than in this alleged instance of potential corruption at the highest levels of government. The lack of action from the FBI raises questions about the political nature of the Department of Justice under Merrick Garland and its willingness to examine corruption involving the current president. This situation echoes the handling of Tony Bobolinski's whistleblowing before the election, where the FBI only spoke with him after he came forward publicly, but took no further action on the information he provided.

    • Augusta Precious Metals offers free gold coin and consultation for retirement savings protectionAugusta Precious Metals provides a free gold coin and consultation to safeguard substantial retirement savings during financial uncertainty. The Hunter Biden scandal involves Tony Bobolinski's claims of Joe Biden's involvement in a business deal, with inconsistencies between emails and final documents, raising concerns.

      Augusta Precious Metals is offering a free pure gold coin and consultation to those with significant retirement savings, emphasizing the importance of protecting hard-earned dollars amidst financial instability. Meanwhile, the Hunter Biden scandal involves Tony Bobolinski, a whistleblower, claiming that Joe Biden was referred to as "the big guy," who was promised a 10% equity share in an email, but later became a 20% owner in the final business document. Bobolinski's testimony and the unexplored gap between the May 13th email and the final document raise concerns and questions that have been largely ignored by the FBI and the Department of Justice.

    • Allegations of corruption involving Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's dealings with Burisma in Ukraine are not newDespite past concerns about Hunter Biden's conflict of interest in Ukraine, the media has largely ignored these issues in favor of current political narratives, preventing important discussions from taking place.

      The allegations of corruption and conflict of interest involving Hunter and Joe Biden regarding their dealings with Burisma in Ukraine are not new. These allegations have been a topic of concern for over a decade, with career foreign service officer George Kent raising these issues directly to the Obama White House before testifying in Trump's impeachment. However, the corrupt corporate media has ignored these past events as they do not fit their current political narrative. During a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing in 2019, Jean Shaheen, the committee chair, prevented George Kent from answering questions related to Hunter Biden's conflict of interest. These important discussions were largely ignored by the media, highlighting the need for a more objective approach to reporting on political matters.

    • Ambassador Kent's concerns over Hunter Biden's role in BurismaAmbassador Kent raised concerns about Hunter Biden's appointment to Burisma due to potential appearance of impropriety despite lacking qualifications and the company's history of corruption.

      During a 2019 testimony, Ambassador Kent expressed concerns about the perceived conflict of interest involving Hunter Biden's position on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma. These concerns arose due to the owner's history of corruption and the fact that Hunter Biden lacked qualifications for the role beyond his father, Joe Biden, being the Vice President at the time. The concern was not about Hunter Biden's actions but the potential appearance of impropriety. Despite not being consulted about Hunter Biden's appointment, Ambassador Kent raised his concerns with the national security staff. Joe Biden, who was Vice President at the time, denies any wrongdoing and maintains that he led efforts to combat corruption in Ukraine.

    • Allegations of Biden pressuring Ukrainian governmentDuring Biden's VP tenure, allegations arose over his role in withholding a loan guarantee due to Ukrainian leader's failure to fire a prosecutor investigating Biden's son's oligarch associate. Democrats obstructed allowing Biden to answer direct questions, leaving the truth unclear.

      That during Joe Biden's tenure as Vice President, there were allegations of him pressuring the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor who was investigating an oligarch linked to Biden's son. The commitment from the Ukrainian leaders to take action against the prosecutor was not kept, leading to the withholding of a billion-dollar loan guarantee. When asked about this situation during a Senate hearing, Democrats obstructed allowing the Vice President to answer direct yes or no questions regarding the matter. The implication is that Biden may have held the loan guarantee as leverage to benefit the oligarch, but the truth of the matter remains unanswered. This episode highlights the Democrats' efforts to protect the Bidens from answering questions related to potential conflicts of interest.

    • Senator Shaheen's Lack of Concern for Hunter Biden InvestigationDemocratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen dismissed corruption allegations against Hunter Biden and a corrupt oligarch during a Senate hearing, showing a partisan attitude. The FBI and DOJ have shown different treatment for allegations against Trump, emphasizing the need for a free and unbiased media.

      During a Senate hearing, the Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen showed a lack of concern for investigating potential corruption involving Hunter Biden and a corrupt oligarch, despite raising questions earlier. She tried to dismiss it and protect the Biden White House, with no other Democratic senator stepping in to provide a substantive response. This behavior is indicative of a partisan attitude among today's Democratic senators, who are not concerned about corruption allegations because they trust the media to not cover it. Meanwhile, the FBI and Department of Justice have shown different treatment for allegations against Donald Trump, despite the lack of substantive evidence. This double standard highlights the importance of a free and unbiased media to hold those in power accountable.

    • Media's Double Standard: Trump vs. White House StenographerThe media's reporting bias was evident during the Trump-Russia investigation, with Pulitzer prizes awarded for false reporting. Today, the discrepancy between reporting on political figures vs. insiders like the White House stenographer continues.

      There's a notable discrepancy between the media's eagerness to report allegations against political figures like Donald Trump, and their reluctance to cover significant news involving individuals like the White House stenographer who was present during key discussions with the vice president and national security advisers. This double standard was highlighted during the investigation into the Trump-Russia collusion, which resulted in Pulitzer prizes for false reporting that fueled leftist fantasies. The situation has become so noteworthy that Saturday Night Live created a mocking ad for CNN Zen, a meditation app for those who hate Trump and need soothing words from the media. Meanwhile, companies like Patriot Mobile, which align with conservative values, offer an alternative for those looking to support businesses that share their beliefs.

    • Saturday Night Live's Satirical Take on Corporate Media and Trump's Legal CaseSNL pokes fun at media's coverage of Trump's legal case, anticipates indictment details, recommends BritBox, and mentions Labrador Energy as a potential investment opportunity in US oil and gas sector

      The best satire often comes from unexpected sources, such as Saturday Night Live (SNL) mocking the corporate media for their coverage of the ongoing legal case against Donald Trump. The discussion also touched on the long-awaited indictment of Trump, with the speaker expressing their excitement for every detail and joking about the ethnicity of the judge. Another key point was the recommendation of BritBox, a streaming service offering acclaimed British TV shows and original series. Lastly, an investment company, Labrador Energy, was mentioned as an opportunity for accredited investors to invest in the US oil and gas sector, potentially reducing tax liability while generating sound returns. It's important to remember that investing in any sector, including oil and gas, carries a risk and should be done with the guidance of legal, tax, and financial advisors.

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