
    Yascha Mounk: Why Society Crumbles When We Obsess Over Identity

    enDecember 14, 2023
    What is the concept of identity synthesis introduced by Yascha Mounk?
    How does identity politics challenge universalism in psychology?
    What impact does rejection of universalism have on psychotherapy?
    Why is understanding emotional components important in human experiences?
    How can effective communication be fostered in discussing identity issues?

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the impact of identity politics on universalism in psychologyThe rejection of universalism in contemporary politics and its impact on psychotherapy can create obstacles in understanding and connecting with people across different identities.

      Learning from this conversation between Jungian analysts Lisa Marciano, Deborah Stewart, Joseph Lee, and special guest Yascha Mounk is the importance of universalism in psychology, particularly in the context of the identity synthesis and its impact on contemporary politics and psychotherapy. Mounk, an expert on the crisis of liberal democracy and the rise of populism, introduced the concept of identity synthesis as a new form of progressivism that rejects the universalist principles of classical liberalism. This rejection of universalism is having an impact on the practice of psychotherapy, leading to potential obstacles in understanding and connecting with people across different identities. As Mounk, a former leftist, noted, universalism was a core tenet of the left's promise of understanding and solidarity beyond race, religion, nationality, and other identity categories. However, the growing influence of identity politics has challenged this universalist approach, leading to complex and nuanced discussions on the role of identity in shaping our understanding of ourselves and others.

    • Recognizing social identities can lead to understanding, but fixation can hinder connectionAcknowledge commonalities through archetypes, respect differences, and avoid fixation to foster connection and understanding in diverse societies.

      While recognizing and understanding social identities and their associated typicalities and emotional valences is a natural and important aspect of human existence, becoming overly fixated on them can lead to a denial of our ability to understand and connect with each other. This is where the idea of cultural appropriation can be misguided, as it can hinder the development of political solidarity and mutual understanding among individuals from different backgrounds. Jung's theory of archetypes and typicalities provides a framework for recognizing these commonalities, while also acknowledging the individual experiences and emotional valences that shape our perceptions of them. In a diverse society, recognizing and respecting the differences among us is essential, but it should not come at the expense of our ability to connect and find common ground.

    • Recognizing and validating unique perspectivesMaking an effort to understand others' experiences, even if we haven't lived them, is crucial for empathy and creating a safer world. Openness and active listening are key in psychotherapy to bridge the gap between different experiences.

      While we may not be able to fully understand someone else's experiences based on our own, it's important to make an effort to recognize and validate their unique perspectives. In philosophy, this distinction is made between experiential and propositional knowledge. Although we may not have experienced sexual harassment or police violence, for example, we can still understand the injustice and commit to creating a safer world for those who have. Furthermore, relying solely on our identities to seek validation from society can limit our individual recognition and understanding. In the field of psychotherapy, it's essential to be open and try to understand others' experiences, even if we don't share them directly. We may not fully grasp their experiences from the inside, but we can listen carefully and empathize to get close. Ultimately, we are all unique individuals, and our experiences and identities cannot be fully encapsulated by our group memberships or major life experiences.

    • Avoid oversimplifying individuals based on identityRecognize the complexity of human identity and communication, and avoid assuming essential similarities based on superficial characteristics.

      While shared experiences and identity can contribute to effective therapeutic relationships, it is essential not to reduce individuals to their identity categories or assume essential similarities based on superficial characteristics. The complexity of human identity and communication necessitates recognizing the unique interplay of various characteristics and contexts. The misunderstanding of "understanding" as a monolithic concept can lead to oversimplification and a reactionary belief that skin color, religion, or experiences define individuals to such an extent that mutual understanding and empathy are impossible without shared identity. Instead, we should acknowledge the multi-faceted nature of understanding and respect the individuality and complexity of each person.

    • Assumptions based on identity can be harmfulAvoid making assumptions about others based on their identity. Listen actively and engage in open dialogue instead.

