
    why i deleted twitter

    enNovember 26, 2020
    What challenges did the speaker mention people are facing?
    How did the pandemic affect the speaker's mental health?
    What self-care practices did the speaker recommend?
    Why is it important to have support systems?
    How can individuals manage feelings of burnout?

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Support During Challenging TimesDuring tough times, remember self-care, lean on support systems, and utilize helpful resources like Haagen Dazs, Squarespace, and Bumble.

      Even though times are tough and people may be struggling with various issues such as seasonal changes, anxiety, and uncertain events, it's important to remember that we're not alone. The speaker shared her own experiences and acknowledged the challenges many are facing, especially during the pandemic and recent elections. She emphasized the importance of taking care of oneself, whether it's through indulging in treats like Haagen Dazs or building a strong online presence with Squarespace for businesses. Additionally, using tools like Bumble to find connections can help in various aspects of life. Overall, it's crucial to acknowledge the struggles and lean on the support systems available, whether it's through personal connections or useful resources.

    • Internet toxicity worsened speaker's depressionDepression can be influenced by various factors, including seasonal changes and Internet negativity. Disconnecting from technology can provide temporary relief and help in recovery.

      The speaker experienced a bout of depression, which was exacerbated by the toxicity of the Internet during a particularly difficult seasonal transition. Despite appearing fine to others, the speaker struggled with basic self-care tasks and found relief in the presence of certain individuals. The Internet's negativity played a role in her mental breakdown, but a day at the beach, disconnected from technology, provided a moment of respite and helped her begin to recover. The speaker acknowledges that her depression was likely caused by a combination of factors, including the changing seasons and extended exposure to online negativity.

    • Negative Impact of Social Media on Mental HealthSocial media can lead to depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem due to constant exposure to negativity and assumptions, not based in reality. Prioritize positive platforms and experiences.

      Social media, specifically Twitter, can have a negative impact on mental health when one becomes overly consumed by checking for mentions or rumors about oneself. The constant exposure to negativity and assumptions, even if they're not based in reality, can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. It's essential to recognize that what one sees on social media isn't always an accurate representation of reality and that focusing on such negativity can be detrimental. Instead, it's crucial to prioritize positive platforms and experiences that bring joy and creativity.

    • The positive impact of YouTube vs the harmful effects of TwitterYouTube promotes creativity and positivity, while Twitter's anonymity can lead to hurtful words. Be mindful of the impact of your online actions.

      YouTube is generally seen as a positive and comforting platform due to the effort and thought put into creating content, unlike Twitter where tweets can be harmful due to their lack of thought and anonymity. The speaker shares how they find joy in creating and consuming content on YouTube, but have accidentally tweeted hurtful things due to the mindless nature of the platform. They ultimately decided to deactivate their Twitter account due to these concerns. The discussion also touched on the importance of considering the potential impact of one's words before sharing them online. The speaker emphasized that they have never intended to hurt anyone's feelings but acknowledged that accidents can happen. They highlighted the allure of anonymity on Twitter as a potential factor contributing to mean behavior on the platform. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of being mindful of the content we create and share online.

    • Upgrading various aspects of life for better well-beingDeactivate negative platforms for mental peace, use digital presence mindfully for creativity and constructive criticism.

      Upgrading various aspects of your life, whether it's your wardrobe, home decor, or even digital presence, can lead to significant improvements in your well-being. The speaker shares her personal experience of deactivating her Twitter account to reduce anxiety and stress, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing mental health. However, she also acknowledges the positive aspects of the internet, such as creativity, sharing feelings, and constructive criticism. The key is to use these platforms mindfully and avoid the negativity and false information that can lead to unnecessary drama and harm.

    • The Power of Disconnecting from Social MediaDisconnecting from social media can improve mental health and reduce depression, even during tough times. Remember that feelings of sadness and anxiety are temporary and focus on positive things.

      The Internet can be a valuable source of learning and connection, but it's important to remember that we're all humans and to approach criticism and interactions with kindness and understanding. If something, such as social media, is negatively affecting your mental health, it's okay to remove it from your life. It's important to prioritize your well-being and remember that you have the power to make choices that benefit you. The speaker's experience of deactivating Twitter led to improved mental health and less depression, even during difficult days. The key is to remember that feelings of sadness and anxiety are temporary and will pass, and to focus on the present moment and the things that bring positivity and joy.

    • Recognizing and Addressing BurnoutPrioritize self-care, recognize signs of burnout, consider therapy for social life, focus on wanting a relationship rather than needing one, and enjoy simple meals at home for those recovering from eating disorders.

