
    Why Is It So Hard to Buy a House in America Right Now?

    enJune 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Housing market's frenzied pace challenges Americans buying homesDuring the pandemic, low inventory, skyrocketing prices, and intense competition force buyers to offer over asking price and face bidding wars, making homeownership a challenge for millions

      The housing market boom during the pandemic has created enormous challenges for Americans looking to buy a home. With low inventory, skyrocketing prices, and intense competition, many buyers are resorting to extreme measures to secure a property. The average time it takes to sell a home has hit record lows, and prices have surged over 19% in the last year. Drew Maina and Amna Singhal, a couple featured in the story, were among those struggling in New York City during the pandemic. Feeling cramped in their one-bedroom apartment and unable to afford child care, they decided to leave the city and buy a house. However, even with a sizable down payment, they faced bidding wars and had to offer over the asking price to secure a property. The housing market's frenzied pace is making it increasingly difficult for millions of Americans to achieve the dream of homeownership.

    • Unexpected challenges in house hunting in a new locationFlexibility and patience are crucial when house hunting in a new location due to unforeseen circumstances

      Relocating to a new place, even with good intentions and a solid budget, can come with unexpected challenges. Drew and Amna, eager to move to Austin due to a company relocation, faced numerous issues during their house hunting trip. Unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather conditions and subpar housing options made their search difficult. The unexpected renovations and lack of privacy in some houses left them feeling uncertain. Ultimately, they were forced to reconsider their options and adjust their expectations. House hunting in a new location requires flexibility and patience, as unforeseen circumstances can impact the process significantly.

    • Intense competition and rising home prices in Austin and other citiesDespite stricter regulations, intense competition and rising home prices in Austin and other cities may lead to another housing bubble and economic downturn due to unsustainable demand and high-risk purchases.

      The current housing market, particularly in Austin and other cities across the country, is experiencing unprecedented price increases and intense competition. Omnidrew's experience of bidding on multiple homes and facing bids significantly over asking price is a reflection of this trend. This intense competition and rising prices are not new to Austin, but have become the norm across the country due to the pandemic. Home prices have risen at alarming rates, with Austin seeing a 35% increase, and other cities like Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, and Boise also experiencing significant price jumps. However, this situation is reminiscent of the housing market before the 2008 recession when home prices also skyrocketed due to artificial demand and high-risk mortgages. This time around, there are differences, including stricter mortgage lending regulations and a growing number of investor purchases with all-cash offers. Yet, with one in ten Americans now behind on their mortgage payments, there are concerns about the sustainability of these price increases and the potential for another housing bubble and subsequent economic downturn.

    • Housing market changes due to pandemicThe pandemic caused a surge in home sales due to remote work and learning needs, but construction challenges and low interest rates made it difficult to build new homes, leading to a high demand and shortage.

      The housing market has experienced significant changes due to the pandemic, leading to a high demand for homes and a shortage of new construction. The shift to remote work and learning created a need for more space, causing a surge in home sales. However, the construction industry faced challenges due to global material shortages and price increases, making it harder for new homes to be built. Additionally, the Federal Reserve's decision to lower interest rates made borrowing money more affordable, leading to a rush of home buyers in the market. Millennials, who make up nearly half of home buyers, are also contributing to the recovery as they age into their prime home-buying years. Overall, the housing market is experiencing a unique combination of factors that have created both challenges and opportunities.

    • Millennials face unique challenges entering the hot housing marketMillennials, despite solid jobs and higher wages, face intense competition and soaring prices, making up over half of new mortgage originators in 2020 but dealing with bidding wars and waiving contingencies.

      The pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for millennials trying to enter the housing market. Despite having solid jobs and higher wages, they face intense competition and soaring prices. In 2020, they made up over half of new mortgage originators, but also faced unprecedented hurdles, including bidding wars and waiving contingencies. The story of Amina and Drew illustrates this struggle, as they faced multiple disappointing bids and skyrocketing prices, ultimately having to adjust their expectations and budget to compete. The real estate market was literally on fire, with houses selling for tens of thousands over asking, and even houses with issues, like the one that burned down during inspection, being relisted for significantly more. Millennials like Amina and Drew had to shift their mindset and be just as cutthroat as other buyers to have a chance in this market.