      While women may have unique experiences and insights into certain forms of social oppression, such as caregiving responsibilities, it is important not to assume that all members of a particular group share identical experiences or that they have greater insight into oppression than others. Additionally, it is possible to understand and recognize politically salient issues from the experiences of others, even if one has not experienced them directly. Delegating political judgment to others can be damaging and may lead to oversimplification, patronization, or assumptions based on identity categories. The goal should be to listen carefully and engage in open dialogue, rather than making assumptions or imposing simplistic categories on individuals. It is important to remember that everyone's experiences and perspectives are complex and unique, and that effective communication and understanding require active listening and engagement.

    • The belief in unique victimhood can limit personal growthBelieving in constant validation and protection based on perceived victimhood can hinder self-reflection, foster paranoia, and prevent individuals from fully engaging in life

      The belief in one's unique victimhood and the subsequent need for constant validation and protection can be a dangerous and limiting ideology. This ideology, as seen in the example of the NYU student card, can encourage individuals to see themselves as perpetually vulnerable and encourage paranoia. It can also send a damaging message to those from marginalized groups, implying that those who treat them well may secretly harbor hostility. Moreover, this belief can hinder introspection and self-reflection, leading individuals to believe that external factors define them and that their problems can be solved solely by changing the environment. Ultimately, this mindset can hinder personal growth and prevent individuals from fully engaging in the human experience.

    • The importance of universal human connections beyond identityAssuming individuals are defined solely by their identity is reductionistic and harmful. Universal human connections through symbols and stories offer meaning and support during hardships.

      While identity can help us understand ourselves, it is not the only aspect of human experience. The symbolic, which is universal and healing, connects us to the human experience as a whole. Ignoring this fundamental human connection can be damaging on an individual level and politically counterproductive. It's important to remember that while certain demographic groups have historically faced disadvantages, assuming individuals have it all figured out based on their identity is reductionistic and harmful. The universal human experience, represented by symbols and stories, offers meaning and support during times of suffering.

    • The Power of Accusation and Lack of EmpathyThe lack of empathy towards others due to perceived privileges can lead to harmful cycles of disconnection and injustice. Recognizing the power of accusation and fostering empathy can lead to healthier relationships and a more equitable world.

      The lack of empathy towards others, fueled by the perception of their perceived privileges, can lead to a vicious cycle of disconnection and injustice. This lack of empathy not only harms the person we fail to empathize with but also hurts ourselves, preventing us from forming genuine, equal relationships. Distinctions, when made into accusations, can activate a powerful response, leading to fear, destruction, and punishment. The spirit of accusation, as old as civilization itself, is being harnessed in the political and social realms to manipulate masses of people. By recognizing the power of accusation and striving for empathy and understanding, we can foster healthier attitudes towards ourselves and others, and create a more just and equitable world.

    • The Identity Trap: Projection and In-Group BiasRecognize and challenge tendencies for projection and in-group bias to foster empathy, understanding, and a more expansive sense of self and community. Our shared emotions and experiences create common ground, even if circumstances differ.

      The tendency to project our unwanted qualities onto others and form in-groups based on shared experiences can lead to harmful consequences, including scapegoating and in-group bias. Projection cuts off relationships and prevents us from understanding and accepting our unique individuality. This phenomenon, known as the identity trap, can be particularly dangerous when it denies the interconnectedness of all people and justifies the mistreatment of those outside the group. It's important to recognize and challenge these tendencies to foster empathy, understanding, and a more expansive sense of self and community. Additionally, we all have a predisposition for literalism, but it's essential to remember that our shared emotions and experiences create common ground, even if the specific circumstances differ. By recognizing this and focusing on our shared humanity, we can transcend groupishness and foster deeper connections with others.