      It's important to prioritize self-care and recognize the signs of burnout, whether it's from social events or other commitments. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling drained and the importance of therapy in building a social life that doesn't deplete energy. She also suggests some favorite at-home meals for those in recovery from eating disorders. Additionally, the speaker advises that those seeking a relationship should focus on wanting one rather than needing one, emphasizing the importance of self-sufficiency and emotional readiness.

    • The joy of being single and the value of a fulfilling relationshipFocusing on personal growth and enjoying our own company can lead to finding a loving and fulfilling relationship. Embrace the deep connection and dependency in a healthy partnership for personal growth and happiness.

      Being content with being single and having high standards can lead to entering into a fulfilling and joyful relationship. When we focus on enjoying our own company and not settling, we may find a partner who truly enhances our lives. However, once in a relationship, it's normal to feel deeply connected and dependent on our partner, which can feel like a weakness. But embracing these feelings and recognizing the value of a healthy and loving partnership is essential for personal growth and happiness. Additionally, when it comes to shoes, the speaker prefers the Chuck 70 style of high top Converse over the normal style due to their wider fit, thicker sole, and thicker canvas. Lastly, the speaker is content with having two cats and doesn't plan on getting another one, as it often signifies a turbulent love life for her.

    • Personal struggles impacting creativityAcknowledge challenges, manage them, and keep pushing forward during difficult times to maintain creativity and passion.

      Going through difficult times, whether it's personal issues or mental health struggles, can significantly impact one's creativity and passion for things they once enjoyed. The speaker shares her experience of how her self-esteem issues and depression led to a decline in her YouTube channel. She also mentions how her prolonged stay in LA and the pandemic have added to her anxiety and desire to escape. It's essential to acknowledge these challenges and find ways to manage them while also being thoughtful of others and the current situation. The speaker's resilience and determination to keep going despite the hardships serve as an inspiration to keep pushing forward.

    • Feeling stuck and unable to imagine the futureIt's normal to feel stuck and struggle to imagine a different future during challenging times. Remember that things will improve and it's okay to have fleeting interests. Believe in manifesting with a positive mindset.

      It's normal to feel stuck and unable to imagine the future during challenging times, such as the ongoing pandemic. Our imaginations can become fried, making it difficult to envision a different life. However, it's important to remember that this is a normal response and that things will improve in the future. It's also normal to have fleeting obsessions or interests, and as long as we're handling these things with grace and kindness towards others, there's nothing to be concerned about. Lastly, believing in manifesting can be a positive thing, even if our manifestations don't always come true in the way we expect. The important thing is to keep a positive mindset and trust that things will work out for the best.

    • Exploring Positivity, Self-Care, and Relationships During the HolidaysPracticing positivity and self-care, whether through manifestation or other means, can improve one's life. Some people enjoy the tradition of gift-giving during holidays, while others find it stressful. For those with anxiety around drugs and alcohol, prioritizing self-care and setting boundaries can help reduce anxiety during social events.

      Focusing on positivity and self-care, even if it's through the practice of manifestation, can bring comfort and potentially have positive effects on one's life. Regarding relationships, some people may enjoy the tradition of gift-giving during holidays, while others find it causes anxiety. For those who experience anxiety around drugs and alcohol, it's essential to prioritize self-care and find ways to navigate social situations that may trigger those feelings. Avoiding events with drugs or alcohol present is one option, but if that's not feasible, assertively communicating your boundaries and reassuring others that you're not judging them can help reduce anxiety.

    • Self-care and mental healthPractice patience, give yourself space, write down thoughts for confrontations, and focus on self-control for mental health

      Taking care of your mental health is crucial, and it's important to remember that you have control over yourself. If you're feeling overwhelmed or unable to socialize, be patient with yourself and give yourself the time and space you need. It's okay to cancel plans or take a break from social events if that's what you need. Additionally, when dealing with confrontation, take the time to organize your thoughts and practice expressing yourself. Writing down your points can help you feel more prepared and confident when it's time to have a difficult conversation. Remember, it's normal to struggle with mental exhaustion or anxiety, and taking care of yourself is not a sign of weakness. Instead, it's a sign of self-awareness and self-care. So, focus on what you can control and take things one step at a time.

    • Effective Confrontation: A Tool for Personal Growth and Healthy RelationshipsConfrontation brings discomfort initially but leads to improved relationships and personal empowerment. Approach confrontation with a solution-focused mindset and address anxiety to reap benefits.