    • Risks of waiving appraisal contingencies and shortening option periodsWaiving appraisal contingencies and shortening option periods in a competitive housing market can lead to financial risk and potential homelessness. Be financially prepared, take a measured approach, and consider all potential risks before making a significant investment.

      Waiving appraisal contingencies and shortening the option period in a competitive housing market can lead to financial risk and potential homelessness. Amina and Drew's experience of bidding on multiple houses and not getting any of them, while also giving up their Brooklyn place and signing a new job contract in Austin, resulted in a desperate search for rentals that also proved unsuccessful. Eventually, they found a house for sale by owner, priced higher than others in the area, and decided to take a risk by bidding significantly over the asking price and waiving some contingencies. However, their offer was not a guarantee, and they were advised that it might be looking good. This story underscores the importance of being financially prepared, taking a measured approach to the home buying process, and considering all potential risks before making such a significant investment.

    • Adapting to unexpected circumstances in house buyingBeing open to unexpected circumstances and good communication with sellers are crucial in the house buying process.

      The importance of communication and flexibility was evident in Amina and Drew's house buying experience. When the sellers asked them to continue watering their potato patch in exchange for sharing the harvest, Amina and Drew agreed, showing their adaptability. However, they faced a unexpected challenge when they discovered the house was on a floodplain, which meant they couldn't build in the backyard and had to pay for monthly flood insurance. Despite this setback, they found joy in the unexpected potato harvest and the potential for hosting guests in their large backyard. The housing market's current state, with rising mortgage rates and high home prices, adds another layer of complexity to their homeownership journey. Overall, their experience highlights the importance of being open to unexpected circumstances and the value of good communication with sellers.

    • US Housing Market: Prices Soar, Mortgages and Rents Hit RecordsThe US housing market experiences record-high prices, mortgage payments, and rents due to limited supply and strong demand from millennials, leading to challenges for homebuyers like Amna and Drew, while internationally, Colombia elects its first leftist president and swimming regulations change for transgender athletes.

      The US housing market has seen significant price increases since the pandemic began, with the median home price up 43% nationally and even higher in cities like Austin. This has led to record-high mortgage payments and increased rents. While it's uncertain how this will impact the market, sales and prices may fall but could still remain high due to limited supply and strong demand from millennials. Amidst these challenges, homebuyers like Amna and Drew are grateful to have secured a home despite feeling they overpaid. The long-term investment potential and the scarcity of the housing market have contributed to their sense of success. Elsewhere, Colombians elected their first leftist president, Gustavo Petro, who plans to transform the country's economic system and expand social programs, potentially reshaping US-Colombia relations. Additionally, the swimming governing body implemented strict rules against transgender women competing internationally.

    • New FINA Policy Limits Trans Women in Women's SportsFINA's new policy restricts transgender women from competing if they didn't start hormone therapy before puberty, potentially limiting their participation in women's sports at an international level.

      FINA, the international governing body for water sports, has implemented a new policy prohibiting transgender women from competing if they did not begin medical treatment before puberty. This decision, based on the belief that puberty gives trans women a competitive advantage, could influence other sports federations and potentially limit trans women's participation in women's sports at an international level. Despite no current transgender women competing at this level, this policy sets a precedent and fuels the ongoing debate surrounding transgender athletes in sports. This was discussed in today's episode of The Daily, produced by Caitlin Roberts, edited by Anita Batijo, and engineered by Chris Wood. The music was provided by various artists and Schroeder Music Company. The New America Foundation supported this coverage.

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    Welcome to the real estate quickie for Feb 2022


    First, lets look at the HOUSING market.

    On Feb 1st we have 306 houses for sale in Winnipeg. Let’s put that into context. 

    Last year, which as you may recall, was a super hot sellers market, but we actually had 481 Houses available,  or about 60% MORE than today.  And 2 years ago, that number was over 1100….nearly 4 times what it is right now.

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    Over the month of January, which is normally a pretty slow month, we sold 273 houses, with another 55 showing as pending,  for a total potential sale of 328….   That means that, at this pace, if NO further listings came to market, everything would be sold in the next 29 days…..  that is a super low inventory level.

