
    You Can't Arrive on Your Self-Esteem From Other People's Success

    enOctober 30, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Balancing Creativity with RestBoth Gary Vee and Chase Jarvis emphasize the importance of balancing creativity with rest for sustained productivity and avoiding burnout. Rest doesn't mean quitting, but rather taking small breaks and continuing to create like building muscle.

      Both Gary Vee and Chase Jarvis agree on the importance of balancing creativity with rest. While it's essential to keep pushing and producing content, it's equally important to allow for rest and recovery. This rest doesn't mean quitting for months or years, but rather taking small breaks and continuing to create. The analogy used was that of building muscle - pushing through the soreness and fatigue to come back stronger. This approach applies to creativity as well, as everything around us, including our thoughts, is a creation. The key is to keep producing and learning how to rest effectively to avoid burnout. As Gary Vee put it, "Everything we think, humans have been around for so long. We do not have a singular new idea. We didn't get lucky enough to be born first. Nope. Everything just wasn't documented." So, keep creating, but don't forget to rest and recover.

    • Embrace Action for Real CreationFocus on taking action and not getting stuck in planning to create something, learn from failures and improve, starting with what you have is enough

      Action is essential for creating something, and worrying about equipment or preparation too much can be a form of procrastination. The speaker emphasizes that intellectual efforts, such as buying kits or writing in journals, do not equate to actual creation. Instead, it's important to embrace feedback and learn from failures to improve and grow. The speaker also suggests that starting with what you have, like a phone, can be sufficient to get started and produce quality content. Overall, the key takeaway is to focus on taking action and not getting stuck in the planning stage.

    • Stop Talking, Start DoingFocus on mental blocks like fear of judgment, work on overcoming them, and start taking action to unlock potential. Share your story to help others and learn from experiences.

      Action is crucial for personal growth and creativity. Many people get stuck in their heads, worrying about what others might think or lacking confidence in their abilities. However, as Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes, you don't need to be perfect or have all the answers to start. In fact, the best way to learn and improve is by taking action and doing. The words and knowledge are essential, but ultimately, it's the execution that matters. The speaker encourages listeners to focus on their mental blocks, such as fear of judgment, and work on overcoming them to unlock their potential. The conversation also highlights the importance of being vulnerable and sharing your story, as it can help others who may be going through similar experiences. Overall, the message is to stop talking and start doing.

    • Fear and societal pressure can hold us back from pursuing passionsReflect on past experiences, reevaluate priorities, and pursue a life true to ourselves, letting go of societal expectations.

      Fear of negative feedback, insecurity, and societal pressure can hold us back from pursuing what truly fulfills us. These emotions often stem from past experiences and upbringing, and can lead us to undervalue our creativity and passions. Traumatic moments in life, such as losing a loved one, can serve as powerful catalysts for reflection and self-discovery. It's essential to use these moments to reevaluate our priorities and pursue the life we truly want, rather than living up to others' expectations. Ultimately, our loved ones would want us to be happy and fulfilled, and the greatest regret of the dying is living a life that wasn't true to ourselves. So, take this as an opportunity to seize your life, define your path, and let go of the "shoulds" holding you back. Use your experiences, both positive and negative, as fuel for growth and self-discovery.

    • The loss of a father at a young age can leave a profound impactLosing a father at a young age can be transformative, encouraging self-reflection and the pursuit of personal growth. Human connection and positivity are crucial in overcoming adversity.

      Losing a father at a young age can be a profoundly transformative experience. For Alex, this loss occurred when he was 24, leaving him feeling devastated and insecure. His father's passing forced him to reevaluate his identity and chart his own path in life. Although his father had provided for the family and kept them together, Alex was not working in his business at the time. Instead, he was pursuing his own career in HVAC. However, his father's absence left a void that Alex felt deeply. Moreover, Alex emphasized the importance of human connection and positivity in the face of adversity. He noted that the internet has brought people closer together than ever before, allowing for the exchange of ideas and support on a global scale. In the midst of societal negativity and scrutiny, Alex highlighted the importance of focusing on the humanity capabilities that allow us to connect and uplift one another. He encouraged everyone to take action and make a positive impact in the world. By doing so, we can create a ripple effect of positivity that can change minds and inspire others to do the same.

    • The power of recognition and encouragementRecognition and encouragement, even in small ways, significantly impact our happiness. Being authentic and vulnerable with our community can lead to stronger connections.

      Kindness and acknowledgement from others hold significant value and can greatly impact our happiness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of receiving recognition and encouragement, even in small ways, as much as receiving accolades or selfies. He believes that everyone faces adversities, but with the right mindset and trust in oneself, one can overcome challenges and continue pushing forward. The speaker also encourages being authentic and vulnerable with one's community, sharing real experiences and emotions, to build stronger connections. Ultimately, the speaker's prescription for Alex is to be real and share his experiences with his community, as it will make a difference and resonate with his followers.

    • Discovering Personal MotivationsFocus on personal reasons for admiration, sell possessions for self-discovery, and strive for individual growth.

      We all have unique motivations for the things we love and the people we admire. During a conversation, it was revealed that following someone else's success can't provide self-esteem. Instead, it's essential to discover why we're drawn to certain figures, like Michael Jordan, and find ways to apply those lessons in our own lives. The speaker encouraged selling a prized possession, like sneakers, as a step towards independence and self-discovery. Ultimately, it's crucial to focus on our individual journeys and competitive spirit, rather than comparing ourselves to others. So, embrace your passions, learn from them, and strive to be the best version of yourself.

    • The importance of community and engagementBuilding a community and engaging with others can lead to valuable connections and a more fulfilling experience.

      Learning from this podcast episode is the importance of community and engagement. The speaker expressed gratitude towards various listeners in the Facebook community, acknowledging their valuable contributions through comments. He encouraged listeners to share the podcast and subscribe, emphasizing the significance of spreading the word about it. The speaker's genuine appreciation for his audience underscores the importance of building a strong community and fostering meaningful connections. Additionally, the speaker's enthusiasm and passion for his topic shines through, making the podcast an enjoyable and engaging experience for listeners. Overall, the episode serves as a reminder that building a community and engaging with others can lead to valuable connections and a more fulfilling experience.

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