
    Women Fight Back on Trans Ideology, and New Info on Harry and Meghan's "Car Chase," with Carrie Prejean Boller and Britt Mayer | Ep. 553

    enMay 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Gender Identity in Sports and SocietyThe conversation around gender identity's impact on sports and society remains contentious, with concerns over fairness in women's events and the potential erasure of women's categories. Open and honest dialogue is crucial for understanding complex issues.

      The conversation around gender identity and its impact on various aspects of society, including sports, continues to be a contentious issue. The discussion on The Megyn Kelly Show highlighted instances of biological males competing in women's events, raising concerns about fairness and the potential erasure of women's categories. The show also touched upon the attendance of children at drag queen conventions and the ongoing debate over the medical treatment of trans minors. Megyn Kelly shared her personal evolution on the topic, acknowledging the influence of guests like Britt Mayer and Carrie Prejean Bowler, and expressing her concern for the future of women's sports. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of open and honest dialogue on these complex issues.

    • Women athletes stand against perceived unfair advantages in sports due to transgender inclusionThree-time Olympian Inga Thompson leads women athletes in advocating for fairness in sports, refusing to stand on podiums with male winners, despite backlash and controversy over transgender athletes' right to compete.

      Women athletes are standing up against what they perceive as unfair advantages in sports due to the inclusion of transgender athletes in women's categories. Three-time Olympian Inga Thompson, a 3-time world medalist and 2-time podium finisher for the women's Tour de France, has become a hero for her activism. She and other female athletes have refused to stand on the podium with male winners, sending a message against male dominance in women's spaces. Thompson was removed as director of Cynisca Cycling for her stance on fairness in sports. Despite facing backlash, Thompson and other women are continuing to speak out and form a movement, refusing to be erased or replaced. The issue has sparked controversy, with some arguing that transgender athletes have the right to compete and others advocating for separate categories. The debate highlights the complexities and challenges surrounding gender identity and sports.

    • The debate around gender identity and fairness has reached a critical pointThere's a call for action and reevaluation of feminism in the face of unfair policies and lack of transparency regarding gender identity

      The current societal climate, particularly regarding gender identity and fairness in various areas such as sports, is a source of growing frustration and concern for many individuals. The feeling is that the rules and standards have been unfairly changed to the detriment of women, and the silence from traditional feminist groups is puzzling. The issue is not just about kindness anymore; it's about standing up for fairness and fighting against the potential exploitation of policies. The lack of transparency and communication from organizations like the NCAA, which changed locker room policies without informing the affected parties, further exacerbates the situation. The debate around gender identity and fairness has reached a critical point, and there is a call for action and a reevaluation of what it means to be a feminist in today's world.

    • Cultural Appreciation vs. Appropriation: A Blurry LineOpen and honest discussions are crucial to understanding complex issues like cultural appreciation vs. appropriation, and ensuring fairness and equality for all.

      The line between cultural appreciation and appropriation can be blurry, leading to heated debates and negative consequences for those accused. The example of two women who opened a Mexican food truck in Portland, Oregon, illustrates this issue. They were accused of cultural appropriation and faced backlash, despite bringing authentic Mexican recipes and techniques to their new home. The lack of a clear objective standard for what constitutes appropriation adds to the confusion. This was further highlighted in the discussion about gender identity and sports, where the idea of a "magic marker" to determine when a man becomes a woman and can compete against women was raised. The conversation also touched on the emotional impact of these issues, particularly on women and girls, who feel they are being unfairly disadvantaged. Ultimately, the consensus was that it's important to have open and honest discussions about these complex issues, and to stand up for fairness and equality for all.

    • Importance of standing up for causes that matter, particularly for women and girlsBritt expressed her readiness to join a march against child abuse and emphasized the need for consistency and authenticity in advocacy, using the example of Caitlyn Jenner and her role in the transgender debate. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and values and engaging in meaningful activism.

      The discussion revolved around the importance of standing up for causes that matter, particularly when it comes to protecting the rights and opportunities of women and girls. Britt expressed her readiness to join a march against child abuse despite her previous reluctance to participate in marches as a journalist. She also emphasized the need for consistency and authenticity in advocacy, using the example of Caitlyn Jenner and her role in the ongoing debate around transgender athletes. Britt criticized Jenner for her inconsistency and potential harm to the cause, expressing the need for a clear standard in determining gender. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and values, and the significance of engaging in meaningful and authentic activism.

