
    Podcast Summary

    • The Impact of Breathing on Our Well-being and Modern WorldThe way we breathe significantly affects our overall well-being, and modern world negatively impacts our breathing patterns, leading to various health issues and mental health problems. Understanding the root cause and potential solutions could improve our cognitive and information environment.

      The way we breathe significantly impacts our overall well-being, and the modern world, including technology use, can negatively affect our breathing patterns. In the conversation with journalist James Nestor on Your Undivided Attention podcast, it was discussed how humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly, leading to various health issues such as asthma, scoliosis, and even mental health problems. This loss is a result of evolution, which is not a straight line of progress but a process of change, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. The consequences of this change, such as crooked teeth or asthma, have become so pervasive that we've accepted them as normal. However, these issues can have downstream effects, including mental health crises, extremism, polarization, misinformation, isolation, and more. Understanding the root cause of these problems, including the role of human ergonomics and technology's impact on our cognitive and information environment, could lead to potential solutions. James Nestor's book, "Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art," explores these ideas in depth, revealing how small adjustments to the way we breathe can rejuvenate internal organs and even correct physical deformities.

    • The shift to an industrialized diet causing health issues like crooked teeth and smaller airwaysThe industrialized diet has led to health issues such as crooked teeth and a smaller airway within a few generations due to lack of masticatory stress during infancy and consumption of soft processed foods, making individuals more susceptible to respiratory problems.

      The shift to an industrialized diet has led to numerous health issues, including crooked teeth and a smaller airway. This change occurred within just a few generations, as evidenced by the skull collections at universities showing perfectly straight teeth in pre-industrial populations. The lack of masticatory stress during infancy and the consumption of soft processed foods have contributed to the problem. The smaller airway resulting from this evolution has downstream consequences, making individuals more susceptible to snoring, sleep apnea, respiratory issues, and poor air filtration, ultimately leading to a weaker body and increased susceptibility to respiratory problems.

    • The power of deep breathing for physical healthDeep breathing can improve physical health by contributing to spine alignment and reducing chronic inflammation and stress.

      Our breathing, a seemingly simple and unconscious act, plays a significant role in our health and wellbeing. The way we breathe can contribute to chronic inflammation and stress, but it can also be used to heal and improve our abilities. The story of Katharina Schraff, a German teenager diagnosed with scoliosis, illustrates this concept. Despite being told her condition would limit her, she discovered that by bending her body and taking deep breaths into the affected lungs, she could straighten her spine. This technique, called orthopedic breathing, allowed her to breathe her spine straight and even teach others with similar conditions to do the same. This ancient practice, now backed by scientific research, shows that our breath is connected to our physical health in ways we may not have realized.

    • Transforming internal states through practices like breathing techniquesStories of Hildegard of Bingen and Tibetan Buddhist monks show that internal changes, like improved health through breathing techniques, are possible despite skepticism from external sources

      Our internal states, which we often view as permanent and unchangeable, can be transformed through practices like breathing techniques. This is exemplified by the story of Hildegard of Bingen, who defied the medical community's criticism to teach people how to breathe and align their spines, leading to significant improvements in their health. Another example is the ancient Tummo breathing technique used by Tibetan Buddhist monks, which involves heating the body through specific breathing methods. Initially dismissed as impossible, this practice was validated by scientific research in the late 20th century, demonstrating the potential for transformative internal changes. These stories serve as reminders that our minds and bodies have the capacity for growth and improvement, despite the challenges we may face.

    • Exploring the Impact of Breathing on Health and Human PotentialBreathing practices like Tummo can improve health, enhance focus, and potentially unlock superhuman abilities. Neglecting proper breathing can lead to health issues.

      The way we breathe can significantly impact our health and well-being, beyond just supplying our bodies with oxygen. The practice of Tummo breathing, for instance, not only helps in heating the body but also aids in healing chronic maladies. Studies are being conducted to explore its effects on conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Neglecting the importance of breathing can lead to various health issues, including autoimmune diseases. On a more optimistic note, mastering breathing techniques can lead to enhanced clarity of attention, intimacy, and relationships, and possibly even superhuman levels of human potential. The exploration of the upper bound of human potential through practices like Tummo breathing is an ongoing inquiry, with much more to discover. It's fascinating to consider that making a simple change in our breathing could reveal a transformational landscape of opportunities, accessible to everyone, without the need for external resources.

    • Breathing's impact on brain functionSlow, nose breathing enhances brain function, while shallow, distracted breathing impairs it.

      Our physical and mental well-being are deeply interconnected, and neglecting the basics, such as proper breathing, can lead to chronic problems. The analogy of breathing through our noses versus our mouths can be applied to how we process information and cognitive noise in our brains. When we breathe slowly and through our noses, our brains function better, enabling us to think more logically and calm our nervous systems. Conversely, shallow breathing and constant distractions can keep us from functioning optimally and making wise decisions. By understanding and consciously controlling our bodies' foundational functions, we can enhance our abilities and prevent damage. Breathing, like posture, is both unconscious and consciously controllable, making it an interesting process to focus on for improved well-being.

