
    Podcast Summary

    • Focusing on Governor Cuomo's interview instead of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Oprah interviewEmphasizing accountability of politicians and media, Dan Bongino criticized the lack of hard questions asked in the media, leading to consequences like nursing home deaths due to COVID-19. He promoted ExpressVPN for online privacy protection and shared his positive experience with their sleep aid.

      Dan Bongino, the host of his self-titled radio show, made it clear that they would not be discussing the highly-publicized interview of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry with Oprah Winfrey. Instead, they would focus on more significant issues, such as the interview of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo from the past, which highlights the accountability of politicians and the media. Bongino emphasized the importance of holding politicians responsible for their actions and criticized the media for not asking hard questions, leading to consequences like the deaths of nursing home residents due to COVID-19. He also promoted ExpressVPN as a solution to protect online privacy from ISPs and third-party trackers. Bongino shared his positive experience with ExpressVPN's liquid IV sleep aid, which helped him have a good night's sleep.

    • Media's leniency towards Democratic politiciansMedia's inconsistent treatment of politicians, shielding Democrats while scrutinizing Republicans, can create a false sense of invincibility

      The media's failure to ask tough questions of Democratic politicians, as seen in this sycophantic interview of Andrew Cuomo on Good Morning America, can create a dangerous perception that they can act without consequences. This leniency contrasts starkly with the media's relentless scrutiny of former President Trump, who was subjected to constant criticism and investigation, regardless of the insignificance of the issues. This double standard can lead to a false sense of invincibility for politicians, as demonstrated by Cuomo's handling of the nursing home scandal. The media's role in shaping public perception is crucial, and it's essential that they hold all politicians accountable for their actions.

    • Economic Instability and Inflation Can Happen in Any RegimeThe US is increasing its national debt and printing more money, potentially leading to inflation and a decrease in currency value, similar to Venezuela's experience.

      The economic instability and hyperinflation seen in countries like Venezuela are not unique to communist regimes and can happen in democracies as well, including the United States. The US is currently following a similar path by increasing its national debt and printing more money, which could lead to inflation and a decrease in the value of currency. The million Bolivar note from Venezuela, worth only 53 cents in US dollars, serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of such actions. The ongoing trend of increasing national debt and money printing in the US should not be taken lightly, and it's essential to address the issue before it reaches a critical point.

    • The Unsustainable Growth of US Federal DebtThe US federal debt, now over $26 trillion, could lead to hyperinflation and a loss of value for money. While some argue the government can print more money to pay it off, this could make money worthless and decrease its value for individuals and households.

      The continued growth of the US federal debt is unsustainable and could lead to hyperinflation and a loss of value for money. Currently, the US owes over $26 trillion, which is more than double what it was just a few decades ago. This debt equates to over $227,000 per household, a figure that seems unpayable. Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) proponents argue that the government can simply print more money to pay off the debt, but this could lead to a Venezuela-like crisis where money becomes worthless. It's important to remember that money has value because people assign it value through their work and trade. The government, however, can't print value; it can only print money. As the debt continues to grow, the value of money could decrease, making it harder for individuals and households to pay off their debts and maintain their standard of living. It's crucial to be aware of this potential risk and consider ways to protect ourselves financially.

    • Social Scoring Systems: Real-life Examples and ConsequencesReal-life examples of social scoring systems exist, such as China's social credit system and the SEC's new enforcement task force, which aim to regulate citizens or companies based on a point system. Be aware of their potential impact on daily life and consider the benefits and downsides of technology and e-commerce platforms.

      While we may joke about it, there are real-life examples of social scoring systems being implemented, such as China's social credit system and the SEC's new enforcement task force in the US. These systems aim to regulate citizens or companies based on a point system, with potential consequences for those who don't meet certain standards. While the Chinese system focuses on citizens' behavior, the SEC's task force targets companies' disclosures related to environmental, social, and governance issues. It's important to be aware of these developments and consider their potential impact on our daily lives. Additionally, Bonjino's discussion about Rock Auto's reliable selection and low prices serves as a reminder of the convenience and benefits that technology and e-commerce platforms can offer. However, it's crucial to be cautious of potential downsides, such as the potential for misuse of data and privacy concerns. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for continued awareness and critical thinking in our increasingly interconnected world.

