
    Will I Ever Stop Thinking About My Ex?

    enNovember 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • The Magic Wand: A Cultural Icon of Powerful PleasureThe Magic Wand vibrator is a cultural icon known for its powerful orgasms, available in various models and enhanced by Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel, while overcoming fear can lead to better communication and more fulfilling sex.

      The magic wand, a iconic vibrator, offers powerful and unapologetic pleasure, earning it accolades as a cultural icon. Whether it's the original model or its various iterations like the rechargeable, mini, micro, or plush versions, they all deliver the same powerful rumble that sets the standard for orgasms. For those looking to enhance their summer sex life, Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel offer solutions for lasting longer and heightening pleasure, respectively. And don't forget, fear is a common obstacle in expressing sexual desires and trying new things, but acknowledging and addressing it can lead to better communication and more fulfilling sexual experiences.

    • Overcoming Fear in Sexual ExperiencesAcknowledge and address fears of rejection, vulnerability, and judgment to enhance sexual experiences. Period sex is an example of a topic surrounded by fear and misconceptions, but communication, education, and challenging limiting beliefs can help.

      Fear is a common emotion that holds many people back from having fulfilling and authentic sexual experiences. Fear of rejection, vulnerability, and being judged can prevent us from expressing our desires and needs. These fears are often based on false evidence and self-imposed rules. By acknowledging and addressing these fears, we can break through them and enhance our sexual experiences. Period sex is an example of a topic surrounded by fear and misconceptions. Many people have anxiety about it due to stories of messiness and discomfort. However, there are no hard and fast rules around it, and some women even find it enhances their pleasure. To overcome fear and anxiety around sex, it can be helpful to communicate openly with your partner, educate yourself, and challenge your limiting beliefs.

    • Preparing for Menstruation and Reframing the NarrativePrepare for menstruation with towels and slow sex, reframe the narrative to view it as a natural and empowering process, and explore alternative methods to regulate your cycle beyond the pill.

      Menstruation is a natural process, and while it may require some preparation, there's no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about it. Preparation can include having towels on hand and going slow during sexual activity. Menstruation is a part of women's ability to give life, and it's important to reframe the narrative around it. The pill, a common method of birth control, can have negative effects on women's hormones and menstrual cycles. Consider exploring alternative methods, such as diet and exercise, to help regulate your flow. Remember, menstruation is a normal and natural part of life, and it's nothing to be ashamed of.

    • Exploring Alternatives for Hormonal Birth Control and Overcoming Sexual FearsConsider alternative methods for birth control and health concerns, and work on overcoming sexual fears through self-acceptance and communication.

      Our bodies can be affected by various factors such as hormonal birth control and medications like Accutane, which can impact our menstrual cycles and overall health. These issues may not resolve quickly and it's essential to explore alternative solutions, such as supplements or lifestyle changes, instead of relying on the pill. Additionally, fear is a common barrier to sexual experiences, often rooted in past experiences and self-doubt. Overcoming these fears requires putting ourselves out there, understanding that rejection is a normal part of life, and recognizing that others' actions are often not personal. It's inspiring to see young people exploring careers in sex education and breaking the stigma surrounding sexual health and wellness.

    • Facing and addressing fears in various aspects of lifeAcknowledging and addressing fears can shift perspectives and improve experiences, whether in relationships or food choices. Being present in the moment and checking in with oneself can help determine the truth and value of thoughts and feelings.

      Everyone, regardless of age, experiences fears and anxieties that can impact various aspects of their lives. Ovi shared his fear of getting excited about things that might not happen, while Colin discussed his fear of taking too long during intimate moments with his wife. Both acknowledged the power of acknowledging and addressing these fears, which can help shift perspectives and improve experiences. Additionally, the conversation touched on the importance of being present in the moment and checking in with oneself to determine the truth and value of thoughts and feelings. On a lighter note, the discussion also included a mention of Hero Bread, which offers low net carb bread options for those who want to enjoy their favorite bready delights without the carb consequences. This can be a game changer for individuals who are health-conscious but still crave bread. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of acknowledging and addressing fears, being present in the moment, and finding solutions to improve experiences, whether it's in relationships or food choices.

    • Sharing deepest desires and fearsOpen communication leads to enhanced intimacy and deeper connections in relationships. Don't let fear of rejection hold you back from sharing your true self.

      Sharing our deepest desires and fears with our partners can lead to enhanced intimacy and a more fulfilling relationship. Joey, a caller to the sex advice radio show, shared his long-held secret fetish for spandex and was relieved and excited when his partner not only accepted it but also enjoyed it. This experience reinforces the importance of open communication in relationships and the power of vulnerability in deepening the connection between partners. The fear of rejection or judgment can hold us back from expressing our true selves, but as Joey's story shows, the potential rewards far outweigh the risks. So, don't be afraid to take the leap and share your deepest desires with your partner. Chances are, they will be supportive and the experience will bring you closer together.

    • Addressing past traumas during pregnancySeeking professional help for past traumas is crucial for mental health and healthy relationships. Mindfulness techniques can also aid in managing anxiety.

      It's important to address past traumas and seek professional help when needed, even during challenging times like pregnancy. Melissa shared her experience of dealing with flashbacks triggered by her partner's unexpected attempts at intimacy, which she discovered were connected to past sexual abuse. Through specialized therapy, she was able to remember and process these traumatic experiences, but the frequent flashbacks led her to take a break from therapy. Melissa's concerns about her upcoming child's developmental milestones and her own anxiety have led her to consider resuming therapy and practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation to help manage her anxiety. Overall, Melissa's story highlights the importance of addressing past traumas and seeking professional help to improve mental health and maintain healthy relationships.