      Effective communication, particularly confrontation, can be challenging but is essential for personal growth and healthy relationships. Practicing confrontation, even when uncomfortable, leads to improved relationships and personal empowerment. Writing down thoughts and crafting thoughtful texts can be helpful alternatives to in-person confrontation. Remember, holding in feelings only leads to resentment and pain. Confrontation may bring initial discomfort, but the benefits often outweigh the costs. As the speaker shared, they have gone from finding confrontation terrifying to doing it with ease and confidence. The key is to approach confrontation with the goal of finding a solution, rather than causing harm or blame. And if anxiety is a barrier, addressing it and communicating despite the anxiety can lead to positive outcomes. Overall, communication and confrontation are powerful tools for personal growth and relationship building.

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    EP.126 - Everything Isn't Terrible with Dr Kathleen Smith, PhD, Licensed Therapist, Mental Health Writer and Author

    EP.126 - Everything Isn't Terrible with Dr Kathleen Smith, PhD, Licensed Therapist, Mental Health Writer and Author

    Welcome to the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz

    Episode 126 - Everything Isn't Terrible with Dr Kathleen Smith, PhD, Licensed Therapist, Mental Health Writer and Author 

    Dr. Kathleen Smith is a licensed therapist and author of: Everything Isn't Terrible: Conquer Your Insecurities, Interrupt Your Anxiety and Finally Calm Down published with Hachette Books.

    A graduate of Harvard University and George Washington University, she's written for popular websites like Salon, Slate, New York Magazine, Psychology Today, Lifehacker, Bustle, Everyday Health, Psycom, Psychotherapy Networker, Psychology Today, Counselling Today and many more.

    Interviews with Kathleen have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Women's Health Magazine, Women's World Magazine, and television programs including Good Morning Washington.

    She is a student of Bowen Family Systems Theory and an associate faculty member of the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family.  

    Kathleen has a private practice in Washington, DC, and is the host of the TV show Family Matters, produced by the University of the District of Columbia.

    Kathleen writes a free, weekly therapy newsletter on managing anxiety, called "The Anxious Overachiever"

    Dr. Kathleen Smith is the author of Everything Isn't Terrible which offers a smart, practical antidote to our anxiety ridden times.

    Everything Isn't Terrible is an informative and practical guide, featuring a healthy dose of humour for people who want to become beacons of calmness in their families, at work, and in our anxious world.

    Everything Isn't Terrible will inspire you to confront your anxious self, take charge of your anxiety, and increase your own capacity to choose how to respond to it.  

    Her book comprises of short chapters containing anecdotal examples from Smith's work with her clients, in addition to engaging, actionable exercises for readers.

    Everything Isn't Terrible will give anyone who is suffering from anxiety all of the tools they need to finally calm down and in this podcast episode Dr Kathleen Smith shares more about what inspired her to write her book.

    In Podcast Episode 126 

    In Episode 126 - Podcast Guest 

    Dr Kathleen Smith shares:

    - a little bit about herself

    - what inspired her to write her book - Everything Isn't Terrible

    - what is Anxiety

    - how to live a calmer, less anxious life

    - how to ask someone to do a house core without yelling at them

    - how to build happier, healthier family relationships

    - how to let go of trying to control everything

    - how to prevent family arguments, conflicts and fights

    - why everything isn't terrible

    - what her self care rituals are

    plus we talk about so much more............


    Get Ready to Tune into Podcast Show 126

    Episode 126 - #spaitgirl talk show with Yvette Le Blowitz 

    available on Apple, Spotify, Google, Audible, Libysn + so many more podcast apps

    or search for #spaitgirl on any podcast app 


    Available to watch on Youtube Channel - Spa it Girl or Yvette Le Blowitz

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    Podcast Guest

    Dr Kathleen Smith, PhD

    Licensed Therapist, Mental Health Writer, Author 

    Website: www.kathleensmith.net

    Twitter @fangirltherapy


    Podcast Host 

    Yvette Le Blowitz 

    Instagram @yvetteleblowitz

    Website www.yvetteleblowitz.com


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    EP.138 - When We Become Strangers with Maggie Hamilton, Social Research, Author

    EP.138 - When We Become Strangers with Maggie Hamilton, Social Research, Author

    Welcome to the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz

    EP.138 - When We Become Strangers with Maggie Hamilton, Social Researcher, Author  

    How Loneliness Leaks into our Lives and What We Can Do About It 

    Maggie Hamilton is a Sydney based Author and Social Researcher. Maggie writes books and for magazines.

    She gives frequent talks and lectures and is a regular media commentator and a keen observer of social trends.

    Maggie Hamilton has held a number of senior roles in publishing and at the ABC.

    Her professional memberships include serving on the Executive of the Sydney Peace Foundation, as a Member of the Organising Committee for the Federation Australian Women Speak Conference, Office for the Status of Women, set up to examine the future of Australian women, and Member of the Organising Committee for the Federation Australian Women's History Project, Office for the Status of Women, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

    While immersing herself in a world of ideas and possibilities, Maggie Hamilton has written a handful of books for children and feels so lucky to work with so many brilliant writers and thinkers.

