
    Will Saletan: Policing the Police

    en-usJanuary 30, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Politics and Sports: Uncertainty and Lack of DirectionPolitics and sports both faced underperformance and uncertainty, with the Republican Party maintaining questionable leadership and the San Francisco 49ers falling short in the NFC championship game. The reluctance to challenge powerful figures in politics added to the sense of stagnation.

      The political landscape and sports world both presented underwhelming performances and lacked clear solutions during recent events. In politics, the Republican National Committee reelected Ronna McDaniel, leaving some questioning her effectiveness. Donald Trump's low-energy campaign rollout added to the political uncertainty. In sports, the San Francisco 49ers' unexpected loss in the NFC championship game left fans disappointed and questioning the lack of a backup quarterback. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, many Republicans are quietly predicting Trump's demise but not taking action to make it happen. The reluctance to confront Trump's influence highlights the challenge of standing up to powerful figures. Overall, both arenas displayed a lack of clear direction and resolution.

    • 2024 Republican Primary: Trump Leads but Challenges LoomTrump leads 2024 GOP primary despite controversies, but potential challengers like DeSantis face difficulty effectively responding to Trump's attacks. Media's treatment of Trump as a normal candidate despite past behavior is concerning.

      The 2024 Republican primary race remains uncertain, with former President Donald Trump currently leading, but potential challengers like Ron DeSantis facing the challenge of effectively responding to Trump's attacks. Trump's ability to generate excitement and support within the party is uncertain, and the lack of indictments or significant consequences for his actions related to the January 6th Capitol insurrection means he is being treated as a normal candidate despite his past behavior. DeSantis, who is seen as less intimidating than Trump on a debate stage or in impromptu comments, may choose to focus on his own campaign and let Trump's attacks roll off his back. However, Trump's continued controversial statements and actions could make him a political liability for the party, and the lack of a clear alternative could keep him in the lead for now. The media's treatment of Trump as a normal candidate is concerning, as his actions during his presidency were anything but normal, and his continued rhetoric could be a danger for the election outcome.

    • Republican party's loyalty to Trump wanesDespite past loyalty, some Republicans consider alternative candidates, criticize Trump's divisive behavior and controversial statements, and show lack of enthusiasm for his speeches, which may impact his ability to win back support.

      The Republican party's loyalty to former President Donald Trump may not be as strong as it once was. With Trump out of power and having lost the 2020 election, some Republicans are open to considering alternative candidates, such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Trump's divisive behavior and penchant for making controversial statements have not helped his cause. Lindsey Graham, a key Trump ally, has been distancing himself from the former president but has since appeared back on his side. However, there seems to be a lack of enthusiasm and support for Trump from the top levels of the Republican party. Trump's speeches have been criticized for being too conventional and lacking his usual bravado, but he continues to lean into his support for brutality and violence, which may not sit well with all Republicans. The question remains whether Trump's brand of brutality will be enough to win him back the support he once had.

    • Political figures' use of violence and authoritarianism resonates with someDespite potential danger and moral compromise, some support political figures advocating violence and authoritarianism. Addressing misinformation and holding individuals accountable is crucial.

      The use of violence and advocacy for authoritarianism by some political figures, including Donald Trump, resonates with certain segments of the population, despite the potential danger and moral compromise it represents. This was evident in Trump's past statements about border security measures and his admiration for non-democratic leaders. The recent attack on Paul Pelosi underscores the importance of addressing misinformation and holding individuals accountable for their actions, especially when they involve violence against others. The call for a return to American values and a rejection of authoritarianism could be a powerful message among Republican voters, but it remains to be seen if anyone will take a stand against Trump on this issue.

    • Right-wing figures spread misinformation and conspiracy theories about Paul Pelosi attackDespite evidence and confessions, some right-wing figures continue to prioritize attacking 'libs' over truth and reality, perpetuating a dangerous loop of misinformation in public discourse.

      During and after the brutal attack on Paul Pelosi in November 2022, numerous right-wing figures and media outlets spread misinformation and conspiracy theories about the incident. These included baseless claims of staging, homophobic slurs, and suggestions that Pelosi knew his attacker. Some individuals, such as Elon Musk, have since claimed to have apologized, but many others have not. This episode highlights the derangement of the American right, as some individuals seem to prioritize attacking "libs" over truth and evidence. Despite video evidence and a confession, it remains unclear how many of these individuals will acknowledge their mistakes or return to reality. This incident also underscores the dangerous loop of misinformation and its persistent impact on public discourse.

    • The Harmful Impact of Political Hatred and ViolencePolitical hatred and violence can be perpetuated by conspiracy theories and hate speech, even if not directly advocating violence. Mainstream propagandists can also contribute to this cycle through their rhetoric.

      The spread of conspiracy theories and hate speech, even if not directly advocating violence, can lead to harmful actions by extremists. The example given was of a man named David DuPape, who left a threatening message using language similar to that used by some political commentators. This perpetuates a cycle of political hatred and violence. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the complicity of mainstream propagandists like Tucker Carlson in this issue, as their rhetoric can inspire such actions. Another topic discussed was the situation with George Santos, a newly elected representative under investigation, and Kevin McCarthy's handling of the situation on talk shows. McCarthy refused to discuss Santos and instead focused on the broken state of Congress and the need for accountability. The speaker also mentioned the recent change allowing every member to attend sessions, which could lead to more accountability. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of responsible speech and the potential consequences of failing to hold individuals accountable for their actions.

    • McCarthy's Interview Evasions on Controversial AppointmentsMcCarthy evaded questions on controversial figures' appointments, changed subjects, and prioritized party loyalty over truth and transparency, highlighting deep divisions within the GOP and his challenges as Speaker.

