
    Why is The Media Covering for Hamas, a Gag Order Will Not Allow a Free and Fair Election, plus Helping the People Of Israel the Week In Review

    enOctober 21, 2023
    What role does Chumba Casino play in entertainment?
    How does Pre Born help babies at risk of abortion?
    What concerns arise from open borders in the U.S.?
    How do critics view the gag order on Donald Trump?
    What is the perceived risk of terrorism related to border security?

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Entertainment at Unusual Heights and Saving LivesChumba Casino offers entertainment at 30,000 feet. Pre Born saves 200 babies from abortion daily with a $28 donation. HealthLock helps save money on inaccurate medical bills.

      Chumba Casino is a popular choice for entertainment, even at unexpected places like 30,000 feet. Meanwhile, the importance of heartbeats was emphasized, as a preborn baby's heart starts forming at conception and can be heard on ultrasound at five weeks. A partnership with Pre Born was mentioned, as they rescue 200 babies from abortion daily, and a donation of $28 could make a significant difference. Additionally, HealthLock was introduced as a tool to help individuals save money on potentially inaccurate medical bills. Lastly, the media's coverage of Middle Eastern conflicts and the importance of truth were discussed.

    • Media bias in coverage of Israel-Hamas conflictMedia outlets have been propagandistic in their reporting of the Israel-Hamas conflict, downplaying Hamas' role and blaming Israel for atrocities through biased headlines and narratives.

      The corporate media's coverage of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has been biased and propagandistic, with headlines and narratives designed to blame Israel for atrocities and downplay Hamas' role in the violence. An example from CBS News involved a headline suggesting Israeli claims of Hamas beheadings were false, based on the discovery of alive twin babies. NBC News also joined in, dismissing concerns of a Hamas attack in the US as conspiracy theories. These headlines and narratives are part of a deliberate effort to delegitimize Israel and further the objective of Hamas and anti-Semites to destroy the country. The use of the word "allegedly" to describe Israeli actions but not Hamas' is also a tactic employed to sway public opinion.

    • Open borders and increased terror risksThe current open borders situation in the US poses a significant terror risk, with an estimated 1.5 million gotaways and Hamas' call for global jihad, exacerbated by the administration's lack of border enforcement and removal of federal air marshals.

      The current situation of open borders in the United States poses a significant risk to the country, particularly in relation to terrorism. Hamas' call for a global day of jihad and the estimated 1.5 million gotaways, individuals who have evaded arrest, are of great concern. The administration's lack of enforcement at the border and the removal of federal air marshals from planes exacerbate this risk. The number of individuals on the terror watch list and from special interest countries are just the tip of the iceberg. The risk of a major terror attack today is greater than any time since 9/11. The mainstream media, such as NBC News, is downplaying this connection between open borders and increased terror risks. It is essential to be aware of this intertwined crisis.

    • Gag order on Trump seen as abuse of power and free speech violationThe recent gag order against Trump is viewed as an attempt to silence a major political figure and undermine democracy, with legal and constitutional implications.

      The recent gag order placed on former President Donald Trump is being seen as an egregious abuse of power and a violation of free speech rights by many. The order, which prohibits Trump from making public statements about key figures involved in the ongoing case against him, includes his opponent in the upcoming presidential race, Mike Pence. Trump has responded by vowing to defend his rights to speak freely, even if it means going to jail. Critics argue that this order is an attempt to silence a major political figure and undermine the democratic process. Trump's supporters see his defiance as a brave stand for democracy and free speech. The legality and constitutionality of the gag order remain in question, with some arguing that it is an unconstitutional infringement on First Amendment rights. Regardless, the order has added fuel to the political fire and further polarized the country.

    • Gag order raises concerns about freedom of speech and justice systemThe recent gag order against Donald Trump could limit public debate and potentially politicize the justice system, raising concerns about freedom of speech and transparency in legal proceedings.

      The recent gag order issued in the ongoing investigation against Donald Trump raises concerns about freedom of speech and the potential politicization of the justice system. The speaker argues that the order, which prohibits Trump from criticizing the prosecutor or Merrick Garland, is an attempt to suppress information and limit public debate on important issues. The speaker also points out that such an order would not be immediately appealable if it resulted in incarceration, but it could speed up the appeals process if a fine or other consequence was imposed. The speaker expresses doubt that the judge would order incarceration and suggests that the gag order may be an overreach. Overall, the discussion highlights the potential implications of the gag order for the democratic process and the importance of transparency in legal proceedings.

