
    Podcast Summary

    • From Political Science to Marketing: Embracing Unexpected OpportunitiesStaying adaptable and taking advantage of opportunities can lead to success in marketing, even without a traditional background in the field.

      Having a clear plan and being open to new opportunities can lead to unexpected success in marketing, even if you don't have a traditional background in the field. Isobel Cowell, the head of social at Koroga, shared her journey from studying political science and history in university to finding her passion in marketing through internships and hands-on experience. She initially planned to pursue a career in fashion, but soon discovered her talents in journalism and social media. Despite facing challenges in breaking into the industry, Isobel persisted and eventually landed a job in marketing five months after graduation. Her story highlights the importance of staying adaptable and taking advantage of opportunities, even if they don't initially align with your plans. Additionally, the Girls in Marketing podcast offers valuable resources and a supportive community for women looking to succeed in marketing.

    • Reach out directly to industry professionals for opportunitiesShow genuine interest and make personal connections to build a network in the fashion industry, even without prior experience or connections.

      Persistence and passion can lead to opportunities in the industry, even without prior work experience or connections. The speaker shared her experience of reaching out to editors of fashion magazines directly and getting responses, leading to paid internships at Vogue and Glamour. She emphasized the importance of showing genuine interest and connection to the specific company in communications, and encouraged listeners to not be discouraged by the competition for internships or jobs. Instead, she encouraged taking initiative and making personal connections with people in the industry to build a network.

    • Leveraging LinkedIn for OpportunitiesReach out to professionals, ask about roles or internships, and don't be discouraged by rejection. Personal branding can also lead to opportunities, but approach it as a learning journey.

      Building connections and leveraging LinkedIn can open doors to opportunities, even without prior connections or experience in a desired industry. The speaker shares how reaching out to professionals from dream companies, asking about their roles or inquiring about internships, can lead to valuable connections and potential job opportunities. Rejection is not a failure, as it's just a step towards the next opportunity. Additionally, personal branding can be a powerful tool for growth, as the speaker shares her experience of transitioning from social media marketing to personal brand management through a combination of necessity and curiosity. The key is to approach personal branding as a learning journey rather than a quest for instant success or viral content.

    • Start small and share content related to your industry or interestsBuilding a personal brand doesn't require groundbreaking content or expertise. Share what you're passionate about and stay consistent to build a following.

      Building a personal brand doesn't have to be intimidating or require groundbreaking content. According to the speaker, starting small and gradually sharing content related to your industry or interests can help you build a following. They suggest starting with a few facts about yourself or posting about a campaign or tip that resonates with you. Remember, you don't need to be an expert or break every rule to get started. The key is to have a reason for posting and to stay consistent. Imposter syndrome can be a barrier, but focusing on your goals and reminding yourself of your reasons for posting can help you overcome it. Remember, you don't have to be the world's expert or say something new every time you post. Just share what you're passionate about and why it matters to you.

    • Being authentic in personal brandingAuthentic personal branding showcases who you truly are, not every detail of your life. It can help you stand out in the job market and is essential for professional growth.

      Having a personal brand is important for professional growth, but it doesn't have to be overly personal or authentic in a contrived way. Being authentic means showcasing who you truly are, not sharing every detail of your life or pretending to be something you're not. Personal branding can help you stand out in the job market and even land jobs without traditional interviews. However, there's no need to start building your personal brand in college or university if you don't want to. It's essential to remember that personal branding requires effort but doesn't have to be an all-consuming task. You can make a strong impact by sharing your skills, experiences, and personality with your network occasionally. Ultimately, the key is to be genuine and consistent in your online presence.

    • Recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice boosts confidence and opens opportunitiesBuilding a strong personal brand online can lead to increased confidence, opportunities, and the ability to inspire and help others.

      Building a personal brand, especially online, has become increasingly important in today's digital landscape. This was highlighted during the discussion when a young professional shared her experience of being recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice, despite feeling like an imposter due to her relatively short experience in the industry. She expressed that receiving this recognition gave her a significant confidence boost and allowed her to make a positive impact on others through her online presence. The importance of personal branding extends beyond LinkedIn, as she plans to expand her reach through other platforms like TikTok and build a mailing list. Overall, the power of a strong personal brand should not be underestimated, as it can lead to increased confidence, opportunities, and the ability to inspire and help others.

    • Continuous growth and evolution in personal brand and nicheThrough hard work and determination, expand your mission and overcome imposter syndrome by reflecting, seeking guidance, and focusing on team needs.

