
    Working with Irrational Fears, Setting Healthy Boundaries, and Understanding Therapy: March Mailbag

    enMarch 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring emotional material for inner strengthUnderstanding and addressing emotional reactions can build inner resilience and help cope with anxiety and safety threats.

      When faced with situations that trigger strong emotional reactions, it's important to not only understand the situation rationally but also to explore the underlying emotional material. This can help build inner strengths and provide more effective ways to cope with the threat to safety and anxiety that arises. Practicing mindfulness and somatic experiences off the field can help build inner resilience, while being aware of and acknowledging the underlying emotional material during or after the triggering event can help reduce the emotional intensity and promote healing. The use of the "link step" in the heal process can help connect current positive experiences with the underlying emotional material for continued growth and improvement.

    • Understanding the root causes of fear and instabilityRecognize emotions, listen to them, and address their root causes to overcome fear and instability

      During times of fear and instability, it's essential to understand the underlying concerns that trigger our reactions. These fears could stem from a deep-rooted fear of failure or a lack of self-perceived competence. To address this disconnect between thoughts and feelings, it's crucial to invite and listen to our emotions, allowing them to be heard and processed. The misalignment between the two systems often arises due to the difference in their processing speeds. By acknowledging and accepting our emotions, we can then work on them conceptually and eventually bring about change. It's important to remember that simply labeling our emotions or thoughts accurately won't change them; instead, focusing on understanding and addressing their root causes is the key to overcoming fear and instability.

    • Distinguishing thoughts from being is key, but dealing with deep rooted beliefs may require more than just awarenessTo move past deeply rooted beliefs, examine their function and seek alternative ways to meet the underlying need without holding onto the belief.

      Understanding the distinction between having a thought and being the thought is crucial for personal growth, but it's not enough. If you find yourself still believing in limiting thoughts or beliefs, even after distinguishing them, it may be rooted in deeper, nonverbal experiences, possibly related to childhood trauma. To move past this, consider examining the function and payoff of the old belief, and look for alternative ways to meet that need without holding onto the old belief. Additionally, exploring and working through deeply held, nonverbal beliefs can be a significant undertaking towards healing and self-improvement. The key lies in motivation and identifying which beliefs or identities you choose to hold onto.

    • Understanding the Function of Cognitive ActivitiesBe aware of the purpose of cognitive activities, whether they help cope, heal, or grow, or serve as a way to avoid dealing with the present.

      While cognitive bypassing can be a way to avoid dealing with difficult emotions or experiences, it's not inherently bad. In fact, daydreaming and excessive thinking can serve useful functions, especially during challenging times in our lives. However, it's important to be aware of the function of our cognitive activities. If we're using them as a way to avoid dealing with the present, then it may be a problem. But if they're helping us cope, heal, or grow, then they can be valuable. The speaker also emphasized the importance of reconnecting with the body after dissociating due to trauma, and suggested practicing pleasurable bodily sensations and positive emotional experiences as a way to do so. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity of the relationship between cognition, emotion, and the body, and the importance of understanding the function of our thoughts and behaviors.

    • Setting healthy boundaries for personal stabilityRecognize the importance of prioritizing personal needs while still showing love and support to others, and understand that setting healthy boundaries is necessary for maintaining personal stability and effective support.

      It's essential to use our brains effectively and prioritize our own well-being while still showing love and support to others. In the case of someone feeling overwhelmed by the needs of their family members, it's important to recognize that setting healthy boundaries is not a sign of being a bad person but rather a necessary step for maintaining personal stability and being able to offer the most effective support in the long run. By acknowledging the limitations of what we can give and focusing on our own needs, we can find peace and sustainability for ourselves and, in turn, provide a stronger foundation for those around us.

    • Setting boundaries to help effectivelyUnderstand personal capacity, communicate it, and acknowledge emotional burden to help effectively during challenging situations.

      During challenging situations, it's often more effective to help others from a position outside of the chaos. This approach can prevent individuals from pulling each other down and instead create an opportunity for someone to extend a helping hand. Elizabeth's quote, "boundaries are the space that I need to love you," emphasizes the importance of setting limits to provide love and support. Practically, it's crucial to understand the capacity one has to help and communicate this to others. This doesn't reflect a lack of care but rather a realistic assessment of personal resources. Moreover, family systems theory suggests that the healthiest member of a dysfunctional family often carries a significant emotional burden. This concept is tied to survivor guilt, making it essential to acknowledge and address the internal pressures that come with being the "higher functioning" individual. By understanding these dynamics, we can approach situations with empathy and compassion, ensuring that we don't inadvertently contribute to the cycle of chaos.