      During a recent interview, Kevin McCarthy, the current House Speaker, was questioned about the appointment of controversial figures, like George Santos and Marjorie Taylor Greene, to key committees. McCarthy deflected the questions by changing the subject, using long-winded responses, and even denying having answered earlier questions. This behavior is seen as an attempt to appease the Republican conference, which includes many election deniers and conspiracy theorists, and maintain his narrow 5-vote majority as Speaker. The interview highlighted McCarthy's inability to handle tough questions and his willingness to prioritize party loyalty over truth and transparency. The situation underscores the deep divisions within the Republican Party and the challenges McCarthy faces in leading it.

    • Importance of transparency in police brutality casesTransparency through technology and accountability are crucial in addressing police brutality, especially against marginalized communities.

      The discussion touched upon the importance of transparency in cases of police brutality, as evidenced by the release of the video showing the murder of a young man in Memphis by a group of police officers. The incident highlights the need for accountability and the role of technology, such as body cams and surveillance footage, in bringing perpetrators to justice. The conversation also explored the complexities of race and police violence, emphasizing that the race of the perpetrators does not negate the fact that young Black men are disproportionately affected by such incidents. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the importance of acknowledging and addressing systemic issues that contribute to police violence against marginalized communities.

    • Addressing police brutality: Beyond race and implicit biasTo tackle police brutality, focus on hiring, training, accountability, and technology. Improve qualifications, weed out bad apples, prosecute and jail offenders, and address police union protection.

      The issue of police brutality and racial bias in law enforcement is not solely about race, but about who officers believe they can get away with targeting. This is not a matter of implicit bias, but a deliberate selection of targets based on perceived impunity. To address this deep-rooted problem, changes are needed in hiring, training, and accountability practices for police officers. The lack of professionalization and accountability in U.S. policing is a significant factor. Increasing the professional qualifications and training of officers, as well as weeding out the bad apples, are crucial steps. However, enforcement and punishment are equally important. The use of body cameras and other surveillance technology can help prosecute and jail officers who commit crimes, sending a clear message that they cannot get away with it. Lastly, the role of police unions in shielding officers from accountability needs to be addressed.

    • Historical lack of accountability in police unionsPolice unions' failure to hold 'bad apples' accountable perpetuates harmful practices and contributes to systemic issues within law enforcement. Addressing underlying issues and promoting transparency and accountability is essential for meaningful change.

      Police unions have historically not held "bad apples" accountable for their actions, creating a culture of impunity that allows violent and abusive behavior to continue. This lack of accountability is a major contributor to the systemic issues within law enforcement. The George Floyd case, which received widespread attention due to the availability of video evidence, is just one example of how the absence of transparency and accountability can result in cover-ups and the perpetuation of harmful practices. The influence of figures like Steve Bannon, who deny election results and refuse to acknowledge defeat, further exacerbates the problem by promoting division and denial of reality. It is crucial that we address these underlying issues and work towards creating a more transparent and accountable system in order to bring about meaningful change.

    • Republican Party's denial of reality leads to election lossesThe GOP's refusal to accept election results and embrace conspiracy theories is causing election losses and perpetuating insanity within the party, putting US democracy at risk.

      The refusal by some members of the Republican Party, including Steve Bannon, to accept election results and their continued embrace of conspiracy theories and denial of reality is leading to election losses and perpetuating insanity within the party. This was illustrated in the 2022 Arizona elections, where Carrie Lake, a controversial candidate, received nearly 50% of the votes but the party still lost key races. Despite the concerns that Trump and his supporters are becoming increasingly isolated and will eventually be rejected by voters, the last six years have shown that there is still a significant following for such beliefs. The future of democracy in the US hinges on whether the party can learn to nominate sensible candidates and move away from the current state of denial and chaos.

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    Show Prologue:
    Brothers Breaking Bread, or the “Triple B Pod”, is a collection of African American professionals, friends, and family that attempt to tackle the important issues of the day. We bring our unique brand of humor, sensitivity, and oftentimes anger to the analysis. The show features Rodger (@KcStork); “The Brothers of Doom” James and Joe; Anthony (10 Meters); Zeb (Da Soulja) Ada (Lady Lavender) and extended #3BPod family. We cut our teeth as podcasters creating nearly 100 episodes of the Negroraguan Podcast, we’ve kept much of the format and traditions with a few personal touches that come with a new show. We sincerely hope you enjoy, and subscribe to the show.

    Please contact us on Twitter @Triple_B_Pod
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/brothersbreaking.bread.7
    or Email: brothersbreakingbreadpod@gmail.com

    Music Cred:
    Show Intro- We Outchea - Joseph Jefferson
    Outro- It’s Over – Joseph Jefferson
    Coup D'eTat- Z. Ore, J. Jefferson

    Terrible Thoughtz Album- Zeb Ore, Jason Jones, Jeremy Scott, Joseph Jefferson

    Joe Jeff- Coronamatic

    Photo Editing:
    Jason Jones

    Show Title: A Change Gon’ Come/ Departure Announcement



    Madame VP:

    Shade Room:

    Change going to come

    Pay to Pardon:

    The Erection:

    Impeach part two:

    Real Hero:

    Black Defenese:


    R.I.P Hank Aaron





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    --------TABLE OF TOPICS--------
    0:00 - Intro
    0:01 - CDC Hook Challenge
    1:37 - The LOX vs DipSet
    40:18 - WAL Apparel Commercial
    2:02:00 - Outro

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