
    Will Saletan: A World Series of Whataboutism

    en-usJune 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Former AG Bill Barr criticizes Trump's handling of classified documentsBill Barr, a former Trump ally and AG, criticized Trump's claims of executive privilege and personal ownership over documents, adding weight to the seriousness of the situation.

      Former Attorney General Bill Barr, who was appointed by Donald Trump, has publicly criticized the handling of classified documents by the former president. Barr's comments stand out because he was a strong defender of Trump during his tenure and has been critical of other investigations into Trump. However, he has been unequivocal in his criticism of the indictment unsealed by Special Counsel Jack Smith, stating that Trump's claims of executive privilege and personal ownership over documents are not valid. The indictment details instances where Trump and his team allegedly moved documents from the White House to Mar-a-Lago without proper clearance, and Barr's comments add weight to the seriousness of the situation. The former attorney general's criticism is significant because it comes from someone who was once a close ally of Trump and has a deep understanding of the legal system.

    • Trump Indictment: Obstructing Justice and Mishandling Classified DocumentsFormer President Trump is accused of exposing sensitive government plans and mishandling classified documents, contradicting his past statements about protecting classified information and posing a threat to national security.

      Former President Donald Trump is accused of obstructing justice and mishandling classified documents, as outlined in the recent indictment. He reportedly waived around a sensitive government plan of attack on Iran, exposing it to others for personal reasons, and later discussed the classified documents with his attorney, raising questions about his handling of national security information. The documents in question contained sensitive information regarding defense capabilities, nuclear programs, and potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies. Trump's actions were deemed a threat to national security, and his behavior contradicts his past statements about the importance of protecting classified information. The indictment reveals a pattern of disregard for the rules and a sense of entitlement, highlighting the need for accountability and seriousness towards national security matters among political figures.

    • Republicans defend Trump over sensitive documentsDespite claims of prioritizing national security, some Republicans have downplayed the significance of Trump's handling of sensitive documents, prioritizing party loyalty over the protection of sensitive information.

      While many Republicans claim to prioritize national security, they have turned a blind eye to former President Trump's handling of sensitive documents. During an interview, Senator Lindsey Graham defended Trump against espionage charges, arguing that he didn't commit espionage and comparing the situation to Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. However, Graham's defense seemed to be based more on party loyalty than fact, as the documents in question were official government records, not Trump's personal property. Attorney General Bill Barr, on the other hand, acknowledged that Trump should have turned over the documents and that they were not his to keep. The incident highlights a concerning disregard for national security among some in the Republican Party, who prioritize political allegiance over the protection of sensitive information.

    • Republicans use circular argument to defend Trump against legal proceedingsRepublicans argue that public belief, fostered by them, undermines legal arguments against Trump's handling of documents. This stems from an authoritarian view of presidential power, claiming Trump can store docs anywhere, even in a bathroom, which is not factual or legal.

      Many Republican politicians and pundits are using a circular argument to defend former President Trump against the ongoing legal proceedings, by promoting the belief among their base that there's no case against him. They argue that the public belief, which they themselves have fostered, undercuts the legal arguments. This strategy is rooted in an authoritarian interpretation of presidential power, which asserts that the President has complete authority to declassify and store documents anywhere, even in a bathroom. This argument, however, is not grounded in the facts or the law. The distinction between personal and government documents is also a relevant consideration in understanding the differences between the Trump and Hillary Clinton cases. Additionally, some commentators have lashed out at Special Counsel Jack Smith, who is leading the investigation. This authoritarian line of thinking, as illustrated by the "bathroom defense," demonstrates the absurdity of such an interpretation of presidential power.

    • Investigation into former President Trump and Special Counsel Jack SmithCritics try to discredit Special Counsel Jack Smith as a partisan, but his record shows he's prosecuted politicians from both parties. Escalating rhetoric raises concerns for potential civil unrest and the importance of truth and civil debate.

