
    Your Height — and Your Children’s Height — Shouldn’t Matter

    enFebruary 09, 2023
    How did Altman's height affect her childhood experiences?
    What societal pressures did Altman face regarding her height?
    What treatments did Altman consider for her children's height?
    What challenges did Altman encounter while using growth hormone?
    How did Altman find strength despite her short stature?

    Podcast Summary

    • Childhood and adult experiences of feeling shortSocietal pressure to conform to height standards can negatively impact individuals, leading to feelings of inadequacy and potential consideration of harmful treatments.

      Height has been a significant factor in Mara Altman's life since childhood. She recalls always knowing she was shorter than her peers and experiencing the challenges that came with it, such as not being able to reach the drinking fountain or being picked up by others. Despite her parents' attempts to reassure her with phrases like "good things come in small packages," she still felt the pressure to grow taller. This pressure continued into adulthood, leading her to consider growth hormone injections for her own children. Altman's experience highlights the societal obsession with height and the negative impact it can have on individuals who don't conform to the preferred standard. Despite the challenges, Altman encourages us to embrace our uniqueness and challenge the tyranny of tallness.

    • Childhood challenges and growth hormonesDespite facing challenges due to her short stature, the interviewee found strength in her unique circumstances and excelled in sports. However, her parents' concern led to growth hormone treatments, shaping her identity in a complex way.

      Despite facing challenges due to her short stature during her childhood, the interviewee found strength and identity in her unique circumstances, such as excelling in wrestling and gymnastics. However, her parents became concerned about her height and decided to put her on growth hormones after her 12th birthday party, fearing she would be isolated due to her size. The interviewee was diagnosed as borderline growth hormone deficient, and the hormone injections were intended to help her reach a height that would make her less noticeable. The experience of being short was a complex one for the interviewee, bringing both challenges and opportunities, and ultimately shaping her sense of self.

    • Comparing childhood growth hormone treatment to adult fertility treatmentGrowing up with a hormonal deficiency and using synthetic growth hormone led to a significant increase in appetite and improved overall health.

      Growing up as a child with a hormonal deficiency can be compared to the experience of a 41-year-old seeking fertility treatment. The excitement around a lack of puberty signs in a preteen is significant because it determines the window of opportunity for growth. Human growth hormone, which helps stimulate growth, maintain metabolism, and improve bone density, was a new synthetic treatment when the speaker began using it in 1994. Prior to that, growth hormone was obtained from cadavers, which led to contamination issues. The speaker experienced minimal side effects, such as a strange taste in her mouth and learning to administer self-injections. However, she noticed a significant increase in appetite, which allowed her to eat more food than before. Overall, the experience of using growth hormone during childhood was both challenging and rewarding.

    • A woman's journey to accept her short statureDespite undergoing growth hormone injections, her height didn't significantly impact her life as an adult. Her personal experience and new perspective led her to challenge societal expectations and embrace her short stature.

      Despite feeling shame and keeping it a secret, a woman shared her experience of undergoing growth hormone injections for several years during her adolescence to help her reach a desirable height. Although it was a significant part of her life during that period, her height didn't significantly impact her life as an adult, and she rarely thought about it. However, when she had twins, she started questioning societal norms surrounding height and wrote an essay advocating for the acceptance and celebration of shortness. Her personal experience and new perspective led her to challenge societal expectations and embrace her short stature.

    • Reflections on Growing Up Small and Raising Small ChildrenMara shares her experiences growing up with dwarfism and raising twins with potential health issues related to their size. She emphasizes the importance of addressing potential health concerns and fostering inclusive conversations around body size.

      The speaker, Mara, had an experience with her newborn twins where they were extensively examined by medical professionals due to concerns about their size and potential health issues related to dwarfism. This experience brought back memories and questions about her own experiences growing up with her short stature. As her twins have grown older, she has noticed people commenting on their height in a loving but comparative way, and she has become more aware of the cultural significance of height in daily conversations. Mara reflects on how these experiences have shaped her perspective and how she plans to help her children navigate similar situations in the future. The conversation also highlights the importance of understanding and addressing the potential health concerns related to dwarfism and the importance of inclusive and accepting conversations around differences in body size.

    • Bias towards height in societyBe mindful of language and actions around children, avoiding statements that elevate height above other qualities. Consider the potential benefits of being shorter and challenge the bias towards height.

      Height holds a significant bias in our society, leading us to unintentionally value tallness over other attributes. This bias is deeply ingrained in our language and culture, with phrases like "tall drink of water" reinforcing the notion that tall equals superior. This mentality can negatively impact children, setting the tone that success is determined by surpassing others in height. To combat this, it's essential to be mindful of our words and actions around children, avoiding statements that elevate height above other qualities. Additionally, questioning the value we place on height and considering the potential benefits of being shorter, such as resource conservation and longer lifespan, can help shift our perspective. While this discussion primarily focused on the experiences of women, it's crucial to extend this acceptance to short men as well. Overall, it's essential to challenge the antiquated bias towards height and embrace the unique strengths and qualities that come in all sizes.

    • Impact of societal norms on medical interventionsSocietal norms have influenced medical interventions, such as estrogen use for tall girls in the 1950s, and continue to shape debates over growth hormone treatments for children today. Careful consideration of individual needs, benefits, risks, and societal context is crucial before making a decision.

      Societal norms and expectations have a significant impact on medical interventions. In the 1950s, tall girls were given large amounts of estrogen to induce early puberty and reach their genetic height potential. However, this practice ended not due to ethical concerns or medical relevance, but because societal attitudes towards tall girls changed, leading to increased acceptance and opportunities. Today, there is growing debate over medical interventions for children diagnosed with growth hormone deficiencies, particularly for those who are short. While some argue that these interventions can improve quality of life, others express concerns about long-term side effects and the potential for reinforcing harmful societal beauty standards. Ultimately, the decision to pursue such interventions should be based on a careful consideration of the individual child's needs, the potential benefits and risks, and the broader societal context. As a parent, it's essential to reinforce a child's core sense of self and encourage them to feel comfortable in their own skin.

    • Balancing Natural Growth and Parental ConcernsParents face intricate decisions about their child's development, including height. Fear influences choices, and striking a balance between addressing concerns and natural growth is vital.

      Parents grapple with complex decisions regarding their children's well-being and development, including physical attributes like height. The speaker shares her perspective of allowing her child to develop naturally, while her husband, influenced by his background in computer security, sees potential vulnerabilities and pitfalls, leading him to consider interventions. Fear plays a significant role in parenting decisions, and striking a balance between addressing concerns and allowing natural growth is essential. Ultimately, every parent's experience and perspective are unique, and open communication and understanding are crucial in navigating these challenges.

    • A Mother's Love and Societal PressureA mother's fear for her child's future struggles drove her to make a controversial decision, but the speaker disagrees with the notion that size determines worth or attention.

      A mother's decision to give her child growth hormone treatment at a young age, despite her own disagreement with the practice, was driven by her desire for her child to fit in and not face the challenges of being small. The speaker, Mara, shares her personal experience of growing up small and happy, without anxiety or depression, but her mother's fear of potential future struggles led her to undergo the treatment. Mara expresses her understanding and compassion for her mother's choice, but also her disagreement with the idea that size determines worth or attention. The speaker's mother continues to encourage her to ensure her children's growth and development, despite her differing views. This complex family dynamic sheds light on the multifaceted nature of parental love and the pressure to conform to societal norms.

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