
    Podcast Summary

    • Master social media by being a practitionerTo excel in social media or any field, focus on doing the work and making mistakes, rather than just reading or talking about it.

      Becoming an expert in social media or any field requires hands-on experience. According to Gary Vaynerchuk, the best way to master social media is by being a practitioner. This means doing the work and making mistakes, rather than just reading about it or talking about it. Vaynerchuk emphasizes that age is not a barrier to understanding the culture and the game, but rather a mindset. He encourages everyone to be curious and take advantage of the opportunities available in today's digital age. By focusing on doing rather than just talking or reading, individuals can make a real impact and stand out in their chosen field. So, if you want to excel in social media or any other area, take Vaynerchuk's advice and start practicing!

    • Understanding Human Behavior and Predicting TrendsSpeaker's ability to understand human behavior and predict trends is rooted in his background and experiences. He sees parallels between historical events and current societal trends, particularly in relation to social media's impact on human psychology. This skill has been valuable in giving advice and predicting market trends.

      The speaker has a natural ability to understand human behavior and predict people's actions, which he attributes to his background and experiences. He sees parallels between historical events and current societal trends, particularly in relation to social media and its impact on human psychology. This skill has served him well in various areas of his life, from giving advice to predicting market trends, and he feels both fortunate and humbled by it. He acknowledges that his unique perspective is shaped by his upbringing and circumstances, and he remains fascinated by the complex interplay between human behavior and communication technologies.

    • Embracing Change and Inspiring the Next GenerationFocus on inspiring the next generation by understanding them and encouraging their passions, rather than fearing technology and focusing on negatives.

      We are living in an era of technological advancement that allows for affordable content creation and distribution, yet many people are hesitant to embrace change. The fear of technology and the focus on negatives can hinder progress. Instead of looking backwards, we should focus on inspiring the next generation by understanding who they are and encouraging them to pursue their passions. The importance of the message outweighs the method of delivery. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, empathy, and inspiring others to love what they do, rather than trying to make them into replicas of ourselves. The speaker's own success and energy come from his entrepreneurial spirit and doing what he loves every day. Despite the naysayers, the speaker remains grateful for the ability to follow his passions and build momentum.

    • From young entrepreneur to inspiring educatorThe speaker's early business experiences instilled a sense of freedom and excitement, leading them to start a school to inspire and teach the next generation through real-life lessons and accountability.

      The speaker's experience of starting a business at a young age was a pivotal moment in their life, and they now want to inspire and support the next generation to find their own paths. The speaker reflects on the feeling of freedom and excitement they experienced when they began working at their father's liquor store, and expresses a desire to start a school to help students learn in a way that resonates with them. The speaker also shares a heartwarming story about a father and son who have been influenced by the speaker's content, highlighting the importance of real-life lessons and accountability. Overall, the speaker's passion for inspiring and teaching others is evident, and their personal experiences have shaped their goals for the future.

    • The Importance of Speaking the Truth to Young PeopleSpeaking the truth to young people, even if hard, impacts them positively. Encourage self-discovery, warn against entitlement, and live authentically.

      Speaking the truth, even if it's hard, can have a significant impact on young people. The speaker emphasizes the importance of telling youngsters the truth, even if it's not what they want to hear. He believes that their parents and schools may not be giving them the whole truth, and encourages them to take charge of their own lives. However, he also warns them against entitlement and the importance of hard work. The speaker's experiences at industry events have shown him that people may not agree with him in public, but will come around to his ideas in private. He also ponders over the reason why some people choose to conform to societal norms over doing what's right for their children. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to share the podcast and subscribe, and emphasizes the importance of living authentically and speaking the truth.

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    The Most Important Question In Business

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    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

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    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

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    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

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    The Key To Descision Making As A CEO

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    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

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    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

    Today's Episode of the Garyvee audio experience is a recent interview I did with Mo Islam on his show The Mo Show during my last visit to Saudi Arabia. We talk about a bunch of very important topics including accountability as a key to happiness and success, the importance of being patient while still being ambitious, the TikTokification of social media, and much more. Would love to hear your thoughts on this one in the comments! Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 2:04 Gary's thoughts on Saudi Arabia 4:09 The power of strong parenting 7:49 Accountability vs beating yourself up 11:34 Optimism vs cynicism 14:42 Empathy is a superpower 18:40 Patience vs complacency 20:48 The correlation between hard work and mental health 23:30 How to have a positive impact on the world 25:29 The TikTokification of social media 27:46 The democratization of attention 29:23 Kids and screens 32:18 Is the education system flawed? 33:42 Adversity is the foundation of success 40:20 Rapid fire with GaryVee

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    There are so many people racing to earn more money than they can even spend even if they have to sacrifice their happiness and livelihood to do so. The really disturbing part about this is that most of these people only want the money so they can be flashy and show off their overly expensive cars (that they don't even want) and other dumb things to other people. Happiness needs to be the Northstar that we strive towards. If we aren't aiming to be happy, then is it really worth having more money than you can spend and more cars than you can drive? —

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    Simon-Pierre nous y livre ses tips&trics, notamment sur les moyens de se faire connaître par ses clients :

    Pour cela, le réseau est important : sortez, échangez, allez voir d’autres chefs d’entreprise ; cela permet d’apprendre, de comprendre, mais aussi, souvent, de vendre.

    Le marketing digital aussi : avant tout, pensez à avoir un positionnement clair, quitte à ce que ce soit une niche, puis investir le plus possible dans le marketing avec un objectif moyen long terme, notamment via un site internet avec un bon contenu ciblé. 

    Un bon moyen est par exemple de se positionner en expert, notamment via le marketing de contenu (en ligne) ; pensez également à viser les bonnes cibles, et à avoir une stratégie axée autour de votre site internet. Il faut aussi mettre en place des outils de mesure précise pour votre marketing digital (taux de clic, nombre d’impression…).

    Pour vous organiser en day to day, pensez à garder le focus sur ce qui génère de la valeur ajoutée. Une bonne façon de trier ses to do est par exemple la suivante :

    - Ce qui est urgent et important : le faire aujourd’hui

    - Ce qui est urgent mais pas important : le déléguer

    - Ce qui est important mais pas urgent : le programmer dans son agenda

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    Et pour avancer, il est préférable de bien choisir l’équipe et l’humain derrière l’aventure, pour avoir les bonnes (meilleures que vous) personnes aux bons postes, et privilégier la complémentarité

    3 livres à lire :

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    Digitalis (Thierry Geert) : https://www.amazon.fr/Digitalis-Comment-r%C3%A9inventer-Thierry-Geerts/dp/9401451028   

    Homo digitalis, comment la digitalisation nous rend plus humains (Thierry Geert) : https://www.amazon.fr/Homo-digitalis-Comment-digitalisation-humains/dp/2390251641/ref=pd_d_sim_b2b_1/257-7010142-4987850?pd_rd_w=bSWpg&pf_rd_p=a3666959-2701-4775-bee3-786f589ef464&pf_rd_r=M7C2VX978C6HPX7SA1NR&pd_rd_r=b205438f-7477-49ed-84e2-206afa7f7727&pd_rd_wg=eqesP&pd_rd_i=2390251641&psc=1

    The Language Of Money!

    The Language Of Money!

    Money is, has, and will be a part of your life, all your life.

    Isn't that reason enough to learn the language of money?

    Money language teaches you how to view money, understand and leverage it to your and others' benefit. A deeper understanding of your core money values is a must to establish a healthy relationship with money and all it entails.

    You may start with the basics at any time in order to learn it, use it and leverage it right.

    Start here and start now!

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    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

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