    • Taking care of mental and physical health during intimacy issuesExercise, therapy, open communication, self-care, and self-compassion can help manage anxiety and improve mental well-being during intimacy issues

      Taking care of mental and physical health is crucial during challenging times, especially when dealing with intimacy issues. Exercise and therapy, including EMDR, can help manage anxiety and improve mental well-being. It's essential to remember that intimacy issues are not always the result of personal shortcomings, and open communication with your partner about feelings and needs can go a long way in resolving the issue. Education and learning new techniques together can also help improve the situation. Don't be too hard on yourself and keep focusing on self-care and self-compassion. Remember, it's a process, and improvement is possible.

    • Sharing Our Fears and ExperiencesSpeaking up about fears and past experiences can heal and connect us, taking away fear's power and inspiring others.

      Speaking up about our fears and experiences, even if it's scary, can help us heal and connect with others. Melissa shared her experience of calling into a radio show to talk about her trauma around sex, and Emily emphasized that doing so can take away the power of the fear and help others in similar situations. Julie called in to discuss her recurring dreams about her first love, and Emily suggested that these dreams might represent a connection to a part of ourselves and our past, rather than a desire to be with the ex. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of acknowledging and addressing our fears and past experiences, and the potential for these discussions to help and inspire others.

    • Making a decision about an old flameConsider potential outcomes, practice positive self-talk, focus on personal growth, and remember your worth when dealing with an old flame.

      It's important to decide how to move forward when thinking about an old flame. If you're considering reaching out to an ex, weigh the potential outcomes and consider practicing positive self-talk to help move on. Alternatively, if you're content with leaving things in the past, focusing on personal growth and reminding yourself of your worth can be helpful. Ultimately, the choice is yours, and there's no right or wrong answer. The speaker also emphasized that our past relationships and exes hold significance due to the connections and experiences we shared, and that attachment to these memories is natural. However, it's essential to avoid attaching undue meaning to these memories and instead focus on personal growth and moving forward.

    • Embracing vulnerability in intimacy and communicationFacing fears of rejection and judgment in intimacy and communication can lead to stronger relationships and a greater sense of self-worth. Vulnerability and expressing desires are important, but self-care and self-acceptance are also key to building confidence.

      Facing our fears, especially when it comes to intimacy and communication, can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life. The speaker shares her personal experiences with holding back in the bedroom due to fear and insecurity, but encourages the importance of vulnerability and expressing desires to potential partners. The fear of rejection or not being good enough should not prevent us from asking for what we want and setting boundaries. It's important to remember that everyone experiences vulnerabilities and insecurities, and that being open and honest with ourselves and others can lead to stronger relationships and a greater sense of self-worth. The fear of judgment, such as fearing that a partner may prefer someone else or dislike certain aspects of ourselves, is common, but it's important to remember that our worth is not determined by these external factors. Instead, focusing on self-care and self-acceptance can help build the confidence needed to face these fears and live a more authentic life.

    • Approach sex with self-acceptance and flexibilityEmbrace imperfections, communicate, and focus on personal growth for better sexual experiences. Self-acceptance and self-love are essential.

      We should approach sex with the same self-acceptance and flexibility that we have with food. Perfection is not expected or realistic in either scenario. Bodily imperfections and natural noises are normal and should not be a source of shame or fear. Communication, honesty, and self-love are key to enhancing sexual experiences. Fear of rejection, performance anxiety, and body image issues are common concerns, but taking small steps and focusing on personal growth can help overcome these fears. Remember, how we treat ourselves sets the standard for how others will treat us. By becoming our best sexual partners to ourselves, we increase the likelihood of finding a compatible partner. It's a lifelong journey, but recognizing the importance of self-acceptance and self-love is the first step.

    • The Power of Embracing SinglehoodEmbrace self-acceptance, live a rich life, and be open to new experiences to approach relationships from a place of wholeness. Practice fearlessness to enhance your connection with your partner.

      Embracing your singlehood and feeling complete within yourself is crucial for authentic relationships. Society pressure and personal comfort can influence our perception of being alone, but working on self-acceptance and living a rich, full life can help us approach relationships from a place of wholeness. Kenny's story highlights the importance of putting effort into your sex life and being open to new experiences, which can lead to a strong, long-lasting relationship. Additionally, practicing fearlessness, whether through role-play or adopting a new mindset, can help overcome relationship fears and enhance your overall connection with your partner.

    • Explore role-playing for personal growth and stronger relationshipsRole-playing can boost confidence, resolve conflicts, and deepen connections through acting or improvising, suspending judgment, and embracing new experiences.

      Role-playing can be a powerful tool for personal growth and improving relationships. By stepping out of our comfort zones and assuming different personas, we can gain confidence, overcome fears, and even resolve conflicts in romantic partnerships. Acting or improvising can serve as a form of "fake it till you make it," allowing us to show up as someone more confident and self-assured. Role-playing can help us suspend judgment and blame, enabling us to connect more deeply with ourselves and others. This practice can lead to new experiences, enhanced communication, and a greater sense of intimacy. Ultimately, embracing the power of role-playing can inspire personal transformation and strengthen our bonds with those around us.

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