
    Podcast Summary

    • The Wealthiest Place is in the GraveyardFocus on what matters, evaluate daily priorities, have a clear vision, and believe in its power to change your life.

      The wealthiest place in the world is not where you might think – it's in the graveyard, filled with unrealized dreams, unborn businesses, and unexpressed creativity. The speaker emphasizes that focusing on what truly matters in life is essential for growth and happiness. Our attention is a valuable resource, and we should direct it towards our goals. It's crucial to evaluate our daily priorities and ensure they align with our vision for a fulfilling life. The first step to success is having a clear mental image of what we want and when we want it. The speaker's personal experiences illustrate that even in difficult circumstances, a strong vision can lead to significant achievements. In essence, the power to change our lives lies within our own minds and the clarity of our goals.

    • Stay focused and persistent in pursuing your dreamsAlign thoughts, actions, and belief system to make dreams a reality, fueled by desire and hunger, while staying focused and persistent despite distractions or excuses.

      Identifying and pursuing your dreams requires a clear vision, unwavering belief, and daily action. Don't just dream about your goals; make them a reality by aligning your thoughts, actions, and belief system. Desire and hunger are essential fuel for your journey. Don't let distractions or excuses delay your progress. Remember, tomorrow may never come, so start today and stay persistent. Your goals are truly yours only if your daily actions reflect them. So, ask yourself: what do you really want, and how desperate are you to achieve it? Don't let the lack of desperation or hunger hinder your progress. Instead, stay focused, take action, and trust the process.

    • Make every moment countSet clear goals, create a schedule, and put in dedicated effort to execute plans for long-term success, avoiding distractions and making every moment count.

      Time is precious and we need to make the most of it by setting clear goals, creating a schedule, and putting in dedicated effort to execute our plans. The greats understand that there's a sense of urgency in life, and we should approach each day with a sense of determination and focus. We should be committed to our goals and avoid distractions that may hinder our progress. It's not enough to just talk about wanting success; we need to take action and put in the necessary time and effort to achieve it. So, make a plan, stick to it, and be obsessed with executing it, day in and day out, for the long term. Remember, you only have 24 hours in a day, so make every moment count. Don't be someone who talks about their goals but doesn't take action. Be someone who does.

    Recent Episodes from Weekly Motivation by Ben Lionel Scott



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    As long as you keep trying, you have another chance to make it happen.

    Spoken by Eric Thomas, Les Brown. You can see more of Les Brown at instagram.com/thelesbrown, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher. The music is Reprise by Secession Studios. You can see more of Secession Studios at thesecession.bandcamp.com.



    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe 


    The question isn't whether you'll face hard times. You will. The question is, are you strong enough to push through it?

    Spoken by Greg Plitt, Eric Thomas, Ed Mylett, Les Brown. You can see more of Greg Plitt at instagram.com/gregplitt, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher, Ed Mylett at instagram.com/edmylett, Les Brown at instagram.com/thelesbrown. The music is Mad World (Gary Jules Cover) by 2WEI. You can see more of 2WEI at twitter.com/2weimusic.



    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe 


    Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

    Spoken by Jocko Willink, Eric Thomas. You can see more of Jocko Willink at instagram.com/jockowillink, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher. The music is The Magellan Matrix by Jo Blankenburg. You can see more of Jo Blankenburg at open.spotify.com/artist/4tuiQRw9bC9HZhSFJEJ9Mz.



    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe 


    You are the one who holds you back.

    Spoken by Eric Thomas, Andy Frisella, Kevin Hart, Jocko Willink. You can see more of Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher, Andy Frisella at instagram.com/andyfrisella, Kevin Hart at twitter.com/KevinHart4real. The music is Vanguard by Jo Blankenburg. You can see more of Jo Blankenburg at open.spotify.com/artist/4tuiQRw9bC9HZhSFJEJ9Mz.



    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe 


    You don't stop when you're tired, you stop when you're done.

    Spoken by Jocko Willink, Chadd Wright, Eric Thomas. You can see more of Jocko Willink at instagram.com/jockowillink, Chadd Wright at instagram.com/chadwright278, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher. The music is Soothsayer by Zack Hemsey. You can see more of Zack Hemsey at facebook.com/zackhemseymusic.



    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe 


    When you do the things most people aren't willing to do, you will live the life most people never will.

    Spoken by Tyrese Gibson, Eric Thomas, Jocko Willink. You can see more of Tyrese Gibson at twitter.com/tyrese, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher, Jocko Willink at instagram.com/jockowillink. The music is Valhalla by Rok Nardin. You can see more of Rok Nardin at spoti.fi/35irVDu.



    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe 


    It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.

