
    Your Income Is a Key Ingredient to Building Wealth

    en-usJanuary 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Sense of security from savings vs debtWhile savings provide security, debt creates a false sense and hinders progress. Debt snowball method prioritizes savings before debt to create discomfort and motivate quick repayment.

      While having savings can provide a sense of security, carrying debt can create a false sense of security and hinder progress towards financial freedom. The order of the baby steps in the debt snowball method, which includes saving $1,000 before tackling debt, may seem counterintuitive, but it's designed to create a sense of discomfort that motivates individuals to pay off debt as quickly as possible. Once debt is eliminated, individuals can save and invest their money more effectively. The emotional attachment to savings can sometimes prevent people from addressing their debt, but it's essential to remember that the real risk comes from the debt itself and the consequences of not paying it off.

    • Focus on debt repayment for faster financial progressPrioritize debt repayment over saving or investing to get out of debt faster and secure a stronger financial future

      Focusing on debt repayment before investing, even if it means pausing other forms of saving, can help individuals get out of debt faster and secure their financial future. This principle, known as the "debt snowball method," allows individuals to make larger payments towards their debt and ultimately save more in the long run. While it may be tempting to continue investing while paying off debt, doing so can actually slow down the debt repayment process and potentially lead to dipping into retirement savings during emergencies. By prioritizing debt repayment and living below their means, individuals can build a strong financial foundation and set themselves up for long-term success.

    • Smart financial decision to buy a new car with bonusUsing a bonus wisely for a car purchase is a smart financial decision, especially when income, savings, and lack of debt allow for it. Enjoy your hard-earned rewards without worrying about others' opinions.

      The individual in question, despite being young and financially well-off, faced a dilemma about using a substantial bonus towards buying a new car. The financial advisors on the show emphasized that given the individual's income, savings, and lack of debt, it was a smart financial decision to accept the bonus and use it towards the purchase of a car, even if it was more expensive than initially intended. They also advised against worrying about what others might think and encouraged enjoying the hard-earned reward. The individual also shared that they were using their income to finance their education while continuing to work, and the advisors acknowledged their dedication and hard work. Overall, the takeaway is that with careful consideration and smart financial planning, it's possible to make significant financial gains and enjoy the fruits of one's labor.

    • Focus on increasing income instead of solely relying on selling a houseIn a competitive market, prioritize finding full-time employment or additional income sources to manage expenses effectively until the house sells or a decision is made about the extra property.

      A couple facing difficulties selling their house in a competitive market with new constructions around should focus on increasing their income instead of solely relying on selling the house. They have two paid-for homes and $1,100 expenses, but their low income makes it a burden. To alleviate this, they need to prioritize finding full-time employment for the husband or additional income sources until they can sell the house or decide what to do with the extra property. This situation highlights the importance of having a stable income to manage expenses effectively.

    • A Minnesota Couple's Debt-Free JourneyBy focusing on careers, eliminating unnecessary expenses, and committing to a budget, a Minnesota couple paid off $165,000 worth of debt in 47 months.

      A couple from Minnesota paid off $165,000 worth of debt over 47 months by focusing on their careers, eliminating unnecessary expenses, and committing to a budget. They started with a HELOC, a car loan, and a credit card, but found themselves "being sloppy" and moving debt around. After realizing the tiring cycle of revolving debts, they turned to Dave Ramsey's principles and tightened their budget, cutting out unnecessary expenses and adopting a cash-based lifestyle. Their commitment began with paying off a tuition payment in cash and continued with fully embracing the budgeting process. Although there was initial reluctance, once they saw the budget's success, they were fully bought in. Their journey included camping, ice fishing, and other experiences that helped them prioritize and enjoy life without debt.

    • Turning budgeting into a fun experienceInvolve family, use visual tools, and celebrate milestones to make budgeting enjoyable and effective in paying off debts

      Budgeting doesn't have to be a chore or a punishment. Melissa and her family turned their budgeting process into a fun and engaging experience by using visual representations of their financial goals, such as a Tetris-like chart for paying off debts and a balloon image for their mortgage. They also involved their children in the process, making it a family journey. Through consistent communication and motivation from their loved ones, they paid off $165,000 in debt in just 47 months. This example shows that with the right mindset and tools, anyone can turn their financial situation around and celebrate their milestones along the way.

    • Prioritizing Financial Planning During Life TransitionsCommunicate openly about finances, set goals, and secure affordable term life insurance to protect your future during life transitions.