      Personal brand and niche are not set in stone, and growth and evolution are essential. The speaker started her career as a young professional with a small community on LinkedIn, but through hard work and determination, she has since grown into a manager with a large following. She emphasizes the importance of showing people they can do more than they expect and expanding her mission beyond LinkedIn. Becoming a young leader came with its own challenges, including imposter syndrome and learning as you go. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of self-reflection, seeking guidance, and focusing on the needs of her team to overcome imposter syndrome and succeed in her role. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of continuous growth, learning, and adaptation in both personal and professional development.

    • Recognition and support from others can help combat imposter syndromeRecognition and support from others can boost confidence and combat imposter syndrome, fostering open and productive work environments. Managers should utilize team members' strengths, build relationships, and provide communication opportunities to ensure comfort and productivity.

      Recognition and support from others can help combat imposter syndrome and boost confidence, even if it doesn't completely eliminate the feeling. Imposter syndrome can also drive us to improve and grow, as we're always striving to be better. As a manager, having the ability to recognize and utilize the strengths of team members, while also providing support and building relationships, is crucial for creating an open and productive work environment. Meetings and communication are essential components of a remote manager's role, and making an effort to foster connections with team members can help ensure they feel comfortable coming to you with any questions or concerns. Additionally, taking on various responsibilities, such as managing a team and running social media pages, can be challenging but rewarding, requiring a balance of leadership, communication, and adaptability.

    • Being present and supportive for your teamEffective young leaders prioritize team support, even during busy times, and foster positive work environments through relatability and openness.

      Effective leadership involves being present and supportive for your team, even if it means dropping everything to help out during busy times or unexpected issues. This approach, often referred to as "firefighting," can be demanding and may require adjusting your priorities. However, it's essential for creating a strong support system, especially for younger team members who are new to the industry. As a young leader, being relatable and open about your own challenges can also foster a positive work environment. It's important to remember that all work, including meetings and social media engagement, should be accounted for in your schedule, and setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Overall, being a young leader means bringing a unique perspective and energy to your company, and embracing the challenges that come with the role can lead to significant growth for both you and your team.

    • Young professionals' openness to change can lead to innovative ideasYoung professionals' recent experiences and openness to change can bring valuable insights and innovative ideas to their teams. Transparent communication and a collaborative work environment can help alleviate imposter syndrome and empower employees to share their ideas, regardless of experience level.

      Young professionals, especially those in managerial roles, can provide valuable insights and connect with their team members more effectively due to their recent experiences and openness to change. This openness can lead to innovative ideas and a willingness to try new things, which can benefit the entire team. However, it's important for young professionals to remember that imposter syndrome can still affect them, as well as more experienced colleagues. Transparency and open communication between team members and managers can help alleviate feelings of imposter syndrome and create a collaborative work environment where everyone feels valued for their unique perspectives. Additionally, employees should feel empowered to share their ideas and concerns with their managers, regardless of their level of experience, as they can bring fresh ideas and insights to the table.

    • Recognizing and quieting the inner criticTo overcome imposter syndrome, focus on strengths, talk to others, and break down tasks into manageable steps while addressing underlying knowledge gaps and seeking advice.

      Overcoming imposter syndrome involves both quieting the inner critical voice and taking action to address the root cause. When the little voice of self-doubt becomes loud, it's essential to recognize that everyone experiences imposter syndrome and that it's okay. To quiet the voice, focus on strengths, talk to others, and learn that it's a normal part of the experience. However, it's also crucial to address the underlying cause of the feelings. Breaking down big tasks into manageable steps, identifying knowledge gaps, and seeking advice from mentors or industry peers can help build confidence and provide a clear path forward. By focusing on actionable steps and addressing the root cause, the voice of self-doubt can be quieted, allowing individuals to thrive in their roles and reach their goals.

    • Focus on small actions each day to build a personal brandStart small, comment on others' posts, create content, don't limit yourself to one platform or role, consistently improve, showcase unique voice and expertise, overcome imposter syndrome

      Building a personal brand is not as daunting as it may seem. Start by focusing on small actions each day, such as commenting on others' posts or creating content on a platform you're comfortable with. Don't limit yourself to just one platform or role. Building a digital presence can open doors and create opportunities, even if you're not a founder. Remember, the goal is to consistently improve and showcase your unique voice and expertise. By taking small steps and focusing on growth, you can overcome imposter syndrome and build a strong personal brand.

