
    Why You Feel Unlovable | Viewer Interview

    en-usJune 17, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Feeling Disconnected and Prioritizing OthersDespite studying to become a teacher, Doc feels disconnected from his own life and only experiences happiness when helping others. He's struggled with self-investment and opening up about his internal struggles.

      The speaker, Doc, shares his experience of feeling disconnected from his own life and prioritizing others over himself. He describes feeling uninvested in his own life and only experiencing happiness when helping those around him. This pattern has been present for about five years, but before that, he felt more goal-oriented and independent. He's currently studying to become a teacher but feels like life is passing him by, and he's just going through the motions. Doc also mentions that he's struggled with opening up about his internal struggles and approaching others about his own issues. Overall, his perspective highlights the importance of self-investment and the impact of prioritizing others' happiness.

    • Feeling disconnected from own life, excessive interest in othersDespite struggling with self-investment and detachment, individuals with complex mental health experiences can form deep connections and empathize with others.

      The speaker expresses feelings of detachment from their own life and an excessive interest in others, which they describe as a confusing mix of narcissism and self-hatred. They have a strong social intelligence and can easily form deep connections with others, but struggle to find meaning and investment in their own experiences. They use the analogy of being a "challenger player" in a lower tier, feeling disconnected and unfulfilled, but still able to empathize and respect those around them. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the complexity and nuance of mental health struggles and the importance of understanding individual experiences.

    • Finding joy and connections in lifePersonal experiences shape our perception of enjoyment and connections. Past exclusion and negative self-perception can be overcome through self-reflection and finding joy in unexpected places.

      Finding enjoyment and meaningful connections in life can depend on the context and our personal experiences. The speaker shares how they found more enjoyment playing League of Legends as a support instead of an ADC due to skill level disparities. They also reflect on their past experiences of feeling unlikable and unattractive, leading them to copy others to fit in. The speaker's childhood was marked by exclusion and rumors, which made them feel disconnected. Their family life was complicated, with a father who abandoned them at birth, leaving them feeling unwanted and resentful. However, they also acknowledge that their perception of their father may not be entirely accurate. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of finding joy in our circumstances and the impact of personal relationships on our self-perception.

    • Family dynamics and the complexities of love and careFamily relationships can be intricate and influenced by various factors, including financial gain, cultural expectations, and individual expressions of love and care.

      Family dynamics can be complex and influenced by various factors. The speaker's experience with her biological father illustrates this, as he used her as an anchor baby to come to Germany and later tried to reconnect with her when he was in danger of being deported. The speaker felt annoyed and saw him as a stranger after 18 years of separation. Her mother, who was the reason for their initial estrangement, seemed to be enabling their reconnection for financial gain. The speaker's grandfather, on the other hand, loved her but in a different way than a typical father figure. He showered her with gifts but didn't truly know her. The speaker's mother, despite being a single parent, behaved like a teenager, which was charming but exhausting for the speaker. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the intricacy of family relationships and the diverse ways people express love and care.

    • A childhood filled with instability and lack of trustThe speaker's turbulent childhood, marked by numerous stepfathers and financial instability, shaped her into a chameleon-like person who hides her true self to make others feel comfortable, while carrying a deep sense of self-hatred and belief of being unwanted.

      The speaker had a turbulent childhood marked by numerous stepfathers, all of whom were similar to her biological father in using her for personal gain. This pattern of behavior led to an inconsistent sense of home and a lack of trust in her mother. The speaker's experiences have shaped her into a chameleon-like person who adapts to different situations and people to make them feel comfortable, while hiding her true self. The speaker's family history is filled with bad relationships and financial instability, leading to a sense of self-hatred and a belief that she is unwanted. Despite these challenges, the speaker's grandfather was the only stable and loving figure in her life, providing her with a sense of home and security.

    • Formative Years of BullyingBullying during childhood can leave deep emotional scars, impacting one's self-worth and perception of reality, even into adulthood.

      The speaker experienced significant bullying during their formative years, which left a deep impact on their psyche. Despite having many kind teachers, the speaker remembers the negative experiences more vividly. Some teachers deliberately humiliated the speaker, making fun of them in front of the class or bringing up sensitive family matters. These experiences left the speaker feeling unwanted and unloved, leading them to believe that there was nothing about them that was worthy of acceptance. Even though the speaker is now popular in their community, they still carry the emotional scars from these experiences, which they describe as occupying a significant portion of their mind. The speaker acknowledges that their perception of reality may not be entirely accurate, but the emotional impact of the bullying remains.

    • Manipulating Emotions in RelationshipsBeing authentic and mindful of how our behavior and emotions impact others is crucial for healthy relationships. Manipulating emotions can lead to alienation and disconnection.

