
    Young People Turning From Faith, the New Religion of "Woke," and an Easter Message, with Bishop Robert Barron | Ep. 753

    enMarch 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Significance of acknowledging sinfulness and recognizing God's graceDuring Good Friday, we reflect on the cross as a reminder of humanity's dysfunction and sin, but also of God's willingness to save us despite our imperfections. Personal struggles and challenges serve as opportunities to deepen our faith and relationship with God.

      Learning from this discussion between Megyn Kelly and Bishop Robert Barron on Good Friday is the significance of acknowledging our sinfulness and recognizing God's grace. Bishop Barron emphasized that the cross of Jesus serves as a reminder of humanity's dysfunction and sin, but also of God's willingness to save us despite our imperfections. Megyn Kelly shared her personal struggle with the annulment process, which she found to be a challenging interruption in her relationship with God. Despite her feelings, she was encouraged by Bishop Barron's reminder that both the reality of our sin and the promise of salvation should be kept in mind during this holy season.

    • The Catholic Church's respect for marriage and the sacramentality of itThe Church's process for authentic marriage relationships honors God and provides coherence in a culture of individual freedom, despite frustrations or disaffection.

      The Catholic Church's respect for marriage and the sacramentality of it is the reason behind the process of going through hoops to have a more authentic relationship with God. This process, including the annulment process, is the Church's way of honoring and respecting marriage. The speaker encourages patience and trust in the process, despite any feelings of frustration or disaffection. The speaker also suggests staying with the Catholic Church, as it holds all the gifts Christ wants his people to have, even if other gifts may be available in other Christian churches. Additionally, the speaker agrees that the Church's moral teachings provide coherence to our lives in a culture that values individual freedom above all else.

    • The teachings of the church guide our livesThe church's teachings, rooted in ancient traditions and the Bible, serve as a guide for living the good life and connecting with Christ's presence in the Eucharist

      The moral and spiritual teachings of the church are not meant to oppress us, but rather to provide a form and purpose for our lives. They are rooted in ancient traditions and grounded in the Bible and Jesus, serving as a guide for living the good life. This connection runs deep, as Catholics belong to the mystical body of Jesus, and Christ's life is meant to get into us on a cellular level. A key aspect of this belief is the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. When we receive the bread and wine during communion, it is not just symbolic, but the substance of the elements changes into the body and blood of Christ through God's power. This transformation is a reminder of the profound impact our words and actions can have on reality, and the importance of reflecting on our sins and striving for the joy of resurrection.

    • Acknowledging and confronting sins for true spiritual growthTrue spiritual growth requires acknowledging and confronting sins, not avoiding or focusing excessively on them. Sacred stories like Dante's Divine Comedy and the Christian Easter reflect this process and offer revolutionary messages of God's love overcoming injustice.

      True spiritual growth involves acknowledging and confronting our sins, rather than trying to avoid them or focusing excessively on them. This process of going down to go up is reflected in various spiritual traditions and stories, including Dante's Divine Comedy and the Christian Easter story. However, it's important not to domesticate or commercialize these sacred stories, as they carry revolutionary messages that challenge the power of the world and point to God's love as more powerful than injustice, violence, and corruption. By sharing these stories with the next generations and engaging in spiritual practices, we can help young people connect with their hearts and souls, and counteract the existential problem of disaffiliation from religion.

    • Challenging Expectations: Christmas and Easter StoriesThe Christmas and Easter stories offer subversive perspectives, emphasizing spiritual truths and challenging popular expectations. Remembering and sharing these stories keeps the focus on their deeper meanings, especially during declining church attendance.

      Both the Christmas and Easter stories challenge our expectations and offer a subversive perspective. In the case of Christmas, Luke's account contrasts the powerful Roman emperor with the humble birth of Jesus, emphasizing the spiritual truth that the baby king has an angelic army. Easter, on the other hand, doesn't have a fixed date and is connected to the cosmic reality through the moon. These stories serve as reminders of the deeper spiritual truths that lie beneath the popular traditions and celebrations. It's essential to remember and share these stories, even as we enjoy the festivities, to keep the focus on the true meaning behind them. Additionally, the declining church attendance, particularly among the young, is a significant concern that requires attention and efforts to address.

    • Meeting young people on social mediaTo engage young people, priests and religious leaders should use social media to present faith authentically, involve them in outreach, and provide support for mental health struggles.

      To connect with young people and bring them back to the church, priests and other religious leaders must meet them where they are through social media. This means presenting the faith in a true, beautiful, and compelling way, and involving them in outreach to the poor. Young people today are struggling with depression and anxiety, and a strong religious foundation could help them cope. The lack of connection and interaction with live humans, as well as the absence of beauty and grandeur in religious spaces, can make faith feel unappealing or even jarring. Research by Jean Twenge supports this idea, highlighting the importance of faith in helping young people navigate the challenges of modern life.

    • The role of religion in mental health and human flourishingThe absence of a transcendent point of reference can lead to depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation among young people. Religion, when properly understood, can provide a sense of meaning and connection essential for human flourishing.

      The loss of religious belief and increased screen time are contributing factors to rising rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation among young people. The speaker argues that people have a deep need for a transcendent point of reference, and when that's absent, they may turn to false gods or empty values. The speaker also criticizes the "woke" culture for promoting an antagonistic social theory that sets people against each other, leading to division and emptiness. The speaker believes that religion, properly understood, can provide a sense of meaning and connection that is essential for human flourishing. However, there is ongoing debate about how to express religious beliefs respectfully and inclusively in a diverse society.

    • Declaring Christ as King challenges our understanding of power and authorityThe declaration of Christ as King reminds us that our rights and freedoms come from God, not earthly authorities, and calls for renewed understanding, not division.