    Recent Episodes from The Girls in Marketing Podcast

    How to Move into a Marketing Career: The Episode for Career Changers

    How to Move into a Marketing Career: The Episode for Career Changers

    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻

    Find out more about Kingsbridge Insurance here 🤝

    Are you considering a career change into marketing but don't know where to start? Join us in this insightful episode all about career-changing into marketing, where we unpack everything you need to know about making a successful transition. From identifying transferable skills to gaining relevant experience, the Girls in Marketing Team shares their personal journeys and practical advice for career changers.

    We discuss: -How you can career change into marketing -Identifying and using your transferable skills

    -Our personal journey’s into marketing

    -Why marketing could be a good career for you

    No matter what background you’re transferring into marketing from, this episode will equip you with the tools and confidence for your new marketing career path.

    If you find this episode useful, please leave us a review and rating as it helps us continue making the podcast!

    See you next week for another episode, The Girls in Marketing Team x

    Managing Your Money as a Marketer: From Salary Negotiations to Freelancing

    Managing Your Money as a Marketer: From Salary Negotiations to Freelancing

    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻 Money is a taboo topic for many. However, that stops today. In this exclusive episode of the Girls in Marketing Podcast, we tackle the financial challenges faced by you in a Girls in Marketing community Q&A. We asked for your questions on Instagram and you sent in your problems. Topics covered in this episode include: - Pricing yourself as a marketer - Understanding if you’re being paid appropriately - Keeping a healthy cash flow when you work for yourself - Pitching for paid training opportunities No matter what stage of your marketing career, this episode is packed with valuable insights and actionable advice to help you get financially stable. Tune in and get your money questions answered! If you want to get involved in future episodes, make sure you follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/girlsinmarketing/ Remember to check out Hostinger by clicking here.

    See you next week for another great episode!

    Enhancing Your Employability As a Marketer and Unlocking New Career Opportunities

    Enhancing Your Employability As a Marketer and Unlocking New Career Opportunities

    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻

    How can you make yourself more employable in the marketing world?

    In today’s job market, it’s never been more important to stand out but how can you do that in a market so saturated? In this episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast, we show you how.

    From creating your own career experience to identifying new opportunities, we discuss our own journeys into marketing and what we did to boost our career development on the way. This is a great listen to anyone wanting to broaden their marketing careers, make sure you listen until the end!

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    If you want to apply to our Digital Marketing Growth Programme, you can check it out here: https://go.girlsinmarketing.com/3UXd6Qg

    See you next week for another great episode!

    Integrating SEO and Marketing, Building a Digital Community and Working for Yourself with Areej AbuAli, Founder of Women in Tech SEO

    Integrating SEO and Marketing, Building a Digital Community and Working for Yourself with Areej AbuAli, Founder of Women in Tech SEO

    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠👩‍💻

    Welcome back to another episode of the Girls in Marketing Podcast! Today, we have a special episode with the founder of one of the most powerful marketing communities around, Areej AbuAli.

    Areej initially made a name for herself in the SEO world working with huge household names such as Zoopla and Papier. Areej is also the brilliant mind behind Women in Tech SEO, a global community that supports and empowers women in the technical SEO field.

    In this episode, we dive into the world of technical SEO, exploring its complexities and the role it plays in your broader marketing landscape. Areej shares her journey, the challenges she faced, and how she built a thriving community that has become a vital resource for women in the industry.

    This episode covers a range of marketing topics, including:

    💻 What Technical SEO is and how it relates to your wider marketing strategy

    🔍 Strategies you can implement to boost your SEO efforts

    🤩 Taking the plunge of working for yourself

    📲 Building a community of thousands online

    If you enjoyed this episode, please make sure to leave a rating and review as it helps The Girls in Marketing Podcast become even better.

    We’ll see you next week for another great episode.


    ⁠Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻

    You can follow Areej here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/areejabuali/

    Apply to our Digital Marketing Growth Programme here.

    Is Work/Life Balance a Myth? How to Balance Everything as a Marketer

    Is Work/Life Balance a Myth? How to Balance Everything as a Marketer

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    Welcome to the Girls in Marketing Podcast! We are talking all about work/life balance and how to balance everything as a marketer.

    It's a tricky skill to master and a perfect balance isn't always achievable, as discussed by the Girls in Marketing Team.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Achieving a work/life balance
    • How to balance your role as a marketer
    • Why a 50/50 balance isn't always achievable
    • How you can set healthy boundaries with work

    We hope you enjoy this episode! If you do make sure to leave a rating and review for our show as it helps us make the podcast even better.