      As you enter new stages of life, such as graduating from pharmacy school and getting married, it's essential to prioritize your financial planning. Jacob and his fiancé are about to face a significant income increase, but they also have student loans and other debts. They plan to marry in the fall, but have not yet decided who will pay for the wedding. It's important for them to communicate openly about their financial situations and goals, and make decisions together about what they can afford. Regarding insurance, term life insurance is affordable and easy to obtain without exams, making it a crucial step in protecting their future. Don't delay in securing your family's financial well-being. For more personalized advice, visit Zander Insurance at zander.com or call 800-356-4282.

    • Focus on paying off debts and building an emergency fundPay off smallest debts first, save for an emergency fund, and consider combining finances through marriage for legal protection and efficient debt repayment

      In order to improve your financial situation, it's essential to understand your debts and start paying them off as soon as possible. This means focusing on the smallest debts first and saving up for an emergency fund once they're paid off. Additionally, combining finances through marriage can offer legal protection and allow for more efficient debt repayment. So, if you're in a committed relationship and planning to get married, it may be worth considering getting legally married earlier than your wedding date to start the financial benefits right away. This can help you make progress on your debts and set a strong foundation for your future financial goals.

    • Mixing retirement and insurance is not idealInvesting in a life insurance to retirement plan may not yield as much growth as investing in a mutual fund or index fund for retirement savings

      Combining retirement and insurance is generally not a good idea. Insurance is intended to manage risk, while retirement savings are meant to build wealth. During the discussion on the Ramsey Show, it was pointed out that an investment in a life insurance to retirement plan (LIRP) may not be the most effective way to grow retirement savings. Over six years, a caller had invested $28,800 in a LIRP, but if they had instead invested that money in a mutual fund or index fund, they could have potentially earned significantly more. It's essential to understand the role of each financial tool and use them effectively to achieve your financial goals.

    • Insurance investments vs mutual fundsInvesting in mutual funds, especially growth stock mutual funds, yields better returns over the long term compared to insurance products. Save 15% of monthly income for retirement and avoid borrowing against insurance policies.

      Whatever savings or growth you accumulate through an insurance investment product may not be passed on or available to you after your lifetime. During the discussion, it was emphasized that investing in mutual funds, especially growth stock mutual funds, would yield better returns over the long term compared to insurance products. The speaker also recommended investing 15% of gross monthly income into retirement funds as a more effective strategy. He also advised against borrowing against the cash value of insurance policies and instead, getting term life insurance coverage. The ultimate goal is to self-insure and build wealth through regular investments, which wealthy individuals typically do. It's important to consider the long-term implications of your investment choices and weigh the benefits against the potential risks.

    • The importance of considering factors beyond stability and benefits in job decisionsDon't let fear of the unknown keep you from pursuing better opportunities. Explore options and prioritize long-term financial growth and career satisfaction over short-term security.

      Stability and benefits of a job should not be the sole factors in deciding whether to stay in a position or not, especially if it means taking a significant pay cut. The speaker argues that benefits can be obtained elsewhere and that fear of the unknown should not prevent individuals from seeking better opportunities. He uses the analogy of sunk cost fallacy, where people continue to invest in something that is failing, to describe the mindset of staying in a job that is not beneficial. Instead, individuals should explore their options and step out of their comfort zone to find a better fit. Ultimately, it's important to prioritize long-term financial growth and career satisfaction over short-term security.

    • Learning from Mistakes and Focusing on ImprovementChoose wisely, learn from mistakes, and focus on improvement in all areas of life, including investments and retirement planning.

      While it's important to prioritize quality in various aspects of life, such as investments and choices, it's also crucial to learn from mistakes and focus on improvement. During a conversation on The Ramsey Show, a listener shared an anecdote about choosing a "good" wine over a "better" one during a taste test. The speaker emphasized the importance of not making the same mistake in other areas, like paint or investments. Another caller, Brandi, asked for advice on retirement planning as public school teachers. The speakers suggested counting the mandatory pension contributions towards the recommended 15% savings goal, and advised choosing a good investment mix in a 403b account. Ultimately, the message is to prioritize quality, learn from mistakes, and focus on growth, even when faced with financial challenges.

