
    Will Hurd: Don't Kiss Your Opponent's Butt

    en-usAugust 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Republican Primary: Candidates Express Concerns Over Trump's Attitudes and Disregard for ConstitutionRepublican candidates, including Chris Christie and Mike Pence, are expressing concerns about Trump's authoritarian leanings and disregard for the constitution. Trump continues to attack the judicial system and foreign leaders, with no signs of backing down.

      The Republican primary race is heating up with candidates expressing growing concerns about Donald Trump's attitudes towards authoritarian leaders and disregard for the constitution. Chris Christie has been particularly vocal, questioning Trump's suitability for leadership and potential danger to democracy. Mike Pence has also ramped up his criticism of Trump's efforts to overturn election results. Meanwhile, debates around the possibility of pardoning Trump for his crimes continue. Despite these criticisms, Trump has shown no signs of backing down from his attacks on the judicial system and his controversial statements about foreign leaders. The Republican field is showing a shift in tone as the first debate approaches, with several candidates distancing themselves from Trump's divisive rhetoric.

    • Republican Voters Continue to Support Trump Despite Felony ChargesA significant portion of Republicans back Trump, but a larger number dislike him. Challenging him requires mobilizing against him and reminding voters of GOP values, but time is running out as primary season progresses.

      Despite former President Donald Trump facing over 70 felony charges and behaving unacceptably, a significant portion of Republican voters continue to support him. This is due in part to the fear among other candidates to criticize him, and the fact that he has a dedicated base of around 27-32% of the electorate. However, there are still more Americans who dislike Trump than like him, and it will require activating these voters and reminding them of the values of the Republican Party to challenge Trump in the primary. The window for this is narrowing, as the primary season progresses and voters begin to coalesce around a single candidate. Ultimately, the success of challenging Trump will depend on the ability to effectively communicate and mobilize against him.

    • Engaging with Independent Voters in New HampshireTo win elections, engage independent voters in states like New Hampshire by emphasizing personal responsibility, service, and problem-solving for the future. Understand your audience and reach out now for successful engagement.

      Engaging with independent voters in states like New Hampshire, where Republicans haven't traditionally focused, is key to winning elections. These voters value personal responsibility, service, and problem-solving for the future. Understanding the product market fit, or knowing who your customers are, is crucial for successful engagement. People will start paying more attention to the election as key dates approach, but it's important to reach out to voters now. The Republican Party's hardcore base may not want to hear the truth about Donald Trump, but it's necessary to keep speaking out. Standing up for what you believe in, even if it means facing opposition, is important. The goal is to reach voters who believe in something better than themselves and have the resources to engage them effectively. The boos at the Republican Lincoln Day dinner were a distraction from the larger conversation about reaching out to a broader base of voters.

    • Republican Party should focus on jobs and economy to win electionsThe GOP must address voter concerns on jobs, economy, and automation while contrasting themselves from the current administration to regain voter trust and win elections.

      The Republican Party needs to focus on issues that matter to voters, particularly jobs and the economy, to win elections. Many Americans are concerned about the impact of automation on their jobs and the national budget, and these concerns should be addressed. The acknowledgement of Joe Biden's victory by more Republican figures is a positive step, and it's important for the party to create contrast with the current administration. The delay in acknowledging Biden's win may have been due to various reasons, but it's essential for the Republican Party to move forward and offer a compelling alternative to the current administration. Additionally, candidates like Ron DeSantis need to retool their campaigns effectively and create clear distinctions from their opponents. Overall, the truth and transparency are essential for building trust with voters and winning elections.

    • Competing with Trump through ideas, not imitationTo beat Trump, focus on ideas and addressing generational challenges, not imitation. Embrace a sane conservative party that values individual freedom and is not beholden to government control.

      The current political landscape requires a shift in strategy for those looking to challenge the dominant political figures. The speaker, who is running for office, believes that constantly kissing the boots of Donald Trump or following his lead is not the most effective way to beat him. Instead, there is a need for real competition of ideas and a focus on addressing generational defining challenges. The Republican Party, according to the speaker, should be defined as a group of people willing to vote for a Republican, regardless of their formal political label. The party should not be a wholly owned subsidiary of MAGA World or an avatar of any single figure. Instead, it should be a sane conservative party that values individual freedom and is not beholden to the government telling businesses what they can or cannot do. The speaker urges listeners to support candidates who are willing to address pressing issues, such as the increasing influence of the Chinese Communist Party and the upcoming BRICS summit, which could impact every American.

