
    Your Laziness is Trying to Tell You Something | GVTV Classic

    enAugust 30, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Creating unique experiences through personal connectionsGary Vaynerchuk values genuine connections with his audience and uses personal platforms to engage and create opportunities, ultimately making his time the ultimate prize.

      Gary Vaynerchuk values building genuine connections with his audience and using various platforms to create access and opportunities for them. He shared how he met a podcast guest, Jimmy, through a text messaging platform where he creates exclusive content and engages with fans. Jimmy, who has been consuming Gary's content since 2009, was chosen based on his application to be a podcast guest. Gary emphasized the importance of bringing value and building trust in digital spaces, especially when it comes to using personal information like phone numbers. This approach allows him to create unique experiences and connections with his audience, ultimately making his time the ultimate prize in a world where content is often given away for free.

    • Transformative Impact of Social Media on Customer ServiceEmbrace social media for effective customer engagement and satisfaction by humanizing businesses and fostering meaningful connections.

      Social media, particularly Twitter, had a transformative impact on customer service and business interactions even a decade ago. The story shared highlights how an employee went above and beyond to address a customer's complaint on Twitter, leading to a positive outcome. However, the business was not fully prepared for this shift and resisted such initiatives. Fast forward to the present, social media has become an integral part of our lives and businesses, but we're still not fully harnessing its potential for effective customer engagement and satisfaction. The speaker's experience with Gary Vaynerchuk's "Thank You Economy" further emphasized the importance of embracing this change and running businesses with a customer-centric approach. Ultimately, the power of social media lies in its ability to humanize businesses and foster meaningful connections with customers.

    • Navigating unexpected reactions to social media successOnline success can bring unexpected reactions from loved ones, but most come to terms with it. Flexibility and challenges come with everyday life, including jobs like driving for Uber and Lyft, and personal passions like collecting CDs.

      Winning on social media can bring unexpected reactions from those closest to us. The speaker shared a story about waking up his girlfriend to tell her about a tweet victory, only to be met with disbelief and indifference. He also discussed how some of his friends still hold negative opinions about him, but most have come to terms with his online persona. Another topic of conversation was the speaker's current job as an Uber and Lyft driver, where he enjoys the flexibility but faces challenges like increased competition and wear and tear on his car. Lastly, they touched upon the speaker's love for music and his fascination with potential CD collection arbitrages. Overall, the conversation showcased the unique experiences and challenges that come with both online success and everyday life.

    • Finding value in seemingly worthless itemsBuying a used calculator for a dollar and selling it for $70 shows the potential profits from recognizing value in seemingly worthless items. Reflect on why we're lazy in certain tasks to better understand our motivations.

      Sometimes finding value in seemingly worthless items can lead to significant profits through flipping. The speaker shares a personal story of buying a used scientific calculator from a thrift store for a dollar and selling it on eBay for $70. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the potential value in items, even when others may not. Additionally, the speaker discusses the concept of laziness and how it can be a good thing if used as a balance to other aspects of life, rather than an escape from them. He encourages listeners to consider why they might be lazy in certain tasks and to use that information to better understand their motivations. Overall, the conversation highlights the potential rewards of being observant, resourceful, and reflective.

    • Exploring individual sources of happiness and motivationRecognize and accept unique sources of joy, embrace self-awareness, and avoid apologizing for being 'lazy' as it may lead to new interests and hobbies

      It's important to recognize and accept that everyone has different sources of happiness and motivation, and that what may seem lazy to some can actually be a sign of self-awareness and a stepping stone towards finding what truly fulfills us. The speaker in this conversation shared his love for buying and selling items, even if it meant getting up early on weekends and dealing with the logistics. He also acknowledged that this activity gave him a thrill that he didn't get from other things, such as school or housework. The conversation also touched on the idea that people should stop apologizing for being "lazy" and instead use it as a sign to explore new interests and hobbies. The speaker also mentioned the economic aspect of his hobby and how he thought about the opportunity cost of time spent on it versus other potential sources of income. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-awareness, acceptance of individual differences, and the pursuit of what brings joy and fulfillment.

    • The power of underdog stories in sports and lifeUnderdog stories inspire us, whether in sports or life, and Twitter is a valuable tool for sharing and creating content consistently to reach a wider audience.

      The excitement of witnessing underdog teams defy the odds and win against all odds is a powerful motivator for many people, including the speaker. He uses the examples of the New York Jets' Monday Night Miracle and the Boston Red Sox's infamous loss in the 1986 World Series to illustrate this point. The speaker also shares his personal connection to these events and how they have influenced his perspective on sports and life. Furthermore, the conversation touches upon the importance of creativity and ideas in producing content consistently, with Twitter being a crucial platform for this purpose. The speaker emphasizes that producing 100 pieces of content a day is a challenging yet rewarding goal, and Twitter can significantly contribute to achieving this target. Overall, the conversation highlights the thrill of witnessing unexpected victories and the importance of staying creative and consistent in content production.