    • Focus on increasing income to break the cycle of living with family and pursue financial goalsConsider multiple sources of income, no matter the pay, and aim to move out to gain control over finances and minimize distractions

      It's essential to focus on increasing income to break the cycle of living with family and to make progress in paying off debts. The speaker, an Instructional Assistant (IA) at a middle school, shared her experience of working multiple jobs to make ends meet and pursue her goals. She encouraged the listener to consider additional sources of income, even if they don't pay as much as desired, as every dollar earned is valuable in the process of financial improvement. The speaker also emphasized the importance of moving out of the family home to gain more control over personal finances and to minimize distractions and external pressures. The IA's debt was $65,000, but the focus was on taking actionable steps towards increasing income and financial independence.

    • Overcoming Significant Debt: Prioritizing Repayment and Taking Drastic MeasuresTo get out of significant debt, prioritize repayment and consider extreme measures like selling possessions or using alternative transportation. Maintain an emergency fund for unexpected expenses, but keep sinking funds separate.

      The speaker is currently dealing with significant debt from a car and student loans, totaling around 60,000 dollars. They also have smaller loans and a credit card debt adding up to a few thousand dollars. The speaker's goal is to get out of these debts as soon as possible, even if it means extreme measures like selling their car for a cheaper one or using a razor scooter to commute. The importance of prioritizing debt repayment and taking drastic steps to get out of debt was emphasized in the conversation. Additionally, the speaker discussed the importance of having an emergency fund for unexpected expenses, but the funds set aside for future purchases (sinking funds) should not be included in the emergency fund.

    • Saving for Different Goals: Emergency, Sinking, and RetirementUnexpected expenses and rent increases can make saving for long-term goals challenging, but evaluating options and making informed decisions based on individual circumstances is essential.

      There are three categories for saving: emergency funds for unexpected, necessary, and urgent expenses; sinking funds for planned, non-urgent expenses; and retirement savings. The speaker, Megan, was concerned about staying within the 25% rule for housing expenses, but her rent had increased, making it difficult for her to save for a house. The experts suggested evaluating the long-term trend of rent increases and considering options like negotiating with the landlord or finding a more affordable place to live. The key takeaway is that while it's important to stay within budget guidelines, unexpected expenses and rent increases can make saving for long-term goals challenging. It's essential to evaluate options and make informed decisions based on individual circumstances.

    • Consider retirement savings or getting a roommate if saving for a down payment is taking too longIf down payment savings take over two years, reconsider retirement contributions or get a roommate. Explore side hustles or passive income for extra cash, but prioritize mental well-being.

      If saving for a down payment is taking more than two years, it may be necessary to start contributing to retirement again, even if it's just the employer match. Additionally, considering getting a roommate to help with living expenses and potentially save for a down payment faster is an option. It's important to remember that these guidelines are flexible and not set in stone. Lastly, making extra income through side hustles or passive income streams can help speed up the process, but it's also important to rest and enjoy hobbies for mental well-being. Overall, the key is to stay disciplined with budgeting and finding creative ways to increase income while saving for a down payment.

    • Find ways to save time and focus on getting out of debtSuccessful people prioritize their time and finances, avoiding distractions like excessive TV watching to focus on debt repayment and financial improvement.

      In order to get out of debt, it may be necessary to make sacrifices and work hard, even if that means sacrificing leisure activities like watching Netflix. The speaker encourages people to do a time audit to find ways to make better use of their time and focus on getting out of debt. Millionaires and successful people generally don't spend a lot of time watching TV or focusing on other people's lives, but instead take action to improve their own financial situations. It's important to prioritize and focus on your own goals and finances, rather than getting distracted by external sources of information or entertainment.

    • Reducing stress and eliminating debt for better rest and financial healthPrioritize debt repayment, build an emergency fund, make a budget, and stick to it for improved financial health and reduced stress

      Focusing on reducing stress and eliminating debt can lead to better rest and improved financial health. The speaker shares his personal experience of being exhausted not just from lack of sleep, but from the stress of financial obligations. He advises listeners to prioritize debt repayment and building an emergency fund, and encourages them to make a budget and stick to it. During the call-in segment, a listener shares his situation of having disposable income and no debt, but only having saved $3,000. The speaker advises him to beef up his savings to at least three to six months' worth of expenses before considering other financial goals.

    • Balancing Retirement and Home SavingsConsider setting aside funds for a home down payment while continuing to save for retirement. Longer investment timelines and larger down payments can lead to greater savings benefits.

      The individual in this conversation is doing a great job saving for retirement, but they're also considering other financial goals such as buying a house. The financial advisor suggests starting to save for a down payment, as real estate prices may continue to rise. They recommend setting aside a portion of income for this purpose, and considering a longer investment timeline for the funds. The advisor also suggests considering the benefits of buying a house outright with a large down payment. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of balancing multiple financial goals and considering different investment strategies to reach those goals.