    • Former CIA officer Michael Morell's commitment to a strong foreign policy and the Republican PartyMichael Morell, a former CIA officer and Republican political commentator, emphasizes the importance of a strong foreign policy and the value of the international order established by the US. He is committed to the Republican Party and advocates for reclaiming it from MAGA ideologies by focusing on core values and perseverance.

      Former CIA officer and Republican political commentator, Michael Morell, strongly believes in the importance of a strong foreign policy and the value of the international order established by the United States. He is committed to the Republican Party and refuses to abandon it, despite the current dominance of MAGA ideologies and figures. He emphasizes the need to fight for the party's core values and to reclaim it from those who have taken it in an appalling direction. Morell's ethos, shaped by his experiences in the CIA, is to face challenges head-on and to get things done, no matter how difficult. He encourages perseverance and a focus on meaningful and hard work.

    • Can a third-party win the US presidency?While theoretically possible, practical challenges make it unlikely for third parties to win the US presidency. Instead, efforts should focus on strengthening the existing two-party system through healthy competition of ideas within each party.

      While it's theoretically possible for a third-party candidate to win the presidency in the United States based on logistical feasibility, the practical challenges are significant. The lack of representation in Congress for third parties could lead to uncertainty and potential negative consequences for the outcome of the election. Additionally, the frustration with institutions and government lies at the heart of the appeal for third parties. However, it's unclear whether a third party would lead to better outcomes, as the challenges faced by our institutions may not be easily solved by a new party. Instead, the focus should be on strengthening the existing two-party system through healthy competition of ideas within each party. The ultimate goal is to provide the best vision for the country and address the concerns of the American people.

    • The Importance of Supporting Ukraine for America's InterestsSupporting Ukraine is crucial for America's interests as it upholds the international order, keeps Russia at bay, and prevents the need for direct military intervention. Losing Ukraine could lead to dire consequences, including the loss of allies and the rise of China as a global superpower.

      The future of the Republican Party hinges on the debate around supporting Ukraine. While some believe it's not in America's interest, others, like the speaker, argue for continued support to help Ukraine win the war against Russia. Ukraine's importance lies in the international order it upholds, which benefits the US by keeping Russia at bay and preventing the need for direct military intervention. The speaker advocates for kicking Russia out of all of Ukraine and providing material and equipment support. If Ukraine loses, the consequences could be dire, including the loss of allies and the rise of China as a global superpower. The speaker emphasizes that Putin is a war criminal and an enemy, not a friend, and that understanding who are friends and enemies is crucial for maintaining America's position in the world. Additionally, the speaker touched on the abortion issue but did not elaborate in detail.

    • Republican Party's Abortion Stance: Pro-Life but DividedThe Republican Party's stance on abortion is pro-life, but there's disagreement on strategy and restrictions. The recent defeat of an abortion law change in Ohio signals a shift towards pro-choice views, and addressing women's health is crucial for voter trust.

      The Republican Party's stance on abortion remains pro-life, but there is significant disagreement on strategy and the extent of restrictions. The recent defeat of an effort to change abortion laws in Ohio is a clear sign that the country is moving towards pro-choice views, and this issue will continue to be a significant one in the 2024 elections. While some Republicans, including the speaker, support a national ban, others argue for leaving it to the states. However, the lack of focus on improving women's health and reducing maternal mortality rates, particularly for marginalized communities, undermines their credibility on this issue. The speaker expressed his support for a national ban but also emphasized the importance of addressing women's health and safety. To regain voter trust, Republicans need to present a comprehensive proposal that addresses both abortion restrictions and women's health improvements.

    • Rep. Will Hurd Prepares for Republican DebateRep. Will Hurd is focusing on qualifying for the Milwaukee debate by raising funds and preparing his arguments, while acknowledging potential differences with the current state of the Republican party.

      Will Hurd, a Republican presidential candidate, is focused on qualifying for the upcoming Milwaukee debate by raising funds and preparing for the event. He acknowledged that his vision for the party and the country may not align with the current state of the Republican party. Hurd encouraged other Republicans to make their arguments and look at effective legislation. He expressed confidence in reaching the necessary donations to participate in the debate and urged listeners to support him at heardforamerica.com. Hurd emphasized the importance of articulating a vision for the future and being unafraid of Donald Trump during the debate. He plans to spend the next 12 days prior to the deadline focusing on these preparations.