    • Moving towards a 'ratocracy' and SEC's environmental scoring systemThe US may be shifting towards a system where power lies with a few, and the SEC is implementing its own ESG scoring system. This raises concerns over lack of transparency, accountability, and potential dangers including cognitive decline and global annihilation.

      The United States may be moving towards a "ratocracy," a term used to describe a system where power is held by a small group, and the SEC is enforcing its own environmental and social scoring system against companies. The speaker expresses concern over the similarities between this and communist behavior, and warns of the potential dangers, including the President's cognitive decline and the potential for global annihilation. The speaker also criticizes the lack of transparency and accountability, as evidenced by the White House cutting off a press conference and the President's apparent confusion about whether or not to take questions. The speaker urges listeners to pay attention to these issues, as they are not partisan but rather about the well-being of the country.

    • Growing concerns over President Biden's health and potential Chinese hacking of Microsoft serversDiscussions about invoking the 25th Amendment due to Biden's health and concerns over Chinese hacking attempts on Microsoft servers highlight the need for privacy and scrutiny of governments and corporations' actions.

      There are growing concerns about President Joe Biden's ability to fulfill his duties due to his reported declining health. These concerns have led to discussions about invoking the 25th Amendment. Meanwhile, there's also a significant cybersecurity issue at hand with reports of China-backed hacking attempts on Microsoft servers. The potential implications of this situation are vast, as the Chinese could gain access to sensitive information if Microsoft holds extensive data on U.S. citizens. These developments underscore the importance of maintaining privacy and scrutinizing the actions of both governments and corporations.

    • Tracing the Origin of Internet Documents: Potential Dangers and ImplicationsC2PA's system to trace the origin of internet documents raises privacy concerns, potentially enabling harassment or doxing of individuals, and could be compared to historical moral panics like the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism.

      The Coalition for Content, Providence and Authenticity (C2PA), an organization backed by tech giants like Microsoft, is working on a system to trace the origin of every document on the internet. This has raised concerns among privacy advocates and conservatives, who argue that such a system could be exploited by malicious actors to target individuals politically. The analogy of the movie "Air Force" was used to illustrate the potential dangers of this system, where a hypothetical PDF file created anonymously by a political group could be traced back to its author, potentially putting them at risk of harassment or doxing. Andrew Clavin from The Daily Wire warned that tech companies implementing such a system could end up being the "villains" in the future, drawing parallels to historical moral panics like the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism. The speaker emphasized the importance of considering the potential unintended consequences of such actions and the long-term implications for individual privacy and freedom of speech.

    • Equity vs Equality: Forcing Unequal Treatment for Equal OutcomesThe pursuit of 'equity' in the leftist model requires unequal treatment for equal outcomes, going against the principle of equal opportunity.

      The concept of "equity" being pushed by the Biden administration is a disguised form of discrimination. This was discussed during a segment on the show, where it was explained that the pursuit of equal outcomes requires treating people unequally, as described in Friedrich Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom." An example given was of two individuals, one who worked hard his entire life and became successful, and another who squandered his inheritance. In the leftist equity model, the successful individual would be required to transfer some of their income to the other, despite it being an unfair situation. The show emphasized that the only thing that can be guaranteed is equal opportunity to an outcome. Additionally, the segment mentioned TQ's use of liposomal technology to deliver vitamin C deep into the skin for anti-aging benefits, and offered a discount code for those interested.

    • Historical reparations and equity debateThe argument for historical reparations based on ancestry risks creating a society where people are judged and punished based on their ancestry rather than their actions.

      The ongoing debate about reparations and equity is a complex issue with deep historical roots. However, it is crucial to recognize that asking people alive today to pay for historical wrongs they had no involvement in sets a dangerous precedent. The left's argument for discrimination based on historical grievances can lead to an endless cycle of claims, and it risks creating a society where people are judged and punished based on their ancestry rather than their actions. The recent revelation that the Biden administration's claim of systemic racism in policing is not backed by scientific evidence further underscores the importance of basing policies on facts rather than assumptions. Overall, it is essential to approach these issues with a nuanced understanding and a commitment to fairness and equality for all.