    • Breathing's impact on body functionsControlling breath influences heart rate, circulation, blood pressure, and brain function.

      Our breathing, though an unconscious process, is intimately connected to various functions in our body, including heart rate, circulation, blood pressure, and brain function. While technology and our environment may condition us to have unconscious processes that limit us, conscious control of our breathing can positively influence these functions. For instance, taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly can increase heart rate, while a long exhale can decrease it. This is not a placebo effect, but a biological response. By controlling our breathing, we can also impact circulation, blood pressure, and even brain function. The human body is complex, and the ability to control our breath is unique in that it allows us to exert influence over these functions. However, the overuse of technology can lead to predictable behaviors and a loss of higher-level thinking and creativity. To counteract this, simple breathing exercises like box breathing (inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts) can help us access a calmer state and potentially higher planes of consciousness, as practiced in Buddhism.

    • Practicing coherent breathing for respiratory and heart coherenceCoherent breathing, a simple technique involving equal inhale and exhale counts, increases oxygen intake, lowers blood pressure, and promotes calm focus. Extending exhale for deeper relaxation.

      Practicing coherent breathing, which involves inhaling and exhaling for the same count, can help bring the respiratory and heart systems into a state of coherence. This simple breathing technique, which has been used in various cultures and spiritual practices throughout history, can lead to increased oxygen intake, lower blood pressure, and a calm yet focused state of mind. By extending the exhale slightly longer than the inhale, one can further enhance the relaxation response and promote a deeper sense of calm. Coherent breathing is an accessible and easy practice that can be done anywhere, at any time, without the need for specialized equipment or religious affiliation. The benefits of this practice have been scientifically measured and confirmed, making it a powerful tool for managing stress, improving focus, and enhancing overall well-being.

    • Learning to control your breathing can improve health and consciousnessImprove circulation, increase oxygenation to the brain, cope with panic attacks and asthma, consider breathing-based methods as part of a holistic approach to health.

      Controlling your breathing can have significant impacts on your health and well-being. By learning to tolerate higher levels of carbon dioxide during breath holds, you can improve circulation and even increase oxygenation to the brain after about 30 seconds. This can lead to various altered states of consciousness and help people cope with conditions like panic attacks and asthma. However, relying solely on quick-fix solutions like medication can prevent us from addressing the root causes of these issues. It's essential to consider alternative, breathing-based methods as part of a holistic approach to health. Furthermore, the healthcare industry's current economic structure may not prioritize getting people healthy, as it relies on people remaining sick to maintain jobs and revenue.

    • Reconnecting with our bodies through simple practicesFocusing on nose breathing and thorough chewing can help us tap into our natural abilities and improve overall well-being.

      Our bodies are naturally adaptable and we have the power to improve our lives through simple practices like breathing and chewing properly. James Nestor, an author and journalist, emphasizes the importance of focusing on what we already have and utilizing our natural abilities. He suggests practicing deep, nose breathing and chewing food thoroughly. These small changes can help us reconnect with our bodies and tap into our species' adaptability. As Michael Pollan says, "Eat food, mostly vegetables, not much," we might also add "breathe mostly through your nose." These seemingly minor adjustments can lead to significant improvements in our overall well-being. James Nestor's latest book, "Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art," explores these ideas in more depth. Join us for a discussion and Q&A with James Nestor at our podcast club for more insights. Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center For Humane Technology, and is made possible by the support of our generous lead supporters, including the Omidyar Network, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, and the Evolve Foundation. Thank you for giving us your undivided attention.

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    2. Spotlight on AI: What Would It Take For This to Go Well? 
    3. Big Food, Big Tech and Big AI with Michael Moss 
    4. Can We Govern AI? with Marietje Schaake

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    War is a Laboratory for AI with Paul Scharre

    War is a Laboratory for AI with Paul Scharre

    Right now, militaries around the globe are investing heavily in the use of AI weapons and drones.  From Ukraine to Gaza, weapons systems with increasing levels of autonomy are being used to kill people and destroy infrastructure and the development of fully autonomous weapons shows little signs of slowing down. What does this mean for the future of warfare? What safeguards can we put up around these systems? And is this runaway trend toward autonomous warfare inevitable or will nations come together and choose a different path? In this episode, Tristan and Daniel sit down with Paul Scharre to try to answer some of these questions. Paul is a former Army Ranger, the author of two books on autonomous weapons and he helped the Department of Defense write a lot of its policy on the use of AI in weaponry. 


    Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Paul’s book on the future of AI in war, which came out in 2023.

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    3. Big Food, Big Tech and Big AI with Michael Moss
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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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    This episode was recorded live at the San Francisco Commonwealth Club.  

