
    Podcast Summary

    • Checking in with each otherAsking 'are you okay?' and listening can create a more connected and supportive community, spreading positivity

      It's important to check in on yourself and others with simple questions like "are you okay?" Even when we may feel alone and overwhelmed, we are not alone in our experiences. Everyone is doing their best with what they have, and acknowledging vulnerabilities and offering support can make a big difference. By taking the time to ask and listen, we can create a more connected and supportive community. So, next time you have the opportunity, take a moment to ask someone how they're really doing and be open to sharing your own experiences as well. Remember, you're not alone, and your small actions can have a big impact on spreading positivity. If you enjoyed this message, please consider leaving a review or sharing it with someone who might benefit from it. Together, we can create a world filled with more everyday positivity.

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    Community Programs during COVID part two: Nurturing Your Inner Hero

    Community Programs during COVID part two: Nurturing Your Inner Hero

    Dear Friends,

    Welcome to today’s Journal entry, which begins with a heartfelt conversation among Windhorse Community Programs members—moderated by Chuck Knapp and JoAnn Burton—about coping with the pandemic from the perspective of the Hero’s Journey, a notion made popular by Joseph Campbell. In addition to the podcast, we’re so pleased to be offering a paper recently written by JoAnn Burton, titled, Hero’s Journey of Recovery: A New Narrative for People with Long Term Mental Health Issues. Between first-person accounts of our experiences of the “hero’s journey” in the podcast, and JoAnn’s paper, this entry presents an unusual opportunity to learn about what we know to be powerful help for those of us on a path of recovery.

    Each of us has an inner hero. Some of us were fortunate enough to have parents who nurtured our little inner hero and helped point us in a good direction in life. Others of us had to figure things out for ourselves and came to understand that we needed help. Sometimes, it takes a while and many wrong paths to find what is most useful. And those who are willing to guide us become trusted mentors and allies.

    Of course, dragons confront every traveler on such a journey, and coronavirus has been our particular foe since March. As you will hear from Alicia, Joe, and myself, we have needed to “suit up and show up” for the obvious external threat and those inner dragons produced by our own thoughts and fears.

    The Hero’s Journey surely gave me a compass with which I could direct my steps.

    Thank you, JoAnn, for encouraging us to find our inner heroes, and showing us how to do that!

    Our own inner hero is there waiting for each of us. If you haven’t found yours yet, you will.

    Dig in!

    Laura Hale

    The Awakening: A Michelle Moment: Finding Your Gift

    The Awakening: A Michelle Moment: Finding Your Gift
    At Positive Presence Global our mission is to guide our students to finding the best version of themselves. This journey looks different for everyone, but the secret to the best version of yourself is first finding that special gift that only YOU embody! We all have something special that only we can share with others. It may look different than someone else’s, it may not be understood by others at first, or it could just seem scary because you still aren’t sure what that gift looks like. All of those feelings are perfectly normal and a great catalyst to your journey.  Join me in this week’s Michelle Moment to finding the first step towards finding YOUR GIFT!