    Spoken by David Goggins, Les Brown, Steve Harvey, Andy Frisella, Eric Thomas. You can see more of David Goggins at instagram.com/davidgoggins, Les Brown at instagram.com/thelesbrown, Steve Harvey at instagram.com/iamsteveharveytv, Andy Frisella at instagram.com/andyfrisella, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher. The music is Tomorrow Never Comes by Really Slow Motion. You can see more of Really Slow Motion at facebook.com/ReallySlowMotion.



    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe 


    When life knocks you down, try and land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up.

    Spoken by Dana White, Les Brown, Eric Thomas. You can see more of Dana White at twitter.com/danawhite, Les Brown at instagram.com/thelesbrown, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher. The music is Tangled Earth by Audiomachine. You can see more of Audiomachine at twitter.com/audiomachine.



    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe 


    Don't allow yourself a way out.

    Spoken by Eric Thomas, David Goggins, Les Brown. You can see more of Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher, David Goggins at instagram.com/davidgoggins, Les Brown at instagram.com/thelesbrown. The music is Spectra, Helix by Hi-Finesse. You can see more of Hi-Finesse at open.spotify.com/artist/4uOcci6rBym8EVu1RH7XQ5.



    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe 


    Your pain will either make you or break you.

    Spoken by David Goggins, Eric Thomas, Les Brown. You can see more of David Goggins at instagram.com/davidgoggins, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher, Les Brown at instagram.com/thelesbrown. The music is Take The Crown by 2WEI. You can see more of 2WEI at twitter.com/2weimusic.

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    E9. Choose Your People: 4 Tips to Staffing the Right Team

    EPS 9: Choose Your People: 4 Tips to Staffing the Right Team


    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    • Define your hiring needs and communicate expectations to set your staff up for success
    • Identify and hire for a good cultural fit
    • Develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to ensure effective and objective evaluation
    • Give frequent feedback vs. annual reviews


     Why is it so important to hire the right people for your business? 


    A whole truck-load of reasons! 


    To start, choosing the wrong employee will cost you a lot of time and money. Research shows that not only are you out the time spent on this staff member but a mis-hire can cost up to 3 times their monthly salary for a small company and 15 times their salary in a large company. OUCH!  If you are a new small business the stats already show that 80% fail in the first 5 years, staffing definitely plays a part in the success or failure. Plus hiring the wrong staff is a morale killer for the hard workers on your team and be honest…firing people SUCKS! 


    Every successful business owner needs not just a good team of people, but the RIGHT people in order to grow and achieve their objectives. 


    Today, I will walk you through how to avoid hiring the WRONG people, quickly making (then executing) the hard decision of letting staff go and how to recruit and retain the RIGHT people to succeed in your business!  


    If you find these tips helpful, please share it! When you receive amazing information that changes your perspective--podcast, a book, Ted Talk, anything – SHARE IT! Let’s encourage and help each other to reach higher and be our best! 



    Action Steps: 

    • Make a list of your team, and determine for each of these staff members: (23:00)

    -How aligned are they with your mission/values?

    -How effective are they at their job? 

    -Would you happily re-hire this person today? 

    • One extra step: How do you rate yourself with these same questions? (24:32)  That one can sting!


    Suggested Reading:

    Good to Great by Jim Collins (1:45)

    Buy here: https://amzn.to/2HcwW53


    The E Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber (15:10)

    Buy here: https://amzn.to/2E2Ffie


    Traction by Gino Wickman (16:53)

    Buy here: https://amzn.to/2PXVOAw

    👉👉 Connect with me here: 

    E8. 5 Tools To Master Your Habits (Part 2)

    E8. 5 Tools To Master Your Habits (Part 2)

    EPS 8 Habits Part 2: 4 More Tools To Master Your Habits

    In Habits: Part 2, April will give more tools and tips on how to design powerful, life changing habits to build the framework of a life that is productive and happy.

    In this episode you will learn how to:

    • Apply the 2 Minute Rule and get over the initial hurdle of action
    • Use a habit tracker to create accountability to yourself around your goals
    • Create a habit contract to motivate you to follow through using a reward or a penalty
    • Narrow downtime and place to be as specific as possible in your goals to increase your chances for success

    In part 2 of our discussion on habits, we will give you additional tools to help create the life that you want through measurable, sustainable habits!

     We need to stay aware that we are “designing” our life.  Build a framework with habits that help you reach your goals and become the best you.  Tiny changes over time yield incredible results! 

    Action Steps:

    • Name a time and a place. Be as detailed as you can, so you follow through on the things that you want. (12:43)
    • Use the 2 Minute Rule! What can you demand of yourself for 2 minutes? Get started now! Stop putting things off and just start small. (13:16) 

    Suggested Reading:

    The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness

    by Jeff Olson and John David Mann  (11:20)

    Buy It Here

    👉👉 Connect with me here: 

    E2. Self sabotage

    E2. Self sabotage

    In This Episode, You Will Learn To:

          Identify self-sabotaging behavior

          Recognize your negative patterns and triggers

          Create a healthy replacement behavior

          Practice the new behavior until a habit is formed

    Let’s talk about self-sabotage.