    • No statistically significant evidence of racial targeting in police arrestsThe DOJ report found similar percentages of offenders and arrestees by race for non-fatal violent crimes, indicating police focus on criminal actions rather than race.

      Contrary to the liberal narrative, there is no statistically significant evidence that police officers target individuals based on their race when making arrests. A recent Department of Justice report found that for non-fatal violent crimes, the percentage of offenders and arrestees of a given race were similar. The data suggests that police focus on criminal actions rather than race when making arrests. This may come as a shock to those who advocate for equity and reparations based on race, but it's important to base policies on facts and data rather than assumptions.

    • Special deal on OmahaStakes' best-sellers using code 'Bongino'.OmahaStakes offers high-quality store-made steaks and foods with a money-back guarantee, and you can get a special deal using the code 'Bongino'.

      During the discussion, it was mentioned that you can get a special deal on OmahaStakes' best-sellers package, including chicken breasts and burgers, by typing "Bongino" in their search bar on omahastakes.com. Additionally, it was emphasized that OmahaStakes has been the leader in store-made steaks and foods since 1917 and offers a 100% money-back guarantee. Furthermore, the speaker criticized the Democrats for prioritizing fear porn and activism over addressing the COVID crisis, using the example of 108 illegal immigrants testing positive for COVID-19 being released in Texas and not being required to quarantine. Lastly, the speaker announced the start of a new company that will be acquiring and investing in various tech technologies as an alternative to left-wing dominated platforms.

    • Journalists like Gila Edelman from Wired Magazine spread misinformation, targeting conservative figuresBe aware of biased actors spreading misinformation, seek reliable sources, and support businesses promoting truth and free speech.

      Certain journalists, like Gila Edelman from Wired Magazine, who lack credibility and intelligence, continue to spread misinformation, particularly targeting conservative figures. This misinformation often gains more engagement on social media platforms like Facebook. It's essential to be aware of these biased actors and seek out reliable sources to avoid being misinformed. The research shows that far-right pages on Facebook receive the most interactions, and it's crucial to support alternative platforms and businesses that promote free speech and truth-telling. The latest addition to Dan Bongino's portfolio aims to provide an escape from the leftist economy and censorship. A hero of the day, Nick Gerese, a former Philadelphia police officer, is leading a quest to oust prosecutors funded by George Soros. Supporting figures like Nick and businesses that uphold truth and free speech is essential in the ongoing battle against leftist cancel culture and misinformation.

    • Soros-backed prosecutors prioritize criminal rights over public safetyGeorge Soros' funding of local prosecutor races leads to election of prosecutors who prioritize criminal rights, exemplified by figures like George Gascon in Los Angeles. Former police officer Nick Gerese is leading efforts to remove these prosecutors and restore law and order. Listeners can support Gerese and tune into BonginoReport.com for morning news.

      George Soros continues to fund local prosecutor races, resulting in the election of prosecutors who prioritize criminal rights over public safety. This trend, as discussed on the show, has been exemplified by figures like George Gascon in Los Angeles. Former police officer Nick Gerese is leading the charge to remove these Soros-backed prosecutors and restore a society that values law and order. Gerese's efforts were highlighted in an article in The Washington Times. Bongino listeners are encouraged to support Gerese's cause and tune into BonginoReport.com for morning news, as an alternative to left-leaning sources. Additionally, keep an eye out for an upcoming announcement regarding a new acquisition to help users escape leftist influences in the tech ecosystem.

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    Ep 965 | The January 6th Journalist Arrested for Exposing Truth | Guest: Steve Baker

