
    Will Saletan: The #MeToo Fail

    en-usDecember 04, 2023
    What does the George Santos scandal symbolize in politics?
    How does media influence political accountability today?
    What inconsistencies exist in the Republican Party's actions?
    Why is distinguishing anti-Semitism from criticism of Israel important?
    What recent action did the Texas Republican Party take regarding hate groups?

    Podcast Summary

    • George Santos scandal reflects modern American politicsPoliticians with questionable backgrounds can rise to power, media plays a role in their success or downfall, and inconsistencies persist, with figures like Trump remaining influential.

      The George Santos scandal serves as a symbol of the current political climate, where individuals with questionable backgrounds and ethical standards can rise to power and even get expelled from Congress, while others, like former President Donald Trump, continue to hold significant influence within the Republican Party. The media's role in this dynamic was also highlighted, as politicians often criticize the media while simultaneously craving their attention. The expulsion of Santos, who was accused of being a liar, fraud, and money launderer, while Trump, who has faced similar allegations, remains a leading contender for the GOP nomination, underscores the inconsistencies and challenges of modern American politics.

    • Congress inconsistently applies ethics standardsDespite George Santos' expulsion for lies and fraud, some members with criminal charges or questionable morals stay in Congress, highlighting inconsistent ethics standards.

      The expulsion of George Santos from Congress for lying and fraudulent activities sets a precedent, but the same standards aren't being applied consistently to all members of Congress. While Santos was expelled based on an ethics committee report, other members, including those with criminal charges or questionable moral standards, remain in office. The inconsistency is particularly evident with the ongoing support for Donald Trump's presidential bid despite his legal issues and allegations of sexual assault. The discussion also touched upon the apparent disregard for religious faith displayed by Trump, who cited his high poll numbers when asked about his source of strength.

    • Trump's Perspective on Elections vs. ChristianityTrump's fixation on poll numbers and election results contrasts with Christian teachings, potentially leading to disregard for democratic processes and moral standards.

      Donald Trump's perspective on his ability to win elections and the opinions of others contrasts sharply with the core teachings of Christianity. Trump's obsession with poll numbers and election results, as well as his refusal to accept defeat, can be likened to the behavior of a delusional or manipulative individual. This delusion is dangerous because it could lead to a disregard for the will of the people and potential attempts to undermine democratic processes. The comparison of Trump to a "date rapist" who refuses to accept rejection emphasizes this point. Despite this, a significant portion of evangelical Christian voters continue to support Trump, raising questions about the nature of their faith and the importance of holding leaders accountable to moral standards.

    • Liz Cheney Warns of Republican Threat to Constitutional PrinciplesLiz Cheney, a prominent Republican, warns of the potential dangers of a Republican-controlled Congress in 2024, emphasizing the party's departure from constitutional principles and the challenge of persuading voters to support deviant candidates.

      Liz Cheney, a longtime Republican and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is sounding the alarm about the potential dangers of a Republican-controlled Congress in the 2024 election. She believes that the Republican Party has strayed from its constitutional principles and poses a threat if it is in the majority in 2025. Cheney's warnings are significant because she has spent her entire life in Republican politics and has the credibility to persuade some voters who might otherwise support the party. Her message is aimed at those who still believe in conservative principles and are concerned about the direction of the party under Donald Trump. Cheney's stance highlights the divide within the Republican Party and the challenge of persuading voters to support candidates who deviate from the party line.

    • Christie vs Haley: Republican Primary Candidates' Stances on TrumpChristie criticizes Trump's actions, losing support, while Haley acknowledges chaos but moves on. Christie's honesty sets him apart, while Babbel aids language learning.

      Chris Christie is the only Republican primary candidate openly criticizing Donald Trump's actions and disregard for the constitution, despite the potential loss of support from Trump sympathizers. Nikki Haley, on the other hand, is trying to straddle the issue, acknowledging Trump's chaos but also attempting to move past it. Christie's honesty and courage in speaking out against Trump's behavior, even if it may not lead to the nomination, sets him apart from other candidates. The discussion also touches upon the importance of learning new languages and the effectiveness of Babbel in helping users do so in a conversational and convenient way.

    • The Escalating Pressure to Demonize Political OpponentsInvest time and effort into meaningful learning experiences like Babbel for effective language skills, and prioritize domestic issues while maintaining a critical stance towards international conflicts.

      The pressure to demonize political opponents and label them as existential threats can escalate as the perceived awfulness of one side increases. This was exemplified in the discussion about Lindsey Graham's views on Joe Biden and Liz Cheney. Additionally, the urgency to secure borders and prioritize domestic issues over international aid was highlighted in Graham's stance on Ukraine. The study about Babbel's effectiveness in language learning also emphasizes the importance of investing time and effort into meaningful learning experiences, making it an effective tool for real-life conversations. The special offer for a discounted Babbel subscription at babbel.com/bulwark provides an opportunity for listeners to start their language learning journey.

    • Lindsey Graham's shift in stance on border security and foreign policyGraham's change in stance on foreign policy raises concerns about a larger trend of capitulation among political figures and the potential impact on other areas of policy. Criticism towards certain women's organizations for their slow response to rape being used as a weapon by Hamas against Jewish women is also noted.

