
    Why The Middle is Over | GaryVee Meetup Series: Minneapolis 2018

    enOctober 18, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Maximizing revenue and creating better user experiencesUX designers can significantly impact revenue and user experiences in various industries by focusing on creating seamless and intuitive experiences with AI assistants like Alexa and Google Home.

      User experience (UX) is crucial in every industry, including tech startups and voice apps. Gary Vee emphasized that UX matters more than ever, especially in the emerging field of voice apps where communication with AI assistants like Alexa and Google Home is still being established. He encouraged UX designers to think beyond their current roles and jobs, and to never limit their long-term vision based on their current position. As UX designers, we have the power to maximize revenue and create better user experiences in various industries, from tech startups to IHOP restaurants. The unicorns of UX design will shape the future, and it's essential to stay deep and explore new opportunities outside of the office. Ultimately, the goal is to create seamless and intuitive user experiences that add value and enhance the user journey.

    • Staying true to oneself despite societal pressuresUnder 30s may rush to accomplish things to fill insecurities, potentially leading to regrets. Focus on personal growth and not societal expectations.

      Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and not being influenced by external pressures or societal expectations. He believes that people under 30 are rushing to accomplish things to fill insecurities and vulnerabilities, which may lead to regrets in the long term. Vaynerchuk advises taking the time to be in one's own head and not caring about what others think. He also mentions that the last 6 years have been favorable for making money on Wall Street, and anyone who has lost money during this period should consider retiring. Vaynerchuk himself doesn't regret his past decisions and wouldn't change anything, as he's too happy and firmly believes in his thesis. He encourages everyone to focus on their own growth and not be swayed by material possessions or the need to impress others.

    • Concerns over college debt and lack of patience for business successTo build a successful business, be prepared to work hard, make sacrifices, and maintain control, even if it means starting small and living frugally. Find a unique niche or offering to differentiate from competition.

      The speaker is expressing concern about the financial vulnerability of younger generations due to the impending college debt crisis and the lack of patience in starting businesses. He advises that people should be prepared to work hard and make sacrifices, such as living frugally and working for free for extended periods, in order to build a successful business. He also emphasizes the importance of control in starting a business, and warns against taking on external investment too early. The speaker's own business, Dark Matter, is an example of a successful bootstrapped venture, but he acknowledges that there may be a window of opportunity closing for new businesses in certain industries, such as website platforms, due to competition from established players like WordPress and Squarespace. However, he encourages entrepreneurs to find a niche or carve out a unique offering in order to succeed.

    • Focus on Execution, Not Just IdeasExecution sets companies apart. Don't get stuck in the idea stage, keep moving forward and build something meaningful and long-term.

      Ideas alone are not enough to succeed. It's the execution of those ideas that truly sets companies apart. The speaker emphasized that focusing too much on patents or unique features can be a distraction, as they can easily be replicated. Instead, the key is to keep moving forward, putting one brick at a time, and not getting stuck in the idea stage. The speaker also mentioned that people often think they're stuck or that they're missing out on a window of opportunity, but in reality, they may just be looking for quick results or "hookups" instead of building something meaningful and long-term. He used examples like Waze, Instagram, and Spotify to illustrate that these companies didn't offer new innovations, but rather executed their ideas well. So, the takeaway is to focus on execution, keep moving forward, and not get bogged down in the idea stage.

    • Focus on execution and improvement rather than constantly searching for new ideasStay committed to one business path for an extended period to potentially future-proof your career and make the most impact

      Execution and improvement are key to business success, rather than constantly searching for new ideas. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his experience of growing VaynerMedia, emphasizing that it wasn't about inventing something new but doing it better, harder, and longer. He advises against jumping from business to business too quickly and instead focusing on making the current venture successful. For instance, if you're considering helping your family business, such as a shoe store, update its online presence, prioritize platforms like Shopify, Instagram, and Facebook. While Pinterest might be appealing, the focus should be on where you can make the most impact and potentially future-proof your career. Remember, staying committed to one path for an extended period could lead to significant rewards.

    • Embracing Entrepreneurship in Unconventional TimesDuring transformative times, embracing entrepreneurship and seizing opportunities can lead to disrupting traditional industries and creating success.

