
    Why NFTs Will Change The Collector World Forever | Decrypt Interview

    enMay 20, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Gary Vaynerchuk Launches NFT Project with a Long-Term VisionGary Vaynerchuk, known for his success in various businesses, is launching an NFT project called VeeFriends with a long-term vision, aiming to create high-quality NFTs and provide value to his fans beyond a short-term transaction.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, the CEO of a large service-based business with a following from Wine Library, Vayner Media, and other ventures, is launching an NFT project called VeeFriends. He is cautious about the current NFT market, where some projects may be fly-by-night cash grabs, and wants to create long-term value for his fan base. He has been observing the space for a while, investing in Ethereum and CryptoPunks, and believes in the potential of NFTs as an investment and a natural extension of his interests in collectibles. Vaynerchuk aims to create a high-quality NFT project with substance, rather than just jumping on the bandwagon. He has a long-term vision for the project and wants to provide value to his fans beyond a short-term transaction.

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's Early Internet Success and NFT VisionGary Vaynerchuk leveraged the internet early for business success and saw potential in NFTs to create unique offline experiences and groom intellectual properties, despite market volatility

      The internet presented a game-changing opportunity for business, and Gary Vaynerchuk seized it by launching a wine e-commerce site before even owning a computer. He saw the potential in NFTs and the Web 2.0 era, using them to create the B Friends project, which includes a conference ticket and access to events. Vaynerchuk's goal was to create offline experiences through smart contracts and NFTs, like meeting celebrities or athletes. He also believed in the potential of NFTs to groom and spring up meaningful intellectual properties. However, he acknowledged that the current NFT market is a land grab or cash grab, with some projects being fly-by-night and others surviving and thriving. Vaynerchuk's success came from his early adoption of the internet, his ability to identify opportunities, and his ambition to create unique experiences for consumers.

    • Staying true to vision and values despite criticismGary Vaynerchuk remains focused on executing his vision and using his platform to share messages of patience, ambition, kindness, and candor, inspiring others to do the same.

      Despite the negative connotations associated with certain trends, such as ICOs or NFTs, there are legitimate projects and companies that have emerged from these spaces. Gary Vaynerchuk, known for his bold personality and communication style, acknowledges the potential criticism and skepticism that comes with his involvement in these areas. However, he remains focused on executing his vision and using his platform to share messages of patience, ambition, kindness, and candor. By creating characters and developing various outlets for them, Vaynerchuk aims to shift the focus away from himself and channel his energy into meaningful projects. This approach resonates with the work of influencers like Martellus Bennett, who is also creating his own version of a media empire. Ultimately, Vaynerchuk's journey serves as a reminder that staying true to one's vision and values, even in the face of criticism, can lead to significant impact and personal growth.

    • IP development for micro and mid-market creatorsThe future of IP development may favor smaller creators due to lower entry barriers, demonstrated by influencer marketing and NFTs, offering potential for significant returns and sustainable lifestyles.

      The future of intellectual property (IP) development may shift towards micro and mid-market creators, as the barrier to entry for creating and monetizing content becomes lower. This trend is already visible in the influencer marketing world, where many creators have built successful careers without reaching the top 1%. The same phenomenon is expected to occur in the NFT space, where the value of early projects like CryptoPunks demonstrates the potential for significant returns. Even if a project doesn't become a cultural phenomenon, it can still provide a sustainable lifestyle for the creator. Furthermore, the younger generation, who have grown up with in-game purchases and NFT-like assets in games like Roblox and Fortnite, are likely to embrace NFTs as a natural extension of their gaming experiences. This could lead to a dynamic marketplace where creators and collectors can trade interchangeable assets, creating new opportunities for both creators and investors.

    • Understanding the Necessity of Cryptocurrency and Digital OwnershipMark Cuban and the speaker discuss the importance of digital ownership and the eventual streamlining of NFT purchasing processes, emphasizing the need for education and patience in the adoption of new technologies.

      As we move towards a more digitally-focused world, it can be challenging for some individuals to grasp the concept of investing in digital assets, such as NFTs, especially when it comes to understanding the need for cryptocurrency and the associated steps to purchase them. However, just as it took time for people to embrace the convenience and cultural shifts brought about by the Internet, the same will likely hold true for NFTs. Mark Cuban and the speaker agree that digital ownership, including public wallets, have become essential communication tools in today's society. Despite the current friction involved in purchasing NFTs, the speakers believe that this will eventually become more streamlined, allowing a broader audience to experience the benefits of digital ownership. The speakers also emphasize the importance of educating the community and being patient as more people come to understand and adopt these new technologies.

    • Web 3.0's Environmental ProgressionWeb 3.0 technology, including Ethereum, is evolving towards energy-efficient consensus mechanisms, addressing environmental concerns, and offering potential positive impacts compared to traditional goods.

