
    7 Minute Sunshine

    Do you like podcasts but find yourself listening at 2x speed to get through them quicker? I've got ya covered! 7 Minute Sunshine is the short and sweet podcast for mothers raising men. Whether you're picking up their stray socks or sending them off to college, this podcast helps you navigate the challenges of raising your boys to be the men you know they can be. Come increase your parental confidence and create more connection with your sons, all in the time it takes to fold a load of laundry.
    enAlicia Davis31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    9. Starting a New School Year

    9. Starting a New School Year

    How many kids do you have in school this year? And what will your new schedule look like? And will this all work?

    Don't worry - everything is exactly as it should be. This episode helps you learn why, and how to frame the upcoming events in a way that sets you up for success. 

    7 Minute Sunshine
    enJuly 27, 2021

    7. "Should" Shame

    7. "Should" Shame

    Most of us have things we think we "should" do. It sounds like a good thought to think, right? But when "should" becomes our primary motivator, we end up feeling disappointment or even shame.

    Discover why believing "I should" might not get you the results you're hoping for. 


    7 Minute Sunshine
    enJuly 12, 2021

    6. Why We Do What We Do

    6. Why We Do What We Do

    You've made a goal. You've come up with a plan. And you do great...for a while. If you're a normal human being, you've probably strayed off your plan, or maybe even given up on it entirely. The big question is why? What gets us off track? And what can keep us on track when we make future goals? Discover the connection between emotions and actions in this episode. 

    7 Minute Sunshine
    enJune 21, 2021

    2. What's Your Monday Morning Story?

    2. What's Your Monday Morning Story?

    Do you wake up Monday morning wishing you were in another day of the week? Or do you love Monday mornings? Either way, this episode shows why people believe both options, and how to create the type of Monday you want. 

    7 Minute Sunshine
    enMay 05, 2021

    1. Short and Sweet

    1. Short and Sweet

    Do you like podcasts but find yourself listening on 2x speed to get through them quicker? I know exactly how you feel! 7 Minute Sunshine is the short and sweet podcast for learning Life Coaching tools to strengthen your emotional health, take radical responsibility for your life, and reach your goals. All in the time it takes to fold a load of laundry. 

    7 Minute Sunshine
    enApril 24, 2021