    Correction: Tristan mentions that 40 Attorneys General have filed a lawsuit against Meta for allegedly fostering addiction among children and teens through their products. However, the actual number is 42 Attorneys General who are taking legal action against Meta.

    Clarification: Jonathan refers to the Wait Until 8th pledge. By signing the pledge, a parent  promises not to give their child a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade. The pledge becomes active once at least ten other families from their child’s grade pledge the same.

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    Correction: The latest available Nvidia chip is the Hopper H100 GPU, which has 80 billion transistors. Since the first commercially available chip had four transistors, the Hopper actually has 20 billion times that number. Nvidia recently announced the Blackwell, which boasts 208 billion transistors - but it won’t ship until later this year.


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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_



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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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    Clarification: Julie says that shortly after the hearing, Meta’s stock price had the biggest increase of any company in the stock market’s history. It was the biggest one-day gain by any company in Wall Street history.

    Correction: Frances says it takes Snap three or four minutes to take down exploitative content. In Snap's most recent transparency report, they list six minutes as the median turnaround time to remove exploitative content.


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    Are the Kids Alright?

    Social Media Victims Lawyer Up with Laura Marquez-Garrett

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_



    Taylor Swift is Not Alone: The Deepfake Nightmare Sweeping the Internet

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    Correction: Laurie refers to the app 'Clothes Off.' It’s actually named Clothoff. There are many clothes remover apps in this category.


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    The AI Dilemma

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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    Correction: Josh says the first telling of "The Sorcerer’s Apprentice" myth dates back to ancient Egypt, but it actually dates back to ancient Greece.


    The Emerald podcast

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    How Will AI Affect the 2024 Elections?

    The AI Dilemma

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    AI Myths and Misconceptions


    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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    Breath with James Nestor

    Breath with James Nestor

    Your breath is a powerful force of nature. Tune in to this episode with James Nestor, accomplished author, and breathwork expert to find out how to master your breath and unlock countless benefits. In the episode, we discuss James’ experience in his clinical trial of mouth breathing for 10 days and the findings that followed. He explains the problems that arise from long-term mouth breathing and how breathing through your nose is an absolute game-changer. We talk about the development of the mouth, oral posture, and how it can hinder efficient breathing. We give advice on the correct breathing habits to adopt, ways to improve sleep with mouth tape, breathwork techniques, and breathing for your parasympathetic. 


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    Connect with James: 


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrjamesnestor 


    And follow me on social:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.stephanie.estima

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/betterwithdrstephanie 


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    Episode Overview: 

    • 6:30 Introduction
    • 9:30 James’s First Breath Experience
    • 14:40 Observations Of Free Diving
    • 19:31 James’s Clinical Trial of Mouth Breathing
    • 25:45 Changes From Mouth Breathing Experiment
    • 28:24 Problems Long Term Mouth Breathing
    • 30:48 Soft Foods and Development Of Mouth
    • 35:00 Dentistry and Orthodontics
    • 39:26 What You Can Do To Expand Your Airways
    • 44:43 Oral Posture & Diaphragmatic Breathing
    • 49:53 How Your Body Has The Power To Adapt
    • 52:36 How We Can Correct Your Breathing Habits
    • 55:19 Fixing Breathing During Sleep with Sleep Tape
    • 1:04:28 Breathwork Techniques
    • 1:07:54 Panic Attacks & Anxiety With Over Breathing
    • 1:11:18 The Perfect Breath1:15:37 Breathing For Parasympathetic
    • 1:17:54 Connecting With James


    Get yourself a copy of my best-selling book, The Betty Body - https://bettybodybook.com

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    Do You Want to Become a Vampire? — with L.A. Paul

    Do You Want to Become a Vampire? — with L.A. Paul

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    Find Dr. Hang at-


    Special love to-

    Patrick McKeown and his amazing work.

    Metabolical by Robert Lustig

    Finding Connar Deegan- AAMPD

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    Paleo Dentistry with Dr. Scott Solomons! 289

    Paleo Dentistry with Dr. Scott Solomons! 289

    Dr. Scott Solomons has practiced General Dentistry at Dental Associates of Connecticut since 1989, recently adding functional medicine to his practice. This is a new paradigm that ultimately enables the patient to heal by combining dentistry, nutrition, and general health concepts for better and more lasting results. Dr. Solomons recently completed his studies in Functional Medicine at the Kresser Institute. He received his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) at Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery, with a concentration in TMJ disorders. Dr. Solomons is a member of the Connecticut State Dental Association, the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the Paleo Physicians Network, Primal Docs, the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine, the Ancestral Health Society, the Weston A. Price Foundation, The Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, The Paleo Primal Price Foundation, and the National Dental practice-based research network, among many others. He is also on the Medical Advisory Board of the Kresser Institute for Functional and Evolutionary Medicine.

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