      The discussion revolves around the investigation into former President Trump and the role of Special Counsel Jack Smith. Critics, including a Fox News host, have attempted to discredit Smith by labeling him a partisan and political hack. However, Smith's record shows that he has prosecuted politicians from both parties. The rhetoric surrounding the investigation has escalated, with some politicians and pundits implying violence, and Trump himself summoning supporters to Miami for his court appearance. The situation raises concerns about potential civil unrest and the dangers of inflammatory language. Despite these challenges, it's crucial to maintain a commitment to truth and civil debate in politics. To stay informed and sane amidst the chaos, consider checking out The Bulwark, a platform for pro-democracy voices on the center right and left.

    • Political figures using divisive language can lead to dangerous consequencesFormer President Trump's divisive rhetoric led to the Capitol riots and politicians who refuse to hold him accountable are encouraging further unrest, potentially inciting a civil war. Instead, leaders should urge calm and trust in the criminal justice system.

      The use of divisive and inflammatory language by political figures can have dangerous consequences. During the discussion, it was noted that former President Trump's rhetoric, such as labeling his opponents as deep state, warmongers, globalists, communists, and villains, can stir up anger and lead to violence. This was highlighted by the events of January 6th, 2021, where a mob stormed the Capitol building in response to Trump's false claims of election fraud. Furthermore, politicians who claim to not support violence but refuse to hold Trump accountable for his actions are undermining the rule of law. By using the threat of violence as a justification for not pursuing legal action against Trump, they are essentially encouraging further unrest and potentially inciting a civil war. It was suggested that instead of fueling the fire, Republican leaders should urge calm and trust in the criminal justice system. However, instead, some politicians like Josh Hawley are using the situation to further divide the country and portray themselves as defenders of democracy. It's important to recognize the potential dangers of such rhetoric and work towards promoting unity and respect for the rule of law.

    • January 6th events: Consequences and Political FalloutThe January 6th events and their political fallout serve as a reminder of the severe consequences of mass demonstrations and mob violence, including loss of life and the normalization of violent behavior, and the importance of making compelling arguments on the merits instead of promoting violence.

      The events of January 6th, 2021, and the potential for mass demonstrations and mob violence being used to political advantage by Donald Trump and his supporters, should serve as a warning and a reminder that such incidents can have severe consequences, including loss of life and the normalization of violent behavior. The fallout from such incidents would likely involve a mix of condemnation and rationalization, with some politicians distancing themselves from the violence while others embrace it, creating a divisive and potentially dangerous political climate. The comparison to the Hillary Clinton email investigation is not an exact one, as there are significant differences between the two cases, including the role of law enforcement and the evidence presented. It's crucial to remember that promoting violence or encouraging mobs is not a substitute for making a compelling argument on the merits.

    • Distinction between personal and presidential records in email scandalsAG Barr distinguishes personal emails from Clinton vs government docs from Trump, raising concerns over Trump's handling and biased judge appointment

      According to Attorney General William Barr, there is a distinction between personal records and presidential records. The deleted emails from Hillary Clinton's tenure were primarily personal in nature, while the documents in question regarding Donald Trump involve government documents prepared by the Defense Department and intelligence agencies. Trump's actions in handling these documents and his previous public stance on classified information add to the complexity of the situation. The appointment of Judge Aileen Cannon to the case raises concerns due to her perceived bias towards Trump and her questionable jurisprudence. It's important to note that these are just a few aspects of the intricate discussion surrounding the handling of classified information by both Clinton and Trump.

    • Judge Marcia Cooke's impartiality questioned in Trump caseThe involvement of an unpredictable judge in the Mar-a-Lago case could lead to significant delays, exclusion of crucial evidence, and potential appeals up to the Supreme Court, prolonging the legal process and fueling denialism.

      The ongoing legal battle between the Department of Justice and former President Trump, currently being heard in Florida, could face significant delays due to the involvement of an unusually questionable federal judge. This judge, Marcia Cooke, has previously overruled the DOJ twice, raising concerns about her impartiality and competence. The potential consequences of her actions include the exclusion of crucial evidence against Trump, which could lead to lengthy appeals and a possible Supreme Court case. The stakes are high, as the Mar-a-Lago case involves clear-cut charges of mishandling classified documents, which typically result in severe penalties. The potential for interference from an unpredictable judge could prolong the legal process and further fuel denialism within the Republican Party and right-wing media ecosystem.