    • Denying importance of emotions can make individuals vulnerableRecognizing emotional components of experiences and their universality fosters growth and progress

      Reducing experiences to only physical events and denying the importance of emotions can make individuals more vulnerable to being categorized and manipulated. This perspective, which rejects the universal human experience, contradicts various moral and religious traditions and hinders progress towards universal human rights. The Jungian tradition, with its emphasis on the collective unconscious and the universal human substrate, offers an important perspective on recognizing and valuing the shared human experience. It's essential to acknowledge and understand the emotional components of experiences and recognize their universal aspects to foster growth and progress.

    • Understanding the symbolism of dreamsDreams can reveal deep fears and require action, symbolizing woman's struggle with aging, retirement, and love; crows represent danger and safety, reflecting conflicting emotions; effort needed to overcome challenges, like gannet in dream; Dream School's gift subscription supports personal growth and self-discovery.

      Dreams can provide insight into our deepest fears and concerns, and sometimes require us to take action to address them. The dream of a woman about netted crows symbolizes her feelings of being trapped and struggling with the fears of aging, retirement, and love. The image of the crows, which can represent both danger and safety, reflects her conflicting emotions and associations. When we encounter challenges or obstacles in our lives, just like the gannet in the dream, we may feel panicked and need to put in effort to free ourselves. Additionally, the introduction of Dream School's gift subscription allows us to give the gift of dreams and support others in their personal growth and self-discovery.

    • Exploring dreams from various perspectivesDreams offer complex insights when analyzed from multiple angles, including instincts, modern inventions, archetypes, and emotions.

      Dreams, like the one about crows discussed, can provide rich and multifaceted insights when explored from various perspectives. The presence of multiple crows in the dream could symbolize different instincts within the dreamer's psyche, with one instinct potentially being ensnared by a modern human invention. By embodying the experience of the crow in the net, the dreamer may uncover emotions like panic, surrender, or despair, which could offer valuable insights. Additionally, from an archetypal perspective, crows represent various associations, such as darkness, shadow, intelligence, social connections, and trickster qualities. Understanding these associations can deepen the interpretation of the dream. Overall, exploring dreams through different lenses can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the unconscious mind.

    • Dreams of crows in webbing symbolize growth and learningIdentify and address areas of life requiring growth and persist through challenges to achieve personal success.

      Dreams, including the image of crows caught in webbing, can symbolize processes of growth and learning. The number three in the dream may represent the stages of this process, where we try, fail, and eventually succeed. The crows' patient efforts to free their trapped companion suggest the importance of focus and persistence in untangling the complexities of life. Additionally, the potential interruption of knowledge and memory access in the dream could indicate a resistance to acknowledging or facing certain truths. Overall, the dream may be encouraging the dreamer to identify and address the areas of their life that require attention and effort, ultimately leading to personal growth and wholeness.

    • The Mind's Nets: Avoiding Painful TruthsBeing aware of mental barriers that hinder growth and understanding, and striving to keep an open mind to new perspectives and information.

      Our minds, much like the free-flying Mercurial bird, can get ensnared in nets of information that limit our access to objective truth. These nets can take the form of echo chambers, political rhetoric, or even personal beliefs. We may avoid painful truths, like the crows of war, by throwing metaphorical nets around them. However, this instinct to shield ourselves from reality can hinder our growth and understanding. It's essential to be aware of these nets and strive to keep our minds open to new perspectives and information. Additionally, the symbolism of crows in mythology can remind us of the importance of facing difficult truths and acknowledging the cycles of life, including love and loss.