    • Gag Order on Trump: Constitutional ConcernsWhile some find satisfaction in the gag order against Trump, it raises First Amendment concerns and compromises the rule of law and free speech. Calls for bipartisan support to uphold these principles.

      The recent gag order issued against Donald Trump by a federal judge, while satisfying for some, raises constitutional concerns. Erwin Chemerinsky, a liberal law professor, has criticized the order, arguing that it infringes on Trump's First Amendment rights and serves primarily to protect court personnel from criticism. Despite this, few elected Democrats have spoken out against the order. The Armstrong and Getty show argue that the rule of law and free speech are being compromised in the political climate, and call for bipartisan support for these fundamental principles. The show covers topics often ignored by the mainstream media, providing a fresh perspective on current events. Listen to the Armstrong and Getty show on Iheart Radio for more in-depth discussions on important issues.

    • Supporting Israel during unpredictable timesPray, stay informed, advocate for Israel's self-defense, and promote moral clarity and unity during times of adversity.

      During unpredictable times, supporting each other and taking action can make a difference. This was emphasized in the discussion about the situation in Israel, where Americans can offer prayers, support diplomatically and militarily, and advocate for Israel's right to defend itself against threats. Thirty Americans have been killed and at least eleven are still missing in the ongoing conflict. The speaker urged listeners to remember the importance of prayer and staying informed, as well as advocating for Israel's self-defense and diplomatic support from the United States. The speaker also highlighted the need for moral clarity and unity in the face of adversity, encouraging listeners to look for ways they can make a difference in their own communities and beyond.

    • Acting with fervor and dedication during times of crisisDuring crises, be present and supportive, act with passion, and continue efforts towards peace and understanding.

      During times of crisis, it's essential to take action and sacrifice beyond the norm. As Rabbi Aria Mintz shared, whether it's posting on social media, giving charity, or praying, we should do it with fervor and dedication. He emphasized the importance of being present and supportive for those in pain, especially during times of conflict like the current situation in Israel. Additionally, Rabbi Mintz, who has lived in Israel and served as a senior US official during the Trump administration, reflected on the dramatic shift in Middle Eastern politics in recent years. While the Abraham Accords brought historic peace agreements between Israel and Arab nations just three years ago, we now face a devastating war in Israel. Rabbi Mintz, in his judgment, attributes this change to a combination of factors, including geopolitical tensions and the failure of diplomatic efforts. Regardless, it's crucial that we continue to support those affected by the conflict and work towards peace and understanding.

    • The Middle East's geopolitical situation: Filled by China, Iran, and Russia due to US withdrawal and appeasementThe US withdrawal from the Middle East and appeasement of Iran emboldened radical Islamic groups, creating a power vacuum filled by China, Iran, and Russia, leading to instability and lack of trust among US allies.

      The current geopolitical situation in the Middle East can be traced back to the last three years and the actions taken during that time. The appeasement of Iran and the withdrawal of American support from key allies in the region led to a power vacuum that was filled by China, Iran, and Russia. This resulted in deals being brokered between Iran and its adversaries, such as Saudi Arabia, without the involvement of the United States. The lack of clear and decisive action from the Biden administration has emboldened radical Islamic groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, which are essentially extensions of Iran. The Iran deal and hostage negotiations under previous administrations have also enfranchised these groups, funding their activities and contributing to the instability in the region. It's important for the United States to reestablish trust with its allies and take a firm stance against radical Islamic terror.

    • Understanding the relationship between money, politics, and powerListen to 'The Big Take DC' for in-depth analysis of money and politics in Washington D.C., and 'The Big Take' for global economic stories impacting markets and lives.

      Money, politics, and power significantly influence the functioning of government and have profound consequences for voters. Two podcasts, "The Big Take DC" and "The Big Take" from Bloomberg News, delve into these issues. "The Big Take DC" explores the intersection of money and politics, providing listeners with in-depth analysis of the latest developments in Washington D.C. every Thursday. "The Big Take," on the other hand, covers global economic stories, helping listeners understand the impact of financial events on markets and their lives. Sarah Holder, Solea Mohsen, and David Gura lead these insightful podcasts, available on the Iheartradio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. By tuning in, you'll gain a better understanding of the complex relationship between money, politics, and power, and how these forces shape the world around us.

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