    • The Complexities of Gender Identity: Trans Women, Women's Sports, and Caitlyn Jenner's Controversial AwardThe debate over trans women's participation in women's sports and the recognition of their gender identity highlights the need for nuanced understanding and respectful dialogue, considering the potential implications for women's rights and mental health.

      The discussion revolves around the complexities and controversies surrounding the identification and recognition of gender identity, particularly in relation to trans individuals and women's rights. Bruce Jenner, a trans woman, identified as a woman and accepted the Woman of the Year award, but some argue that this contradicts the idea of women's sports and the concept of being born female. Caitlin Jenner, Bruce's former wife, expressed confusion and disagreement, as she believes trans people suffer from a psychological disorder and that their identities should not be amplified or celebrated as female or male without clear distinctions. The conversation highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of gender identity and the potential implications for women's rights and mental health.

    • Reconsidering Transgender Identity in Women's IssuesWe must be mindful of the authenticity and appropriateness of transgender identity claims in women's issues, balancing acceptance and compassion with critical discernment.

      We need to reconsider our acceptance and celebration of individuals identifying as transgender in areas where it may not be appropriate or authentic, especially when it comes to women's issues. Using Bruce Jenner as an example, his role in normalizing transgender identity in the media does not give him the right to claim femininity or save women from the issue. The Rachel Dolezal incident serves as a reminder of the consequences of falsely claiming an identity that is not yours. Furthermore, the glamorization and celebration of transgender individuals in certain contexts, such as fashion and media, can be harmful and dangerous, particularly for women. It's important to strike a balance between acceptance and compassion with a critical and discerning approach.

    • Normalization of Harmful Behaviors and Cultural AppropriationFrustration with the acceptance of derogatory comments and inappropriate representations, emphasizing the importance of standing up against harmful norms and advocating for respect and dignity for all individuals, especially women and children.

      The world we live in sometimes celebrates individuals who express unacceptable views, leading to harmful norms and cultural appropriation. The speaker's discussion revolves around a man who won the Pulitzer Prize for literature despite making derogatory comments about women, and a bridal magazine featuring a man on its cover. The speaker expresses her frustration with the normalization of such behaviors and the lack of consideration for marginalized communities. She also touches upon the controversy surrounding drag queens and the inappropriate sexualization of young girls. The speaker emphasizes the importance of standing up against such norms and refusing to accept them, as well as advocating for the respect and dignity of all individuals, especially women and children. The discussion also touches upon the impact of corporations like Target and Adidas, who promote controversial figures and messages through their platforms.

    • Companies facing backlash for promoting controversial contentConsumers are boycotting companies like Target and Bud Light due to controversial products and potential impact on children. Sales for Bud Light dropped 23.6% in a week. Alternatives like Public Square exist.

      Certain companies, such as Target and Bud Light, are facing backlash for promoting controversial content and products, including gender-neutral clothing for children and trans-themed merchandise. Some argue that these companies are "grooming" children and hypersexualizing them. The controversy has led to a decline in sales for Bud Light, with a 23.6% drop in the week ending May 6th compared to the previous year. Consumers are encouraged to vote with their dollars and boycott these companies, or at least for a specific period, like a month, to send a message. For instance, during the month of June, some are urging moms to give up shopping at Target. Additionally, there are alternative shopping options, such as Public Square. The debate raises questions about the role of corporations in promoting controversial issues and the potential impact on children.

    • Brand values and marketing strategies causing controversyBrands must understand their audience and communicate clear values to avoid misunderstandings and potential backlash.

      Brands' marketing strategies and values can sometimes spark controversy and polarization among consumers. The speaker shared an experience of discovering a progressive flag at her husband's shopping location, Lululemon, which led her to question the brand's corporate policies and add it to a list of brands she was boycotting. The speaker also discussed her concerns about Sports Illustrated's decision to include a trans model on their cover, believing it may alienate their traditional audience and potentially confuse their target demographic. These incidents highlight the importance of brands understanding their audience and being clear about their values to avoid misunderstandings and potential backlash.

    • Media Representations of Men in Women's Spaces: Harmful or Harmless?Media portrayals of men in women's spaces can be misleading and harmful, particularly for young people, potentially blurring gender roles and identities and threatening societal values. Historical context and parallels to the Playboy philosophy are discussed, with concerns about the sexualization and normalization of drag culture in front of children.