      Consistently displaying negative energy and manipulating people into showing compassion can lead to alienation and disconnection in relationships. The speaker shares an experience with an uncle who suffers from BPD and has a habit of sharing his tragedies in a way that makes people feel obligated to console him. While this behavior may be his saving grace, it can also push people away. The speaker values being the type of person who shares stories without making others feel the need to react in a specific way. They want their stories to be seen as interesting, not as a call for pity or compassion. The speaker also shares their personal experience of growing up with a mother who was frequently in unhealthy relationships, which left her extremely jealous and difficult to please. Her behavior ultimately led to a lack of fulfilling relationships and a sense of isolation. The speaker reflects on how they would not have wanted to be in her place, despite her love for her partners. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of being mindful of how our behavior and emotions impact others, and the value of authentic, healthy relationships.

    • Stepfather's love impacts complicated relationshipA loving stepfather brought happiness but complicated dynamics with mother's past led to conflict and eventual separation, leaving the speaker conflicted about the situation.

      The presence of a loving and sensible stepfather brought a sense of normalcy and happiness to the speaker's family, but his relationship with the mother was complicated by her past experiences and insecurities. Despite her initial distrust and hostility, the stepfather's unwavering love for her seemed to have a profound impact on their dynamic. However, their relationship eventually reached a breaking point, leading to accusations and violence. The speaker's perspective on the situation was unclear, but it seemed that the mother may have exaggerated the events or even lied about the stepfather's actions. Ultimately, the speaker felt conflicted about the situation and continued to provide for the stepfather, even after he was forced to leave the household.

    • Interfering in relationships can lead to dangerous consequencesInterfering in relationships can put individuals and bystanders in harm's way, and ultimately, some situations are beyond our control.

      Manipulation and interfering in other people's relationships can lead to dangerous and violent consequences. The speaker's attempts to help her ex-boyfriend get back together with his estranged wife led to multiple instances of domestic violence, and even put the speaker and her sister in harm's way. Despite the speaker's belief in her ability to achieve any goal, she ultimately realized that some situations are beyond her control. The destructive cycle of their relationship ultimately ended in tragedy, demonstrating the importance of respecting boundaries and allowing people to make their own choices.

    • Traumatic experiences leave speaker feeling disconnectedSpeaker finds joy in helping others, but struggles with feelings of detachment and skepticism. Traumatic events ironically bring family closer, but leave speaker feeling like an outsider.

      The speaker's traumatic experiences have left them feeling disconnected from their own life and only able to truly experience joy when helping others. Despite overcoming some of the pain, they still struggle with feelings of detachment and face skepticism from those who don't believe their story. The speaker also mentioned the irony of their family starting to feel normal again just as they were torn apart by events beyond their control. These experiences have shaped their perspective and made them feel like outsiders at times. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains open about their experiences and finds solace in sharing their story, as it helps keep the memories real and raw.

    • Assessing Social IntelligenceDespite feeling unworthy, the speaker demonstrates a high level of social intelligence and can effectively interact with people, shaped by past experiences and influences from loved ones.

      Individuals have unique social abilities and it's natural for some to be more socially adept than others. The speaker, despite feeling unworthy of liking, has developed a high level of social intelligence and can assess and interact effectively with people. However, his past experiences, such as growing up as an anchor child and having an absent father, may have influenced his self-perception. The speaker's late stepbrother, who was extremely extroverted, shaped him into someone he would like by living in the same apartment complex. Despite the speaker's belief that he's not worth liking, the evidence suggests otherwise. It's important to recognize and value the unique qualities each person brings to the table.

    • Impact of Past Experiences on Self-Perception and TrustPast experiences and relationships can influence self-perception and trust, shaping beliefs through cognitive bias and emotional responses. Authenticity and self-awareness are crucial in building meaningful relationships.

      Our past experiences and relationships can significantly impact our perception of ourselves and our ability to trust others' genuine affections. The discussion highlighted the complexities of cognitive bias and the role of both logic and emotions in shaping our beliefs. The speaker shared their personal experience of dealing with feelings of unworthiness and the cognitive dissonance that comes with it. They also emphasized the importance of authenticity and being true to oneself in building meaningful relationships. The speaker's reflection on their own experiences with abandonment and idealization shed light on how these experiences can shape our beliefs about ourselves and our relationships. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of self-awareness and the need to challenge our assumptions about ourselves and others.

    • The speaker's experiences of feeling unwanted and unlovedDespite a difficult past, the speaker learned to take responsibility for her own happiness and found empathy and connection through her experiences.

      The speaker's experiences of feeling unwanted and unloved, driven by a combination of factors including racism, sexism, and lack of friends, led her to believe she was unlovable and worthless. She tried to attribute these experiences to external factors, such as racism, to make it easier to cope. However, she later realized that she needed to change and take responsibility for her own happiness. The speaker's past experiences, including being sent away from her mother and living with her grandparents, contributed to her sense of never being wanted. She felt like she was a side character in her own life, and reinvented herself to start anew. Despite her difficult past, the speaker believes that her experiences have made her empathetic and able to connect with others on a deeper level.

    • Trauma in video games resonates with personal experiencesTrauma from personal experiences and video games can evoke strong emotions and complex feelings, highlighting the long-lasting impact of trauma.