    • Creating Authentic Content on Social MediaSharing personal experiences and moments authentically can build a following on social media, even seemingly mundane moments have value, and being consistent and authentic in sharing content helps establish a personal brand.

      Creating content is simpler than many people think. It's not about having famous people follow you or filming elaborate videos. It's about capturing moments and sharing them with the world. This can be done through photos, tweets, or stories on various social media platforms. Authenticity and sharing personal experiences are key to building a following. Even seemingly mundane moments can be turned into content. It's important to remember that everyone sees the world differently, and what may not seem valuable to one person could resonate with others. Building a personal brand across social media can help establish a presence and reach a wider audience. The key is to be consistent and authentic in sharing content that reflects your interests and experiences.

    • Provide value to build opportunities for monetizationBuilding a strong personal brand doesn't solely mean monetizing your audience. Focus on providing value and opportunities for monetization will come naturally.

      While having a strong personal brand is crucial, it's not necessary to solely focus on monetizing your audience. Gary Vaynerchuk, a renowned entrepreneur and strategist, emphasized that if you build something valuable around your personal brand, you can monetize it in various ways without directly charging your audience. He used his own example of providing strategic consultations for free but charging for other services like photography. If you're passionate about photography and want to focus on it, put out the best content you can, and over time, opportunities for monetization will come to you. It's essential to find a balance between your core hobby and your means of living. For instance, Jimmy, who loves photography and traveling, could potentially visit every county in the US and monetize the experience through partnerships or sponsorships. The key is to provide value and maintain a strong personal brand.

    • Documenting every US county through photographyA determined photographer can leave a lasting legacy by extensively documenting every US county and building a strong personal brand in the stock photography industry through persistence, passion, and innovation.

      There's an opportunity for a young and determined photographer to embark on a unique journey to visit every county in the United States and document their experiences, potentially becoming the first to do so extensively and leaving a lasting legacy in the photography industry. The discussion also touched upon the importance of personal branding and creating demand for one's own work in the stock photography industry, which is a challenging two-way marketplace to build but can be a lucrative venture with the right approach. Flickr, a platform dear to many photographers, was also mentioned as a potential outlet for showcasing and building a following, despite the rise of Instagram. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of persistence, passion, and innovation in pursuing a successful career in photography.

    • Discussing solutions for photographers on stock photo platformsPhotographers can explore subscription models or build their own platform for better earnings and control on stock photo platforms.

      Photographers on stock photo platforms are not in a position of leverage due to the high supply of images. The platforms pay photographers very little per photo because they have a large pool of content creators. A potential solution suggested in the discussion is for a company to approach top photographers with a subscription model where they pay a monthly fee and give the photographers 100% of the royalties. This would give photographers more control and potentially greater earnings. The speaker also emphasized that if a photographer builds up a large enough following and platform, they could potentially create their own platform or negotiate better deals. The speaker ended the discussion by expressing gratitude for listeners who leave reviews and shared some positive reviews received recently.

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    Was bringt personal branding für eine gut positionierte Brand, zu Deutsch Marke Personal Branding kann für ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung mit einem Statussymbol verglichen werden. Der Name allein genügt, um klare Bilder in den Köpfen der Menschen entstehen zu lassen. Große Unternehmen investieren daher weitaus mehr in die Markenbildung als in die tatsächliche Werbung. Die international anerkannte Kommunikationsagentur Edelmann hat 2014 mit einer Studie belegt, dass Menschen nach wie vor am liebsten von Menschen und nicht von Firmen oder in Online-Shops kaufen. Personal branding ist daher nichts anderes als die eigene Persönlichkeit zur unverwechselbaren Marke zu entwickeln.

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    Bei einer Brand denken wir in erster Linie an internationale Großkonzerne mit klingenden Namen wie Microsoft, Coca Cola oder Google. Kleine Unternehmen senken demütig den Kopf wenn es um die eigene Markenbildung geht. “Das können wir uns niemals leisten,” ist die allgemeine Meinung. Doch gerade die eigene unverwechselbare Marke ist ein Garant für mehr Erfolg.

    Was für Unternehmen, Produkte und Dienstleistungen gilt, das gilt auch für die Persönlichkeit des Verkäufers. Der Gedanke, bei einem Menschen von einer Marke zu sprechen ist anfangs vielleicht gewöhnungsbedürftig. Doch die Brand eines Verkäufers ist der Ruf, der ihm voraus eilt und das, worüber der Kunde im nachhinein hinter seinem Rücken spricht.