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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 29, 2024

    Loyalty to Self and the Death of Illusion

    Loyalty to Self and the Death of Illusion

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    Prepare to discover what drives the unconscious forces of loyalty and the impact of disillusionment on personal growth, how to navigate the complexities of choosing self over societal expectations and align with your true nature, which patterns of attachment influence your relationships and decisions, leading to either authentic or misguided loyalties, whether embracing individuality and rejecting illusions can lead to true freedom and belonging, why it is essential to confront and integrate the unconscious for personal authenticity and fulfillment…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/loyalty/ 



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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 22, 2024

    The Secret Life of a Woman's Soul

    The Secret Life of a Woman's Soul

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    LEARN more about The Tower & HELP Publish Christiana's Journals: https://www.towerofdreamsdoc.com/support

    TAKE ACTION to Save the Tower on the Marsh: https://www.thegovernorsacademy.org/academics/morgan-tower-project

    FUNDRAISE: To Join the experienced fundraising team with Hilary Morgan, reach out to her: hilarymorgandp@gmail.com

    READ: Translate This Darkness: The Life of Christiana Morgan by Claire Douglas,  https://a.co/d/5FPFEz7



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    Author, teacher, and Jungian analyst Murray Stein helps us unlock the power of symbols. 

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    LUXURY BELIEFS: Has social class shaped your mind?

    What unconscious beliefs alienate us from those who are less privileged and what can we do about it?

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    Learn more about Rob here: https://www.robkhenderson.com/about

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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 01, 2024

    Is it Love or Abuse of Power? Shadow and Archetype in TELL THEM YOU LOVE ME

    Is it Love or Abuse of Power? Shadow and Archetype in TELL THEM YOU LOVE ME

    Can we protect ourselves and others from powerful projections that confuse reality and make us vulnerable in ways we cannot imagine?

    In honest and open discussion, we meet with director Nick August-Perna, whose controversial documentary, "Tell Them You Love Me," has set off a firestorm. Rutgers professor Anna Stubblefield claimed to unlock Derrick Johnson through facilitated communication. When their relationship turned sexual, whether Johnson, a nonverbal Black man with cerebral palsy, could give consent ignited debates questioning if this was true love or an abuse of power. Race, power, informed consent, the personal autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities, and overwhelming archetypal dynamics must be grasped to understand the complex forces at work in their relationship and the reactions others felt when it was discovered.

    Prepare to discover what disrupts the balance between love and power; how personal biases and psychological projections shape our interactions and ethical decisions; which societal attitudes towards race, disability, and consent need critical examination and reform; whether facilitated communication can authentically reflect the thoughts of nonverbal individuals or merely the facilitator’s fantasies; why we need multiple voices, divergent feelings, and cultural tensions to surface without simple resolutions to expand consciousness.

    LOOK & GROW!

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    ARE YOU TRACKING TWISTERS? The reckless charm of creating tornados in our lives.

    ARE YOU TRACKING TWISTERS? The reckless charm of creating tornados in our lives.

    How can understanding the symbolic power of twisters help us navigate and transform the chaotic forces in our lives with resilience and wisdom?

    Twisters symbolize the spontaneous upheaval in the ordinary affairs of life that can be annihilating or transformative. These swirling vortexes are manifestations of the sacred, expressions of celestial and generative power that were communicated to the terrestrial realm. From Kiowa legends to Jungian analysis, tornados personify an aspect of the unconscious capable of volatility and violent acts of destruction,  yet the same forces provided life-giving rain. These wild archetypal storms signify inner turmoil, grief, and erotic passion. They symbolically evoke psychic tension gradually building to the bursting point or more sudden in-breakings of highly charged transpersonal energies. If we can face the power of these vortices of force, inner and outer, we will come to know the source of our own life.

    Prepare to discover what deep psychological insights can be drawn from the symbolic power of tornadoes in our lives, how diverse cultural interpretations of storms can enrich your understanding of personal and collective challenges, which archetypal elements resonate with your own experiences of chaos and transformation, whether the metaphor of twisters can be a guide for navigating life's emotional and spiritual upheavals, why the storm, as a potent symbol, captivates the human psyche and represents the balance between destruction and renewal…and so much more.

    READ ALONG WITH OUR DREAM INTERPRETATION HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/twisters/


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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar


    PERSONAL SHADOW WORK: Where is your dark twin hiding?

    PERSONAL SHADOW WORK: Where is your dark twin hiding?