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    Well, there are 227 Condos of all prices available in Winnipeg right now.  One year ago that number was 402…..  and 2 yrs ago it was 561

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    So even condos are now selling with multiple offers, there is simply no escaping it.

    If you’re a buyer, hold off if you can.  And if you’re a seller, RIGHT NOW is a great time to list your home.

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    HSSC 003: Top 10 tips for starting a High School Strength and Conditioning program

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    Hello, my name is Dane Nelson. I am a former college and high school strength coach. I created this podcast for strength coaches at any level but more specifically for High School Strength Coaches. I want strength coaches to be able to connect to each other and learn more about the growing field of full time high school strength coaching.  Thanks for checking out the website.  It would be great to connect with other strength coaches and talk about what works and what doesn’t work when training high school athletes.  This is why I created this podcast. I hope  you find it useful and valuable!



    Website: www.hsstrengthcoach.com



    Contact me at hsstrengthcoach365@gmail.com



    Thank you so much for listening and I would appreciate it greatly if you could leave a 5 star review in iTunes as this really helps boost the show rankings and spread the word about the High School Strength Coach Podcast. That way other Strength Coaches like yourself can find the show and benefit from it too.



    Thank you very much if you have already left a rating and feedback, I appreciate it greatly!

    HSSC 11: Micah Kurtz and his philosophy on AC Flora Falcon Strength & Conditioning

    HSSC 11: Micah Kurtz and his philosophy on AC Flora Falcon Strength & Conditioning

    AC Flora in Columbia, South Carolina. Coach Micah Kurtz is in his 7th year at AC Flora and has had great success with the building and developing of his strength program and has really built a great athletic culture there. He goes to sleep every night thinking he has to be ready to be able to train the athletes the next day because they are relying on him to get them better. And he lives up to that motivation factor for sure!

    Here is a little bio on Coach Micah Kurtz:

    Micah Kurtz is in his 7th year as the Director of Strength and Conditioning at AC Flora high school in Columbia, South Carolina.  In his role, Coach Kurtz has developed the school’s first ever school wide strength and conditioning program and created a school wide culture of vitality and fitness which includes not only student-athletes, but also the faculty, staff, parents and community. 

    In the past year, AC Flora was named the #1 athletic program in the Columbia metropolitan area by the State Newspaper.  The baseball team has won 3 straight state championships; the basketball team won the state championship in 2014 and was upper state champions in 2015.  The football team tied the school record for wins and won the region championship in 2015.  It has won the region championship in 3 of the past 4 years and Coach Kurtz also serves as the team’s Associate Head Coach/Special Team’s Coordinator/Linebacker’s Coach.  The boy’s soccer team won its first ever state championship. and the golf team has won 5 straight state championships.


    Additionally, Coach Kurtz is the Strength and Conditioning Consultant Coach to the high school basketball power house Oak Hill Academy. The Oak Hill Basketball team is currently 45-0 and ranked #1 in the Nation.  

    Here is a short video STACK magazine did about Coach Kurtz and our Strength program:  


    Coach Kurtz has taken on the duty of overseeing Richland School District One’s new district wide strength and conditioning program.  For this duty, Coach Kurtz presented at the Richland One Coaches Convocation and at multiple Athletic Director’s meetings. 

     Coach Kurtz took 50 athletes to the Region Speed and Strength Meet and 11 of them medaled.  AC Flora had 5 athletes come in first place in their weight class and had a clean sweep of the 150 lb. division by winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.  Of Flora’s 11 athletes that qualified, 9 were in the varsity division.  At the State Meet, AC Flora was the ONLY school in the state with two varsity champions.

     Coach Kurtz also organized the first ever Richland One Intra District Speed and Strength Combine and hosted South Carolina’s 2nd annual Female Speed and Strength Meet.  At this meet AC Flora had 2 overall weight class winners and 4 other athletes came in the top 3.  There were only 5 weight classes at this meet.

     This past year, Coach Kurtz was named the State Director of the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s (NSCA) South Carolina Chapter.  He was also named a member of the NSCA's Subject Matter Expert Committee to create a new NSCA certification.  This group of 15 individuals is some of the most respected and well known fitness professionals in the country. 