    Schritte von der Persönlichkeit zur eigenen Marke

    Der sogenannte (gute) Ruf muss nicht erst gebildet werden, er entsteht grundsätzlich bei jeder Begegnung mi tMenschen. Es sind jene viel zitierten ersten Eindrücke, die bereits in die eine oder andere Richtung prägen. Hinzu kommt, dass es inzwischen beinahe unmöglich geworden ist, im Internet keine Spuren zu hinterlassen.

    Die Wichtigkeit eines positiven Rufs ist unumstritten. Auch für Freiberufler oder kleine Betriebe. Und jeder weiß, dass man auf einen Ruf nur bedingt Einfluss hat. Er entwickelt sich, zieht Kreise und lässt sich nur bis zu einem gewissen Grad aktiv prägen. Genauso verhält es sich mit der eigenen Marke / Brand.

    Eine Marke muss nicht erst gestaltet werden, sie ist schon da…. immer – je nachdem wie ich als Unternehmen auftrete.

    Wie ist es mit deinen Namen in Verbindung mit deiner Region oder Branche? Was findest du? Deine Firmenwebsite, ein Profil zu einem sozialen Netzwerk, vielleicht sogar eine Bewertung?

    Wenn du die Marke als Ruf verstehst, erkennst du jetzt: Es gibt sie schon. Die Frage ist nur, überlässt du anderen das Bilden deiner Personal Brand oder nimmst du das Ruder selbst in die Hand?

    Werden Sie ihre eigene Marke!

    Es ist der Mensch, was eine persönliche Marke von einer klassischen Marke unterscheidet. Eine Studie von Edelman aus dem Jahr 2014 belegt, dass Menschen am liebsten von Menschen kaufen. Somit wird wohl auch der persönliche Verkauf durch die Digitalsierung nicht aussterben

    Social Selling im Vertrieb

    Jeder Vertriebsmitarbeiter braucht Neu-Umsatz. Und Kaltakquise um einen Termin zu erhalten, benötigt heute viel mehr Telefonate und Aufwand als noch vor einigen Jahren. Dennoch machen wir es weiterhin und das macht auch kombiniert mit Social Selling im Vertrieb Sinn.

    Wieviel ihrer Anrufe sind erfolgreich? Man kann mit Sicherheit sagen, dass wir als Vertriebsmitarbeiter daran arbeiten müssen.

    • Wie können wir uns angesichts dieser Herausforderungen abheben in der Kaltakquise im BtB?
    • Wie können wir mehr Leads generieren durch das Internet?

    Wir können dies durch einen guten Elevator Pitch in der Kaltakquise und gutes Social Sales erreichen.

    Was ist Social Selling im Vertrieb?

    Social Selling beschreibt die Nutzung der sozialen Medien, um Interessenten bzw. Leads zu finden. Hier geht es um eine Sog-Wirkung genau in Ihrer Zielgruppe. Vertriebsmitarbeiter nutzen soziale Medien, um Interessenten einen Mehrwert zu bieten, indem sie hochwertigen Inhalt posten, Fragen beantworten, auf Kommentare reagieren und Inhalte teilen – von der Wahrnehmung bis zur Überlegung, solange bis ein Interessent bereit für einen Kauf ist. Social Selling ist das Vertriebsmodell, dass in Zukunft mit bedient werden muss.

    Die bisherigen Vertriebsmodelle wie z.B. die Kaltakquise-Telefonate, Vertriebsdemos und Interessentenqualifizierung werden durch neue Verkaufsformen wie z.B. die Nutzung von Netzwerken der sozialen Medien ergänzt. Durch diese können neue Interessenten erreicht werden. Sie werden als Unternehmen mit den Nutzen, die Sie bieten können, wahrgenommen.

    Die verstärkte Nutzung der sozialen Medien hat einen großen Einfluss auf die Übernahme von Social Selling im Vertrieb und verschiedene Studien verweisen auf den B2B-Käufer, der die sozialen Medien als wichtigen Teil seines Rechercheprozesses nutzt. So ist es bereits im Recruiting-Prozess üblich die sozialen Netze nach Kandidaten zu durchstöbern. Genauso werden im BtB auch Netzwerke wie Linkedin genutzt, um sich über den Markt ein Bild zu machen. Je besser Sie hier Ihrer potenziellen Zielgruppe einen Mehrwert bieten, desto höher wird die Wahrnehmung im Netz sein.

    #employerbranding #socialselling #socialsale #personalbranding