    • The divide between Republicans and the rest of America over the seriousness of Trump's chargesA significant number of Republican voters don't view Trump's charges as serious, potentially impacting primaries and the general election. Trump's approval rating is low, but similar to Biden's, raising concerns about the political climate.

      The divide between Republican voters and the rest of the country is widening over the seriousness of the charges against Donald Trump. While a majority of Americans view the charges as serious, a significant number of Republican voters do not. This gap could potentially impact both Republican primaries and the general election. For instance, if the number of concerned Republicans grows, it could create a large enough constituency to challenge Trump's nomination. However, even if Trump is nominated despite electability concerns, a substantial portion of the general electorate (around 57%) views a Trump presidency as disqualifying. This could protect against another Trump presidency. Additionally, Trump's approval rating has dropped to 31%, which, while it may seem positive, is similar to Joe Biden's approval rating, raising concerns about the overall state of American politics.

    • Trump's Legal Troubles May Hurt GOP ElectionsTrump's legal issues could harm GOP in elections, and nominating a different candidate could benefit the party. Inconsistent application of rules in military and national security could create a wedge issue.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents could potentially harm the Republican Party's chances in the upcoming elections. The party could benefit significantly by nominating a different candidate, as Trump is currently regarded as disqualified by a majority of Americans. Furthermore, the inconsistency in applying the rules, particularly within the military and national security world, could create a wedge issue between Trump and his base. Trump's defenders argue that he has unique presidential privileges, but this stance contradicts his past statements about enforcing laws and treating everyone equally. The potential consequences for individuals in the military who mishandle classified information highlight the seriousness of the situation, and the argument could resonate with those who understand the importance of following rules and maintaining national security.

    • Sen. Lindsey Graham's Defense of Trump's ActionsGraham's defense of Trump's actions, based on his status as a president and a candidate, has been criticized as circular logic, potentially leading to dangerous outcomes and further division.

      The ongoing legal battles involving former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party are becoming increasingly complex and contentious. Sen. Lindsey Graham's recent interview showcased Graham's defense of Trump's actions, arguing for his special rights as a president and a candidate, even after leaving office. This defense has been described as circular logic, with Graham claiming Trump is exempt from prosecution no matter his status. The hysteria and cornering of Trump and the MAGA movement could lead to dangerous outcomes, as seen in the events of January 6th. The use of rhetoric and arguments, such as those made by Graham, could potentially incite further unrest and division. It's crucial to recognize the potential dangers of this circular logic and the consequences it may have on our political landscape.

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    MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s response to the leaked audio recording of him showings classified documents to people in July 2021 which is the subject of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s criminal indictment.  Try BlueChew FREE when you use our promo code MEIDAS at checkout--just pay $5 shipping. That’s https://BlueChew.com, promo code MEIDAS to receive your first month FREE. Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://pod.link/1510240831 Legal AF: https://pod.link/1580828595 The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://pod.link/1595408601 The Influence Continuum: https://pod.link/1603773245 Kremlin File: https://pod.link/1575837599 Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://pod.link/1530639447 The Weekend Show: https://pod.link/1612691018 The Tony Michaels Podcast: https://pod.link/1561049560 American Psyop: https://pod.link/1652143101 Burn the Boats: https://pod.link/1485464343 Majority 54: https://pod.link/1309354521 Political Beatdown: https://pod.link/1669634407 Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://pod.link/1676844320 MAGA Uncovered: https://pod.link/1690214260 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    0:00 J+M intro today's segments

    2:21 Theories on Trump's classified documents

    17:18 SnackMagic - Get 10% cashback up to $1000 until October 15th with code HOLIDAY, and see more at snackmagic.com/twist

    18:40 Molly's big interview + Jason's tells poker stories from the Code Conference

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    30:02 Jason brainstorms a publicity stunt

    33:36 Instagram looks to sunset "Shopping" feature, Zuck changes his public persona

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    41:28 Jason confronts his Zuck-induced insecurity

    48:11 Why Instagram is shutting down its "Shopping" tab

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    1:13:00 The Blueprint Part 9: Molly Wood on manifesting your future!

    FOLLOW Jason: https://linktr.ee/calacanis

    FOLLOW Molly: https://twitter.com/mollywood

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