      Web 3.0 technology, represented by projects on the Ethereum blockchain, is evolving rapidly and will likely improve significantly in the next 24 months. Despite some concerns about energy consumption, Ethereum is transitioning to a more energy-efficient proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. The environmental impact of blockchain projects is a valid concern, but many new projects are less reliant on energy-intensive proof-of-work mechanisms. The speaker, who initially had reservations due to his lack of scientific understanding, has come to appreciate the potential positive environmental impact of digital collectibles compared to traditional physical goods. Overall, the speaker sees Web 3.0 as a natural progression from Web 1.0 (intuitive) and Web 2.0 (affirmation), and he encourages continued education and understanding as the technology matures.

    • The evolving conversation around cryptocurrencies and NFTsDespite skepticism, cryptocurrencies and NFTs have staying power. Recognize nuances and avoid being swayed by headlines or passing opinions.

      The conversation around cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin and Ethereum, has evolved significantly in the last year and a half. Skeptics are now acknowledging that these digital currencies have staying power, even if they choose not to invest in them. The NFT market, a significant technology in the consumer behavior realm, is also here to stay despite the fact that the vast majority of NFT projects may not be good investments. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the nuances in these complex topics and avoiding being swayed by headlines or passing opinions. He also draws parallels between the early days of social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, and the current state of the crypto world. Ultimately, people can be categorized into those who are open to the possibilities of these technologies and those who are skeptical or dismissive.

    • Understanding NFTs goes beyond digital ownershipNFTs offer tangible benefits like access to exclusive events and facilitate transactions of various assets using smart contracts and decentralized ledgers.

      Execution is key in the world of NFTs, and the potential benefits extend beyond just digital ownership. While there may be concerns about what exactly you're buying and what you can do with it, the potential uses for NFTs go beyond art and collectibles. Smart contracts and decentralized ledgers offer a clean and clear way to transact various assets, from homes to marriage certificates. It's important to remember that NFTs are not just about digital ownership; they also offer tangible benefits like access to exclusive events. The excitement around NFTs can be confusing, but maintaining humility and self-awareness are crucial to navigating this new and evolving space. Ultimately, the potential uses for NFTs are vast, and it's essential to keep an open mind and focus on the possibilities rather than the criticisms.

    • Exploring the Potential of NFTs Beyond Digital ArtNFTs offer undeniable proof of ownership and authenticity, revolutionizing industries like sports memorabilia and ticket sales. Understanding use cases and benefits is key to success, focusing on creating valuable experiences and cultural intellectual property.

      The potential of NFTs goes beyond just digital art and can bring about significant changes in various industries, especially in areas like provenance and authenticity. The speaker's excitement for NFTs stems from their ability to provide undeniable proof of ownership and authenticity, which can revolutionize industries like sports memorabilia and ticket sales. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the various use cases of NFTs and the potential benefits and challenges that come with their implementation. For the speaker, success in the NFT space is not only about financial gains but also about creating thoughtful and meaningful experiences for the community. This includes executing projects that add value to the people on the other side of the transaction and creating cultural intellectual property that brings joy and curiosity. The speaker's passion for NFTs and the potential they hold for innovation is clear, and they are excited for the future possibilities that this technology will bring.

    • Exploring the potential of NFTsNFTs offer immense potential for creativity, innovation, and social good, but require thoughtful navigation to avoid potential pitfalls

      The NFT (Non-Fungible Token) space represents a new frontier for the creation and monetization of intellectual properties, with potential to disrupt industries in ways comparable to how Angry Birds, Pokemon, and Harry Potter did in their respective domains. The speaker emphasizes the importance of approaching this new technology with an open mind and curiosity, acknowledging that there will be challenges and potential misuses, but also recognizing the immense potential for creativity, innovation, and social good. The tech itself is neutral, and it's up to us to navigate its implementation with thoughtfulness and care. The NFT space is full of passionate, creative individuals who are pushing the boundaries of what's possible, and being a part of this movement could mean being at the forefront of significant changes in our society. The speaker encourages a balanced perspective, recognizing both the potential pitfalls and the immense opportunities.

    • The Importance of Perseverance, Authenticity, and Community Support in Entrepreneurial PursuitsSuccess in the NFT space demands dedication, authenticity, and a supportive community. Listeners' feedback is valuable and appreciated.

      Success in the NFT space requires a significant amount of hard work, effort, and smart decision-making, as emphasized by the speaker after his 20 years of operating. He remains excited and motivated to reach that level of success, but acknowledges the challenge. The speaker also expressed gratitude towards listeners who leave reviews for the podcast, as their feedback and support mean a lot to him. He plans to give shout-outs to favorite reviews on future episodes. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of perseverance, authenticity, and community support in entrepreneurial pursuits.

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    My website: www.garyvaynerchuk.com

    Check out my NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

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