    In between times she loves to travel off the beaten track (well pre-covid) to recover those parts of her that are silenced in everyday.

    One of her most memorable journeys was through Amercia's southwestern desert, as it made her feel so liberated while traversing those breath-taking landscapes.

    Returning, Maggie always yearned for more space in her life, in her head. Eventually she left work to write and explore more soulful topics.

    Three years later in 2005 she was invited to set up Allen & Unwin's Inspired Living imprint, which she managed until 2012.  

    Three huge bodies of research followed alongside this work, culminating in her books What Men Don't Talk About, What's Happening to Our Girls? and What's Happening to Our Boys? which all had a huge reception, each striking a chord with many.

    Her latest research, captured in When We Become Strangers, looks at our growing estrangement from ourselves and each other - as seen in our children, wider relationships and workplaces, in our communities, and towns and cities.  

    And, most importantly, what we can do about this.

    Everything Maggie Hamilton does is informed by an insatiable curiosity about life, about people.  

    She is passionate about exploring the possibilities before us, and how we can create a better tomorrow.

    Her toes still curl at the possibility of more travel to out-of-the-way places. Maggie also loves film and vintage clothing, new projects, theatre and dance, and endless soulful moments that present themselves daily.

    Yvette Le Blowitz, Podcast Host sits down with Maggie Hamilton to find out more about her brand new book: When We Become Strangers - how loneliness leaks into our lives and what we can do about it.  

    After decades of affluence, we're busy renovating our homes, buffing and botoxing our bodies, and losing ourselves in passive entertainment and shopping, as depression and anxiety soar.  

    And with the arrival of Netflix and Uber Eats, there's less and less incentive to leave home.

    Could our constant need for connection be messing with our brains? Is this why we're losing our ability to strike up a conversation with anyone we don't know?

    And given the so many of our kids lack one-on-one attention and regular touch, are we raising this new generation to be profoundly lonely?

    Right now, many of our relationships at home and at work, as well as in our communities are struggling.  

    What, then, are the best ways back to belonging, and what might a more engaged community look like?

    Find Out..........

    In Podcast Episode 138 

    Maggie Hamilton shares:

    - a little bit about herself

    - her brand new book - When We Become Strangers

    - our growing estrangement from ourselves and each other 

    - how loneliness leaks into our lives and what we can do about it

    - powerful ways to bring back connection

    - practical to our increasing social isolation in our families and communities

    - effective ways to engage with iGEN

    - ways to help our iGEN feel connected and less lonely 

    - how to connect within your community in simple ways

    - the importance of connecting to nature and our natural environment

    - how to bring back a more engage community lifestyle

    - how we can create a better tomorrow and future 

    - the changing workplace and space

    - some of the mental health challenges that come with loneliness

    - what her self-care rituals are

    and of course we talk about so much more,  because it's TALK SHOW......

    Get Ready to Tune into Episode 138 *click here


    Episode 138 - #spaitgirl talk show with Yvette Le Blowitz 

    available on Apple, Spotify, Google, Audible, Libysn - all podcast apps

    search for #spaitgirl on any podcast app or on google 


    Available to watch on Youtube Channel - Spa it Girl or Yvette Le Blowitz

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    • search via Booktopia our affiliated online book store  *click here
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    Podcast Guest

    Maggie Hamilton 

    Author, Writer, Researcher, Storyteller

    Website www.maggiehamilton.com

    Instagram @maggiewhispers


    Podcast Host 

    Yvette Le Blowitz 

    Instagram @yvetteleblowitz

    Website www.yvetteleblowitz.com


    Become a Podcast Show Sponsor

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    The #SPAITGIRL Podcast Show 

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    &  Together "Let's Feel Good From Within"

    and #makefeelinggoodgoviral


    Please note - Affiliated Links included in this spaitgirl.com blog post includes affiliated links with Amazon.com and booktopia.com.au - should you order any books from Amazon.com or Booktopia.com.au via the links contained in this blog post spaitgirl.com will receive a small paid commission fee from the online book stores. 

    Please note - The information in this podcast is a general conversation between the podcast host and podcast guest and is not intended to replace professional medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for medical treatment or advice from a mental health professional. 

    Use of any of the material in this podcast show is always at the listeners discretion.  

    The podcast host and guest accept no liability arising directly or indirectly from use or misuse of any of the information contained in this podcast show and podcast episode conversation, or any trauma triggered or associated with it.

    If you are experiencing depression, mental illness, any health concerns please seek medical professional help immediately.