    • Exploring past family experiences for personal growthRecognizing personal truths, seeking allies, establishing healthy boundaries, and using genograms can aid in personal growth from past family experiences

      Recognizing and expressing your own truths about your past experiences with family, particularly in relation to your older siblings, is crucial for personal growth. Seeking allies, such as older mentors or friends, can provide valuable perspective and support. Establishing healthy boundaries can be achieved through either a sudden realization or a gradual process of gaining space and perspective. Exploring family dynamics through a genogram, a diagram of your family system, can offer a new perspective on past traumas and patterns, leading to a healthier detachment.

    • Understanding obligations vs. desiresRecognizing the difference between obligations and desires can help prioritize and manage time, energy, and emotions during challenging situations. Evidence-based therapies like CBT, DBT, and ACT offer benefits, but other less researched methods like humanistic, existential, somatic, and internal family systems therapy can also be effective.

      Having a clear understanding of what you have to do versus what you want to do can make a significant difference in navigating through challenging situations. This distinction can help us prioritize our responsibilities and desires, allowing us to approach life with a more balanced perspective. It's essential to recognize that some things are non-negotiable obligations, while others are optional wants. By acknowledging this difference, we can better manage our time, energy, and emotions, especially during chaotic and emotionally vulnerable moments. Additionally, the use of evidence-based therapeutic approaches, such as CBT, DBT, and ACT, can provide valuable benefits, but it's important to remember that other less researched methods, like humanistic, existential, somatic, and internal family systems therapy, can also be effective and worth exploring. Overall, having a clear mindset and understanding of our priorities can help us navigate complex situations and find clarity in the midst of chaos.

    • Insights into personal well-being from Doctor John and ZOE podcastsEmbrace complexity and uncertainty in seeking evidence-based advice for emotional and physical well-being, drawing from individual experiences and large-scale studies on Doctor John's show and science-backed information on ZOE's podcast.

      Both the Doctor John DeLaney show and the ZOE Science and Nutrition podcast offer valuable insights into various aspects of personal well-being – emotional and physical. While Doctor John's show provides practical advice for navigating everyday challenges, the ZOE Science and Nutrition podcast offers science-backed information to make informed health choices. It's essential to recognize that evidence comes in various forms, from individual experiences to large-scale studies. Labeling something as "evidence-based" or "not evidence-based" oversimplifies the scientific process. Instead, we should embrace the complexity and uncertainty, acknowledging that the absence of evidence does not necessarily mean the absence of truth. Both podcasts provide valuable resources for those seeking guidance in their personal growth journey. Listen to the Doctor John DeLaney show for emotional support and practical advice, and tune in to the ZOE Science and Nutrition podcast for evidence-based health information.

    • The power of therapeutic relationshipEffectiveness of therapy depends on therapist's emotional engagement and strong therapeutic relationship with client, regardless of specific approach.

      The effectiveness of psychotherapy lies not in the specific therapeutic approach, but rather in the quality of the therapeutic relationship between the therapist and client. This connection is crucial for therapy to be effective, as the therapist's emotional engagement with the client's problem can lead to successful outcomes. Research has shown that different therapeutic approaches tend to have similar outcomes on average, and any statistically significant differences are often minor. The most important factors for successful therapy are the therapist's level of functioning, the client's motivation, and the rapid cycle of feedback between them. These factors foster a strong therapeutic relationship, which is a proxy for these other factors and is associated with the largest effect sizes in therapy. So, while different therapeutic approaches may be compared and debated, what truly matters is the person delivering the therapy – the therapist – and the person receiving it – the client.

    • Therapeutic approach selection depends on individual needs and therapist connectionSuccessful therapy depends on personalized approach, strong therapeutic relationship, and individual's unique needs and preferences.

      The choice between different therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and depth psychology, ultimately depends on the individual's specific needs, the quality of the therapeutic relationship, and the clinician's ability to connect and guide the client towards meaningful change. While evidence-based therapies like CBT have proven effectiveness for certain issues, the success of therapy largely hinges on the unique connection between the client and the therapist. It's essential to consider the value of feeling heard, understood, and deeply listened to, in addition to the potential for tangible results. As Rick rightly pointed out, every person is unique, and the therapeutic process should be tailored to the individual's specific circumstances and preferences. Ultimately, the most effective therapy is one that resonates with the client and fosters a sense of growth and healing.