      The discussion revolves around the concern that certain media representations, specifically those involving individuals identifying as men in women's spaces, can be intentionally misleading and harmful, particularly to young people. This can contribute to confusion about gender roles and identities, ultimately threatening the traditional family unit and societal values. The concern is further amplified when these representations are targeted towards children, blurring the lines between appropriate and inappropriate content. The historical context of such efforts to undermine traditional family structures is also discussed, drawing parallels to the Playboy philosophy in the 1960s and its impact on societal norms. The debate extends to drag culture, with concerns about its increasing sexualization and normalization in front of children. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of maintaining clear boundaries and protecting children from potentially harmful influences.

    • Speakers at RuPaul Drag Con raise concerns about sexualization of children and normalization of adult contentSpeakers warned against ignoring the issue of adult content at children's events, urging action to prevent potential consequences and protect kids from normalization and criminal elements.

      The RuPaul Drag Con event highlights a growing concern about the sexualization of children and the normalization of adult content in front of young audiences. Speakers at the event expressed their concerns about attempts to criminalize drag and the potential for pedophilic content at such events. They argued that society went wrong by turning a blind eye to such issues as long as they didn't directly affect individuals. They urged parents and concerned citizens to take a stand and fight against the normalization of adult content for children. The speakers also pointed to historical precedents, such as Alfred Kinsey's controversial research, and warned of the potential consequences if society continues to ignore these issues. Overall, the message was clear: it's time for everyone to wake up and take action before things get even worse.

    • The Controversy Surrounding Gender Transition Care for MinorsParents of trans minors face a complex issue with critics arguing against irreversible procedures and detransitioners sharing regret and health consequences. The media's coverage of detransitioners is also under scrutiny.

      The discussion revolves around the controversial and complex issue of gender transition care for minors. Many parents share heartbreaking stories of feeling compelled to leave their states to protect their trans children from harmful legislation. Critics argue that these procedures, which include the use of puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy, can lead to irreversible physical changes and mental health issues. Detransitioners, or individuals who have reversed their gender transition, share their experiences of regret and the long-term health consequences. The New York Times, in its reporting on the issue, has faced pushback and criticism for its coverage of detransitioners, dismissing their stories as Republican-driven attempts to restrict transition care for minors. The debate continues to spark intense emotions and raises questions about the role of the medical community, parents, and the government in making decisions that can significantly impact children's lives.

    • Criticizing organizations for promoting controversial gender theories and disregarding children's wellbeingSome individuals identify as opposite genders for sexual arousal (autogynephilia), which is a valid explanation for gender dysphoria, but promoting it can harm children and women in sports. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is taking steps to protect children from harmful gender ideologies.

      Certain organizations, including The New York Times, are being criticized for promoting controversial gender theories and disregarding the wellbeing of children. One theory in question, autogynephilia, is not considered fringe but rather accounts for a significant number of cases of gender dysphoria. This theory suggests that some individuals derive sexual arousal from identifying as the opposite gender. The discussion also touched upon the controversy surrounding transgender athletes in women's sports and the potential impact on female athletes. The speaker encouraged listeners to be aware of companies that promote such theories during Pride Month and consider whether they want to support them. Additionally, the speaker praised Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for taking steps to protect children from harmful gender ideologies and mutilating surgical procedures.

    • Language's impact on public discourse and policyCorrecting misinformation and using precise language are crucial in shaping public discourse and policy. Individualized approaches are needed for complex issues, and questioning narratives, seeking expert opinions, and advocating for evidence-based solutions are essential.

      Language and semantics play a significant role in shaping public discourse and policy. The discussion highlighted the importance of correcting misinformation and using precise language to describe issues, such as the debate over transgender medical care for minors. The speakers criticized the use of terms like "conversion therapy" to describe talk therapy and emphasized the need for individualized approaches to addressing the complex issues faced by children. Additionally, the conversation touched on the partisan divide and the role of political figures in shaping public opinion. Overall, the speakers emphasized the importance of questioning narratives, seeking out expert opinions, and advocating for solutions based on evidence and reason.

    • Comedy and Controversy: Chrissy Teigen's Routine and Transphobic CommentChrissy Teigen's comedy routine sparked controversy over a transphobic comment from an audience member. Teigen defended her style of humor, while a car chase involving Meghan Markle and Prince Harry was also discussed in the MK Mailbag segment.

