
    Why willpower won’t help you lose weight, with Dr Andrew Jenkinson

    enJanuary 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the relationship between brain and food for sustainable weight lossFocusing on the science behind the brain and habits, rather than just willpower, helps individuals make lasting changes to their diet and overall health.

      Food, which can be an elixir of life and lead to weight loss, improved quality of life, and longevity, can also cause obesity, diabetes, and other health issues. Andrew Jenkinson, a consultant surgeon with a special interest in advanced keyhole surgery, emphasizes the importance of understanding the relationship between the brain and body, and the hormonal imbalances that impact sustainable weight loss. His books, "Why We Eat Too Much" and "How to Eat and Still Lose Weight," offer insights into how food affects our hormones rather than just calories and nutrients, and provide strategies for creating new habits and resetting weight. Jenkinson's passion for this topic stems from his experience working with patients struggling with their weight, who shared similar challenges despite different diets and caloric intakes. By focusing on the science behind the brain and habits, rather than just willpower, individuals can make lasting changes to their diet and overall health.

    • The power of mindset in weight lossUnderstanding the brain-body connection and developing an aversion to unhealthy foods through education and knowledge can lead to sustainable weight loss.

      Understanding the brain-body connection and how food affects our hormones and habits is crucial for successful weight loss. The story of a man named Samba, who managed to maintain a significant weight loss for over a decade, inspired the author's new book. Samba's success came from implementing the advice from the first book, but he also reached a point where his mind had been changed, and he developed an aversion to unhealthy foods. This shift in mentality, achieved through education and knowledge, is essential for sustainable weight loss. The author emphasizes that our identities are constantly evolving, and learning about the impact of food on our bodies and brains can lead to a transformation in our relationship with food, making willpower less of an issue.

    • Food as a Drug: Impact on Hormones, Brain, and MindProtein is essential for building a stronger body and better brain function. Limiting sugar helps reduce cravings and block leptin, a natural weight control hormone. Understanding brain science, including dopamine's role, aids healthier food choices.

      Food should be viewed as more than just calories and nutrients, but also as a drug with various effects on our hormonal system, brain, and mind. The speaker emphasizes the importance of protein and limiting sugar for building a stronger body and better brain function. He shares how giving up sugar was the most challenging part of Samuels' weight loss journey, but after 40 days, the craving disappeared. The speaker also discusses how food can block the natural weight control hormone leptin, leading to weight gain and loss of control. Additionally, he touches on how dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with reward and pleasure, plays a role in our food choices, making it essential to understand brain science to make healthier choices.

    • Our brains seek pleasurable foods, but industry exploits this with unhealthy optionsUnderstanding industry's role in creating unhealthy foods is key to making healthier choices, despite constant advertising and lockdown limitations.

      Our brains are wired to seek out pleasurable foods, and the food industry exploits this vulnerability by manufacturing and marketing highly palatable, unhealthy foods. These foods, often filled with added sugars, unnatural flavorings, and colorings, can negatively impact our health. The constant bombardment of food advertising only adds to the challenge of maintaining healthy eating habits. The discussion also touched upon the impact of lockdown on our habits and weight, with many people gaining significant weight due to limited access to healthy food options. However, understanding the role of industry and our environment in shaping our habits is the first step towards making positive changes. The book further explores strategies for breaking unhealthy habits and adopting healthier ones.

    • Our brains can develop addictions to certain foodsLearn techniques like mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises, 'crave surfing', and reading 'Destress Toolkit' to manage stress and resist food cravings

      Our brains can develop addictions to certain foods, particularly those high in sugar, which trigger reward pathways and create cravings. These cravings can be strong, especially during stressful times or when we're exposed to triggers like advertising. However, by practicing techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and breathing exercises, we can learn to manage stress and resist these cravings. The book "Destress Toolkit" offers various methods to help control stress levels without turning to unhealthy foods or other substances. Another technique, called "crave surfing," involves consciously acknowledging and riding out the waves of craving until they subside. For many people, these techniques can be more effective than dieting alone, especially for those who have struggled with weight loss for an extended period. Ultimately, understanding the science behind food addiction and implementing effective coping strategies can make a significant difference in overcoming unhealthy eating habits.

    • Imbalanced Omega 3 and 6 IntakeFocus on grass-fed meat and wild-caught fish for a healthier omega 3 to 6 ratio, while limiting chicken and industrialized meat to improve metabolism and easier weight maintenance.

      The advice to avoid saturated fat and focus on polyunsaturated oils, which are found in processed foods, has led to an imbalance in our omega 3 and 6 intake. This imbalance can negatively impact insulin function, making it easier for our bodies to gain weight. Natural saturated fats, on the other hand, are beneficial. For a healthier omega 3 to 6 ratio, focus on eating grass-fed meat and wild-caught fish, as they contain more omega 3s. Chicken and industrialized meat, which are high in omega 6s, should be consumed in moderation. Changing your diet to include more omega 3s and less omega 6s can take about a year, but the benefits include improved metabolism and easier weight maintenance.

    • Discovering Perfect Gifts for Mother's Day from Blue Nile, 1800 Flowers, Branches, and UnitedHealthcareBlue Nile offers pearls and gemstones for Mother's Day, 1800 Flowers puts love into every product, Branches provides soft cotton sheets, and UnitedHealthcare offers flexible insurance plans. Bariatric surgery changes hormonal signaling, leading to weight loss and inspiring new weight loss drugs.