      Lindsey Graham's shift in stance on border security and foreign policy, as seen in his recent statements and actions, could be a sign of a larger trend of capitulation and rationalization among political figures. Graham's previous hawkish views on foreign policy, such as supporting Ukraine, have given way to a more accommodating attitude towards Trump's authoritarianism and disregard for traditional American foreign policy principles. This raises concerns about the potential contagious nature of such behavior and its impact on other areas of policy. Additionally, the issue of rape being used as a weapon by Hamas against Jewish women has been met with criticism for the slow response and lack of condemnation from certain women's organizations and feminist advocates. It is important for these groups to speak out against such atrocities and not engage in whataboutism.

    • Navigating Moral Responses to Geopolitical Conflicts and IntersectionalityAcknowledge and address moral issues, even if they are complex and require nuanced responses. Denounce rape and other atrocities regardless of the identity of the perpetrator or victim.

      The complexities of geopolitical conflicts and the concept of intersectionality can complicate moral responses, particularly on the left. During a CNN interview, Representative Pramila Jayapal was pressed about Hamas' use of rape as a weapon against Israeli women, but she tried to change the subject to Israeli actions. Critics argue that denouncing rape should not depend on the identity of the perpetrator or victim. However, the hierarchy of oppression within some leftist circles can make it difficult to address moral issues without considering the larger political context. This tension was acknowledged by Jayapal when she spoke about the need for balance. The authors of a recent Slate article criticized this paralysis and called for denouncing rape and other atrocities regardless of the identity of the perpetrator or victim. It's important for individuals and communities to acknowledge and address moral issues, even if they are complex and require nuanced responses.

    • Progressive women debate Israel-Palestine conflict's silence on Hamas' sexual assaultDespite the ongoing debate, it's crucial to acknowledge all forms of violence and oppression in conflicts, including sexual assault, and work towards a healthier society and conversation.

      During the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, there's an ongoing debate among progressive women about the silence regarding Hamas' sexual assault and targeting of women. Pramila Jayapal, a congresswoman, faced criticism for her stance on the issue. Some argue she was minimizing sexual assault by using the term "both sides," but Jayapal defended her statement by acknowledging the moral differences between the two situations. The UN Women's Group faced criticism for not condemning Hamas' actions for 57 days, and the issue of sexual assault in war zones is not new, as it has been prevalent in various liberation movements throughout history. The conversation highlights the importance of acknowledging all asymmetries and the need for a healthier society and conversation that addresses all forms of violence and oppression.

    • Maintaining a clear distinction between criticizing Israeli policies and targeting Jewish individualsIt's crucial to distinguish between criticizing Israeli government policies and being anti-Semitic, while also addressing the concerning trend of targeting Jewish businesses and events due to their affiliation, and standing against hate and intolerance in all forms.

      Progressives and liberation movements must not turn a blind eye to the abuse of women, even if it occurs within their own circles. Another important issue discussed was the need to distinguish between criticizing Israeli government policy and being anti-Semitic. However, it was also emphasized that there is a concerning trend of targeting Jewish businesses and events due to their Jewish affiliation, which is anti-Semitic. It's essential to maintain a clear distinction between criticizing Israeli policies and targeting Jewish individuals or communities. Additionally, it was noted that the Texas Republican Party recently rejected a ban on associating with Nazi sympathizers, which highlights the importance of standing against hate and intolerance in all forms.

    • Republican Party of Texas votes against anti-Semitic, Nazi banDespite claims, the GOP prioritizes loyalty to Trump over ethical standards, as seen in their vote against banning associations with hate groups.

      The Republican Party of Texas voted against a ban on associating with known anti-Semites and Nazis, with a 32 to 29 vote. This is significant because it raises questions about the party's standards and priorities. While they may claim to not associate with hate groups, their actions speak otherwise. This is reminiscent of the lowering of standards in the Republican Party during the Trump era, where associating with known bigots became the norm. The irony is that if there was a resolution to expel those who supported political enemies like Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger, it would have easily passed. The Republican Party seems more concerned with maintaining loyalty to Trump than upholding moral and ethical standards. This is a concerning development, as it sends a message that hate and intolerance are acceptable within the party.

    • Conservative politicians' moral compromiseDespite extreme authoritarian behaviors and actions, some conservative politicians prioritize political affiliations over moral principles, indicating a larger issue within the Republican party.

      The interview between James Langford and George Stephanopoulos on The Bulwark podcast highlights the moral compromise of many self-proclaimed conservative politicians who are willing to overlook extreme authoritarian behaviors and actions from their party's nominees, including Donald Trump. Despite Trump's advocacy for suspending the constitution, executing former military leaders, and other controversial statements, Langford expressed his intention to support Trump if he is the Republican nominee for president. This scenario is not an isolated incident, and it indicates a larger issue within the Republican party, where moral principles seem to take a backseat to political affiliations. The interview underscores the importance of holding elected officials accountable for their actions and ensuring that those who undermine the constitution and democratic values are not in positions of power.

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