
    Will Saletan: Welcome to the Resistance, Bill Barr

    en-usJune 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Bill Barr's critique of Trump as a narcissist matters to conservativesThe critique of Trump's narcissism by a conservative figure like Bill Barr can help moderate, center-right, and even some conservative voters understand the importance of opposing Trump's presidency to protect the conservative agenda.

      The critique of Donald Trump as a consummate narcissist, as expressed by Bill Barr, a conservative figure, holds significance for moderate, center-right, and even some conservative voters. This character indictment, which does not focus on Trump's political ideology, can help these voters understand the nature of Trump's actions and why it's crucial for them to protect the conservative agenda while opposing his presidency. The quote from Bill Barr serves as a powerful reminder that Trump's personal behavior puts not only the Republican Party but also the country at risk.

    • Former Trump officials and advisors speak out against himDespite Trump's strong hold on the MAGAverse, approximately 14% of the Republican Party is exhausted by him. Former officials and advisors, like Bill Barr, are publicly criticizing Trump, which could sway some Republicans and impact the 2024 presidential race.

      Former President Trump's hold on the MAGAverse may be strong, but there is a significant portion of the Republican Party (approximately 14%) that is exhausted by him. Voices from within the conservative movement, such as former officials and advisors, could create a permission structure for other Republicans to publicly criticize Trump. This is unprecedented as no president has earned such open contempt and denunciation from so many members of his inner circle. Bill Barr, Trump's former Attorney General, is one of the latest high-profile figures to speak out against Trump, describing him as a deeply flawed and incorrigible man. Barr also criticized Trump's handling of sensitive national security documents, stating that Trump had no right to them and engaged in deceitful conduct. These developments could potentially sway some Republicans and impact the 2024 presidential race.

    • Trump's Former Officials Warn of National Security RisksFormer officials, including AG and SecDef, warn Trump's mishandling of classified info may have endangered national security and could disqualify him from future access to sensitive data.

      Former high-ranking officials in the Trump administration, including his own Attorney General and Secretary of Defense, have expressed serious concerns about Trump's trustworthiness and handling of sensitive information based on the allegations in the recent indictment. The indictment includes specific instances where Trump is accused of mishandling classified documents related to national security, potentially putting American service members at risk. For example, there's an audiotape of Trump discussing a plan of attack against Iran, which he had taken with him and was showing to people. The former Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, has stated that if these actions are proven true, Trump should never be trusted with the nation's secrets again. These are serious allegations that have significant implications for national security.

    • Barr Criticizes Trump for Mishandling Classified Docs, Putting Military at RiskFormer AG Bill Barr, a conservative, criticizes Trump for mishandling classified docs, putting military at risk, and using cynical political propaganda to present himself as a victim.

      Former Attorney General Bill Barr, a self-proclaimed national security and law and order conservative, has criticized Donald Trump for putting his ego and vanity above the country by mishandling classified documents, which could put military personnel in harm's way. Barr, who has worked in the intelligence community, finds Trump's actions disturbing and believes that if any other president, especially a Democrat, had done the same, there would be widespread outrage. Barr also argues that Trump's attempts to present himself as a victim in the Mar-a-Lago document affair are cynical political propaganda and that the obstruction of justice is a clear-cut case that should be prosecuted according to the law. Barr's critique adds weight to the allegations against Trump and emphasizes the importance of upholding the law and protecting national security.

    • Attorney General Barr stresses importance of following the law, specifically regarding presidential documentsBarr emphasized the significance of adhering to the text and context of the law, particularly in relation to the Presidential Records Act and handling of presidential documents. Pence's stance on ongoing investigations into mishandled documents has been inconsistent, while he himself faces no prosecution.

      During his speech at the Federalist Society, Attorney General Barr emphasized the importance of following the text and context of the law, specifically in regards to the Presidential Records Act and the handling of presidential documents. He spoke to conservative audiences about the original intent of the law and the need for its enforcement. Meanwhile, former Vice President Mike Pence's stance on the ongoing investigations into mishandled documents has been inconsistent. Despite expressing concerns about a two-tiered justice system, Pence himself has not faced prosecution for his handling of classified documents, as confirmed by the Department of Justice. The ongoing debates and allegations highlight the importance of upholding the law and maintaining a fair and impartial justice system.

    • Political bias and justice department investigationsPolitical bias could impact investigations and appointments, undermining public trust in the justice system. Impartiality and fairness are crucial elements of a functioning justice system.