      The speaker's experience with a traumatic event in a video game resonates with their own past trauma, bringing up emotions they haven't fully processed. They feel like they're reliving the pain, even though it's been some time since the incident. The speaker also expresses a sense of being a survivor, but with complex feelings towards the person who caused their trauma. They're seen as respectable for surviving, but there's also sadness and anger. The speaker's relationship with their stepfather, who was both a positive and negative influence, adds to their conflicting emotions. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of dealing with trauma and the long-lasting impact it can have on an individual's emotions and perspective.

    • The speaker's complex relationship with their fatherDespite his care and affection, the speaker's father left a hurtful note and committed suicide, leaving the speaker feeling responsible, guilty, and conflicted.

      The speaker's relationship with their father is complex and filled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he was the first stable father figure who showed care and affection towards the speaker. However, he was also selfish and manipulative, leaving the speaker feeling used and abandoned after his suicide. The speaker feels a sense of responsibility and guilt for their father's actions, especially since he left a hurtful note targeting other family members but said nothing about the speaker. The experience of crying and then laughing during the therapy session highlights the healing process, but the speaker recognizes the importance of processing and decompressing from such intense emotions. The speaker also hints at wanting to discuss their romantic relationships and how their experiences with their father might impact them. Overall, the speaker's relationship with their father raises complex questions about love, care, responsibility, and healing.

    • Deep emotional connections and loss impact romantic feelingsExperiencing deep emotional connections and loss can significantly impact romantic feelings and attractions, and seeking professional help can provide valuable insights.

      The speaker's romantic experiences have been characterized by forming deep connections with people, often leading to relationships, but without strong feelings of infatuation. However, after meeting someone who became their best friend and romantic partner, despite having different sexual orientations, the speaker experienced a profound sense of compatibility and connection. Since then, they have been unable to feel romantic attraction towards anyone else. The speaker also mentioned that after their mother's death, they went through therapy, which they found helpful, although they have not been diagnosed with PTSD themselves. The speaker's experiences suggest that deep emotional connections and loss can impact romantic feelings and attractions. It's important to note that everyone's experiences and emotional responses are unique, and seeking professional help, such as therapy, can provide valuable support and insights.

    • Feeling detached from life is a coping mechanism for traumaTrauma can cause depersonalization, where individuals may feel detached and observe their lives from a third-person perspective as a way to protect themselves from overwhelming emotions.

      Trauma can lead to feelings of depersonalization, where individuals may feel detached from their own lives or as if they are living in a dream-like state. This psychological response is a coping mechanism that allows the brain to disconnect from traumatic experiences. People with depersonalization may feel like they are observing their own lives from a third-person perspective, and their actions may feel like they are on autopilot. This can manifest in various aspects of life, including romantic relationships, where individuals may feel like they are just "NPCs" or non-playable characters in someone else's story. The feeling of being an adviser or an NPC rather than the main character can provide a sense of comfort and control. This response is a normal reaction to traumatic experiences and is a way for the brain to protect itself from overwhelming emotions. It's essential to acknowledge these feelings and validate them, as they are a part of the healing process.

    • Childhood experiences shape our perceptions and behaviorsChildhood experiences, especially those involving bullying and rejection, can impact our self-perception and ability to form deep connections, potentially requiring therapeutic intervention to challenge limiting beliefs

      Childhood experiences, especially those involving bullying and rejection, can have a profound and lasting impact on a person's psyche. These experiences can shape their self-perception and make it difficult for them to form deep connections with others. The speaker's own experience of being bullied continuously for an extended period of time has left her with a deep-seated feeling of unlovability, which has made it difficult for her to fully engage with life or form romantic relationships. This survival mechanism, while understandable, can be limiting and may require therapeutic intervention to help the individual start re-engaging with the world and challenging the belief that they are fundamentally unlovable. The speaker's observation that childhood experiences can shape our perceptions and behaviors in profound ways is an important reminder for all of us to be mindful of the impact of our experiences and to allow our observations to shape our hypotheses rather than the other way around.

    • Embracing conflicting emotions for growthSeek professional help, learn to love again, and transcend duality for emotional growth and happiness

      Understanding and accepting conflicting emotions as part of reality, rather than artificial constructs, can be a key to overcoming emotional challenges. The speaker suggests that this concept, derived from Indian philosophy, can help in dealing with complex emotions, such as pity and compassion, and even spiritual growth. The first step towards this journey is seeking professional help, like therapy. The second step is learning to love again. Lastly, transcending the duality of form and formlessness through spiritual practices can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and ultimately, happiness. The speaker shares his personal experience of finding comfort and trust in people who were once mere acquaintances, and how they helped him cope during difficult times.

    • People who support us during tough timesExpressing gratitude for loved ones who provide emotional support during challenging periods can help us see our potential and find purpose.

      The speaker values the people in their life who have helped them through difficult times, both in person and online. These individuals, who include friends and a sister, have provided support and laughter during challenging periods. The speaker also mentions that caring for their sister gave them a sense of purpose and helped them see their own potential. The speaker expresses gratitude for these relationships and the importance they hold in their life. Additionally, the speaker acknowledges the emotional impact of discussing these experiences and the significance of expressing emotions openly.

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