      The declaration of Christ as King challenges our understanding of power and authority. This concept, rooted in Christian history, was instituted in response to the rise of totalitarian regimes that absolutized the state. The irony lies in the fact that the one with no worldly power or authority, Jesus, is declared the King. This declaration is a call for renewed understanding, not a divisive "us against them" mentality. It's essential to remember that our rights and freedoms do not come from earthly authorities, but from God. Misinterpreting this as "Christian nationalism" can lead to dangerous political situations, as seen in the 20th century totalitarian regimes where rights were doled out and taken back by the state. The importance of recognizing the divine origin of our rights is a crucial reminder for our political leaders and institutions.

    • Culture values individual freedom over traditional moral valuesThe absence of religion in modern society has led to a culture that prioritizes individual freedom over traditional moral values, resulting in issues like wokeism, depression, anxiety, debauchery, and a loss of hierarchy of values.

      The absence of religion in modern society, as seen in the public and private spheres, has led to a culture that values individual freedom over traditional moral values. This shift has resulted in the proliferation of issues such as wokeism, depression, anxiety, debauchery, and a loss of hierarchy of values. The individual's ego has taken the place of God as the determiner of meaning, purpose, and value in life. This mindset, as the speaker argues, is dangerous and leads to a culture that is unrecognizable to our founding fathers. The speaker also emphasizes that this breakdown in religion has contributed to the normalization of graphic content in media and the loss of traditional moral guidelines.

    • Bob Dylan's Music Inspired Speaker's Spiritual Growth and Love for Poetry and LanguageBob Dylan's unique vocal style and use of language deeply influenced speaker's spiritual growth, sparked interest in poetry, and led him to learn guitar and play Dylan's songs. Dylan's impact extended to personal life, leading speaker to visit homes of admired musicians.

      Bob Dylan's music has deeply influenced the speaker's spiritual growth and connection to poetry and language, with biblical themes being a significant inspiration throughout his career. The speaker's fascination with Dylan began at a young age when he heard him perform at The Concert For Bangladesh. Dylan's unique vocal style and use of language moved the speaker and sparked an interest in poetry and eventually led him to learn the guitar and play Dylan's songs. The speaker's admiration for Dylan also extends to his personal life, as he has gone to great lengths to visit the homes of musicians he admires, including an encounter with the police while searching for Bruce Springsteen's house. Overall, Bob Dylan's music and artistic expression have left a profound impact on the speaker's life and development.

    • A chance encounter at a Capuchin Friary leads to Shia LaBeouf's spiritual transformationAn unexpected conversation with Megyn Kelly at a friary inspired Shia LaBeouf's spiritual journey, leading him to publicly express his newfound faith and eventually get confirmed into the Catholic Church.

      The encounter between Megyn Kelly and Shia LaBeouf at a Capuchin Friary led to a profound spiritual transformation for the actor. LaBeouf, who was raised with a Catholic father and Jewish mother, was researching a role about Padre Pio, a Capuchin friar, and sought guidance from the friars. During one of Kelly's talks to the deacons at the friary, she met LaBeouf and they struck up a conversation about prayer and spirituality. LaBeouf was moved by the experience and expressed his newfound spirituality in a public talk, which reached millions of people. Inspired by this, Kelly agreed to perform his confirmation into the Catholic Church, marking a significant milestone in his spiritual journey. This encounter highlights the power of meaningful interactions and the impact they can have on personal growth.

    • Finding silence and quieting the mind for spiritual growthIn today's distracted world, finding silence and quieting the mind is essential for spiritual growth and listening to God's voice.

      Finding silence and quieting the mind is a crucial first step towards loving thoughts, actions, and ultimately, peace. This idea, as shared by the speaker during the conversation, was inspired by Mother Teresa's approach to spiritual growth. The speaker emphasized that this concept is especially relevant in today's distracted world, where constant stimulation from devices can make it challenging for individuals to find silence and listen to God's voice. Additionally, the speaker shared their personal experiences of transitioning from being an auxiliary bishop in a large archdiocese to becoming the bishop of a smaller diocese in Minnesota. They highlighted the importance of preaching and teaching the Christian faith as the primary role of a bishop, especially in today's context where articulating the essence of the faith is more necessary than ever. The speaker also shared some light-hearted anecdotes about minor misadventures during homilies, acknowledging that even while performing, there can be unexpected interruptions.

    • The Importance of Substance and Time in PreachingEffective preaching requires a deep understanding of the Bible, cultural sensitivity, and rhetorical skills, as well as a personal connection to the message.

      Effective preaching involves substance and time, as the speaker shares his experience of the discomfort of long contact lenses during a homily and the importance of giving the congregation a meaningful message. The speaker also discusses the challenges of teaching preaching due to its complexity, involving biblical interpretation, cultural understanding, and rhetorical skills. He shares his personal story of discovering his religious vocation through an intellectual interest in philosophy, which eventually led him to consider the priesthood. Despite not having a particularly religious upbringing, an encounter with a Dominican friar's argument for God's existence sparked a deep interest and set him on the path to the priesthood.

    • Returning to faith during times of doubtDuring spiritual struggles, instead of disengaging, use opportunities like Easter to reconnect with faith and allow God's grace to work on you.

      During times of doubt or disconnection from faith, it's important not to disengage further. Instead, Bishop Barron encourages Catholics, and people of faith in general, to use moments like Easter as an opportunity to reconnect. He believes that deep down, individuals still have a longing for the spiritual connection they once had. Therefore, Bishop Barron advises returning to the faith and allowing the grace of God to work on them once more. This can be seen as a secondary cause for receiving God's grace. So, for those who have wandered away from their faith, Bishop Barron's message is to come back and give it another chance. This Easter, consider taking his words as a divine invitation to rediscover the spiritual life that may still be calling you.

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    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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