      The ongoing investigations into former President Donald Trump's handling of classified documents and the calls for justice department reform from politicians like Mike Pence and Tim Scott, raise questions about political bias and the potential impact on the impartiality of investigations and appointments. Both Pence and Trump were part of the same administration, yet they are being treated differently. The rhetoric from some politicians, like Tim Scott's call to fire the current justice department leadership, risks undermining public trust in the justice system and could create a dangerous precedent. It's important to remember that impartiality and fairness are crucial elements of a functioning justice system, regardless of political affiliations.

    • The politicization of the DOJ and its impact on investigationsPolitical gridlock and perception of bias can hinder investigations and undermine public trust in the DOJ, highlighting the importance of maintaining independence and impartiality in law enforcement.

      The politicization of the Department of Justice, as seen in the ongoing debate over potential prosecutions of political figures, raises complex questions about the role of independence and partisanship in law enforcement. The discussion highlighted the challenges of investigating potential wrongdoing by high-profile individuals without appearing partisan, as evidenced by the FBI's handling of the investigation into January 6th and former President Trump's role. The debate also underscores the potential for political gridlock and the impact of partisan dynamics on the administration of justice. Despite efforts to insulate investigations from politics, the perception of bias can still undermine public trust and hinder the pursuit of accountability.

    • Attorney General Garland's Cautious Approach to Trump InvestigationsGarland's cautious approach to Trump investigations aims to restore trust, but critics argue it allows Trump to evade accountability and undermines department integrity.

      The Justice Department under Attorney General Merrick Garland is facing criticism for its cautious approach to investigating former President Trump, particularly in relation to the January 6th Capitol attack and the submission of fake electors. This approach can be traced back to Garland's desire to avoid the partisanship and allegations of political motive that marred previous investigations, such as those into Russia's interference in the 2016 election and Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. However, some argue that this excessive caution is allowing Trump to evade accountability and undermines the institutional integrity of the Justice Department. This is a complex issue, as Garland is trying to restore trust in the department while navigating a highly polarized political climate. It remains to be seen how this will play out in the coming months.

    • The Complexity and Volatility of Political AlliancesMerrick Garland works to restore faith in the justice department, but faces opposition from Republicans. Bill Barr provides cover for questionable actions, while Chris Christie, once an endorsement away from Trump, criticizes him but his past actions raise questions.

      The political landscape is filled with unexpected twists and turns, as seen in the evolving roles of figures like Merrick Garland and Chris Christie. Garland is working to restore faith in the justice department, but faces opposition from Republicans who aim to destroy public trust in institutions. Bill Barr, who contributed to the damage during his tenure, is now providing cover for the department's actions regarding Donald Trump. Chris Christie, who once endorsed Trump, has become a vocal critic, but his earlier endorsement and the unrealistic promises Trump made during his campaign raise questions about his motivations. The escalating efforts to undermine faith in institutions and the unexpected shifts in political alliances highlight the complexity and volatility of the current political climate.

    • Chris Christie's history with Trump raises doubts about his commitment to the RNC pledgeDespite stating his intention to honor the RNC pledge, Chris Christie's past actions supporting Trump despite his actions against conservative values create uncertainty about his loyalty.

      Chris Christie's past actions raise questions about his commitment to upholding the Republican National Committee's nominee pledge, despite his stated intention to honor it. Christie's history of supporting Trump in 2016 and 2020, despite the former president's actions that went against conservative values, makes it unclear if he would stand by his word if Trump were the nominee again in 2024. This contrasts with Asa Hutchinson, who also criticizes Trump but plans to take the pledge and trust that Trump won't be the nominee. Christie, on the other hand, has expressed his disrespect for the pledge, indicating he might renege if Trump were the nominee. Hutchinson attempted to add an exception to the pledge for convicted felons, showing a more nuanced approach.

    • Republican Party's shift towards autocratic mindsetThe RNC's unwavering support for Trump disregards principles, country, and even the law, showcasing a concerning shift towards autocratic tendencies within the party.

      The Republican National Committee (RNC) has made it clear that party loyalty trumps all, including principles, country, and even the law. The RNC's stance on supporting the nominee, regardless of any criminal record or violation of traditional Republican platform, highlights the party's shift towards an autocratic mindset. Trump's allies on the right are backing him up with extreme theories of vast presidential power, including the idea that a former president is entitled to obstruct investigators, withhold documents, and even destroy them. Trump himself has claimed autocratic power, asserting that he has unconstrained authority over documents as a former president. This progressive authoritarianism in the Republican Party continues to evolve, with no limits to the unilateral power they grant to Trump.

    • Obstruction of Justice within the GOP: Threats to Checks and BalancesThe Republican Party's disregard for the rule of law, exemplified by Trump's threats to use the justice department against opponents and the concept of the unitary executive, poses a serious challenge to American democracy and the future of checks and balances.

