
    Why Investors (including YC) Can’t Fix Your Company

    en-usOctober 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Investors need to consider the unique challenges of early-stage startupsInvestors should avoid asking for long-term financial projections and instead focus on helping startups build products that meet market needs and iterate based on customer feedback

      Investors, especially those without founding experience, may not fully understand the unique challenges and needs of early-stage startups. They may offer advice based on their expertise, such as finance, but fail to consider the context and potential negative consequences of their recommendations. For instance, asking for five-year financial projections before a product has even found market fit can hinder a company's growth. Instead, founders should focus on building a product that meets a market need and iterating based on customer feedback. It's essential for investors to remember that their expertise and resources can be valuable, but they must be applied thoughtfully and with an understanding of the startup's specific situation.

    • Two Types of Investor Advice for StartupsFounders should be cautious of generic advice from investors without startup experience and consider seeking guidance from those who have successfully scaled a product.

      In the world of startups and investing, there are two common types of advice that founders often receive, each coming from different backgrounds and experiences. The first type comes from those who have not built or scaled a successful product themselves, and they may suggest focusing on financial engineering or advertising to drive growth. However, this approach can lead to neglecting the product itself and potentially disastrous results. The second type comes from experienced professionals who have worked in large companies and can offer valuable insights on scaling and refining products. However, they may not fully understand the unique challenges faced by early-stage startups and could inadvertently advise founders to hire executives before achieving product-market fit. It's crucial for founders to be aware of these two types of advice and seek guidance from those who truly understand their specific situation.

    • Scaling a business needs effective teams, not just departmentsFocus on hiring the right people to scale, especially those with 'zero to one' experience, and communicate effectively with investors to find common ground despite industry differences.

      Scaling a business requires different skills than starting one. The mistake is focusing on the presence of a department or executive for functions like engineering or marketing, rather than the effectiveness of those teams. When a company is growing, hiring the right people to scale is crucial. This is especially true for those who were part of the team during the "zero to one" stage, as they possess unique experience and skills. However, dealing with investors from non-tech industries can present challenges. These investors may request unfavorable terms, wanting more control or acting overly cautious due to their past successes in industries like real estate or franchising. While their behavior may seem misaligned with the tech startup world, it's essential to understand that they're applying the principles that worked for them to a new context. The key is to communicate effectively and find common ground, recognizing that industries have unique challenges and requirements.

    • Junior investors prioritize their careers over the company's needsFounders should be prepared to navigate investor relationships and focus on their company's needs, despite potential conflicting advice.

      When interacting with junior investors or those looking to make a name for themselves, founders should understand that their primary focus is on making good investments to boost their own careers. This means they may encourage excessive fundraising and a quick scale, even if the company isn't ready. They are often optimistic and supportive, but may not be able to dedicate time to addressing the company's issues due to their own career priorities. Additionally, influencer or famous investors bring significant benefits to a company, but their involvement may not always translate to hands-on help for the founder. Instead, founders should be prepared to navigate these relationships and focus on their company's needs, even if it means going against the advice of some investors.

    • Influencer endorsements and founder investments: Potential benefits but limited instant solutionsWhile influencer endorsements and founder investments can offer valuable insights and partnerships, they may not significantly impact distribution and growth as expected. Founders should focus on learning from diverse sources and experiences, and prioritize hard work and persistence.

      While influencer endorsements and investments from other founders can offer potential benefits for startups, they may not provide the instant solutions founders often hope for. Influencers, especially those with large followings, can monetize their audiences and act as business partners, but the actual impact on distribution and growth can be overestimated. Founders investing in each other's companies can offer valuable insights based on personal experience, but their advice should be considered in the context of their unique situations. Founders should be cautious about setting unrealistic expectations and instead focus on learning from a diverse range of sources and experiences. Ultimately, the most effective way to overcome challenges in fundraising and distribution is through hard work, persistence, and continuous learning.

    • Balancing Advice with Unique CircumstancesFounders should critically evaluate advice and adapt strategies to fit their unique business situation.

      While young investors may follow trends and advice from more experienced investors, it's important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to building a successful business. The Lean Startup method of not hiring or spending too much money and focusing on user feedback may work for some, but not for all. Y Combinator partners, who have seen a variety of successful and unsuccessful companies, acknowledge the importance of balancing advice with the unique circumstances of each business. They strive to be cautious in their recommendations and understand that some companies may require more time and resources to develop before launching. Ultimately, it's crucial for founders to evaluate advice critically and adapt strategies to fit their specific situation.

    • Believe in yourself and trust your visionSuccessful founders trust themselves, believe in their vision, and make decisions that are best for their business despite conflicting advice.

      As a founder, it's essential to trust yourself and take accountability for making your business succeed. Investors and mentors can provide valuable insights and advice, but ultimately, it's up to you to determine how to apply that knowledge to your unique situation. The founders who have been successful in the past believed in themselves and their vision, even when faced with conflicting advice. It's crucial to remember that no one can tell you exactly what to do to win, and it's important to be open-minded and consider all advice but ultimately make the decisions that are best for your business. Additionally, some of the best investor advice comes from those who can help you simplify complex situations and provide clarity when you're overwhelmed by ideas or data. Remember, most people don't succeed in building a business, and the credit for making it work goes to those who figure it out for themselves.

    • Unbiased criticism from Gideon YuCriticism from unbiased sources can provide valuable insights for business improvement, even if it's harsh

      Constructive criticism from unbiased sources can provide valuable insights for improving a business, even if it may be difficult to hear. The speaker shared an experience of receiving blunt feedback from an investor named Gideon Yu, who had no financial stake in their company but saw potential issues that the founders had overlooked. This feedback, although harsh, was instrumental in helping the company acknowledge and address their weaknesses. It's important to remember that not all feedback is meant to be positive or encouraging, but it can still hold valuable lessons for growth.

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