    Check out our sponsors:

    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠👩‍💻

    Find out more about Kingsbridge Insurance here 🤝

    Thank you for all your support recently, it means the world to us! We'll see you next week with another fantastic episode with the founder of one of the biggest marketing communities around...

    See you next week,

    Girls in Marketing Team

    Spilling the Tea on Influencer Marketing in the Beauty Industry with Lauren Stretch from Facetheory | Prev TooFaced and Revolution

    Spilling the Tea on Influencer Marketing in the Beauty Industry with Lauren Stretch from Facetheory | Prev TooFaced and Revolution

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    Today, we have an influencer marketing special for you on the podcast. We are joined by Lauren Stretch, Head of Influencer and Social Marketing at FaceTheory.

    With a background spanning across a range of beauty and fashion roles, Lauren has leveraged her fascination with influencer marketing to build a career she loves.

    Lauren has worked on some pretty cool influencer marketing campaigns, including ASAP Rocky, Sarah Ashcroft and Rachel Leary, so stay tuned until the end to hear all the influencer marketing tea.

    Throughout her career, she has worked for brands like GUESS, Missguided, TooFaced, and now she’s working in influencer marketing at FaceTheory.

    This episode discusses: 😳 What working in beauty marketing is REALLY like 🤑 How career currency can boost career progression 🌟 Lauren's favourite influencer marketing campaigns 🧑‍💻 Why the content marketing landscape is changing

    If you want to see more guests like Lauren on the podcast, please go like and subscribe to our podcast as it really helps us out.

    This is a great episode with Lauren, if you enjoy it make sure to share it with your marketing friends.

    The Vanity Metric Trap: Finding Value in Digital Marketing Data | The Girls in Marketing Podcast

    The Vanity Metric Trap: Finding Value in Digital Marketing Data | The Girls in Marketing Podcast

    Check out our main sponsor, Hostinger, to create your dream website: http://hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing 👩‍💻

    Check out Kingsbridge to find out more about insurance: https://go.kingsbridge.co.uk/gim-podcast-pi-jan24 🤝

    In the world of marketing, it's easy to get distracted by vanity metrics. Those flashy numbers may look good on paper but they can sometimes fail to translate into meaningful outcomes.

    In this episode, the Girls in Marketing Team dive deep into the vanity metric trap and explore how brands can shift their focus towards uncovering true value in their digital marketing data.

    Topics discussed in this episode included:

    • The vanity metrics trap
    • How to find meaningful metrics
    • Vanity vs actionable metrics
    • Valuable ways to measure marketing success

    Hopefully, this is an insightful episode for you to see how vanity and actionable metrics can be used within your marketing.

    See you next week for an episode about influencer marketing!

    Girls in Marketing

    Monzo's Social Media Success Story: Marketing Insights from Monzo's Social Media Lead, Richard Cook

    Monzo's Social Media Success Story: Marketing Insights from Monzo's Social Media Lead, Richard Cook

    ⭐️ Start your passion project with Hostinger here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⭐️

    Gain exclusive access to the social media strategies, tactics, and lessons that have propelled Monzo's social media success as a disrupter bank.

    In this episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast, Olivia sits down with social media royalty, Richard Cook, Social Media Lead at Monzo Bank, as he delves into the captivating world of social media marketing.

    In this episode, you'll discover the journey behind Monzo's remarkable success in social media marketing as Richard shares his invaluable insights and strategies, despite having an untraditional route into marketing.

    This episode discusses:

    • Building a multi-platform social media strategy
    • Working with an FCA-regulated brand
    • Adopting a creative approach to social media
    • Having an untraditional route into marketing

    A huge thank you to Richard for coming to Liverpool to record the podcast. We hope you enjoy this episode, if you did please leave a review and follow our page 🤩

    Make sure you check out our podcast sponsor, Hostinger, for your new website host here: https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing 🧑‍💻

    See you next week for another team episode!

    Girls in Marketing Team

    Reacting to YOUR Marketing Confessions with The Girls in Marketing Team

    Reacting to YOUR Marketing Confessions with The Girls in Marketing Team

    ⭐️ Start your passion project with Hostinger here: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing⁠⁠⁠ ⭐️

    Welcome back to another episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast! Today, we are diving into your marketing confessions. Back in March, we hosted an IRL event in London and we had a confessions box for our community to take part in it’s safe to say you didn’t hold back… From the hilarious to the heartfelt, we'll be unpacking your stories, sharing our own experiences, and offering expert insights from The Girls in Marketing Team along the way.