    • Healing Relationships and Effective TherapyFunctional therapists, motivated clients, rapid feedback, and a focus on growing the good inside a person contribute to effective therapy and healing relationships. However, evaluating the evidence-based value of some approaches, like depth psychology, can be challenging.

      Effective therapy and healing relationships require a functional therapist, motivated client, rapid feedback, and a focus on growing the good inside the person. However, some approaches, like depth psychology, can be challenging to study effectively, making it difficult to determine their evidence-based value. Regarding personal relationships, healing is possible even when one partner feels checked out, but it may require significant effort. Divorce can have both positive and negative effects on children, depending on the circumstances. When dealing with a partner's inappropriate behavior towards children, it's essential to clarify the situation and make agreements to ensure consistent parenting. If the behavior is severe, consider seeking professional help or involving authorities.

    • Arguing in front of children not always harmfulMaintain children's standard of living, both parents' mental health, and keep them involved during a divorce to minimize negative impact.

      While research suggests that arguing in front of children can be problematic, it's not necessarily harmful as long as the conflict stays within bounds, doesn't involve the kids, and is resolved. However, divorce can cause significant harm to children, particularly if it results in a substantial change in their standard of living or if one or both parents experience mental health issues. To minimize the negative impact on children, it's essential to maintain their standard of living and both parents' mental health, as well as keep them involved. Ultimately, the decision to divorce should be made carefully, considering the potential impact on children and the financial and emotional implications for all parties involved. If you're considering a divorce, it's crucial to seek legal advice and carefully consider the pros and cons before making a decision.

    • Exploring the Root Causes of EmotionsTo manage emotions effectively, take time to feel them fully, recognize thoughts and feelings as distinct, and practice disidentifying from limiting beliefs.

      Understanding and managing emotions, especially during challenging situations, requires a deeper exploration of the root causes and a conscious effort to align thoughts and feelings. The body's sensations are slower than thoughts, so taking the time to feel emotions fully can lead to a shift in their intensity. Additionally, recognizing that thoughts and feelings are distinct can help in gaining more control over emotional responses. This process may involve deliberate practice to disidentify from limiting beliefs. Overall, the goal is to apply these insights practically to effectively navigate complex emotional situations.

    • Exploring the reasons behind behaviors and their impact on mental healthQuestion why we engage in certain practices, understand their functions, and prioritize self-care and healthy boundaries for personal and relational growth.

      It's essential to question the reasons behind engaging in certain practices or behaviors, especially those related to mental health. The discussion emphasized the importance of understanding the function these behaviors serve and whether they are beneficial or detrimental. Additionally, setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing self-care are crucial for supporting oneself and others effectively. Evidence-based therapies are valuable, but it's important to recognize that not all effective therapies can be easily studied or transferred to wide populations. Lastly, when dealing with relationship issues, it's uncommon for things to improve without addressing the root causes of conflict, and divorce can have negative consequences for children, but every situation is unique. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of self-reflection, understanding the functions of behaviors, and prioritizing effective communication in various aspects of life.

    • Marriage issues and children's developmentWhile marriage problems can impact children, the decision to stay or leave should consider the unique circumstances of each family, including the children's age and the nature of the marital environment.

      Problematic behaviors in a marriage can hinder growth and change for both partners. However, if there's a clear effort towards improvement, it could be worth considering the potential benefits of staying together for the sake of the children's development. Regarding divorce and its impact on children, it's a complex issue with no definitive answer. Factors such as the children's age and the nature of the marital environment play significant roles. In some cases, staying together despite issues might be beneficial, while in others, divorce could provide a safer and healthier environment for the children. Ultimately, the decision should be based on the unique circumstances of each family. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at contact@beingwellpodcast.com. You can also find us on Patreon and Substack under Forrest Hansen. Stay tuned for more insightful discussions.

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    Understanding the “Flight” Response: Anxiety, Avoidance, and Feeling Safe

    Understanding the “Flight” Response: Anxiety, Avoidance, and Feeling Safe
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    Managing The “Fight” Response: Anger, Repression, and Self-Regulation