    Where are our lost talents and disowned powers hiding?

    PERSONAL SHADOW WORK: Where is your dark twin hiding? Helps us identify parts of ourselves pushed into the unconscious due to conflicts with our family of origin and misalignment with cultural and family norms. We first encounter shadow by projecting it on others. The despicable traits we cannot stand in others point to similar qualities we refuse to acknowledge in ourselves. Self-confrontation and honest introspection can help us say, “I am the one who hides this terrible flaw inside myself. I am the one who rejects my inner dark twin.” When we can approach reclaiming all parts of ourself with good humor, patience and courage we discover a reservoir of intense energy, talents and creativity.

    Prepare to discover why we dream of figures who hunt and chase us, whether it is safe to face our inner darkness alone, how to identify our most vilified characteristics, when it’s the right time to prioritize shadow work, what is pressuring us to accept our inner dark twin and where will this courageous process lead us…and so much more.

    HERE'S SOMETHING SPECIAL: You're invited to JUNG'S AMERICAN MUSE: THE VISIONS AND ART OF CHRISTIANA MORGAN, a live podcast recording on Saturday, July 13th, at 2 pm EST. Tickets are on sale now for $5. Christiana Morgan's visions and art were pivotal to Jung's understanding of the nature of the feminine. We're thrilled to welcome her granddaughter, filmmaker Hilary Morgan, as our guest. Hilary will share Tower of Dreams, her short documentary, and then discuss her memories and reflections on her grandmother's life. BUY YOUR TICKET HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jungs-american-muse-the-visions-and-art-of-christiana-morgan-tickets-928055668487?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl.

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/personal-shadow-work/  

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta


    *Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/

    *Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: https://www.patreon.com/ThisJungianLife

    *Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! https://thisjungianlife.com/share-your-dream/

    *Help Shape Our Show! Share Your Ideas for Our Next Podcast: https://thisjungianlife.com/podcast-form-topics/

    *Shop Exclusive 'This Jungian Life' Gear: https://www.zazzle.com/store/thisjungianlife/products *Get Caught up! Check Out All Our Previous Episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcE4RL3VIbzGWHI-Sq0Y2lZc7R6Zxmfb6


    *YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe8QSBLNlv765pT097FDeLA

    *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisjungianlifepodcast

    *Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThisJungianLife

    *Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThisJungianLife/ 


    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar


    Can Art Heal Us? The role of imagery in Jungian Analysis.

    Can Art Heal Us? The role of imagery in Jungian Analysis.

    Can spontaneous art-making harness the power of imagery and symbols to promote emotional healing and self-discovery?

    Mark Dean, Jungian analyst, professional artist, professor, and art therapist, helps us explore the profound connection between art-making and psychological growth, using imagery, metaphors, and symbols as bridges between our conscious and unconscious minds. Rooted in Analytical Psychology, this approach helps us identify and process complex emotions, experiences, and foundational attitudes, promoting positive change in our relationships and psyche. This work emphasizes the dynamic relationship between our inner and outer worlds and the limitless creativity this can bring forward.

    Prepare to discover what Jungian art therapy is and its role in individuation, how imagery and symbols facilitate emotional healing, which techniques and methods are most effective, whether art can really serve as a bridge between your conscious and unconscious mind, why integrating creative expression into all areas of our life is essential for well-being…and so much more.

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/jungian-art-therapy/

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

    HERE'S SOMETHING SPECIAL: You're invited to JUNG'S AMERICAN MUSE: THE VISIONS AND ART OF CHRISTIANA MORGAN, a live podcast recording on Saturday, July 13th, at 2 pm EST. Tickets are on sale now for $5. Christiana Morgan's visions and art were pivotal to Jung's understanding of the nature of the feminine. We're thrilled to welcome her granddaughter, filmmaker Hilary Morgan, as our guest. Hilary will share Tower of Dreams, her short documentary, and then discuss her memories and reflections on her grandmother's life. BUY YOUR TICKET HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jungs-american-muse-the-visions-and-art-of-christiana-morgan-tickets-928055668487?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl.


