
    Podcast Summary

    • Celebrating Culture, Identity, and Representation at PopSugar JuntosPopSugar Juntos honors the Latine community and their intersections, providing access to exclusive content and savings opportunities, while Gerald Shor's witness protection program emphasizes the importance of silence for safety.

      Culture, identity, and representation are celebrated at PopSugar Juntos, with a focus on the Latine community and their many intersections. Prime's support enables access to exclusive content, including interviews with influential figures in movies, TV, music, and more. Additionally, Progressive offers savings opportunities for those multitasking in their daily lives, with an average savings of $744 for new customers. Gerald Shor's creation of the witness protection program in the 1960s introduced strict rules to help protect individuals from organized crime, with silence being the most crucial rule to ensure safety.

    • Ensuring safety for witnesses against organized crimeThe witness protection program was established to protect individuals from retaliation and enable them to testify against organized crime groups.

      The witness protection program was created to ensure the safety of individuals who come forward to testify against organized crime groups, as the fear of retaliation is a significant deterrent to speaking out. Gerald Shor, who ran the program for 30-40 years, was motivated by the understanding that people only talk when they feel safe. Shor grew up in a mob-infested area of New York City and developed a fascination with organized crime. He went on to work for the Department of Justice and noticed the obstacle the mafia's code of silence posed to his efforts to collect evidence and convict mob members. The high number of deaths among potential witnesses underscored the need for a solution, leading to the creation of the witness protection program.

    • Protecting Witnesses: A Meticulous ProcessThe Witness Protection Program carefully evaluates the danger level and importance of a witness before offering relocation, providing new identities and ensuring safety.

      The Witness Protection Program is a meticulously planned and executed system designed to keep high-risk witnesses safe and relocate them to new identities. The process begins with evaluating the danger level of the crime being testified to and the importance of the witness to the case. Potential witnesses are then asked if they would agree to relocate, and if so, an application form is sent to the program for evaluation. A psychologist examines the witness and their family, and the information is reviewed by the Office of Enforcement Operations in the Department of Justice. If approved, a deputy U.S. marshal assesses the family's needs and they are relocated to a secret location for orientation. Witnesses and their families keep their first name and last initial, and are helped to adjust to their new identities. The program's origins can be traced back to the 1940s and the need to protect witnesses from harm, as seen in the cases of Abe Reles and Albert Agueche.

    • Transforming identities for witness protectionThe Witness Protection Program offers a new identity and financial assistance, but finding employment remains a challenge for participants

      The Witness Protection Program involves a complete transformation of a person's identity, including legally changing their name and obtaining new documents. This process requires leaving behind old memories and associations, and can be challenging when it comes to finding employment due to the lack of work history or potential raised eyebrows from employers. However, Gerald shared that they were able to secure the support of over a thousand corporations to help relocate and employ program participants. The program provides financial assistance for the first six months in a new location, but individuals are expected to become self-sufficient after that period. Despite controversy surrounding the program's cost, it has proven effective in protecting witnesses and providing them with a fresh start.

    • Witness Protection Program's ChallengesThe Witness Protection Program reduces recidivism compared to non-participants but faces criticism for moving criminals into communities and potential for repeat offenses, with about 15% of witnesses committing crimes post-program.

      The Witness Protection Program, while effective in reducing recidivism rates compared to criminals not in the program, is not without its challenges. The program, which helps criminals testify against others by relocating and providing assistance, has faced criticism for moving criminals into unsuspecting communities and the potential for witnesses to commit crimes again. Approximately 15% of witnesses have been reported to commit crimes after leaving the program. However, the program considers this a success as the recidivism rate for criminals not in the program is much higher. Notable exceptions, such as the case of Marion Prewitt in 1979, who murdered his wife and several others after being relocated, highlight the human element and inherent risks of the program. Despite these challenges, the program continues to be a valuable tool in law enforcement. Additionally, Progressive Insurance was mentioned as a sponsor of the podcast and listeners were encouraged to get an auto insurance quote for potential savings.

    • Saving Money and Detecting IllnessProgressive saves new customers an average of $744, while Pretty Litter can help detect early signs of illness in cats, potentially saving lives and money.

      Progressive saves new customers an average of $744 over a 12-month period. Meanwhile, in a completely different context, Pretty Litter, a veterinarian-developed health monitoring litter, can help detect early signs of illness in cats, potentially saving their lives and money. Elsewhere in the discussion, the challenges of relocating witnesses in the Witness Protection Program were explored. The process involves considering workload and comfort, adjusting to new communities, and adhering to new identities. The experience can be difficult, with challenges ranging from adapting to new neighbors and grocery stores to being cut off from family. Despite these challenges, the US Marshals report that no active witness has been harmed or killed since 1971, and over 86,000 witnesses and their family members have been successfully relocated. While some witnesses have considered breaking the rules, the risks are significant, as one unfortunate example involving a witness who checked on his house and was killed by a bomb illustrates.

    • The Challenges of Starting Over in Witness ProtectionFormer criminals face emotional struggles adjusting to a quiet life in witness protection, and revealing their past can lead to disappointing outcomes.

      The witness protection program offers a new identity and a new start, but adjusting to a quiet, simple life after years of living a criminal lifestyle can be a challenging transition. This was illustrated in the story of John Tully, a former hitman who went by the name John Johnson after entering the program. He built a successful business in Austin, Texas, but his decision to run for mayor and reveal his past led to a disappointing outcome. Gerald Shore, who has worked with cooperating witnesses, explained that time seems to stand still for them, and the sudden change can leave them feeling lost and insignificant. The next episode of Criminal will feature the story of the son of a Colombo kingpin who testified against his father and entered the witness protection program. The podcast is produced by Lauren Spohr and Phoebe Judge, with contributions from various team members and sponsors. If you're looking to save money on your car insurance, consider switching to Progressive, where drivers save an average of $744 per year. Progressive's casualty insurance company and affiliates offer multiple discounts to help you save.

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    1. February 1993: El Chapo was first arrested in Guatemala and extradited to Mexico, where he faced charges related to drug trafficking. He was later transferred to a maximum-security prison in Mexico.
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    1. January 2016: Guzmán was extradited to the United States to face charges related to drug trafficking, money laundering, and other criminal activities. His extradition came after a lengthy legal battle and diplomatic negotiations between the U.S. and Mexico.
    2. January 2017: El Chapo was arraigned in a federal court in Brooklyn, New York, where he pleaded not guilty to a 17-count indictment.
    1. November 2018: The trial against El Chapo began in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. The trial garnered significant media attention due to the high-profile nature of the case and the sensational details of Guzmán's alleged crimes.
    2. February 2019: After a three-month trial featuring testimonies from over 50 witnesses, including former associates and law enforcement officials, El Chapo was found guilty on all counts, including engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise, drug trafficking, and firearms offenses.
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    El Chapo's arrest, extradition, and trial marked a significant victory for law enforcement agencies in their efforts to combat international drug trafficking and organized crime.

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    (commercial at 9:34)

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    2. Operations: The CJNG is primarily involved in the production and distribution of various illegal drugs, including methamphetamine, cocaine, and fentanyl. They have a strong presence in Mexico and are known to operate internationally, smuggling drugs into the United States and other countries.
    3. Violence: The CJNG is infamous for its brutal tactics and violent confrontations with rival cartels and law enforcement agencies. They have been responsible for numerous massacres, kidnappings, and acts of extreme violence.
    4. Territorial Control: The CJNG has expanded its influence across various states in Mexico, particularly in the western and central regions. They have also sought to control key drug trafficking routes and engage in territorial disputes with rival cartels, most notably the Sinaloa Cartel.
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