    A huge thanks to our podcast sponsors Hostinger and Kingsbridge Insurance!

    Find out more about Hostinger: ⁠⁠https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing⁠⁠

    Find out more about Kingsbridge Insurance here: ⁠⁠https://go.kingsbridge.co.uk/gim-podcast-pi-jan24 If you enjoy this episode (or we featured your confession), make sure you share the love on social media and leave us a review of how you enjoyed the podcast episode.

    We’ll see you in next week’s episode for a podcast episode with a marketer from a very popular bank 🏦💸

    The Adanola Approach: Perfecting Your Performance Marketing with Lily Thistlewood, Head of Performance Marketing at Adanola | Prev The Very Group

    The Adanola Approach: Perfecting Your Performance Marketing with Lily Thistlewood, Head of Performance Marketing at Adanola | Prev The Very Group

    ⭐️ Start your passion project with Hostinger here: ⁠⁠https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing⁠⁠ ⭐️

    Welcome back to The Girls in Marketing Podcast!

    In this episode, we're diving deep into the world of performance marketing with a true trailblazer, Lily Thistlewood, the Head of Performance Marketing at Adanola.

    Adanola is one of the hottest brands right now and the athleisure brand has taken the fashion world by storm.

    Join us as we sit down with Lily to understand the secrets behind Adanola's remarkable success in performance marketing.

    From running her own marketing agency to working for big brands like The Very Group, Lily’s career experience is something we can all learn a lot from.

    This episode discusses:

    • What is performance marketing?
    • Working at Adanola
    • Agency vs. In house roles
    • The shift from small to big businesses

    If you want to see more guests like Lily on the podcast, make sure you leave a rating as it helps us out more than you’d imagine.

    See you next week for another team episode!

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    Welcome to the Divine Feminine Revolution Podcast!

    Ready to grow your leadership skills and focus on your mindset?

    You get to be confident and create a life full of pleasure!

    Tiff Zapico is a Women's Empowerment Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist.

    She says, "Like many of you, when I became an executive leader I realized pretty quickly I needed support. At the time, I felt I didn’t have capacity to prioritize my own professional development.

    I didn’t see the link between my self-care and my leadership presence. I didn’t understand how important mindset was and how powerful I could be. There was so much I didn’t know.

    Then things started to fall apart and I had no other choice but to take a hard look at what was and wasn’t working. I had to go deep and I am so grateful I did!

    I chose a new path and now I am on a mission to share all I learned with womxn like you. Because now I am crystal clear on my purpose!

    I am committed to sharing the practices and lessons I learned to support high-achieving womxn who are craving more confidence, deeper connection to their intuition and ultimate self-love!

    My vision is that all womxn have the tools to unlock their fullest potential for greatness. My passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings of the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum physics, meditation and breathwork. 

    As a Womxn’s Empowerment Coach, I have conducted hundreds of sessions to support high achievers in strengthening their leadership presence.

    My framework includes mindset, strategy and execution. I incorporate work in both the subconscious and conscious mind, alignment between mind and body, meditation, stress management, breathwork and pleasure practices.

    Through the use of these research-based, holistic tools, you will be ready to lead with increased confidence, connect deeply to your intuition, experience a grounded self-knowing and ultimate self-love."

    Check out Tiff Zapico at https://tiffzapico.com/

    Ready to join the Divine Feminine Revolution Podcast Squad & Win Prizes for sharing and leaving a five star review.

    Join for free here -> https://www.fearlessfeminineacademy.com/launch-squad

    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Divine Feminine Revolution: https://www.facebook.com/groups/divinefemininerevolution/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://instagram.com/drmeganmonday

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    Read the full blog post and access the links referenced.  

    Brian Crombie Radio Hour - Epi 975 - Personal Branding, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, Strategic Networking, & More with Andrea Wojnicki

    Brian Crombie Radio Hour - Epi 975 - Personal Branding, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, Strategic Networking, & More with Andrea Wojnicki
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    Connect with Julia Winston: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliamwinston/

    Connect with BRAVE Leadership Consulting:https://www.braveleadershipconsulting.com/

    Connect with Rachel on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebrandbossshow/

    Connect with Rachel on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/thebrandboss

    Connect with The Brand Boss Studio:https://brandbossstudio.com/