    Coach Kurtz spoke at the Nike Coach of the Year Clinics in Atlanta and Orlando, the NSCA’s South Carolina State Clinic and the PGC/Glazier Basketball Clinic in Charlotte.  Coach Kurtz will also be presenting at the South Carolina Coaches Conference in July.

     Coach Kurtz is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), a USA Weight Lifting Sport’s Performance Certified Coach (USAW), a Functional Movement Screen Specialist (FMS), a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) and a Speed and Explosion Specialist (NASE).

    Contact Coach Micah Kurtz here:

    Email: kurtzmicah@gmail.com

    twitter: @kurtzm3

    instagram: @kurtzm3

    Check out his 12 week vertical jump program here:

    website: www.theathletemaker.com


     My info:

     My name is Dane Nelson. I am a former college and high school strength coach. I created this podcast for strength coaches at any level but more specifically for High School Strength Coaches. I want strength coaches to be able to connect to each other and learn more about the growing field of full time high school strength coaching.  Thanks for checking out the website.  It would be great to connect with other strength coaches and talk about what works and what doesn’t work when training high school athletes.  This is why I created this podcast. I hope  you find it useful and valuable!


    Website: www.hsstrengthcoach.com


    Contact me at hsstrengthcoach365@gmail.com


    Thank you so much for listening and I would appreciate it greatly if you could leave a 5 star review in iTunes as this really helps boost the show rankings and spread the word about the High School Strength Coach Podcast. That way other Strength Coaches like yourself can find the show and benefit from it too.

     Thank you very much if you have already left a rating and feedback, I appreciate it greatly!



    Episode 11 - Homebuyer Assistance: Low Down Payment Loans (and More)

    Episode 11 - Homebuyer Assistance: Low Down Payment Loans (and More)
    Episode 11 (the one where we turn it up to 11!):
    In The Rundown, Michael and Brad highlight the latest mortgage news and real estate market stats. Michael makes his next prediction for where interest rates are headed. So far he's crushing it! Brad reviews the last 7 days of real estate market activity and how the market is trending. 
    In The Scoop, we hit on the various low down payment loan options available and discuss the pros and cons of each. We dispel some myths, hash out who qualifies for each type of loan, and get into the details of interested party contributions (also often referred to as seller help). We also discuss a few down payment assistance programs, both loans and grants, that can help buyers who might not otherwise qualify to purchase a home.
    In this week's The Unreal, we talk about market volitility and how the roller coaster mortgage rates are dissuading some sellers from selling their homes, and the impact of that issue.
    In The Spotlight we feature Peerces in Phoenix! The flavors, the ambiance - it's elevated Indian cuisine right in our own back yard. Make sure you try the Gobinda appetizer (though everything is amazing). They're @peerces_ on Instagram. Check them out!
    Episode Highlights
    • Have you watched This Is Spinal Tap? We turn it up to 11.
    • [00:05:55] THE RUNDOWN (Mortgages)
    • [00:12:40] THE RUNDOWN (Real Estate)
    • [00:19:46] THE SCOOP Part 1 (Low Down Payment Loans)
    • Michael is ebullient
    • Low down payment USDA, VA, FHA, and Conventional Loans
    • [00:55:46] THE SCOOP Part 2 (Shawn's advice on how to clean)
    • Michael is resplendent
    • Interested party contributions
    • Down payment assistance programs
    • [01:23:04] THE UNREAL
    • Michael chimes in before his segment adjective is announced!
    • Mortgage rate volitility discouraging sellers
    • [01:28:50] THE SPOTLIGHT
    • Peerces in Phoenix
    • [01:31:47] Final thoughts
    • Next episode: we have the entire year mapped out, but we might switch a few around in response to what's going on in the world, plus we like to keep you guessing


    Michael Becker, Sierra Pacific Mortgage
    NMLS #200085
    (443) 310-0012 (m) / (410) 252-9000 (office)

    Brad Cox, The Vesta Group of Long & Foster Real Estate
    MD Lic #652795
    (410) 375-7550 (m) / (410) 583-5700 (office)


    Michael Becker, Sierra Pacific Mortgage
    Brad Cox, The Vesta Group of Long & Foster Real Estate