      The speaker emphasizes the significance of being an entrepreneur during a time when it was not socially accepted, particularly before the era of the internet. He shares his own experience of struggling academically and having no apparent path to success. He believes that the next generation of athletes, with the power of the internet and potential financial backing, could disrupt traditional sports industries, such as the NBA, by owning their teams. The speaker's perspective underscores the importance of embracing change and seizing opportunities during transformative times. Additionally, he expresses gratitude for the support of his audience and encourages them to leave reviews for the podcast.

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    Tune in to catch all the valuable insights and wisdom we have to offer!



    • The importance of having a clear roadmap to avoid mediocrity and unfulfilled potential in life and business.
    • The dangers of being aimless and not having a clear vision for your future.
    • The risks of following someone else's plan and copying what others are doing.
    • The seven key elements you need to have in your roadmap
    • The role of metrics in evaluating progress and staying on track toward your roadmap.



    Follow Nineveh on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ninevehmadsen/

    Follow Nineveh on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiB5a2zWKIEtHpFVNQd7Dkg 

    Check out the SupraHuman website: https://suprahuman.com 



    00:30 - Introduction to the new studio

    • 01:50 - Without a roadmap, you are on the road to nowhere in life and in business
    • 02:30 - Insanity to Nineveh…being average and being okay with mediocrity
    • 03:30 - By applying these principles you will learn in this episode, you will ascend in life and in business
    • 04:45 - How important are roadmaps and how can you apply that to life and to business?
    • 05:42 - If you’re achieving with no aim or vision…where are you headed?
    • 06:30 - Think of a time when you were aimless…
    • 07:30 - What’s not a great plan? Being behind someone else’s plan.
    • 10:10 - Are you trying to copycat with others are doing and following their roadmap?
    • 10:30 - Are you building your roadmap as you go?
    • 11:45 - The vision needs a plan, it’s great to get you excited but you can not scale that way
    • 13:00 - Your team is all about the vision, but you need to tell them by painting the roadmap for them
    • 14:30 - What are roadmaps?
    • 15:00 - How do you put a roadmap together?
    • 17:30 - 7 key elements you need to have in your road map
    • 21:00 - What are your goals and objectives?
    • 22:30 - Make a stretch goal, but also be realistic, nothing that will be ridiculous that is not achievable
    • 23:30 - What are your strategies for growth?
    • 24:15 - Crete the milestones that you can reach across the way in your roadmap
    • 25:15 - What are the specific strategies you are achieving to reach success?
    • 26:00 - What is your timeline for each milestone to achieve and implementation
    • 26:40 - Resource allocations that need to be fitting to achieve the goals
    • 28:00 - The last thing you need are your metrics to evaluate your progress 
    • 30:59 - END


    Don’t forget to subscribe to the I AM Nineveh Podcast

    Want to bring ORDER to the CHAOS in your business? Visit www.skaylventures.com to find out if you qualify and join the waitlist.

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    Check out the episode on Charlie & Ben's Podcast on YouTube!


    (1:13) - The Diminishing Returns of Money

    (7:31) - Millionaire vs. Billionaire Mindset

    (11:40) - Why anyone can be top 1%

    (16:19) - Turning insecurity into motivation

    (22:55) - Alex’s business equation

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

    LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Acquisition

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    Magic happens when you foster an environment where diverse talents thrive and contribute their unique strengths to achieve collective greatness!

    Is it easy? Nah.
    Is it worth it? Every time. 

    Here's what you can expect from this weeks episode:

    🍀 The power of collaboration across your organization and how to encourage it
    🍀 How embracing diversity is the key to a culturally inclusive workspace
    🍀 What it takes to develop synergy within a multigenerational company

    So, fellow entrepreneurs, let's hold ourselves accountable and embrace inclusivity as a cornerstone of our business strategies. Together, we can build businesses that not only succeed but also make a positive impact on the world.

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    You'd be amazed by how far that will take you when it comes to hiring a steller team.

    Subscribe and watch on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/@heatherlawsonbradfield
    The Fresh Entrepreneur: HTTPS/thefreshentrepreneur.co 




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