      The accelerating trend of obstruction of justice within the Republican Party, particularly in regards to the ongoing investigation into Donald Trump, raises serious concerns about the future of checks and balances in American politics. Trump's explicit threats to use the justice department against his political opponents and his belief in the concept of the unitary executive have emboldened Republicans to openly obstruct justice. This hostility towards the rule of law could continue even after Trump leaves the political scene, making it crucial for conservatives to consider the implications of their actions and choose an alternative to Trump if they are serious about their commitment to national security, judicial, moral cultural conservatism, and the constitution. The current debate among conservatives is about whether to support Trump or never again Trump, but this may change as the situation evolves.

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    In this episode:

    Episode Teaser :00

    Intro 1:01

    Context and Background (USA Today) 1:42

    Why QAnon Infected the Spiritual and Wellness Communities (InMySacredSpace.com) 3:52

    A new “Triangle Table” discussion with Ash Riley of InMySacredSpace.com and Brian Smith, author of Grief 2 Growth and host and producer of the Grief 2 Growth Podcast at Grief2Growth.com. Ash and Brian appeared together recently in episode 172, where the topic was Spiritual Bypassing. 7:53

    “How can you go out and say that you’re this love and light person and then be involved with this group of people who are clamoring for public executions?” Ash gives an introduction to the discussion. 9:35

    Vulnerability and the Authority Figure 13:20

    “It’s a very interesting look at psychology, sociology, and something that we all need to understand as we start to open ourselves up to certain things, to learn to still be discerning, and to know where to draw the lines and how to think for ourselves.” Brian Smith reflects on Ash’s article. 15:14

    Individualism, Prosperity Gospel, The Secret, Law of Attraction, The Power of Positive Thinking, Narcissism and how they’re linked to spirituality. 16:35

    Authority, vulnerability, and being new to spirituality. 23:47

    Spiritual abuse and holding people accountable. 26:20

    How to reach the people sucked in by QAnon. 29:34

    Denial, delusion, and unhealed trauma. 32:02

    Racism, Proud Boys, and Nazis in the QAnon community. 34:55

    “Evangelicals will deny the racism aspect of it. They’ll say, ‘Of course I’m not racist. I have nothing to do with that. This can’t have anything to do with race.’ And the racists like it because, it’s a way of taking back our country. It’s the whole blood and soil thing.” - Brian Smith 36:53

    Racism rooted in narcissism. 38:04

    Self awareness and the Narcissistic Personality Scale. 39:10

    Believing their own lies. 41:55

    Mental illness in the spiritual community. 42:50

    “We are so quick to give up our power to someone else, whether it be a medium in the spiritual community or a pastor in a church, and we think that they have a special connection that we don’t have. And we need to learn to be more discerning that that person is just a human being, and they’ve got the same filters and biases and problems and things that we do.” - Brian Smith 46:42

    Helping those who are grieving to open up spiritually, while also using discernment. 47:40

    The 12 Step Program and why it works so well. 50:10

    The need for critical thinking skills and the conspiracies that don’t make any sense. 53:45

    Conspiracy theories as a subcategory of the paranormal community. 57:11

    Magical thinking, Schizotypy, and Apophenia. 58:20

    How to stop the bleeding. Holding influencers accountable. 1:02:39

    How do we pull people back? You can’t fight them with facts. Build trust, create a personal connection, and share empathy. 1:06:35

    Former QAnon support groups 1:12:55

    What’s coming up for Ash Riley and where to find her. 1:15:22

    More on Brian Smith and where to find him. 1:17:34

    Paranerd Sarah Moon recommends we check out the Conspirituality Podcast. 1:18:41

    A special THANK YOU to Patreon supporters at the Super Paranerd and Parlor Guest level! 1:19:50

    Outro 1:21:41



    The Conspirituality Podcast.

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    For more on Ash Riley

    Recent appearances on the Big Seance: Episode 132, Episode 172


    Facebook: In My Sacred Space

    Twitter: @InMySacredSpace

    Instagram: @ashrising


    For more on Brian Smith

    Previous appearances on the Big Seance: Episode 169, Episode 172


    Grief 2 Growth on Amazon

    Grief 2 Growth Podcast

    Grief 2 Growth on Facebook

    Twitter: @Grief2Growth1

    Instagram @Grief2Growth



    The Big Seance Podcast can be found right here, on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsPandoraSpotifyTuneIn RadioStitcherAmazon Music, and iHeart Radio. Please subscribe and share with a fellow paranerd! Do you have any comments or feedback? Please contact me at Patrick@BigSeance.com. Consider recording your voice feedback directly from your device on my SpeakPipe page! You can also call the show and leave feedback at (775) 583-5563 (or 7755-TELL-ME). I would love to include your voice feedback in a future show. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!

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