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    Links to columns touched on by Emil in Podcast No.14:







    *     *     *



    Emil Guillermo PODCAST: Randall Park at the APAICS gala for AAPI Heritage Month talks about Asian American representation in the media
    May 22, 2017 10:19 AM

    On Emil Amok's Takeout, I corner Randall Park at the gala dinner of the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS). a/k/a Asian Prom.

    Listen to my short conversation with the "Fresh Off the Boat" star, as well as an excerpt from his speech accepting the 2017 APAICS Vision Award.


    Oddly, I forgot to ask him if politics was in the cards for him. Writing and producing was. But politics? He does play a governor in HBO's "Veep." 

    As I flew into D.C., I noticed at the airport magazine racks the conservative National Review trying to make the case for a presidential bid by "The Rock"--a Republican.

    President Rock?

    Dwayne Johnson hosted the season finale of "Saturday Night Live" this past weekend, and was joined by Tom Hanks.

    Hanks said if they ran as a ticket, he'd "get them the senior vote because he fought in WWII--in ten different movies.

    The Rock added that he'd get the minority vote, "because everyone just assumes, I'm, well, whatever they are."

    It got a big laugh. 
    It sounds like a joke, but given the rise of a reality show star to the presidency and the immense popularity of Johnson and Hanks, you never know.

    And with that, the SNL banners unfurled to reveal the slogan "Johnson Hanks 2020."


    Considering that The Rock and Hanks seem like stable personalities with decent vocabularies, anything would be an improvement over the present White House occupant.












    Emil Guillermo is an independent journalist/commentator.
    Updates at www.amok.com. Follow Emil on Twitter, and like his Facebook page.
    The views expressed in his blog do not necessarily represent AALDEF's views or policies.

    Contact Emil at http://www.aaldef.org/blog, the site of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund.

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    Emil Guillermo wrote for almost 15 years his "Amok" column for AsianWeek, which was the largest English language Asian American newsweekly in the nation. "Amok" was considered the most widely-read column on Asian American issues in the U.S.

    His thoughtful and provocative social commentaries have appeared in print in the San Francisco Chronicle, SFGate.com, San Francisco Examiner, USA Today, Honolulu Star Bulletin, Honolulu Advertiser, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and in syndication throughout the country.  His columns are seen in Asia and around the world, on Inquirer.net. 

    His early columns are compiled in a book "Amok: Essays from an Asian American Perspective," which won an American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation in 2000.

    Guillermo's journalistic career began in television and radio broadcasting. At National Public Radio, he was the first Asian American male to anchor a regularly scheduled national news broadcast when he hosted "All Things Considered" from 1989-1991. During his watch, major news broke, including the violence in Tiananmen Square, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the end of dictatorships in Romania and Panama. From Washington, Guillermo hosted the shows that broke the news. 

    As a television journalist, his award-winning reports and commentaries have appeared on NBC, CNN, and PBS. He was a reporter in San Francisco, Dallas, and Washington, D.C.

    After NPR, Guillermo became a press secretary and speechwriter for then Congressman Norman Mineta, the former cabinet member in the Bush and Clinton Administrations. 

    After his Hill experience, Guillermo returned to the media, hosting his own talk show in Washington, D.C. on WRC Radio. He returned to California where he hosted talk shows in San Francisco at KSFO/KGO, and in Sacramento at KSTE/KFBK.

    Guillermo's columns in the ethnic press inspired a roundtable discussion program that he created, hosted, executive produced, resulting in more than 100 original half-hour programs. "NCM-TV: New California Media" was seen on PBS stations in San Francisco, Sacramento and Los Angeles, and throughout the state on cable.

    Guillermo also spent time as a newspaper reporter covering the poor and the minority communities of California's Central Valley. His writing and reporting on California's sterilization program on the poor and minorities won him statewide and national journalism awards.

    In 2015, Guillermo received the prestigious Dr. Suzanne Ahn Award for Civil Rights and Social Justice from the Asian American Journalists Association. The award, named after the late Korean American physician from Texas, recognizes excellence in the coverage of civil rights and social justice issues in the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.

    Guillermo, a native San Franciscan, went to Lowell High School, and graduated from Harvard College, where he was named Ivy Orator, the class humorist.

    Thanks for listening to Emil Amok's Takeout!





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