    Managing The “Fight” Response: Anger, Repression, and Self-Regulation
    Dr. Rick and Forrest continue their series on the stress responses with the “fight” response to stress. They explore anger, repression, and the balance of self-expression and self-regulation before talking about how we can claim the adaptive aspects of the fight response without falling prey to its more problematic aspects. A major focus of the episode is resentment and repression, alongside related topics like empowering yourself, managing expectations, and “experiencing out.” You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:15: The useful aspects of anger 5:40: Specific behaviors associated with the fight response 8:35: Giving yourself permission to express anger 13:40: Navigating resentment 21:40: Thwarted expectations as a source of unhealthy anger 32:05: Claiming your anger, and being wary of its seductive nature 35:45: Developing an authentic sense of empowerment 39:45: Going from complaint to request 43:30: Antidotes to unhealthy anger 52:40: Challenging authority without feeling intimidated or shamed 54:20: When we’re angry at ourselves 59:00: Recap I am now writing on Substack, check out my work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! If you’re navigating something messy, call The Dr. John Delony Show. Dr. John shares practical advice on how to connect with people, face depression, overcome anxiety, and learn what it means to be well. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co. Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

    Everything You Need to Know About Therapy

    Everything You Need to Know About Therapy
    In this mega-episode, clinical psychologist Dr. Rick Hanson and Forrest Hanson explore everything you need to know about therapy. They share how you can get more from therapy, finding the approach that’s right for you, and some perspectives on why therapy is so expensive. They then run through the five major schools of Western psychotherapy before discussing a few alternative modalities. You’ll learn how long to stick with a therapist before looking for alternatives, questions to ask a prospective therapist, and how to maximize your results. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:40: The biggest factors that contribute to therapy going well 7:25: Finding the therapeutic modality that works for you 14:00: The cost of therapy, and the problem created by insurance companies 20:35: The five major schools of western psychotherapy 21:20: Psychodynamic therapy, and investigating the unconscious 23:20: Behavioral therapy, and variable reinforcement 25:55: Humanistic psychology, and seeing the good in yourself 29:05: Cognitive therapy, why insurance companies like CBT, and exploring our beliefs 36:15: Mindfulness-based therapies, and being with our experiences 41:15: Family systems therapy, social justice, somatic therapy, and non-Western thinking 46:20: The differences (and similarities) between therapy and coaching 52:40: How long therapy should take, and how to evaluate if it’s working 1:02:15: The role of client motivation  1:04:55: Questions to ask a prospective therapist 1:10:15: The importance of the therapist’s engagement 1:12:50: Common qualities Rick found challenging with past clients 1:16:05: The importance of internalizing change, and recognizing what’s really shifting 1:21:20: Recap Forrest is now writing on Substack, check out his work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! If you’re navigating something messy, call The Dr. John Delony Show. Dr. John shares practical advice on how to connect with people, face depression, overcome anxiety, and learn what it means to be well. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co.  Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

    Healing After Trauma with Dr. Peter Levine

    Healing After Trauma with Dr. Peter Levine
    Somatic psychology legend Dr. Peter Levine joins Dr. Rick and Forrest to explore how we can use body-based approaches to recover from traumatic experiences. Peter uses his personal history with trauma to illustrate the practices he’s taught to thousands of people through his work. They discuss the importance of resourcing experiences, creating safety, developing interoception, abandonment wounds, bringing a diverse perspective to somatic work, and working with shame.  Please be aware that this episode includes a description of sexual assault. About our Guest: Dr. Peter Levine is the creator of Somatic Experiencing and the Founder and President of the Ergos Institute for Somatic Education. He’s taught at a number of universities, has received Lifetime Achievement awards from numerous organizations, and is the best-selling author of several books, including Waking the Tiger, Healing Trauma, and his most recent book An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 2:15: Peter’s dream about publishing his recent book 6:40: Themes connecting the personal and professional for Peter 10:15: Physicalization, pendulation, and decontextualization of trauma 16:15: Presence with others, and moving gently into shame to move through it 20:55: The fundamental view that we our innately healthy, and completing the arc 23:05: When the prompt “feel it in your body” doesn’t work 28:15: Advice for when you don’t have access to therapy or a SEP practitioner 30:35: Tenderness 34:30: Anchoring in the here and now when accessing past memories 39:35: Conceiving of yourself as a source of safety 43:30: Generating your own internal wellbeing 46:20: Acknowledging the reality of your history, patience, and completion 49:45: Living by dying 52:15: Recap Offer from Dr. Rick: If you'd like to improve your self-worth, check out Rick's new 4-hour, live online workshop. You'll learn methods and practices that can actually change your brain and your habits, so you start nurturing your sense of worth and belonging. Our listeners can get 20% off with coupon code BeingWell20: https://selfworthworkshop.com/ Forrest is now writing on Substack, check out his work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors If you’re navigating something messy, call The Dr. John Delony Show. Dr. John shares practical advice on how to connect with people, face depression, overcome anxiety, and learn what it means to be well. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co. Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

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