
    Podcast Summary

    • Beyond the Surface of Social Media FriendshipsNot all social media friendships are authentic, and it's crucial to look beyond surface-level displays of closeness to build genuine bonds.

      The appearance of strong friendships on social media can be misleading, and it's essential to look beyond the surface to understand the authenticity of relationships. The speaker shares her personal struggle with creating genuine bonds with women, feeling like an outsider observing seemingly effortless friendships. She discovered that many female friendships can be toxic and masked by public displays of closeness. This realization inspired the speaker to open up about her experiences with female friendships and the challenges she faced in creating authentic bonds. She emphasizes that it's not about the quantity of friends but the quality, and she values her close female friendships deeply. The speaker's vulnerability in sharing her experiences aims to encourage open conversations about the importance of authentic friendships and the potential challenges that come with them.

    • The importance of authentic friendshipsValuing a few genuine friends over a large group of acquaintances leads to deeper connections and stronger relationships.

      The quality of friendships is more important than the quantity. The speaker shares how they've learned to value a few authentic, trustworthy friends over a large group of acquaintances. However, they've had negative experiences with female friends in the past, which left them feeling unsupported and competitive, leading them to gravitate towards male friendships. This pattern stems from their upbringing and experiences, but the speaker acknowledges that not everyone may relate to this. Ultimately, they express a desire for meaningful female friendships but have struggled to maintain them due to past experiences. The speaker's story highlights the importance of genuine connections and the impact of past experiences on our relationships.

    • Struggling with Authentic Female Friendships in the Public EyeDespite the challenges of forming genuine friendships in the social media industry, the speaker encourages authenticity and selectivity to build meaningful connections.

      The speaker has struggled with forming deep and authentic female friendships, especially in the public eye where her personal life is scrutinized. She feels put on the spot when asked about her friendships and has been betrayed in the past, leading her to be cautious and selective about who she connects with. The speaker believes that the social media industry can be superficial and focused on clout, views, and attention, making it difficult to form genuine connections. She acknowledges that not all friendships in this industry are fake, but her experiences have left her feeling disconnected and wary. The speaker aims to help those who have experienced similar challenges and encourages authenticity and selectivity in forming friendships.

    • Complexities of Female FriendshipsFemale friendships can be intense and complex, with potential for emotional conflict and competition, leading some women to prioritize peace and genuine support over confrontation.

      The speaker has had challenging experiences with female friendships due to perceived competition and lack of genuine support. She has felt that some women were not truly happy for her success and instead created toxic environments. The speaker believes that female friendships can be more complex than others due to the potential for greater emotional intensity and conflict. She admits to avoiding confrontation and instead choosing to leave friendships when tension arises. The speaker values peace and mutual support in her relationships and seeks out genuine, positive connections.

    • Navigating conflicts in female friendships with maturityMaturity and understanding help resolve conflicts in female friendships through open communication and finding supportive friends.

      As we grow older, we gain maturity and understanding, which can help us navigate conflicts in our female friendships. Previously, the speaker avoided addressing issues due to fear of drama, but now recognizes the importance of open communication and expressing feelings. It's okay to have conflict as long as it's handled in a healthy way. The speaker also realizes that she may have been surrounding herself with the wrong people and that there are women out there who will support her success and form healthy, drama-free friendships. This realization comes with experience and maturing, which can happen at any age. If you're younger and struggling with toxic friendships, know that it's a common experience and that learning to communicate openly and find genuine friends is a process that takes time and maturity.

    • Using social media for self-expression and personal growthDespite the challenges of online negativity, social media can provide opportunities for self-expression, building supportive communities, and overcoming isolation.

      Social media can be a powerful tool for self-expression and personal growth, even during challenging times in life. The speaker shares her experience of being bullied for using Instagram during college, but finds solace and motivation in creating content and building a community online. However, the anonymity of social media can also lead to negativity and hurtful comments. It's important to remember that online interactions do not define our worth or friendships, and it's essential to find supportive communities both online and offline. The speaker found her true friends in her college acapella group, and the experience of using Instagram helped her overcome a difficult period in her life. So, if you're feeling isolated or struggling to connect with people, remember that it's normal and valid, and consider exploring new avenues for self-expression and community building, both online and offline.

    • Online bullying and exclusion can leave women feeling traumatized and excludedTraumatic experiences of bullying and exclusion can impact trust in other women, but having a supportive group can help overcome the harm.

      Online bullying and exclusion from certain social groups can be traumatizing and make it difficult to trust other women. The speaker shared her personal experience of being targeted anonymously by sorority members in college, which left her feeling excluded and on the outside. However, she also mentioned having a supportive group that helped her get through this challenging time. It's important to note that not all women or sororities are toxic, but the speaker's experience highlights the potential harm of group dynamics that can lead to bullying and exclusion. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having a support system during difficult times, which helped her overcome the trauma and continue her education. The speaker's experience resonated with her when she discovered the prevalence of toxic female friendships on TikTok and realized that she was not alone in her feelings.

    • Feeling isolated and not alone in friendship strugglesBe open and vulnerable about your feelings to make valuable connections and deepen self-understanding

      Feeling isolated and having difficulty making friends is a common experience, and it's important to remember that you're not alone. The fear of being judged or perceived as strange can prevent people from opening up about their struggles with friendship. However, it's essential to recognize that many individuals have gone through similar experiences and that sharing your feelings can lead to valuable connections. So, if you've felt like you're the only one dealing with friendship issues, remember that you're not alone. If today's episode resonated with you, reach out and share your thoughts. And if not, remember that everyone's experiences are unique, and it's okay to have differing perspectives. Overall, the key takeaway is to be open and vulnerable about your feelings, as it can lead to meaningful connections and a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

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    If you loved this episode, be sure to dm me @lyss @dateyourselfinstead and share with a friend.



    Date Yourself Instead
    enJune 24, 2024

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    10 things I'm letting go of this summer (AND FOREVER)

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    Doors are still open for the month of June! Use code "FREEDOM30" for a special 30% off discount when you join.

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    If you loved this episode, always dm me @lyss or @dateyourselfinstead.


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    Doors open IN JUNE, be sure to sign up for the waitlist to reserve your spot in the class for SUMMER.

    Date Yourself Instead
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    I love you, as always, if you feel called to send me a message on Instagram @lyss @dateyourselfinstead, I'm always here. x


    Use code "selflove" for a discount, I'd love to have you. We have an amazing community focused on self love, empowerment and detaching from toxic relationships.

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    If you enjoyed this episode, dm me on instagram @dateyourselfinstead or @lyss.

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    "Sharing with other people is what makes it interesting. Otherwise, it is just self-reflection, not self-expression."

    "You draw people to you that are like-minded and you repel people that have dissenting points of view or whatever it might be. Finding the people that you connect with in this world is important."

    "That back and forth exchange of ideas creates usually new and better ideas or better perspective and understanding on both sides of things that you had not thought about but the other people introduce into the conversation."


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