    • Multiple savings and investment accounts contribute to financial goalsConsistently contribute to various accounts and seek professional guidance for diversification and discipline in reaching financial goals.

      Having multiple savings and investment accounts can significantly contribute to reaching financial goals, even if it seems daunting. The speaker used an example of a caller's retirement savings to illustrate this point, emphasizing the importance of consistency in contributions and diversification in accounts. The caller's situation also highlighted the importance of seeking guidance from financial professionals and staying disciplined. Additionally, the show featured a debt-free success story of a couple who paid off over $122,000 in debt in 60 months by staying committed to a budget and finding financial education resources.

    • The power of family support in getting out of debtFamily support and commitment to a proven plan can help individuals overcome debt and secure their financial future

      Having the right guidance and support from family can make a significant difference in getting out of debt. The story shared highlights how the speaker's son, David, inspired his parents to stick to the Financial Peace University program and helped them stay disciplined and accountable. Through their journey, they discovered the importance of following the steps in the program and avoiding distractions that could derail their progress. Ultimately, their dedication and commitment to the process paid off, allowing them to pay off their debts and prepare for retirement. The experience underscores the importance of seeking help and staying committed to a proven plan to achieve financial freedom.

    • Over 60 and debt-free: Joe and Kat's inspiring journeyRegardless of age or debt amount, the debt snowball method can help anyone become debt-free

      No matter what your age or financial situation, it's never too late to start paying off debt and improving your financial situation. Joe and Kat, who started their debt-free journey at the ages of 61 and 58 respectively, paid off $122,749 in 60 months with the help of their son, David. Even with significant debts, including a car worth less than what they owed and substantial student loans, they were able to make progress by focusing on their income and prioritizing their spending. Their story serves as a reminder that the baby steps outlined in the debt snowball method, popularized by financial expert Dave Ramsey, can be effective for anyone. So, if you're feeling overwhelmed by debt, start where you are and take the first step today.

    • Budgeting and intentional spendingCreating a budget helps understand income and expenses, reducing debt, and making intentional decisions about possessions. Selling unwanted items can help gain momentum towards financial freedom.

      Having a higher income doesn't necessarily mean living beyond your means. The speaker in this conversation emphasizes the importance of creating a budget to understand your income and expenses, and making intentional decisions about your debt and possessions. He encourages selling a car that isn't desired to reduce debt and gain momentum towards financial freedom. While there's no wrong decision, the speaker senses the interviewee's readiness to make changes. The conversation also touches upon the challenge of maintaining financial discipline when income increases, and the importance of recognizing and removing financial mistakes.

    • Options for paying off a car loan when the car is worth lessIf your car loan exceeds the car's value, consider saving cash, taking a loan from a credit union, or selling the car privately to reduce overall debt and move towards financial freedom. If car payments consume more than 50% of household income, consider selling and finding a more affordable option.

      If you find yourself in an upside down situation with a car loan, where you owe more than the car is worth, there are options to get out of it. One way is to save up the difference in cash and use it to pay off the loan when you sell the car. If you don't have the cash, you could consider taking out a loan from a credit union to cover the difference. In either case, you'll be reducing your overall debt and moving towards financial freedom. It's important to note that if your car payments are more than 50% of your household income, it might be time to consider selling the car and finding a more affordable option. Additionally, selling a car privately can help you get the best value for it. And remember, a credit union is often a better option than a high-interest credit card for borrowing the necessary funds.

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    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

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    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    Financial Responsibilities - Balance between Saving Money and Living Life

    Financial Responsibilities - Balance between Saving Money and Living Life

    In today's episode, we are talking all things money and finances with none other than the extremely knowledgeable financial coach Lesley Ihionkhan. 

    Lesley is an expert in this field, and aside from a busy day job as a Product Manager and MBA Student, she’s also the founder and executive director of Common Wealth Coaching, a service that empowers young professionals with confidence and tools to build generational wealth and financial freedom. 

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    Most of all, we hope this episode will leave you with more comfort that you're not alone in this daunting topic that money & finances can present for so many of us!  

    Follow / reach out to Lesley on Twitter: @LIhionkhan and her coaching business Common Wealth Coaching: https://cmmnwealthcoach.com/ 

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    As we continue to create more content, we'd love to hear from you! How do these topics resonate? What topics would you like us to cover next?

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    Should We Pause Investments To Pay Off Debt? (Hour 2)
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