      Blue Nile offers a wide selection of beautiful pearls and gemstones with fast shipping options, making it an ideal choice for an unforgettable Mother's Day gift. Meanwhile, 1800 Flowers is more than just a gift-giving destination; it puts love into every product and service, helping you celebrate life's special occasions. Branches Organic Cotton Sheets provide a soft and softer sleeping experience, while UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans offer flexible and budget-friendly coverage options. Bariatric surgery is more complex than just making the stomach smaller for weight loss. It significantly changes the signaling between the stomach and intestines, leading to weight loss through hormonal changes. The hormone GLP-1, which increases after these operations, is now being copied in popular drugs like Ozempic, Semaglutide, and Monjaro, which mimic the effect of bariatric surgery on the hypothalamus.

    • Reduce insulin levels to manage weight and increase leptin releaseFocus on limiting sugar, refined carbs, and processed foods to reduce insulin levels, promoting weight loss and leptin release. Balance omega-3 supplements with a decrease in omega-6 intake. Consume whole foods and healthy fats for optimal leptin signaling.

      To effectively manage weight and increase the release of the weight control hormone leptin, it's crucial to focus on reducing insulin levels by limiting sugar, refined carbohydrates, and processed foods. Omega-3 supplements, such as fish oil or krill oil, can be beneficial but should be balanced with a reduction in omega-6 intake. Changing your diet to include whole foods and healthy fats, like seaweed and omega-3 rich fish, can help release leptin and promote weight loss. Additionally, be aware that processed foods, despite their deliciousness, can contribute to weight gain through their high calorie and sugar content, which can disrupt leptin signaling.

    • Foods that impact weight control mechanismCertain foods, especially those high in sugar, refined carbs, vegetable oils, and fructose, can disrupt the leptin mechanism and hinder weight loss. Make informed choices and consider shopping for fresh produce to support healthy eating habits.

      The types of food we consume, particularly processed foods high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, vegetable oils, and fructose, can impact our weight control mechanism, specifically the leptin mechanism. These foods, when consumed in large quantities, can trigger weight gain or hinder weight loss. The mechanism by which these foods cause weight gain is different for fructose, which can lead to a direct cellular response. It's important to note that not all sources of these foods are equal - for example, natural fruits contain fructose but in smaller amounts than processed foods. Additionally, the prevalence of these unhealthy ingredients in our food supply, often used due to their low cost and high yield, can make it challenging to make healthy choices. The supermarket aisles are filled with tempting, sugary treats, while fresh fruits and vegetables are often overlooked. To make healthier choices, consider shopping online, getting food deliveries, or seeking out local sources for fresh produce. Ultimately, being aware of the impact of certain foods on our weight control mechanism and making informed choices can help us make lasting changes to our diet and improve our overall health.

    • Support local farmers and producers for a healthier dietOrder fresh produce online or from local companies to maintain a healthy diet and support farmers. Understand ghrelin's role in appetite and weight management for informed food choices.

      Supporting local farmers and producers by ordering fresh fruits and vegetables online or from companies like Odd Box, and avoiding supermarkets, is essential for maintaining a healthy diet and preserving the livelihoods of farmers. Additionally, understanding the role of hormones like ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, can help individuals make informed choices about their food intake and weight management. Ghrelin, produced in the fundus of the stomach, triggers feelings of hunger and food seeking behavior, making it particularly challenging for those on low-calorie diets. The weight set point, influenced by genetics and environmental factors, plays a significant role in weight regulation and can make weight loss challenging for some individuals. It's crucial to understand these factors to make informed decisions about diet and overall health.

    • Managing stress and sleep for weight loss and well-beingHigh stress hinders weight loss by increasing cortisol and affecting insulin signaling. Poor sleep worsens stress and disrupts hormonal balance. Improve sleep with blue light blocking glasses and limit electronic use before bedtime. Avoid ultra-processed foods, seed oils, refined sugars, and high fructose foods for overall health.

      Managing stress and prioritizing good sleep are crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being. High stress levels increase cortisol production, which in turn affects insulin signaling and hinders weight loss. Poor sleep further exacerbates stress and disrupts hormonal balance. To improve sleep quality, consider using blue light blocking glasses and limiting exposure to electronic devices before bedtime. Additionally, avoid ultra-processed foods, seed oils, refined sugars, and high fructose foods. While the microbiome and beneficial bacteria may play a role in weight management, more research is needed to solidify the connection. Focus on creating healthy habits, reframing your mindset, and simplifying your approach to cooking nutritious meals.

    • Understanding hormonal aspects of food and healthy alternativesFocus on omega threes, less seed oils and sugar, and try healthier alternatives like buckwheat for rice.

      Maintaining a healthy relationship with food involves more than just eating less sugar and exercising. Andrew's latest book emphasizes the importance of understanding the hormonal aspects of food and the impact of certain ingredients, such as seed oils and sugar, on insulin signaling and insulin resistance. Buckwheat, a seed and a gluten-free alternative to grains, is recommended as a healthier option for rice. The book also includes recipes, such as mushroom buckwheat risotto, and offers inspiration for delicious and nutritious meals. Overall, the book encourages avoiding seed oils and sugar, focusing on omega threes and more fish, and emphasizes the importance of these dietary choices for overall health. For more healthy eating inspiration, listeners can visit lizzarwell-being.com.

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    You can change yourself. You can change your family. You can change the next generation - and you are worth it!

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    My favorite reusable water bottles are this one from Thermos and this one from Contigo.

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    Contigo water bottle: https://amzn.to/2VDpqu4

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    You can change yourself. You can change your family. You can change the next generation - and you are worth it!

    I would love to connect with you on Instagram at @tracybairdwellness and on Facebook at Tracy Baird Wellness.

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    Check out my Tracy Baird Wellness website, and go here for my current free resource.

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