    This is a topic that we ALL struggle with! It doesn’t matter what level you are at nor how enlightened, it doesn’t matter how successful you are or how grateful you are for the life that you have: self–sabotage does not discriminate. You are not alone! 

    So, why? Why do we do it? Why do we work so hard to realize a dream, an ideal job, a diet, a business, a partner, ideal finances, and then stand in our own way?

    Today we will unpack the 3 most common reasons that we self-sabotage, learn to recognize our triggers and gain the tools to begin creating new habits to keep us moving forward with our goals.



    • Identify Your Triggers! Is it Steve and his homebrew, binge-watching TV or smoking cigarettes every time you drink? You will lessen the power that your triggers hold over you, just by identifying them!
    • Now that you can recognize what triggers your cycle of self-sabotage, WRITE DOWN what you are replacing this limiting belief or negative behavior with. You can’t expect yourself to choose better at the moment, so you have to start reconditioning yourself before the trigger appears again. Don’t rely on self-discipline. Instead, rely on healthy, practiced habits!
    • Beware the stories you tell yourself.  Stop reliving old chapters and following comfortable, destructive patterns. You are not tied to a label.  You can decide each day. You can CHOOSE, who you are today.

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    E167. REPLAY: Time Management 10 Ways to Think About Productivity to 10x Results

    E167. REPLAY: Time Management 10 Ways to Think About Productivity to 10x Results

    In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    • How to prioritize your tasks for greater productivity
    • The benefit of creating a master task list to get your day started right and help you accomplish more
    • Tried and true techniques to help manage your time and increase your efficiency

    Time management.

    I have an unusual obsession with this topic. I read books on it for fun and I am constantly learning new ways to be more efficient with the one thing that we are never guaranteed…time.

    My dear friend and author, Tammy Ingraham, always reminds me, “Time is Life’s money, be careful where you spend it.”

    We wake up feeling energized, ready to tackle the day and before we know it, it is time to get ready for bed. Where did the day go? And more importantly, did we accomplish the things that we set out to do? Many times, the answer is no. We know we were busy all day BUT…sound familiar 

    In an age where there are so many things to easily distract, we need to have a plan of action when it comes to protecting our time and making the most of this precious resource.

    Let’s talk about the ten techniques that will help you master time management so we can increase our focus and get things done!


    • Download a timer! It is a game changer for productivity! Modify as needed.
    • Prioritize. Prioritize. Prioritize.
    • Set up your day the night before! Do not waste your morning trying to figure out what to tackle first.  

    Suggested Reading:

    1. The One Thing
    2. Gary Keller

    👉👉 Connect with me here: 

    E13. Trademarking Part 1 (4 Steps to Protect Your Brand)

    E13. Trademarking Part 1 (4 Steps to Protect Your Brand)

    In this episode, you will learn:

    • The importance of trademarking your business, brand, and products
    • Where to start and FREE tools available to begin your name search
    • The proper steps to maximize success and protect your amazing brand


    Trademarking. Essential for your business but NOT for the faint of heart!

    As a business owner at the start of your trademarking journey, you will understand very quickly how arduous this process can be. It seems like an endless amount of steps (Forward! Backward! Side to side!) when it comes to where to start and how to make it through the hallowed gates of actually having your name, business, brand, and products trademarked.

    In this 2 part series, let’s Cha-Cha! 

    Today, we will share the basics on how to get started, free resources available to anybody with internet, how to keep your expectations in line with trademark realities, and a cautionary tale of finding yourself (and business) on the wrong end of trademark infringement.

    With a little research, trustworthy resources, and a whole lot of patience, YOU can make it to the other side of this and have the peace of mind knowing that your hard work will be protected. 

    Stay tuned for Part 2 as we get expert advice and discuss the nitty-gritty details with our own trademark attorney Lara Pearson of the Lake Tahoe based firm, Brand Geek.

    Action Steps:

    • Identify a name for your company with your target audience in mind. Arguably the most important step but again, choose several names as “THE” perfect name is...probably already taken. Adjust expectations—let’s PIVOT! (8:32)
    • Check the patent office at uspto.gov to see if your names are available. (9:30)
    • Have the name searched through an actual agency!!! (10:45) 
    • Once you have found a name that is available, have your lawyer submit an opinion letter and a proper trademark application. (11:28)

    Suggested Resources:

    Namecheckr: Free website that checks available names across several platforms, including social media. (14:55)

    uspto.gov : Free name search tool through the U.S. patent office. (15:11)

    Remember, these two websites are an excellent way to start your search but if you are building and scaling a company, protect it by investing in a qualified professional specializing in trademark law. 

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