    *Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/

    *Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: https://www.patreon.com/ThisJungianLife

    *Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! https://thisjungianlife.com/share-your-dream/

    *Help Shape Our Show! Share Your Ideas for Our Next Podcast: https://thisjungianlife.com/podcast-form-topics/

    *Shop Exclusive 'This Jungian Life' Gear: https://www.zazzle.com/store/thisjungianlife/products *Get Caught up! Check Out All Our Previous Episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcE4RL3VIbzGWHI-Sq0Y2lZc7R6Zxmfb6


    *YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe8QSBLNlv765pT097FDeLA

    *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisjungianlifepodcast

    *Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThisJungianLife


    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar

    SELF-SABOTAGE: Why we do it and how to stop it.

    SELF-SABOTAGE: Why we do it and how to stop it.

    Can understanding self-sabotage empower you to overcome hidden barriers and transform your life?

    Understanding Self-Sabotage is crucial for unlocking our true potential and overcoming barriers to personal growth. We can identify the unconscious complexes that hinder our progress by exploring internalized negative beliefs, fear of success, unresolved inner conflicts, and defense mechanisms like avoidance and self-handicapping. Through dream analysis, active imagination, and creative expression, we can transform self-sabotaging behaviors into opportunities for growth.

    Prepare to discover what self-sabotage is and how it manifests in your life, how to identify and address unconscious drives and defense mechanisms that work against you, which Jungian concepts and therapeutic strategies can help transform self-sabotaging behaviors into personal growth, whether your fears and conflicts are rooted in internalized negative beliefs or unresolved inner conflicts, why understanding self-sabotage is crucial for achieving a harmonious and fulfilling life…and so much more.

    HERE'S SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL: You're invited to JUNG'S AMERICAN MUSE: THE VISIONS AND ART OF CHRISTIANA MORGAN, a live podcast recording on Saturday, July 13th, at 2 pm EST. Tickets are on sale now for $5. Christiana Morgan's visions and art were pivotal to Jung's understanding of the nature of the feminine. We're thrilled to welcome her granddaughter, filmmaker Hilary Morgan, as our guest. Hilary will share Tower of Dreams, her short documentary, and then discuss her memories and reflections on her grandmother's life. BUY YOUR TICKET HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jungs-american-muse-the-visions-and-art-of-christiana-morgan-tickets-928055668487?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl.

    READ A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/self-sabotage/ 

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

    LOOK & GROW 

    *Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/

    *Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: https://www.patreon.com/ThisJungianLife

    *Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! https://thisjungianlife.com/share-your-dream/

    *Help Shape Our Show! Share Your Ideas for Our Next Podcast: https://thisjungianlife.com/podcast-form-topics/

    *Shop Exclusive 'This Jungian Life' Gear: https://www.zazzle.com/store/thisjungianlife/products *Get Caught up! Check Out All Our Previous Episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcE4RL3VIbzGWHI-Sq0Y2lZc7R6Zxmfb6


    *YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe8QSBLNlv765pT097FDeLA

    *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisjungianlifepodcast

    *Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThisJungianLife

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    With Love and Gratitude,

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    • 01:38 How to Better Communicate Issues in Your Relationship
    • 03:31 #1: Someone's Behavior Doesn’t Make Them The Same As Someone You Were With Before  
    • 09:01 #2: Don't Fill In Uncertainties Mentally
    • 13:26 #3: We All Have A Long List Of Needs
    • 18:12 #4: Ask Yourself These Three Questions
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    If you're ready to take your life to the next level, are searching for more purpose or you just need extra inspiration or motivation, tune in to The Champions Life Podcast.

    Follow Jeff on Instagram @coachjeffbecker https://www.instagram.com/coachjeffbecker/