    Ep 965 | The January 6th Journalist Arrested for Exposing Truth | Guest: Steve Baker
    Today we're joined by Blaze Media investigative reporter Steve Baker to discuss his recent run-ins with the feds over his reporting on January 6. Steve details what has happened to him in the three years since his decision to report on the events at the Capitol on January 6, as well as his most condemning findings on the pipe bomb found outside the DNC headquarters and the alleged perjury of a Capitol Police officer. He explains what exactly he saw on January 6, why his actions aren't condemning at all, and why he believes the FBI is more interested in proving a point than enacting any form of justice. He explains his recent surrender to the FBI and the toll it took on him as well as how we can be praying for him. Watch the full footage referenced in the interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlXLvbk-6YY --- Timecodes: (02:00) Becoming a journalist / learning about J6 (12:01) Footage from J6 / what happened that day (25:08) First hints of legal trouble (33:40) Arrest & charges (36:00) Why the FBI is after Steve (49:00) Capitol Police perjury (51:38) DNC pipe bomb (54:28) The purpose of January 6th (01:10:42) Steve's response --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — Go to GoodRanchers.com and use code 'ALLIE' when you subscribe to get a FREE Easter ham and $25 off any box! A'Del — go to adelnaturalcosmetics.com and enter promo code "ALLIE" for 25% off your first order! Covenant Eyes — protect you and your family from the things you shouldn't be looking at online. Go to coveyes.com/ALLIE to try it FREE for 30 days! Jase Medical — get up to a year’s worth of many of your prescription medications delivered in advance. Go to JaseMedical.com today and use promo code “ALLIE" for a discount. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 547 | The Christian Nationalist Boogeyman https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000547708020 Ep 630 | January 6th: The Scary, Secret Truth | Guest: Julie Kelly https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000566554023 --- Links: The Blaze: "Why was Kamala Harris at the DNC, not the Capitol, on January 6?" https://www.theblaze.com/columns/analysis/why-was-kamala-harris-near-the-dnc-not-the-capitol-on-january-6 The Blaze: "Capitol Police diverted all CCTV cameras away from DNC pipe bomb investigation — except one" https://www.theblaze.com/columns/capitol-police-diverted-all-cctv-cameras-away-from-dnc-pipe-bomb-investigation-except-one The Blaze: "Revealed: A plainclothes Capitol cop found the DNC pipe bomb" https://www.theblaze.com/columns/analysis/revealed-a-plainclothes-capitol-cop-found-the-dnc-pipe-bomb The Blaze: "Analysis: Did Pelosi’s security chief perjure himself in Oath Keepers trial?" https://www.theblaze.com/columns/analysis/analysis-did-pelosis-security-chief-perjure-himself-in-oath-keepers-trial --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Ep 9 - Mark Paul - The Ends of Freedom: A Deep Dive into Economic Inequality

    Ep 9 -  Mark Paul - The Ends of Freedom: A Deep Dive into Economic Inequality

    In this episode, we delve into a profound discussion with economist Mark Paul about his book, "The Ends of Freedom," and his vision for an Economic Bill of Rights. We explore the concept of an economic bill of rights that has a long history from FDR to MLK the role of government in providing essential services, and the importance of progressive taxation. We also discuss the need for affordable childcare and its impact on women's participation in the labor force. The conversation touches on the historical context of GDP calculation, the importance of including home labor, and the implications of excluding it. We also discuss the cost of higher education and the potential benefits of making it universally accessible. The conversation concludes with a discussion on how to pay for these social programs, the role of broad-based taxation, and the importance of considering future productive capacity rather than focusing solely on the national debt.

    The Paper Mentioned in the Show

    - Children as Public Goods by Nancy Folbre, The American Economic Review 1994 - https://www.proquest.com/docview/233027518

    Recommended books based on this episode:

    1. "The Ends of Freedom" by Mark Paul - https://bookshop.org/a/94644/9780226792965

    2. "The Value of Everything" by Mariana Mazzucato - https://bookshop.org/a/94644/9781541758247

    3. "The Deficit Myth" by Stephanie Kelton - https://bookshop.org/a/94644/9781541736191

    4. "The Case for a Maximum Wage" by Sam Pizzigati - https://bookshop.org/a/94644/9781509524921

    Topics discussed:

    • Economic Bill of Rights
    • Maximum and Minimum Income
    • Government's Role
    • Progressive Taxation
    • Affordable Childcare
    • Women's Labor Force Participation
    • GDP Calculation
    • Higher Education Cost
    • Social Programs Funding
    • Future Productive Capacity

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    Bookshop page: https://bookshop.org/shop/RevivingVirtue

    Contact: revivingvirtue@gmail.com

    Music by Jeffrey Anthony