      The discussion revolved around Chrissy's comedy routine and the controversy it caused regarding transgender issues. A transphobic comment was made by an audience member during the show, leading to a heated exchange. Chrissy defended her comedy style, emphasizing that insults and irreverent humor are expected when attending a comedy show. Meanwhile, in the MK Mailbag segment, there was a discussion about a supposed car chase involving Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. The taxi driver involved in the incident stated that there was no aggression from the paparazzi and that the event was not catastrophic. However, reports suggest that one of the security vehicles from Harry's escort may have been driving recklessly, leading to the car chase. Overall, the conversation touched on topics ranging from comedy and transgender issues to the questionable actions of public figures.

    • Callers express concerns about intersection of gender identity issues and LGBTQ communityCallers raised concerns about potential co-opting of LGBTQ flag, impact on individuals within community, and desire for greater awareness and action to distinguish between different identity issues. Concerns also expressed about medical interventions, particularly for minors.

      There are concerns from callers about the intersection of gender identity issues and the LGBTQ community, specifically regarding the potential co-opting of the LGBTQ flag and the impact on individuals within the community. Another concern raised was the treatment of body integrity identity disorder and the comparison to the medicalization of gender transition for minors. Both callers expressed a desire for greater awareness and a call to action for the LGBTQ community to address these issues and draw a distinction between different identity issues. Additionally, there were concerns about the potential harm caused by medical interventions, such as puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery, particularly for minors.

    • A debate on inclusion policies and their impactFrustration over pressure to conform to inclusive policies, concerns about fairness in sports, and the importance of ongoing dialogue and understanding.

      There is ongoing debate and concern regarding inclusion policies and the impact they have on various aspects of society. Barbara from Pennsylvania shared her frustration with the pressure to conform to inclusive policies at her job and the potential consequences for expressing opposing views. She also questioned the fairness of inclusion in sports, specifically regarding transgender athletes and their inherent physical advantages. David from North Carolina shared his daughter's perspective on the issue, emphasizing the importance of giving everyone a chance but acknowledging the challenges faced by those directly affected. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity of the issue and the need for continued dialogue and understanding.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Biden's Outrageous Title IX Changes Hurting Women and Men, with Alex Clark, Mary Morgan, May Mailman, Inez Stepman, and KC Johnson | Ep. 771

    Biden's Outrageous Title IX Changes Hurting Women and Men, with Alex Clark, Mary Morgan, May Mailman, Inez Stepman, and KC Johnson | Ep. 771

    Megyn Kelly opens the show by revealing for the first time she voted for Donald Trump in 2020, the reasons why that relate to her concerns about her daughter and sons, Biden’s outrageous changes to Title IX that help "trans" women but hurt biological women and men, the way it endangers girls and harms the due process rights of boys and men, and more. Then May Mailman and Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum join to discuss why Biden’s new Title IX rules will hurt biological men and women, the infringement on parents' rights with these changes, why misgendering can now be punished as sex discrimination, how Biden's changes to stop discrimination actually leads to more discrimination, and more. Then KC Johnson, author of "The Campus Rape Frenzy," joins to discuss how Biden’s new Title IX rules will ruin men and boy’s due process on campuses, examples of when male students were wrongfully accused of sexual assault in cases on campuses, and more. And Alex Clark, host of "The Spillover," and Mary Morgan, host of "Pop Culture Crisis," join to discuss how young girls and women must fight back over radical gender ideology, campus degeneracy that has become the norm, the outrageous viral post from Andrew Tate and his influence with boys and men, whether the birth rate is a problem in America, "red pill" conservatives in our culture, a man setting himself on fire in front of the Trump trial, and more.

    Mailman- https://iwlc.org/invest/

    Stepman- https://www.iwf.org/

    Johnson- https://kc-johnson.com/

    Clark- https://www.youtube.com/@RealAlexClark

    Morgan- https://www.youtube.com/@PopCultureCrisis

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    Ep. 125 - On The Left, "Trans Rights" Trump Women's Rights

    Ep. 125 - On The Left, "Trans Rights" Trump Women's Rights

    A male cyclist competed in a women’s cycling event and won. The left says this is a great victory for trans rights. But yet again, victories for trans rights must come at the expense of women’s rights. And speaking of rights, a great victory for religious liberty happened this week. We’ll discuss that important case as well.

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